Frosted (6 page)

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Authors: Allison Brennan,Laura Griffin

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Private Investigators, #Women Sleuths

BOOK: Frosted
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Krista ignored her and said, “Adam, let’s go.”

Adam followed Krista to the elevator. Trina huffed out a breath and stalked back to her room. Scarlet stayed in the foyer, soaking up all the drama.

“Oh,” Adam said as he and Krista stepped into the elevator, “I have dinner reservations at eight at the Treeline.”

“For who?”

“Us. To catch up.”

” Krista shot Scarlet a panicked look. Scarlet grinned.

“It’ll be fun,” Adam said. “You can bring your friend, too. I don’t mind.”

“Wow,” Scarlet said, “I feel so wanted.”

The sarcasm was lost on Adam as the door whisked shut.




Mr. Oliver was his usual stuffy and condescending self, but at least he did exactly what Krista asked. All existing card keys were cancelled and he issued Adam five new keys. Krista grabbed them out of his hand and handed one to Adam. “Keep this in your wallet,” she said.

“Let’s have a drink.”

“Let’s find Dave and give him his key.” She had no idea why Adam’s manager had been working in the business center earlier when he had a laptop in the suite. Adam followed her down the wing that housed the offices for both staff and guests. A quick glance through the glass window showed the room empty and all computers dark.

“Call him,” Krista told Adam.

“Relax, Kay. Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

She wanted to pull her hair out. “Stop questioning me.
is going on, and until I figure out exactly what it is, Scarlet and I are sticking to you. Now
call Dave.

Adam obeyed her—finally—and found out that Dave had caught a ride into town with a shuttle from the lodge.

“Why?” Krista asked.

“He didn’t say.”

“And you didn’t ask?”

He shrugged. “Maybe he’s picking up a rental car for us since mine could be in the shop for a while.”

Typical Adam—making a mess and leaving someone else to pick up the pieces.

“Well, when’s he coming back?” Krista asked.

“An hour or so.”

“Text him—I want a sit down with you, Trina and Dave in one hour in the suite.”




An hour later, Krista stared at the three and laid down the law.

“We don’t know what’s going on, but
came into this suite not knowing I was here. When he heard me, he left. He must have had a card key—either he works in the hotel, or he stole the one Adam lost. Or one of you gave him a key.” She looked pointedly from Trina to Dave.

“How dare you!” Trina exclaimed.

“The lady doth protest too much,” Scarlet said in a loud stage whisper.

Trina glared at her, and Krista rubbed her eyes. This case involved entirely too much drama—even Scarlet was quoting Shakespeare. Krista focused her attention on Adam.

“Our colleague in Orange County is working on the notes and the champagne bottle and seeing if we can get any surveillance from Adam’s apartment the night the bottle showed up,” Krista said. “Until we know who came in here—and I know it wasn’t Trina because she was with Adam and Scarlet, and I know it wasn’t Dave because he was in the business center—you all have to be extra careful. The fan girl in the Escalade could have been just a fan girl, or she could have been someone more dangerous.”

Adam wanted to argue, but one look from her and his mouth snapped shut.

“Any questions?” Scarlet asked.

Adam was sulking. Krista didn’t like being the meanie, but he needed to understand that he
be in danger. The unknown intruder bothered her. She didn’t think he was dangerous—he’d taken off at the first sound of her—but until she knew what he wanted, she had to do her best to protect Adam.

Even if that meant protecting him from himself.

Adam raised his hand. Scarlet slumped back in her chair, looking exasperated.

“What, Adam?” Krista said.

“Our reservations are at eight. We really need to go. The wedding party rented out most of the restaurant and I was lucky to get the table.”

Dave said, “Trina and I are staying here. We have scripts to review.”

“Scarlet will take you,” Krista said. No
was she dining alone with Adam.

“But you promised, Kay. That we could catch up. I want to know what’s going on with you. I want to know what it’s like being a private eye. It sounds fun. I haven’t played a private eye yet, but I’ll bet I could learn a lot from you.”

Scarlet saved her. “We’re both going. You’re the one who’s the target.”

“But what if that guy comes back when you’re not here?” Dave said.

“We gave you new keys,” Krista said, “and he’s not after you. We don’t even know if he’s after Adam. I had the distinct impression he was looking for something.”

“Like what?” Trina asked.

“If I knew that, I’d figure out who. Just stay alert and hang out in the suite and you’ll be fine. Unless,” Krista said hopefully to Adam, “we cancel the dinner and get room service instead?”

He pouted. “I hate eating in hotel rooms. It’s depressing.”

“Ten minutes,” Scarlet said, standing. “I need to change.”


Chapter Five


Scarlet wore jeans and a sweater. She didn’t feel the need to dress up, but the jeans were black and the sweater, though ten years old, looked brand new because she’d only worn it twice. When did she need a turtleneck sweater in Newport Beach? Never. The only time she’d worn it she’d been working undercover.

Adam turned on a dime—from pouting and depressed that he was being ordered to change his behavior to happy as a lark when Krista and Scarlet joined him for dinner. He was also dressed in jeans, with a white-T-shirt and dark brown leather bomber style jacket that Scarlet would actually consider killing him for. Of course, she really wouldn’t have much opportunity to wear it in Newport Beach.

He talked about his upcoming movie
Moon Drop
and then the small role he filmed in South Africa. “It was
so cool
,” he said. “They flew me out for ten days. It wasn’t a large part—but Dave thought it would be good for me because Larkin Doyle is the director and he’s on the rise. If he likes me, even in a small part, he might cast me in a bigger role later. And with
Moon Drop
coming out this summer, I’ll finally feel like I’ve done something.”

“You have,” Krista said. “You’ve come a long way.”

“You think so?”

It was clear to Scarlet that Krista’s approval was important to Adam.


Adam looked from Scarlet to Krista. “So how did you two meet?”

“I was a rookie cop in L.A. and Scarlet was my training officer.”

“A cop? Like, a policewoman?”

Damn, he really
out of the loop.

“Yes. I went through the police academy and earned my badge.”

“Wow, Kay. I didn’t know. That’s totally cool. Why’d you leave?”

“Long story,” Krista said. “But Scarlet and I opened Moreno and Hart a little over three years ago. We like it. Right, Scarlet?”

“Right,” Scarlet said. She was busy eating the most incredible lasagna she’d ever tasted. Adam was right, the food was amazing. And she was famished after all the skiing.

Krista rolled her eyes.

“What?” Scarlet said. “I’m hungry.”

Then her phone vibrated. She glanced at the number and swore. Her lasagna would be cold by the time she was done with this call.

“It’s John,” she said to Krista and jumped up, filling her mouth with a huge bite.

She answered right before the call went to voice mail as she walked through the restaurant which also hosted a huge, loud wedding party. She thought about stepping outside, but it was freezing, so she stood in the lobby, keeping her eye on the entrance.

“Hello,” she said with a mouthful of lasagna.


“Yeah.” She swallowed. “You interrupted food.”

“Do you have eyes on Brock?”

“Krista’s with him. Why?”

“I just left his apartment. It’s been tossed.”


“Completely, totally tossed. The garbage has been gone through as well and if the champagne bottle was in there, it’s gone now. However, I found a champagne glass next to the sink and I bagged it, and a champagne cork was in the corner of the living room—probably popped there when he opened it. Maybe there’s residue on it or the glass but it’s been two days. Just going to depend on what, if anything, was used as a poison.”

“No notes?”

“Nope. Mac just left with the cork and the glass. Look, I shouldn’t have let him take it. It’s potential evidence. I sealed it in an evidence bag and he promised to take it directly to that private lab in Orange County. They know procedure, but still, I have to call this into robbery. I have no idea if anything is missing. It’s a decent apartment, near the beach. I talked to the manager about security cameras—there are none. No security to speak of. Robbery will talk to neighbors. But who the fuck leaves their key under the front door mat? No sign of forced entry, so someone must have had a key or knew where he kept it.”

“Thanks, John. Did you take pictures?”


“Send them to me. I’ll ask Adam if he notices anything gone.”

“They were looking for something, Scarlet—everything was gone through. I don’t think he’s been in the place long, not a lot of junk. The thousand dollar television might have been too big to carry, but the new iPod still on its dock next to the bed would have been easy to grab and sell. So if the guy didn’t take the iPod, he must have been looking for something specific.”

“Makes sense.”

“I’ll report this. Have Brock contact the precinct when he gets back and amend the report with whatever he finds missing.”

“Will do. Thanks.”

She hung up and called Mac to make sure he put a rush on the forensics. After all, Adam Brock was footing the bill.




Krista didn’t want to share anything about her life with Adam, but she gave him an overview of what she and Scarlet did—leaving out the boring (and often embarrassing) domestic investigations, which mostly consisted of running surveillance on cheating spouses. Krista had become quite the photographer. She’d learned that clients often remained in denial until they saw photographic evidence of their spouse in a lip-lock with someone else.

After glossing over the basics of P.I. work, Krista steered the conversation back to Adam’s career—specifically what Trina and Dave really did for him. He repeated exactly what he’d said before—Dave was his manager and was working on getting him great roles, and Trina was helping him become a better actor.

“But you got
Moon Drop
without her, right?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to ever think that the next role is just going to come my way. I need to get better, be proactive. Dave landed me
Moon Drop.
He’s really helped my career. He got me the part in South Africa. It was last minute, the first guy dropped out because of a conflict with another film he’d signed with first, and the timing fit in with my schedule. It was like, you know, fate.”

“South Africa—you just got back, didn’t you?”

“Last week. And Dave already got me another audition, right after the New Year. Trina has been a big help in preparing me for the role.”

“Did you get to do anything fun while you were over there?”

“One of my co-stars played the bartender in the movie. She and I went to Cape Town and spent an afternoon cage diving with sharks.
adrenaline rush! You should have been there. You would have loved it.”

He took her hand. She pulled it away. “Adam, stop. Please. This is your first and only warning. Don’t test me, I
go back to Orange County. Scarlet can handle you alone.”

“Don’t go. I missed you.”


“I have.”

He sounded so sincere. And truthfully, at this moment in time he probably
believe he’d missed her. “We haven’t spoken in seven years, Adam.”

“You were so mad at me.”

“Mad. Yeah, I guess I was. Because, you know, we were
and you
slept with two other women.
” She had only known about one at the time. It was during the divorce process that she learned about the second.

“I really didn’t mean to hurt you.”

She believed him. “Adam, truce, okay? I know you never intend to hurt anyone. But you need to grow up. Sure, enjoy your girl-of-the-week lifestyle now. But someday you’re going to have to either commit to one person, or realize you’ll never be able to trust any of the girls you’re with. We never should have gotten married. We were twenty-one. It was stupid.”

“I like you.”

“I liked you, too.”

“I mean, I still like you.”

“Stop. You like me. But there’s nothing here. I like you, too, Adam. I’ve forgiven you for being an ass because I realized that you didn’t intend to be an ass. But there is nothing between us. Nothing. I’ll help you with this situation, and then I’m leaving.”

Scarlet slipped into the chair across from Krista. “Well, aren’t you two getting chummy.” She winked at Adam.

Krista glared at her and then noticed the expression on her face. Scarlet had new information. “What did John say?”

Scarlet looked at Adam. “Seems someone searched your apartment top to bottom, Adam.”

“Someone broke in?” he asked in disbelief.

“You keep your key under the mat. Who else knows about it?”

“I—I don’t know. Not many people. Just my friends.”

Krista tipped her head back and sighed, exasperated.
was a friend to Adam.

“It’s a temporary apartment,” he said. “I bought a place in Hermosa Beach, right there on the beach—you’d love it, Kay—the surf, the sand. A huge wall of windows opens right onto the deck and—”

“Focus!” she snapped.

“I—I had already sold my other place and there needed to be some work done on the beach house. I rented the apartment for a couple of months. I don’t even have anything valuable there, it’s mostly in storage. I thought the house would be ready when I got back from Africa, but it’s not. They said two more weeks.”

Krista tried to figure out what Adam meant. “So,” she said, “you’re telling me that not very many people knew you had the apartment, that you don’t have anything of value there because all your important things are in storage.”

“Yeah! Exactly.”

Scarlet slid over her phone. “Here are the photos my brother took of your place. Can you tell if anything is missing?”

Adam scrolled through the pictures, obviously upset and confused. “Why would someone do this?”

“Is anything missing?”

“I can’t tell. I don’t think so.”

“They didn’t take your iPod.”

“It’s not worth much,” he said.

“But it’s easy to lift and sell. You don’t see anything missing?”

“No. They made a mess. I need to go back.”

“Stay put for now,” Scarlet said. “John is filing a police report and you can amend it later if you discover something is gone. The manager is going to change the lock, and you can get the new key from him when you return.”

“They were looking for something specific,” Krista said.

“That’s what John and I think,” Scarlet said.

“I don’t have anything that’s worth much,” Adam said.

“Did you buy anything in Africa?” Krista asked. “Art? Jewelry?”

“No—I sent postcards to my friends, and I got my mom this pretty scarf. It’s white. You look pretty in white, Krista.”

She was going to strangle him. No one would blame her, right? “You bought nothing else while you were there? As a souvenir? For yourself?”

He thought for a moment and shook his head. “Some clothes. That’s it.”

“Let’s go back to the lodge,” Scarlet said. “And Adam—tonight I want you to think about what you might have that would prompt someone to poison you to get you out of your apartment.”

Krista understood exactly what Scarlet was thinking. “If he was sick, really sick, he would go to the hospital.”

“And someone could search his apartment,” Scarlet said.

“But that didn’t work because he didn’t get sick.”

“So they had to find another way to get him out of town.”

“After he left for the resort, they searched the apartment.”

“And didn’t find what they were looking for, so followed him to the resort.”

“Tried to search the suite while Adam was skiing.”

“And you were there,” Scarlet said. “So they still haven’t found whatever it is they’re looking for.”

Krista and Scarlet looked at Adam. “Dave’s the one who convinced you to vacation here,” Krista said.

Adam shook his head. “Dave? Yeah, but—wait, are you thinking ... No! He wouldn’t do anything like this. He’s here with me because we’re friends.”

“Dave could have hired someone,” Krista said.

Adam looked truly upset. “Dave’s my manager, but he’s also a friend. I wouldn’t have any of these roles without him. He wants me to succeed. He only makes money when I make money. I mean, I pay Trina out of pocket, but Dave only gets a commission on what I earn.”

Krista glanced at Scarlet. Was she thinking what Krista was thinking? Scarlet nodded. Good, they were on the same wavelength.

“Adam,” Krista said quietly, “could this all be a publicity stunt?”

“No! I promised you that I wouldn’t lie to you. I haven’t, I swear.”

“Could Dave have put this all together without telling you?”

“No,” Adam said again. He stood up, agitated. “I don’t understand you, Krista. Why are you suspicious of everyone? I trust Dave. He would never do anything to hurt me, and he knows I was freaked out after the champagne. That’s why we wanted to get away this weekend.”

The waiter came over with the check. “I’m sorry, Mr. Brock, we’ve been busy—is there anything else I can get you?”

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