Full Circle (13 page)

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Authors: Lisa Marie Davis

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Full Circle
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flesh mischievously. His eyes almost rolled back in his head, the pleasure was so intense, so incredible, and it became

even more overwhelming when Max went from licking to

eagerly sucking his balls.

He heard Max chuckle and when he did, it created the

most delicious vibrations, and Jaylin wildly tangled his

hands in the sheets.

“Damn it, Max….”

The wonderfully wet heat left him and Max lifted his

head with a smile. “Yes, love?”

“Stop teasing and fuck me already!”

Laughing, Max moved up his body again, kissing him

long and hard, before reaching to the nightstand to grab the lube.

Coating his fingers, he kissed Jaylin again, and as he

did, his hand slipped between the legs that eagerly opened

for him and slowly, he inserted first one finger, and then

another, when Jaylin lifted his hips in a silent plea for more.

Nothing felt as wonderful as Max stretching him slowly,

finally preparing him. He couldn’t restrain himself, couldn’t 123

Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

keep himself from moving and crying out when Max curled

his fingers, hitting sensitive nerves, igniting pleasure.

“Max, please! Please, I need you buried inside of me.”

“I am inside of you.”

As if to prove that point, his fingers curled again and

Jaylin gasped his name, hips lifting and thrusting against

Max’s hand.

“Not enough. Need you. Need your cock inside of me.

Finally inside of me.”

“That’s exactly where I want to be.”

Carefully withdrawing his fingers, Max grabbed the

condom, ripped it open, and slipped it on as quickly as he

could, before rolling into his back.

“Ride me, baby. Let me watch you. I want to see your


Again, mere words were nearly enough to send him over

the edge, but he struggled, managing, just barely, to hold on to his control. His greatest dream was about to come true at last and he knew the memory would stay with him forever as

he leaned down, claiming a kiss, while slowly straddling

Max’s body.

Carefully positioning himself, he braced his weight on

his legs, holding Max’s cock in one hand, their eyes locked as he slowly lowered himself. A wanton moan escaped him at

the feel of Max finally stretching him, moving into his body.


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

The emotions, the feelings, were as intense and wonderful as the actual, physical act and Jaylin never wanted it to end.

He had been waiting and wanting this to become a

reality for so long, he had given up hope that it would ever happen.

“Feels so good, baby. So good. So tight.” Max’s fingers

dug into his hips, adding to the wild host of sensations. “Let go, Jaylin. Don’t hold back. Please.” His hips arched and

Jaylin cried out. Any control he had worked to maintain

shattered, at the feel of the man he loved completely inside of him, exactly where he belonged.

Looking down, he could see the passion, the need, in

Max’s eyes. He relished the sight of his own cock brushing

against Max’s stomach, leaving a damp trail.

When Max wrapped a firm hand around him, Jaylin

moved instinctively and Max moved with him, setting a

steady, deep, powerful rhythm.

One that would last forever.

AFTERWARD, once their hearts slowed to a normal rate they

lay curled together, the energy still humming between them.

His head on Max’s chest, Jaylin was content to lie there,

knowing this was real. It wasn’t a vivid dream that would

end with him alone. He knew what it was, to feel truly and

completely happy. It was a feeling he had thought he would

never experience again and he didn’t want it to end, he didn’t 125

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Lisa Marie Davis

want anything to invade or disrupt the little haven he and

Max had found.

But we still have to face the hearing tomorrow. It’s

unavoidable. And it will bring back all the bad memories and
the pain.

Just the thought of Max having to relive everything he

had suffered made Jaylin ache inside and he held on just a

little tighter, wishing he could somehow spare him. He was

still furious knowing Trent could possibly be released early.

The man didn’t deserve any time shaved off a sentence that

had always seemed too light to Jaylin in the first place.

“You’re thinking about tomorrow.”

Not surprised that Max had easily picked up on the

direction his thoughts had taken, Jaylin didn’t bother with a denial. “I can’t help it. He doesn’t deserve a chance to get out early.”

“I agree. But I’m kinda glad this all came up.”

Jaylin lifted his head. “Why?”

“It brought us both back here and gave us this chance

to set things right.”

“I have to admit, I am grateful for that, but I still don’t want Trent released early and I really don’t like the idea of you having to face him.”

“I can’t say I look forward to seeing him again, but I

think it might be good for me. I was never actually in the


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

room with him during the first trial and, at the time, believe me when I say I was grateful to avoid that, but I’m a lot

stronger now.”

“You think seeing him face-to-face will give you


“Maybe.” Max brushed a lock of hair from Jaylin’s face,

his eyes thoughtful. “I just know I’ve already lost far too much because of that night and me allowing my father to

twist me up inside, and I finally want it all left in the past.”

“Have plans for the future?”

“That depends on you and how much you’re willing to

allow me into your life.”

Sitting up, Jaylin caught Max’s hand and held it. “I

want you in my life in every possible way you are willing to be in it. I don’t care where we live. Seattle or New York, it doesn’t matter. As for touring, I figure I can do most of that during the summer, when you can come with me. I’m sure

there’s a lot of gigs closer to home that Marcus can arrange for me.”


“My agent.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into this,” Max teased and

Jaylin shrugged and smiled.

“Like I said, we can work out everything. I just want to

be with you.”


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

Sitting up, Max kissed him soundly. “I want that too.

And right now, I want to put that tub in the bathroom to

good use. And I don’t want to do it alone, babe.” Bouncing

from the bed, he raced ahead to the bathroom and Jaylin

followed, laughing, but the laughter stopped when he

stepped into the room, finding Max’s back was to him as he

adjusted the water.

He had felt the scars on Max’s back while they made

love, but seeing them was like a sucker punch right to the



Turning, Max winced, seeing the look on his face, and

Jaylin found himself hauled into warm, strong arms that

held him close. He held back tightly. His face was buried

against Max’s neck, and he was aware that he was shivering, but it took longer to realize he was crying, nearly sobbing, emotions he thought long hidden boiling to the surface. He

felt almost consumed by them, the anger and pain, the fear.

His mind pulled him swiftly back in time, to that night,

trapping him there and forcing him to relive each agonizing memory.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m here. I’m here and we’re both okay.”

Max’s voice called out to him, and he tried to nod, tried

to pull himself together, but the long closed door was finally open and try as he might, he couldn’t slam it shut again.

“I…I couldn’t get to you. I couldn’t stop them…. I

couldn’t…I couldn’t make it stop….” He pulled back slightly.


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

“I knew you were hurting. And you worked so hard not to

show it. But I knew. I saw just what they did to you. I saw all of it and I…I couldn’t stop it! I couldn’t protect you…. I

wanted to make it stop, but I couldn’t and I am so sorry,

Max. I’m sorry….”

“Baby, listen to me….”

“I thought you were going to die. I saw all the blood


“I know. I know. I know you wanted to help me, baby. I

know you would have stopped it if you could have.” Max

cupped his face, forcing Jaylin to look at him through the

tears that still burned his eyes and blurred his vision. “None of it was your fault! I want you to understand, Jay. I never, not for one second, blamed you and I know you would have

stopped them, if you could have, but Trent had a gun and he knew I would do anything to keep you safe.”

“You suffered so much.”

“I did. I won’t deny that. But I would suffer all of that

again, if it meant keeping you safe.”

Jaylin managed to shake his head. “But you….”

“I survived, Jaylin.”

“But I still lost you,” Jaylin whispered. “And I’m not

trying to make you feel guilty. I get why you left the way you did and I understand your father twisted everything around, but I…I don’t know if I will ever forgive myself for being

powerless when you needed me most.”


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

“You weren’t powerless, baby.”

“I felt that way. I wish I could have taken your place.”

“I told you, I would suffer everything again before I

would let you hurt like that.” Max gently brushed a kiss over his lips. “I love you. More than anything, I love you, and

yeah, I wish that night, all of it, had never happened but it did and we survived it. And I hate that we missed the past

seven years we could’ve had together, but we’ve got our

future waiting for us.”

“I want that. I do. And I’m sorry I broke down….”

“Don’t. Never be sorry about letting me close, Jaylin.”

Jaylin leaned in again, hugging him, and Max held

back, his warmth and strength soothing away the lingering

pain and fear.

“The same goes to you, Max. If you want to talk, please

know I’ll listen.”

“I know that.”

Max eased back again, taking his hand, and Jaylin

sighed, feeling oddly lighter, as if some hidden weight had been removed from him.

“Come on, babe. Let’s soak in that tub for a while and

then fall back in bed.”

“Sleepy?” Jaylin grinned.

“Not at all. Sleep is the last thing I’ve got in mind.”


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

“I do so love the way you think.”

As he climbed into the tub, he laughed, and Jaylin

decided no sound could possibly be sweeter than the sound

of Max’s laughter.

He was looking forward to a lifetime filled with that



Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

Chapter Nine

THE last thing Max wanted was to crawl out of bed the next

morning, but with the hearing scheduled for ten promptly,

he didn’t have any choice.

Neither he nor Jaylin had slept much during the night.

They were too eager to make love, to reconnect, and every

moment was incredible. It seemed as if the seven-year

separation faded away and they were still in tune with each other, still caught up in the passion and need, and Max

didn’t doubt they could build a life together.

There was certainly nothing he wanted more.

Being around Jaylin again made him feel alive, it made

him feel free, and he had a hard time taking his eyes off the blond when they returned to Jaylin’s motel room long

enough for Jaylin to change and pack his belongings. He had already agreed to return to the B and B with Max and as

soon as the hearing was over and once they knew the

outcome, they would move on to the next step, deciding how

to merge their lives.


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

It won’t be hard. We both want this. We should already

have a life together and we would if I hadn’t allowed my
father to manipulate me.

He would never cease to regret the time they had lost

and while Jaylin had forgiven him, Max wasn’t certain he

would ever forgive himself and he was certain forgiving his father would never be a possibility. Not that his father cared.

Four years of silence proved Chad Sydney couldn’t accept a

son who had dared to forge his own path and Max had

already come to terms with that, though he had to admit it

made him sad.

He was grateful Jaylin had never endured that kind of

rejection from a parent.

At nine-thirty, he and Jaylin walked into the

courthouse, hand in hand, and they quickly located the

room where the hearing was being held.

As they were about to step inside, Max heard a familiar

voice call his name and tensed, turning slowly to face his

father, making no effort to release Jaylin’s hand.

“I wasn’t certain you would actually be here.” Chad

looked from Max to Jaylin and back, his eyes guarded and

distant. “I certainly had no idea you two….” He waved a

hand, clearly unable to say the words, and Max hated him

for that alone.

“Jaylin and I just found our way back to each other.”

“No thanks to you.” Jaylin glared. “I know now exactly

why Max left. I know how you twisted his fears, made him


Full Circle |
Lisa Marie Davis

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