Full Court Press (29 page)

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Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Full Court Press
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She gulped. “I mean...can I go make sure to front door is locked, please?”

His fingers released her ribs but he made her slide out from under his body to get free. She hurried, naked from the waist down, to the front door and applied the dead bolt and chain lock. As she prepared to turn back to her bedroom, she found her body pushed against the front door.

Beck’s hands worked the front of his jeans again, and Carmondy bit her lip. He was going to do it here? Right at the front door?

Did it matter? It wasn’t any different than in the bedroom. No one could get in.

“What if someone hears us? I have neighbors.”

Beck didn’t drop his jeans, just opened them so he had access. “Don’t worry, like I said, this is for me. I’m not going to give you anything to scream about, trust me.” His hand slipped in front of her hips and between her legs, causing her to bite her lip. “That’s not a problem, is it?”

She shook her head. “N-no.” Definitely not a problem.

“Good.” He rubbed his hand against her. “Have I ever mentioned how easy you get turned on? Jesus Christ.” He used his other hand to gently push her head forward and rested her forehead against the door, then used both hands to lift her arms up and curl her fingers around the door jamb. “You stay like this, okay?”

She nodded.

“You shouldn’t have a reason to make a peep, but if you do...well, don’t. It won’t make me very happy, and you want me to be happy, right?”

She nodded slightly, keeping her head facing directly forward.

He didn’t waste any time as he lifted and tilted her hips so that he had a good angle. He went slowly but she still had to bite back a moan of pleasure.

He set a good pace. Somehow he kept her arousal to a minimum, which she didn’t think was possible. He finished quickly and purposefully. When he set her back on her feet, she was only a little shaky. He had kept her portion to such a minimum that it was almost like a warm-up session. It had been pleasurable, but nowhere near as consuming as it normally was with him. She rested against the door with a feeling of contentment but knew she’d be wanting more soon. It was amazing how he was able to control her body so well.

She started to turn around but Beck used one hand on the back of her head to let her know that she was to stay as she was.

“Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he said, buttoning his pants back up.

“You can control my body so well. I don’t understand.”

He chuckled in her ear. “That’s because it belongs to me, remember? I make a point of being in control of things that are in my possession. Now, you’re going to stay here and not move until I give you permission. Understand?”

She nodded and tightened her fingers on the door jamb.

“Good girl.” He gave her a light pat on the ass before walking away. She didn’t turn her head but from his footsteps, she knew that he had gone back into her bedroom. She was pretty sure that she could look over her shoulder and he wouldn’t see, but she didn’t want to. She was content to wait for him like he had said. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel too ridiculous standing against her front door with only a T-shirt on. Beck had an odd calming influence on her that helped her to accept her situation with ease.

At the same time, a slightly ominous feeling came over her while she waited for him. She had a feeling there was a lot more to come and she should take advantage of the break while she had it.

A couple minutes passed before she heard Beck’s voice from across the room. “You can come over now, baby.”

Her stomach fluttered at the endearment. He called her other terms sometimes, but usually in an irritated or sarcastic way. This time had been different, as if he felt comfortable with her and even cared a little.

She turned walked to where he was standing in the doorway to her room. Her nakedness made her blush but he didn’t seem to notice.

He had been through her underwear drawer; she noticed a few pieces of her lingerie on top of her dresser.

“Finish getting undressed.”

She pulled the T-shirt off. “Beck?”


“I’m going to get to shower, right?”

“I’ll worry about that,” he said as she pulled her sports bra off.

She didn’t push the subject. If he wanted to do her when she was covered in dried sweat, then that was his problem.

Beck surveyed her naked form, making her blush and cover her breasts. She was trying to be discreet about it. She wasn’t modest. With Beck, who had seen everything, she had no reason to be. It was just a little unnerving for her to naked while he was still fully clothed.

He shook his head. “Put your arms down.”

She obeyed reluctantly.

“Good, now take your pick.” He gestured toward the underwear and bras he’d picked out for her. The options consisted of the underwear she rarely wore; lacy, see-through little thongs and matching bras.

She picked a black lace thong and pulled it on, followed by a bra with the same lace and little blue ribbon embellishments. Both were see-through, but maybe less so than her other options, since they were black.

He nodded in approval. “All right, let’s head out then. Put on whatever you want over that, you won’t be in it for long.” He turned and walked out, leaving her to pull on shorts and a tank top that were lying around and follow after him in a hurry.

The ride to Beck’s house was silent but Carmondy noted the slightly satisfied look on his face. He was happy, at least, which was a nice change from what she’d seen yesterday. A slight pang of guilt hit her when she recalled how she had spied on him and learned the secret of his sister. It was too late now. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him, not now, not while he was so carefree.

At a red light, Beck abruptly reached over and wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, pulling her over for a kiss. He didn’t say a word but kissed her with his usual assertive confidence. She let his tongue take control but still kissed him back in earnest. One of her hands touched his jaw while they kissed and she was happy to see that he didn’t mind as she stroked his skin soothingly.

When the light turned, he released her just as quickly and she withdrew, knowing that he didn’t want her to linger. No words were exchanged but it still felt right to Carmondy. Usually she was down for as much communication as possible but in this case, silence seemed to fit best.

They reached his house quickly and Beck left her in the living room while he ran to the main house for something.

Beck returned with some bags of groceries. “Weekly groceries. Hungry?”

He seemed to have stepped out of the dominant roll. “A little.” She stood up and helped him put away the groceries. “Actually I was thinking. Did you have accounting homework?”

“Yeah, I figured we’d do it tomorrow after shoot-around.”

“Would it be okay if we got it done now, maybe while we eat a light lunch?”

He assessed her for a long moment before he shrugged. “Whatever. Yeah, we can do it now.”

She smiled. “Thanks. Do you mind if I make some fruit up? A little snack for homework?”

“Go ahead,” he said right away.

She started to prep the fruit, wondering if she was starting to learn how to handle him? All she needed to do was ask him nicely. He seemed to stay in a good temperament as long as she asked for things.

Forty-five minutes later, they had finished the accounting homework and about half of the bowl of fruit she had cut, consisting of strawberries, pineapple, grapes and honeydew melon. She grabbed the bowl of fruit and offered some to Beck before taking it to the kitchen to cover and put in the fridge. He always needed a second to himself after accounting homework.

When she returned to the table, he was still resting his forehead in his hands and she felt the urge to reach out and stroke her fingers through his hair. She didn’t, of course. It would probably ruin his mood.


“Hmm,” he said, not lifting his head.

“Do you mind if I lock your door? I’m kind of paranoid about these things.”

He stood up and stretched. “Go ahead. I’m gonna get a drink.”

She went to the front door to lock it and asked cautiously. “A drink?”

“Just one,” he said, pulling a clear bottle out of one of the grocery bags. “I snatched it from my mom’s stash.” He opened the bottle and grabbed a single shot glass off the shelf.

After locking the door, she returned to the kitchen area. “Why do you drink?”

“I don’t drink. I just have the urge for a quick bit of alcohol sometimes.” He downed a shot quickly.

She looked at the bottle. “It’s raspberry.”

He nodded. “Like I said, my mom’s.”

“Can I try some?”

He smiled slightly and poured a small amount into the shot glass before handing it to her. “Just a taste. I won’t have you accusing me of getting you drunk.”

She downed the small shot. “I could drink my ex-boyfriend under that table when I wanted to. I’ve never had raspberry though. We didn’t drink that often, and never during basketball season.”

Beck shrugged and took the shot glass away from her. “I don’t really party during the season, but I don’t see the harm in a drink here or there. I never get drunk.”

She nodded and assessed him. He seemed to be a little distracted as he gazed off into space.

She shifted slightly, moving a little closer to him. “Umm, Beck?”

He looked down at her, his eyes focusing.

“I don’t mean to sound like a slut or anything but...when do I get to show off this lingerie you picked out for me?”

A smile broke out across his face, giving her an odd feeling of accomplishment. She loved it when he smiled. “Somebody’s impatient.”

She blushed a little and looked down. “Sorry.”

He bent down and spoke into her ear. “Don’t be sorry. If you want something from me you just gotta ask properly.”

She was almost afraid to ask. “How do I do that?”

He pressed his lips to her ear briefly. “On your knees, babe, on your knees.”

Carmondy blinked. “Uh, that was…hypothetical, right?”

Beck shrugged. “Do you want it to be?”

“I’d like to keep the kinky in the bedroom. Kitchens don’t really work for me.”

His arms slipped around her waist and pulled their hips together. “Now that’s just a lie.”

“Nuh huh.”

“You think I can’t get you hot in a kitchen?”

She hid her smile as best she could. “Nope.”

His fingers slipped under the hem of her tank top and pulled it off. Her shorts quickly followed and both pieces of fabric hit the floor.

“What are you—?”

His lips landed on hers, effectively cutting off her sentence. His tongue invaded her mouth, in and out, before he pulled back to nip at her lower lip.

She pressed closer her him, wishing she was taller. He solved that problem though, by lifting her up with both hands on her ass.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms tightened around his neck. “Beck...”

“Mm?” He continued down her throat, licking and biting as he went.

“If I have to have my clothes off, so do you.”

Beck set her ass on the counter, freeing his hands to wrap around her waist. “No, I don’t think so.”

She pouted but he nipped at the offending lip, causing her to laugh. “Hey.”

Beck pulled away for a moment to look at her. One of his hands came up to curve around a lace-covered breast. “You really should wear stuff like this more often.”

She blushed. The lace panties covered nothing.

He smiled. “So how am I doing?”

She shrugged. “All right, I guess.”

He bent his head again, his teeth sinking into her shoulder, and she gasped.

“You like that?” he asked against her skin. His lips pressed against the teeth marks and his tongue flicked out, soothing the freshly bitten skin.

She nodded, a little breathless. “Yeah.”

He switched to her other shoulder and did the same thing, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to leave a mark and probably a bit of a bruise.

She moaned softly as he kissed the spot. Her hands slipped under his shirt, tracing the line of his abs back down to his hips until his jeans stopped her.

Once Beck was satisfied that he’d left his mark on her, he pulled back. “You ready for your shower?”

Her eyes snapped open, and she nodded. “Yes, please.”

“Oh, ‘please’? That’s what I like to hear.” He gave her a slight push toward the back of the house. “Go wait for me in my room. We’ve got a couple other things to cover first.”

She obeyed and ended up sitting on the edge of his bed. How long was he going to make her wait? She fidgeted in her underwear a little. She might as well not be wearing anything. In any sort of light, her nipples were clearly visible. She crossed her knees and put her arms over her chest in an effort to cover herself, hoping he’d come in soon.

She didn’t have to wait long. Within a couple minutes, Beck appeared. The bottle of vodka was in one hand, a golden bottle in the other.

He held up the vodka. “Just in case.” Then he held up the other bottle. “How do you feel about honey?”

She smiled. “It’s tasty.”

“Good, I’d hoped you would say that.” He walked by her as he went to his bedside table to set the vodka bottle down. As he passed her, he casually used one hand to uncross her legs and pull her knee away from the other, spreading her thighs.

She was blushing, sitting with her legs apart. Beck turned the bottle of honey over in his hands a few times. “Do you feel sexy, Carmondy?”

“I...I don’t know. I guess.”

“You guess? With that killer body, you just ‘guess’?”

She blushed deeper. “I...I don’t know.”

He stopped her, leaning down and putting his face close to hers, his hand going between her legs. “You aren’t ashamed of this around me, got it? I’ve seen every inch of you. You have no reason not to feel sexy around me. I don’t want to see you covering this up, understand?”

She nodded slowly.


The tip of the bottle of honey pushed between her lips, and he squeezed a small amount of the sweet, thick liquid onto her tongue. He withdrew the bottle, only to replace it with his lips. His tongue pushed into her mouth, spreading the honey as he went.

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