Full Exposure: A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Full Exposure: A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance
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“Inside,” she murmured, her hands slipping from his neck to cup his face as she fastened her lips to his. “I want you inside me. Now.”

Kevin pulled away gently, his blue eyes gleaming devilishly as he eased her to the ground. “No.”

“No?” Serena tried to focus on what he was saying, but his hands felt so good as they toyed with her nipples. He pinched them slightly between his thumb and index finger as he leaned down to blow a stream of hot air across the tight ruby buds. “What—what do you mean?” she asked, breathlessly, her knees threatening to collapse beneath her.

He chuckled. “I mean no.” He rinsed the last of the soap from her aching body, turned her slightly. “We did it your way a little while ago. Now we do it my way.” He eased her down onto the shower bench directly across from the spray.

Serena jerked as her overheated body sank onto the cool marble seat. She started to protest, but Kevin had sunk to his knees, spreading her legs and situating himself
between her thighs. “What are you doing?” she asked, watching as he slowly lifted her foot and pressed his mouth to the inside of her ankle.

“Whatever I want,
.” His tongue slid tenderly up the side of her foot until he reached her toes. He looked up, his intense blue eyes holding her own as he slowly slipped her toe into his mouth and began to suck.

Serena’s eyes widened and she instinctively tried to pull her foot away. But he wrapped a hand around her ankle and held her heel firmly against his chest as he continued his tender ministrations. His tongue slowly stroked the bottom of her toe even as his mouth continued the intensely erotic sucking. She could feel each pull deep in her womb, could feel hot liquid pool between her thighs as longing so intense it bordered on pain took control of her body.

She was helpless, caught by the intensity of his eyes, lost to the black magic of his mouth. Serena tried desperately to hold on to the shattering remnants of her control but everything was fading beneath Kevin’s touch. Not again, she told herself, even as her head rolled back on her neck. She wouldn’t loose control again, she promised, even as her eyes closed and her body arched on the hard bench.

Though it was slight, Kevin felt her sudden withdrawal and grinned. She could try to hold out as long as she wanted, but he knew her. He knew the passion that bubbled just under the surface and he was going to find it again, stoke it and shatter her control once and for all.

With the rest of the world she could be as controlled as she wanted. She could be cool, collected, always on top of things. But not with him. He wanted the real Serena, both in and out of his bed. He wanted the Serena she kept hidden away, the one no one else got to see. And he would have her. No matter how many walls he had to break down, no matter how many barriers he had to shatter, he would have her. He grinned again as his tongue traced a leisurely path along the bottom of her foot, enjoying the contrasting tastes of the cool, clean water and the spicy honey of her skin.

He found her arch, swirled his tongue around it before gently sinking his teeth into the smooth indentation. Serena let out a strangled scream, her body arching convulsively against the marble. He grinned and put a hand on her abdomen to keep her in place. Control, his ass. Nobody needed that much control and certainly not when they
were making love.

Kevin skimmed his mouth up the inside of her leg, his lips blazing a hot trail over the cool, porcelain skin. He wanted to rush wildly to the prize, to take her clit in his mouth and sink his tongue deep inside of her. He wanted to taste her, lick her, bring her to orgasm again and again with his mouth.

She was his and he wanted to claim her, to brand her as his in the most primitive and obvious ways. He’d never felt this way about a woman, had never known this bone-deep connection. He refused to look too deeply at the feelings and focused, instead, on the sizzling hot woman in his arms.

As he felt his own control slipping he fought the overwhelming need to bury his head in the hot pink flesh between her thighs. Within seconds he could be tasting her, making her scream. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a grip on himself. He took another deep breath and bent his head back to her insanely beautiful legs. He forced himself to go slow, to savor every inch of her body as his lips caressed her ankle, her calf, the exquisitely sensitive spot at the back of her knee.

He trailed hot kisses along the inside of her thighs, higher and higher until he finally reached her. He inhaled, savoring the sweet jasmine smell of her before placing his mouth as close to Serena’s clit as he could without actually touching her. He spread her thighs, pulled her lips apart to expose her gorgeous clit. Then he blew out a long, slow, steady stream of air directly on her.

Serena moaned, high-pitched and desperate, her hips bucking wildly against his restraining hand. Her hands reached down, tangled in his hair and tried to bring his lips down to her as she pressed desperately against the hand holding her in place.


“What?” he whispered, keeping his lips over her so that the vibration as he spoke would reach her.

She arched again. “Please.”

“Please what?”

She leaned against the glass of the shower, her head thrashing back and forth, unable to say what she wanted. “You know.”

He did, but he refused to get any closer. Her hands were still fisted and though she
was powerfully aroused, he could feel the tension of control in each move she made. Her control was strained, her arousal making it harder and harder for her to hold on, but she wasn’t ready to let go. At least not yet.

Smiling grimly, praying his own control was as strong as he thought it was, he licked her clit. Once. Twice. Three times. She began to relax. He felt the tension slowly leave her muscles as she calmed down. She was still aroused, true, but she was calm, convinced her control would not be breached. He licked her one more time, loving the honeyed cinnamon of her, before forcing himself to lift his head.

She whimpered, her brown eyes flying open and finding his. Her eyes were dazed, aroused, and he fought against the powerful reaction just a look from her created inside of him. Clenching his fists, he fought to regulate his suddenly ragged breathing.

He turned, flipped the shower off, grabbed a towel off the door. He wrapped her once-again trembling body in the towel, tenderly drying her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, reaching a shaky hand to his mouth. “Why are we stopping?”

His smile was dark, sensuous against her hand. “We’re not. But the shower was getting cold. I thought you’d be more comfortable in the bedroom.”

He watched her eyes narrow, could see her mind working beneath the suddenly sharp brown eyes. He even knew the second she reached a conclusion satisfactory to her.

“No condom,” she said.

He raised his eyebrows, stopped in the motion of toweling himself dry. “Excuse me?”

“You stopped because we didn’t have a condom, right?” she asked.

He inclined his head, a gesture that was neither affirmation or denial. She could believe what she wanted. He hadn’t needed a condom to bring her release, had known she was teetering on the edge of satisfaction. A couple more strokes of his tongue and she would have come, magnificently. He knew it and so did she. But then he would have lost the chance to push her past a different edge, to see her finally lose that damned control once and for all.

He scooped her up in his arms. “Let’s go to bed,
.” He carried her into the bedroom, dropped her on his lake-sized bed. His eyes blazed at the picture she made—her
short hair carelessly tousled around her face, her pale skin a warm, rosy pink, his towel half-open around her, leaving one breast bare.

She smiled—a sexy, self-assured grin—and twisted onto her knees to reach for the nightstand. He groaned, nearly foaming at the mouth at the sight of her round, curvy ass wiggling in front of him. He wanted nothing more than to grab her hips, pull her ass firmly against him and thrust into her, over and over, until they both came harder and better than they ever had before. But she wasn’t ready for that and he wasn’t ready to take a woman, again, who was not as fully involved in his lovemaking as he.

“What are you doing?” he asked, desperate to distract himself from the need burning away his own control.

“Getting a condom. Ah-hah!” she crowed triumphantly, rolling over, a small, plastic packet in her hand.

“We don’t need that yet.”

Her brows furrowed and her lips turned down in the most adorable pout he’d ever seen. “We don’t?” she asked, disappointment obvious in her tone.

“No.” He shook his head and continued to watch her.

“Then why—?” Confusion gleamed in her sexy brown eyes, but she stopped herself from completing the question.

He sank down next to her on the bed, his hands gently cupping her face as he brought her mouth to his. Her lips moved softly against his, parted, her tongue slowly exploring the corner of his mouth. Serena slid her tongue, teasingly, temptingly over his lower lip, across his bottom lip, before finally, finally slipping inside his mouth to taste him.

His tongue met hers, dueled gently as she explored the recesses of his mouth. His cock tightened and he nearly whimpered with the need to be inside of her. But this wasn’t for him, it was for her. And he got more pleasure from simply touching her than he’d ever gotten making love fully to any other woman, even Deb.

His mouth skimmed over her cheek, nibbled her ear, before working its way down her long, slender neck. “I love your neck,” he whispered between kisses, his tongue caressing the pulse that beat at the base of her neck again and again.

“I love your ass.”

He leaned back, eyebrows raised as he grinned at her. “Really?”

She bit her lip, a little embarrassed, but then she nodded. “Oh yeah. The first couple nights I would watch you sculpt and struggle not to take pictures of your ass over and over again.”

He went back to what he’d been doing, but grinned as he nibbled her neck, loving the shivers that swept through her. He licked the hollow of her throat, reveled in the pulse that beat more and more rapidly beneath his questing tongue. “Did it work?”

“Did what work?” Her voice was breathless, strained.

“Did you take pictures of something other than my ass?” His tongue dipped into the valley between her breasts, lapped at a stray drop of water.

She moaned and arched against him, her hands gripping his shoulders as her legs wrapped around his hips.

He moved to her left breast, nuzzled the nipple teasingly. “Well, did you?” he asked again, his hand caressing the underside of her breast as he pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses in a ring around her nipple.

“Did I—did I what?” she asked breathlessly, pressing her breast more firmly against him.

He grinned, pulled her nipple into his mouth and firmly sucked for a minute before releasing her. She groaned in frustration, her hands fisting in his hair. “The pictures?” he prompted.

She tightened her legs around him, lifted her hips so he was pressed tightly against her. She shimmied, circled her hips and took the tip of his cock inside of her. He groaned, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead as he fought the driving need to take her as fast and as hard as possible.

“What pictures?” she asked, clenching her muscles and pulling him a little more deeply inside of her.

“Forget the damn pictures,” he growled, thrusting into her steamy wetness before he could stop himself. She laughed, lifted her hips to meet him, relishing the feel of him seated deep inside of her.

Kevin lifted his head, stared down at Serena’s beautiful, aroused face. She was grinning, her eyes fierce with triumph and arousal. He pulled back and thrust into her
again, watched her lips part as pleasure swept through her. But her eyes, fierce and aroused though they were, still held a watchfulness—a wariness—that set his teeth on edge.

Clenching his teeth against the lust roaring through him, Kevin used superhuman strength to pull out of her. “No!” she gasped, her body bucking against his.

“Yes,” he answered grimly. “You’re not ready yet.”

“If I get any more ready I’ll—” She stopped herself.

“You’ll what?” he asked. “Lose control? Fall apart? Come?” His voice dropped a little more with each word and his Cajun accent grew more and more pronounced.

“Die,” she answered, eyes blazing with fury and arousal.

La petite mort
. The little death. Not such a bad thing, hmm,
?” He smiled wolfishly, even as his eyes searched the area around the bed, desperately looking for something he could use. When he found it, he kissed Serena fiercely, grabbing her arms and lifting them above her head as his mouth devoured hers. At the same time, he reached down, shook his belt free of his pants and looped it around the headboard and then her wrists again and again. He gave a final tug, satisfied that it would hold, and then sat back and studied her.

Kevin moved away from her and Serena became gradually aware that her hands were anchored above her head. She tugged gently, then harder as they refused to move. “What did you do?” she asked, twisting to look at her wrists. “You tied me up?” Her voice rose. “You tied me to the bed? Let me go!”


“No?” Outrage raced through her, followed by overwhelming uneasiness and more than a little curiosity. “I don’t know what you’re into, but I don’t play this game.”

His eyebrows rose and his beautiful blue eyes were more serious than she’d ever seen them. “I’m not into anything and I’m not playing.” He lowered his mouth to her nipple, bit gently and then laved the tiny hurt with his tongue.

She arched at the first touch of his mouth on her breast, damning herself for the unrelenting passion she felt for this man. “Kevin, don’t ruin it. Let me go and make love to me.”

“I’m going to make love to you, Serena.” His hand circled her other nipple,
flicked back and forth across it. “But I’m going to do it like this.”

Heat rushed through her, painful in its intensity and Serena was deathly afraid that she was going to let Kevin have his way. She wanted him, desperately, would do almost anything to have him.

BOOK: Full Exposure: A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance
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