Fury From Hell (12 page)

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Authors: Rochelle Campbell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Paranormal

BOOK: Fury From Hell
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Is this some kind of sign?

The Fury, tuckered out, gave a craggy smile.  Manipulating the video machine was much harder than manipulating mechanical wheels but with a light finesse the Fury had been able to get the right combination in time.  The Fury had hoped for a bigger amount, but this would do.  The seduction had to go off without a hitch tonight.  With a final surge, Abatu implanted its own burning passionate need into its host and watched as Jennifer’s reticence faded away.  In awe, Abatu watched as the dormant, undamaged, Jennifer emerged from its cocoon.

“You must be my lucky charm today.  So tell me, what’s my charm’s name?”

“Derrick Palmer.  Yours?”

Without hesitation, the Fury pushed a name into her mind.

“Theresa Sayge.”

“Unusual name…sage?  Like the herb?”

“No.  It’s spelled with a “y” in front of the “ge”.”

“Ah, S-a-y-g-e?  Beautiful, like its owner.  Where’s your family from?”

“Originally England, but you know the story, they ended up here.”

“Which lot?  Carpetbagers?  Servants?  Religious fanatics?  Or, criminals?”

“How am I supposed to know?” she said laughing genuinely.

“It’s your family, why wouldn’t you
to know?  I think it’s the carpetbaggers.  You seem wily and have a pretty quick tongue…”  Derrick’s eyes lingered on her lips as he spoke.  He passed his tongue over his lips and looked down at the screen.  “You might want to collect your winnings and beat it out of dodge before you lose it all.  You know how casinos are; you’ll play harder if you think you can win a bigger pot.”

Jennifer tapped the collect winnings button on the machine and listened as the electronic falling coins sound filled her ears for the next fifteen seconds.  She collected her winning ticket and wedged it into her clutch.  She stood up with her drink in hand.  Leaning down she looked Derrick straight in the eyes.

“What if my wiles are up to no good tonight?  What would you do?”

Feeding off of Jennifer’s vibes, he answered in kind.  “I guess I would have to spank you.”  Jennifer grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him up to her level.  She pressed her lips to his and was surprised.  His breath was sweet with a hint of whiskey sour.  His lips were soft and yielding while the rest of him that she could feel through his silk shirt was hard and sculpted.  Jennifer gave herself over to the kiss closing her eyes and letting the room fade away as she reveled in the pleasure of a man’s touch for the second time in well over a decade.  His tongue came to dance with hers playfully, at first, but heat flashed through both of them.  The kiss deepened.  Jennifer broke away when she felt the room tilt.  She pushed him back and took an unsteady breath.

“Whoa, cowboy, we just met.”

“Just following your lead Ms. Sayge.  And my, what a fine lead it was.”

Jennifer glanced up at him as she took an unsteady long sip of her drink.  It took two more sips to tamp down the flames licking at her belly making her want to do things with and to this man she barely knew.  She knew she was in trouble when she felt a big dollop of moisture slide out of her soaking the plain Jane underwear.  She licked her lips and decided she wanted Derrick Palmer come hell or high water.

“Know any good little place for us to drop in around here?”  Knowing full well that her request was a bad idea, Jennifer didn’t retract it.  She waited, praying he would pull back and do the honorable thing.

“The hotel here is definitely too conspicuous.” He drummed his hand on the top of the video slot machine.

Dragging her attention from his full bottom lip, Jennifer watched his nimble fingers prance up and down as he thought.  The cop in her took note of the pale telltale circle around the third finger of his left hand.  The Fury pushed the new knowledge deep down but Jennifer didn’t buy it so the Fury infused more desire and longing into the host to counteract the aversion Jennifer was feeling.

>>Hmm…definitely for you.<<

Derrick glanced at her and saw she was staring at his naked left ring finger.  He stopped drumming his fingers.  He took a long swallow of his drink and lifted her chin.  “So, I’m married.  Does that change anything?”

Derrick stood up and pulled Jennifer close so close she could feel his excitement; it was a long full arousal.

Another fat drop moistened Jennifer’s undies.

He bent his head and nuzzled her neck letting his tongue elicit whimpers of pleasure from the now pliable woman in his arms.  His rugged 5’11” frame was not too big for her small stature.  Jennifer was not frightened in the least.

Abatu kept infusing Jennifer with its passion for the man who was more endowed than the demon expected.  It cackled with glee and pressed the Jennifer some more to ensure the man would remain interested.

Jennifer angled her head and captured his mouth again.  Careful not to spill what was left of her drink on him she took a chance and plunged her tongue into his warm mouth pouring her desire into one searing kiss.

“The Riviera, on Atlantic — that’s private enough.  Do you know it?” he asked when Jennifer let him up for air several minutes later.

“If it works for you it works for me.”

“Meet you out front by valet parking in twenty minutes?”

“What will I look for?”

“A black CL 250.”

She raised an eyebrow.

He just smiled more broadly as he dropped his hand from her waist.  He nodded to her, set his empty glass down and subtly adjusted himself before sauntering away.

Jennifer watched him until he disappeared into the crowd before taking quick long strides over to the cashier still aflutter from her financial and romantic good fortune.


Saturday, November 10
, 1:00 A.M.

The drive over to the Riviera was fast and uneventful.  His hand was on her thigh during the short ride.  It slid higher a few times and his long fingers played with her already swollen lips hidden from his direct touch by the damp filmy, floaty, fabric.

Check-in was quick and completed in cash.  They split the bill 50-50.  The ride up the elevator was fraught with restrained sexual tension.  His hand hovered near her elbow and it moved over a smidge stopping mere centimeters from the soft swell of her breast.  Her hand sliding from his waist and meandering across the upper swell of his muscular bottom before skimming back up to his trim waist.

Their elevator companions seemed just as anxious to get to their room as well but they were more overt in their gyrations.  Grinding was most definitely their preferred method of foreplay.

When the elevator opened onto their floor, Derrick and Jennifer raced each other out found the door but got sidetracked by each other.  Derrick slipped his hand under her shirt and was encircling the hardening bud.  His other hand sought out her furnace below.

Knowing he had to relinquish one of her assets so he could use the keycard, Jennifer felt his frustration at having to stop even momentarily.  After several long moments, he finally removed his right which was now quite moist and pulled the keycard from his jacket pocket.  He re-angled Jennifer against the door so he could maneuver the keycard in place.  With a loud click, they tumbled into the room not bothering to flick on the lights while groping and liberating one another from their superfluous garments.

Kicking the door shut Derrick didn’t notice Jennifer’s ankle holster nor did he notice the subtle shift in her as the Fury took over sending Jennifer deep into the recesses of her mind under a thick spell of sleep.

Derrick dragged her to the bed and threw her on it.  Abatu laughed and watched him catch his breath as the demon arched Jennifer’s back.  In only a sensible bra and panties the host’s lithe brown body was on full display.

Derrick climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of Jennifer.  He grabbed her legs and slid the drenched cotton undies off.  Next he pulled her up; slowly reaching behind her he deftly unhooked her black sports bra and flicked it to the side.  Pulling back, Derrick stared at her breasts.  Jennifer’s small mounds were plump and firm.  Abatu undulated hypnotically.

Derrick sighed as the bulge in his underwear shot forward a good inch and a half.

Abatu saw him wince yet he moved his hand languidly to another area of interest.

Abatu watched him as he lazily ran his fingers through the thick dark brown curls that covered her lower dark wet lips.

He leaned down, parted them and placed his lips against hers.

Abatu threw Jennifer’s head back as the sensations began to thrum through their combined being as Derrick began to suckle on her.  The demon whimpered with urgent need stemming from centuries of neglect.

Abatu felt the full extent of the man’s expertise as Jennifer’s center exploded in rapturous pleasure several minutes later.

Derrick lapped up Jennifer’s feminine juices and slinked his way north towards her unattended torso.  Placing his mouth on her left breast he sucked the taut nipple as he positioned himself to enter her warm pulsating body and join her in the pleasure zone.  Derrick pulled his hips back and gently eased himself in enjoying the excruciating agony of the slow entry.  Derrick inhaled sharply as Jennifer’s feminine walls resisted him sending ripples of pleasure along his shaft.  Pleasure pulsated throughout his body.

“Oh…you’re so
”  He held his breath as he pressed more firmly.

Beneath him, Abatu tried to relax Jennifer’s body and allow the coupling to take place but Jennifer was fighting it and the demon!

Jennifer’s was groggily waking up.  Even in her demon-induced stupor, Jennifer felt the sensations and thought her Uncle was at it again.  Panic seared through her.  She needed to wake up and defend herself!  Jennifer resisted the unwanted to pulsations and the full scale invasion of her body while trying to claw through what felt like layers of water-logged wool blankets that seemed to weigh her eyelids down.

The Fury grabbed the man’s hand and placed it on Jennifer’s unattended breast.

As Derrick kneaded the hard nipple and suckled the other one, he gave a hard thrust bringing him flush against her.

The trapped Jennifer was overpowered by the sexual onslaught and gave in as a tidal wave of pleasure flooded through both her and the Fury.  Jennifer’s body rocked with the massive orgasm which was intensified and fueled by both the demon’s and Jennifer’s years of abstinence.

Abatu-Jennifer’s scream was muffled by Derrick’s own cry of release.  He arhythmically pumped above her while using both of his hands to knead, massage and pleasure her perfect peach-like breasts.  All the while, Abatu-Jennifer rode the rocketing sexual tidal wave into satiation and bliss.

Abatu felt the full expansion of the man’s engorged member as his seed released. Quick on the mark, the demon thwarted the progress of his little swimming soldiers and shriveled them to ensure that the host would not be hindered by becoming with child.  With a feral smile, Abatu-Jennifer decided to let the man rest.  Abatu would have another go at him later but this time it would be

Two hours later, Abatu, still in full control, mounted the sleeping man and placed the host’s mouth on his flaccid member.  Using techniques learned in the 15
century, the Fury brought the man to full arousal in mere minutes.  The demon slid Jennifer’s wet and ready heat onto his ready and very capable member and then rode the man slowly at first and gradually picking up speed.

Derrick laughed and groaned simultaneously.

Abatu leaned over and bit his neck none too lightly and allowed him to come to orgasm fully once more before sliding off him and onto the bed.  The demon purred its pleasure.

Derrick flipped over onto his stomach and drew tiny circles on Jennifer’s back with his finger.

Bending to the side slowly, brushing against Derrick’s buttocks Abatu reached down and pulled the Smith and Wesson from its holster.  With preternatural speed, the demon placed the barrel on the man’s temple and removed the safety mechanism cackling and bouncing slightly.  Seconds later, Abatu steadied the host’s hand and shot a single bullet through Derrick’s skull before he could raise his head or call out.

Dropping the gun, the Fury morphed into its demon form, bent over and fed on the grey oozing matter that came out of the other side of the man’s permanently damaged cranium.  When it was finished with the appetizer, it used its claws to score and rip open his torso.  Abatu chomped and guzzled its fill of vital organs and entrails getting stronger with every sinew and fibrous muscle it imbibed.  The laugh that rumbled in its chest was genuine as it decided to leave the man’s half-aroused member intact.  He deserved that much dignity as he pleasured it and the host so well prior to his demise.

The Fury fed for well over an hour.  The eyes were always a delicacy that Abatu saved for last.  However, today the Fury went after them right after finishing the entrails.  With a sharp talon-like nail, the Fury deftly detached his left eyeball and plucked it out with ease.  It munched it with relish.  The Fury eyed his member, wavered but went for the other eyeball instead before going back and licking the sockets clean of all blood and membrane — the Fury’s favorite part of the meal!

His heart, still warm to the touch, was the one organ that the Fury
left.  That organ was reserved for Abatu’s master; to be left with the carcass.  Derrick’s soul, the Master would like Derrick Palmer because he was far from squeaky clean.  Derrick’s aura was muddied enough for him to go where the Fury emanated from.  This was why he tasted so good!  Immoral men full of mischief and taint were the most tasty of them all.

Full, but unable to stop itself, Abatu nibbled and gnawed at various parts of the man until it was tipsy from overfeeding.  Abatu, woozy from the large meal, dozed off in mid-lick.  Its claws slowly melting, unforming and reforming back into human hands as the demon fell into an insensate slumber forgetting its host entirely…

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