G-Men: The Series (144 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: G-Men: The Series
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An hour and a half later, Lindsey was back in bed, towels underneath her naked body with a foul-smelling, anti-itch cream spread thickly over all of the areas that her rash covered. She’d been given a prescription for steroid medication to take over the next three days in order to clear up the rash, which we were told was an allergic reaction to the seaweed wrap she’d received during her spa afternoon the day before. The doctor said she’d be good as new in a few days.

Great. Fucking great.

“Taz,” Lindsey said, as I gave her one of her pills to take with a glass of water. “I’m sorry I wasn’t sympathetic to your condition yesterday, honey. I mean, that was totally thoughtless of me. I wouldn’t blame you if you left me here alone to suffer with this rash.”

“I’m not going to do that, babe.” I said, flashing a smile, even though, in my mind, I had actually been thinking it would have served her right if I had. But, even I couldn’t be that much of a dick.

On the third day of vacay, my true love gave to me:

A lesson in compassion.

chapter 4

On the fourth day of vacay…

~ Ronnie ~

God, I was so ecstatic when our ship made port at Prickly Pear Island. I had done my research before the trip, and discovered that the beaches there were the most pristine in all of the Caribbean. Plus, nude sunbathing was allowed on certain beaches, one being the beach nearest to where our ship docked, because it was privately owned by the cruise-line. I had become accustomed to sunbathing on nude beaches while living with Colin in Europe. We had taken several long weekends to the south of France, preferring those secluded beaches that allowed nude sunbathing. Colin was extremely attentive to me while we were there, as I recalled. I blushed, thinking about the secret sex we had underneath our beach umbrella.

I smiled to myself, thinking about how enjoyable today was going to be with my man. Just the two of us, going off with a packed picnic basket, courtesy of one of the many gourmet stewards, to find a private area of the beach where we could discard our clothing and inhibitions, and spend some quiet time together. Just the two of us.

I had nearly finished packing our beach bag when Colin strolled into our suite. Seeing me wearing my beach cover-up over my thong bathing suit, and the big floppy hat I wore out in the sun, apparently clued him in that we had plans.

“Hi, love,” he said, going over to the dresser and pulling his shooting gloves from a drawer. “Are you and the girls planning a day at the beach?”

Correction: that I had plans…

“Colin,” I said, “I told you all about the beach here on Prickly Pear the other day, remember? I got directions to it from our steward. He’s packed a lunch of cold chicken, brie and wine for us. I thought you and I could make an afternoon of it. You know, have some quiet time together like we used to do in St. Tropez?”

“Sorry, babe,” he said, frowning. “I guess we got our signals crossed. I signed up for the clay pigeon shooting contest on the island. Easton’s been challenging me to a re-match after I took the prize last year in Belgium, beating him out of it for the first time. I intend to do the same thing this afternoon.”

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” I snapped, instantly deflated—and pissed.

“Aw, don’t be like that, Ronnie,” he chided. “Why don’t you and the girls go instead?” He reached his hand up to my face, gently caressing my cheek with his fingers. The same fingers that had pleasured me beyond belief only last night, along with other parts of his magnificent body.

I brushed his hand aside. “I hardly think an afternoon at a nude beach spent with Darcy, Sammie and Lindsey is what I envisioned for today.” I snapped. “I mean, Colin, we
trying to get pregnant, remember? I’m thinking that won’t work using the “girls” as a substitute.”

Now I could see a bit of anger flare up in him, which was highly unusual, but I didn’t care. I mean, he could shoot clay pigeons another time, another place. Right now, my window of opportunity for conceiving was open and soon enough, it would slam shut and another month would be lost, just like the ten months previous. I had to be honest; it was turning into an extremely stressful situation for both of us.

“Bloody hell, Ronnie,” he growled. “We fucked yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon and all through the night. Can I have a break this afternoon to do something I enjoy for once?”

Did he really just say that?

I whirled around to face him now, my face obviously masked with hurt and fury.

“Christ,” he growled, “I didn’t mean it like
for the love of God.”

“Oh no, Colin,” I snapped, “you chose those words quite easily. I’m so freaking sorry that it’s been such an imposition these past few days, having to fuck your wife. I wouldn’t think of imposing myself on your cock today. Enjoy your clay pigeons, and fuck them while you’re at it!”

I shoved him aside as he came closer, trying to make amends no doubt, and grabbed my beach bag and the picnic basket and headed out the door. I would fucking go to that beach by myself. I damn sure wasn’t going to sit around our suite all day and mope.

After I disembarked from the ship, I walked a little ways down the boardwalk, weaving my way through the throngs of people that were taking advantage of the duty-free shopping at the quaint stores that lined the cobble-stoned street. Most everyone was a couple or in a group, which served to make me feel even more lonely and isolated.

I finally stopped and sat down on a bench. I needed to get my bearings and find the paper in my bag that I had used to write down the directions. I was digging through my bag when a voice I recognized got my attention.

“Want some company, or are you alone because you want to be?”

I looked up into the dark, brooding eyes of Cain—Eli’s partner or whatever. He was an extremely handsome guy; black wavy hair, dark complexion and piercing eyes that were dark brown, almost black. He looked like he had some Spanish ancestry going on. I remembered thinking the first time I met him what a shame it was that he was gay.

He and Eli were as opposite as night and day, not only in looks, but temperament as well. They seemed to get along great, even though Eli was undoubtedly an extrovert, and Cain was definitely an introvert. Dark and brooding was definitely how I would describe him.

“Hey, Cain,” I said, with the best smile I could muster at the moment. “You’re welcome to join me,” I invited, scooting over a bit on the bench to make room for him. “I guess I could ask you the same thing,” I commented, not seeing Eli around.

Cain took a seat next to me, stretching out his tanned, muscular legs in front of him and sighing. “Sometimes,” he started, “I think it’s just healthy for couples to have some time apart, don’t you? Eli’s all about that skeet shooting competition and I guess I’m just not feeling it.”

I nodded, looking out on the horizon thoughtfully. “I hear that. I had planned a quiet, intimate picnic for Colin and me at Paelon Beach this afternoon. Apparently shooting clay pigeons was more appealing to my husband,” I complained, still irritated at his insensitivity.

“Oh yeah? The nude beach, huh?”

“You know about it?”

“Hell yeah, I’ve been there before. I used to work on a cruise ship before I decided to go back to college and finish up my degree. I know exactly where it is. Want a tour guide?”

I blushed, for some odd reason. I mean, just because it was a nude beach, didn’t mean we were
to strip naked. It wasn’t that other people hadn’t seen me sunbathing in the nude before; it was the fact that they had been strangers, not someone I knew and would see again.

“Hey, I even know of a hidden cove that has a cave and a fresh water pond and waterfall on the other side. It’s really beautiful, if you’d like to see it.”

“Sure,” I said, feeling a bit better. “Why not?”

The hidden cove with the fresh water pond and waterfall was as beautiful as Cain had promised. We had walked along the sandy beach until we came to a grove of pear trees. Just off a few yards to the north of it, Cain pointed out a rocky area that hosted the mouth of the cave. I followed him through the dark tunnel until we came back out into the bright sunlight on the other side.

“It’s like a meadow,” I said, totally blown away by the beautiful flowers and foliage that graced the landscape. There was a white sand stretch of beach near the pond. Cain dropped down to his knees next to the water, and took his sandals off so that he could wade in the crystal clear water.

“This water is mostly fresh water,” he said, “but there’s some salt content in it, due to the underground water feed. This pond actually sits on a large sandbar that has been here for years without being washed out.”

“It’s breathtaking,” I said, spreading my large beach towel out, taking a seat next to him. “I have another towel if you want to sun bathe,” I offered.

“I don’t do the nude thing,” he said, “But hey, feel free if that’s what you’re into. I promise I won’t gawk.”

I laughed easily with him. I’d talked more to him this past half hour than I had during the trip so far. He was actually a very charming person. He always seemed to be in the shadow of Eli though, so that was probably why I was just now seeing it.

“I’m good,” I said. “I think I’ll just leave my swimsuit on and enjoy the sun and the breeze. Are you hungry? I have a great lunch packed.”

We both stripped down to our swimwear and spread the other towel out making a large area for us to stretch out and relax together.

Later, while we ate, Cain filled me in about his life now with Eli. I filled him in a bit about my marriage to Colin. Both of us had complaints; both of us loved our partners more than life, too.

“Can I ask you something without offending you?” I said to him, picking a piece of cold chicken off the bone.

“Shoot,” he replied, with a smile. “I’m pretty sure I’m offense-proof anyway.”

“When did you first know that you were gay? I’m curious, you see, because I went to college with my best friend, Molly, and she didn’t know she was gay until her senior year. Was it like that for you?”

Cain leaned back on his elbows, sipping wine from a plastic cup. “Well, it’s a little more complicated than that with me,” he replied. “Actually, I’m bisexual.”

Now I know these clothes are staying on…

“Did I shock you?” he asked quietly.

I shook my head in denial. “No, not really, I guess. I mean, I don’t know that much about alternative lifestyles. I think I read somewhere once that bi-sexuality was a myth—”

“Oh yeah,” he said with a snort. “I think I read that same article. Was it something to the effect that people claiming to be bi-sexual were really homosexuals that hadn’t come to grips with the reality of it?”

“Exactly,” I replied, laughing. “Then it’s rubbish, right?”

“Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but as far as me? Yeah, it’s pretty much rubbish. My first sexual encounters were all female and they were great. I didn’t have my first homosexual experience until I worked for the cruise-line. I have to say, it was magnificent as well. After that, I simply alternated in my long-term relationships. I’m monogamous, no matter what. I’ve been with Eli for nearly two years.”

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