G-Men: The Series (64 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: G-Men: The Series
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“Mmm,” I moaned against his lips, “I want you inside of me, Taz.”

He lifted me as if I was weightless and carried me to my room, kicking the door shut behind us. We tore our clothes off like starving animals, hungry for each other.

I saw him toss a condom packet taken from the pocket of his jeans onto my nightstand. I couldn’t suppress a smile as I discarded the last of the clothes from my body.

“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you, Agent Matthews?”

He looked over at me, his eyes smoldering as he gazed at my nakedness. “I’ve never been as unsure of myself as I am around you,” he replied, coming to stand before me.

“What are we doing, Lindsey?”

“Exactly what you and I were meant to do.”

He gently pushed me down on the bed so that I was on my back. He was on his knees at my ankles and spread my legs apart with his hands.

He gripped the underside of each leg, raising them so that my ankles were resting on his shoulders. His mouth immediately found my core, pressing warm, wet kisses all over my already moist sex. I felt his tongue exploring, as his fingers spread the folds as if they were the petals of a flower blossoming just for him and no one else.

Who could ever make me feel as good as Taz? I couldn’t imagine anyone being able to surpass the pleasure that he administered to me. He moaned my name as his tongue plunged deeply inside of me, swirling in and out. His fingers followed close behind as I writhed with the mounting buildup of release I desperately needed.

“Your pussy tastes so sweet,” he whispered, “and it’s mine, no one else’s.”

I loved the way he talked to me.

He could sense the build-up of my release. He rose up and grabbed the condom packet, tearing it open in one quick movement. His cock was rock solid and my anticipation of being filled with him once again was driving me to whimper his name over and over.

“I know, baby girl, it’s time.”

His knee brushed my thighs apart wider as I watched his hand guide his much-engorged cock into me. I loved watching Taz handle his erection. There was something extremely erotic about it.

He lowered himself down and entered me slowly, allowing me to revel in the sensation of him slowly bringing me to fullness. I moaned with pleasure, my legs instinctively wrapping around him, my toes digging into his muscular ass.

“Does that feel good?” he asked softly, as he pulled himself out and then plunged back in, slowly and methodically.

“God, yes,” I said, my hands, rubbing his chest, pinching his nipples as the waves of pleasure kept coming.

“You know Kyzer could never fuck you like this, don’t you?”

I nodded, moaning again as he sped up the tempo just a notch.

“I want you to say it for me, baby.”

“Kyzer could never fuck me the way that you do, Taz.”

“Good girl,” he crooned, rocking in and out of me.

“Now, I want you to promise me that Kyzer will never touch your pussy. Can you do that?”

“Yes. I promise you.”

He immediately stopped moving within me. I looked at him, eyes wide. His eyes were piercing. I hadn’t responded the way he wanted.

I felt my pussy squeeze him tightly. I was pumping into him, wanting his rhythm to start back up. “I promise you that Kyzer will not touch me there, ever.”

He immediately started flexing himself in and out of me. “That’s much better, baby girl. I don’t want him touching you anywhere, is that understood?”

“Yes, I understand that perfectly.”

He began thrusting harder and faster. I met him thrust for thrust, feeling him deeply inside, the head of his cock now rubbing directly against my sweet spot.

“Oh, God,” I whimpered. “Oh, my God! I love how you fuck me. I love how you make me come.”

He groaned and I felt throbbing deep inside of me, which sent me over into a swirl of pleasurable release, wave after wave as I came and came again. I moaned as I felt my liquid release spill out as if it had been years instead of weeks. He moaned loudly, telling me how sweet my cunt felt to his cock.

His mouth found mine, and we kissed roughly as our climaxes descended upon us, making us one.

chapter 25

I stretched languidly the following morning, arching my back like a cat to get the kinks out. I looked over at my bedside clock. It was only 6:30 a.m. My alarm wasn’t going to go off for another thirty minutes. Hmm, plenty of time, I thought as I glanced over at Taz sleeping next to me, his arm thrown across my breasts possessively.

I rubbed against him until he stirred. He opened his eyes sleepily and yawned. “Damn, I need a mint for what I have in mind.”

I giggled, lifting his arm up off of me and scooted over to my nightstand. I opened the drawer and rooted through it until I found a partial role of butterscotch lifesavers, my favorite.

“Will this do?” I asked, smiling.

“Umm hmm,” he replied, taking one and popping it in his mouth.

“Or we could just go and brush our teeth and gargle.”

“Takes too much time,” he said, kissing me sweetly.

I popped a lifesaver into my mouth and dove under the covers. For the next ten minutes, Taz got to see how a blow job felt butterscotch-style.

“My dick’s going to be so sticky I probably won’t be able to slide a condom on it.”

This brought a fit of giggles from me and then it suddenly dawned on me: we didn’t have any more condoms. We had used two more last night until the wee hours. I stopped my oral ministrations and popped my head out from under the covers.

“What?” he asked.


“Oh shit, that’s right. Well, we’ll just do each other orally,” he replied, “until I can stock up on more.”

“I want to feel you inside of me,” I persisted.

“Lindsey,” he said in a very cautious and warning tone, “let’s not play with fire.”

“Taz, please? We fucked so much last night your sperm count is probably below zero. Besides that, my period is due in like three days, so it isn’t even my fertile period.”

I could tell he wasn’t totally comfortable with the thought of riding bareback. I could see him mentally weighing the pros and cons. Knowing Taz, he was probably running a statistical analysis through his brain.

“How can I refuse you, baby girl?” he finally crooned, kissing me.

I can’t describe how fantastic it was making love with Taz and not having that thin layer of sheepskin between us. It mattered not that his cock was not ribbed, nor glowed in the dark, or was flavored, spiked with a French tickler or anything else, it was his skin against my skin, and it was beautiful.

We both came with a vengeance unlike all other times. I know we were loud. At some point, I think Darcy was pounding against the wall of our adjoining rooms as if to say, “Shut the fuck up.”

We didn’t care. It was all about us and our coupling, and the feel of our skin meeting skin, and how intimate and sexy it felt.

I’d never heard Taz moan as loudly as he did when he came this time. It was totally sexy and satisfying to me knowing that he loved the way that I felt.

Afterwards, coated with a thin film of perspiration, we cuddled next to each other. Taz kept kissing the top of my head, his fingers, softly massaging my breasts that were tender as they always got right before my period.

When my alarm sounded five minutes later, we scurried off and showered together, washing each other in a very intimate way.

Something had changed between Taz and me in just twelve short hours. I was afraid to trust it. I felt so good and secure at this very moment. I didn’t want to part with it. We were both dressing in my room when he checked his iPhone.

“Shit,” he mumbled. “I should’ve checked this last night. I have some reports to review today. Will you be okay if I drop you at school and then pick you up when you’re finished this afternoon?”

“Of course. I actually prefer it that way. I’m in no danger at school with a zillion people around.”

“I meant what I said about Kyzer.”

I blushed, turning to him and hugging him. “Taz, I made a promise to you last night and I meant it.”

“No, sweetheart, I’m talking about you being extremely careful about what you say to him, and paying extra attention to what he says to you, okay.”

My cheeks flushed and my bubble burst. Egg on my face. “Oh, that,” I snapped. “Of course, Taz.”

I went to leave the bedroom and I was immediately hauled back by his strong arms. I was up against his chest, my palms flat against it.

“I meant what I said and what you promised about the other, baby girl. I just trust you enough that I didn’t feel like I needed to remind you of that.”

He lowered his head, his lips kissing mine.

Great save, Matthews!

Taz dropped me off at my first class, telling me he would be back to pick me up when my last class was finished. He said he had reports to read and would be working out of the apartment. He told me to call if anything seemed strange or out of the ordinary to me.

I agreed and told him I would see him later this afternoon. I opened the door to the truck to step down and found myself immediately hauled back into his embrace. He planted a major lip lock on me, causing me to blush (and smile).

“Lindsey,” he said, his eyes very serious, “please be careful and watch what you say, okay?”

I nodded, wondering why he was being so serious at the moment.

“And listen carefully to what’s said to you. Hone your sense of recall of conversations, no matter how innocuous it may seem. I’ll want to know.”

I nodded again, knowing he meant Kyzer, of course. I jumped down from his truck and headed towards the building. Taz drove off.

I’d only walked a few steps when I immediately spotted Kyzer. By the look on his face, I knew he’d been watching my interaction with Taz. He turned from me, a look of total disdain marring his otherwise good looks.

“Kyzer, wait,” I called after him, speeding up my pace to catch up. “I need to explain.”

“Explain what?” he asked, sounding very disappointed and sad. He was still walking.

“Please stop for a minute, I want to explain.”

He halted right then and there and turned to look at me. I felt badly for the look of hurt I saw on his face, knowing that I was responsible for it.

“Explain why you lied to me yesterday about his feelings for you and your apparent feelings for him?”

“I know that’s how it looks, but I didn’t lie. A lot happened last night that even I don’t understand myself. I’m new at this. I haven’t had any serious relationships before. I wanted you to be someone I could explore that with.”

“Evidently, I’m not the person you want anymore.”

“Kyzer, I’m sorry. I really am.”

I didn’t know what more I could say. I couldn’t tell him that Taz and I had something serious going, because I wasn’t sure that we did. All I was sure of at the moment was that the chemistry between Taz and me was indisputable.

It was new territory for me sexually, and for Taz, it was undeniably new territory for him emotionally.

I knew that I was emotionally attached to Taz in a very guarded way. My instincts told me that Taz was fighting the attachment because it was foreign to him until now. He was apprehensive at best.

“There’s no need to apologize. You feel what you feel. I can’t fault you for that. If things change between you and whatever-he-is to you, I would always welcome another chance.”

“Oh, Kyzer,” I replied, putting my hand on his shoulder. “I’m not sure where any of this is going, but I hope you and I are still friends.”

“Absolutely,” he said with a faint smile. “You can never have too many friends. You’ve come to be a very important one to me. I’m grateful for that.”

“Do you want to meet for lunch today?” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied, giving me a weak smile. “See you then.”

We parted ways, going to our individual classes. I thought about how well Kyzer had ultimately reacted, once he knew that I hadn’t lied to him yesterday.

I bumped into Darcy on the way to my first class. I suspected she’d gone out of her way to run into me, since her first class was in a different building.

“Well, well,” she said, getting a shit-eating grin going. “I’m surprised to see you made it to school today. No, strike that, I’m surprised to see that you’re even able to walk today after the workout you had going all night long.”

She started giggling as I looked at her trying to maintain a serious demeanor, but not managing to do so.

“Whatever, Darcy,” I said with a smile. “It’s not as if both you and Jill haven’t kept me awake all night on many occasions. I guess it was finally my turn, right?”

“Yeah, I would say it’s definitely about time. You two were rocking it, that’s for damn sure. I didn’t know you even knew those kinds of words.”

She managed to get a blush out of me on that one.

“So what are you going to do about Kyzer?”

“He already knows,” I replied. “He saw Taz pull me back for a kiss this morning in the truck.”

“No shit? Well a picture is worth a thousand words, so I guess he got the message.”

“We talked about it. He said something to me just yesterday about Taz having feelings for me.”

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