G-Men: The Series (75 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: G-Men: The Series
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“Taz, stop, please,” I begged. He stopped and released his hold on me enough that I slid down against him, feeling every part of him as I did.

His hands gathered my hair at the nape of my neck, pulling my face to his as our lips met. I laced my arms around his neck and kissed him with matching fervor. I felt his hands on my breasts, massaging them as his lips moved to my ear.

“Are we good to go, babe? Have you been taking your pill like a good girl?”

“Mmm, yes,” I replied, my lips teasing his. “We still have to use condoms for another week.”


“I’m afraid so.”

“You’re staying with me tonight after Slate and I finish up here.”

“Okay,” I replied, molding myself to him. We were still kissing when Slate returned and cleared his throat.

“Ready, Taz?”

I took Bryce from him and got him settled with some of his toys in the kitchen, while I cleaned up the dinner dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

Slate was questioning Taz about someone named “Calvin” who apparently had been randomly shot a couple of hours after he’d bonded out of jail.

As soon as I finished in the kitchen, I took Bryce into the bathroom and ran a bath for him, putting his tub toys in that he loved playing with. He splashed around for a while and then we got down to business with the bath. He absolutely hated having his hair washed, but we got through it.

I put a clean diaper on him and got him in his pajamas. I took him by the hand and led him into the master suite so that he could say good-night to Mom. She was still up, watching a movie on television.

“Want some company, Mom?”

“Sure,” she replied, patting the bed beside her so Bryce would crawl up on it. He did and settled in next to her.

“He’ll be fine here until Slate comes in,” she said. “You can go about whatever it is you wanted to do this evening,” she said, noticing the fact that I’d changed and made myself up since she saw me earlier. “I take it Taz is back.”

“Yes, he is. I’m spending the night over there tonight, as a matter-of-fact.”

“Well, I hope you’re using protection, Lindsey. I’m not just talking about birth control either. I worry about you catching some STD you’ll have for the rest of your life.”

She was really getting on my nerves. She didn’t seem like my mother anymore. I realized she was ill and nervous, carrying twins that might not come to term. But why in the hell was she being so judgmental with me?

“Mom, do you need anything else?”

“No. I’ve had enough.”

I left Bryce with her and went to the living room and switched on the television. I wasn’t sure how much longer Taz and Slate were going to be.

I snuggled up on the sofa and had just dozed off when I felt Taz’s hands brushing my hair.

“Ready, baby girl?”

I pulled myself up, grabbing my jacket.”

“Oh yes,” I replied, shrugging it on. “Let’s go.”

chapter 38

~ TAZ ~

Lindsey fell asleep in my truck on the way to my place. She’d better rest now, because she wasn’t going to be getting much later. Hell, just kissing her earlier had left me with a hard-on that I’m sure Slate hadn’t missed when I joined him.

I gazed over at her face as she slept. Lindsey was beautiful and cute, innocent and sexy, sweet and a smart-ass. That was what fascinated me so much about her. She was multi-dimensional, yet not complicated.

I felt bad that I’d purposely not called her while I was gone. I had ample opportunity to call her more than I had. I guess I was trying to prove to myself that I wasn’t pussy-whipped (like Slate) or that she wasn’t under my skin. Clearly, I was in denial, because I was and she was.

I pulled my truck up to the curb.

“Come on, sweetie,” I said, leaning over and kissing her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. I loved her smile. It was one of those smiles that included her eyes.

Once inside, I helped her off with her jacket. “Why don’t you go crawl into my bed, baby girl? I’m wall-to-wall stink here, so I’m going to grab a shower. I’ll be there in a few.”

“Okay,” she answered, standing on her tiptoes to kiss me sweetly. “Don’t keep me waiting long.”

She had no worries there.

I jumped into the hot shower, lathering up and washing the grime of the day off in record time.

With nothing but a towel wrapped around my hips, I headed to the bedroom. There she was, curled up in her sexy, silky underwear, sleeping soundly.

There was no way I was going to wake her up. I had an angel in my bed. I dropped the towel and climbed under the covers, my arm reaching out to pull her against me.

I fell asleep wrapped around her. I’d never slept better than when Lindsey was in my arms.

When I awoke, the sun was streaming in through the slats of the blinds. I felt Lindsey stir against me. I was fairly certain she’d felt my morning wood poking into her backside. I nuzzled my face into her hair, softly kissing the nape of her neck. I felt her shiver against me.

My hands found her breasts, gently massaging and teasing the nipples with my fingertips. She wriggled back against me, my hardness now very evident.

She turned from her side onto her back, and I straddled her, bending down to kiss her face, the tip of her nose, her chin and then her lips.

My fingers lowered to the sweetness between her legs. She was wet already. Lindsey and I generally enjoyed a fair amount of foreplay, but this morning, both of us needed something different.

My knee nudged her thighs apart and she looked up at me.

“We need a condom still, remember?”

“I need to feel you,” I replied, lowering myself into her.

In one quick thrust, I buried myself into her. She moaned and wrapped her legs around my hips, pulling me deeper, if that was even possible.

I rose up, balancing my weight on my arms that were placed on either side of her. My hips swiveled as I backed in and out of her, thrusting myself into her warm sweetness again and again.

Her soft moans were music to my ears. I’d never felt the satisfaction I felt in pleasuring Lindsey with any other chick. For whatever reason, she mattered to me and her pleasure seemed more important than mine.

“Fuck me harder, Taz,” she moaned against my lips, her back arching upward as I slammed in to her.

Our rhythm increased, and like clockwork, we came together, spiraling into the pleasurable abyss of release.

Afterwards, she rested her head on my chest as my fingers stroked her face and hair.

“I really missed you.”

“I missed you too, baby girl.”


I lifted her chin so that she was looking at me. My eyes studied hers. “Why do you doubt that?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “I didn’t hear much from you. I figured it was out of sight, out of mind.”

“Yeah,” I sighed, “I know I need to get with the program, babe. I’m new to this boyfriend stuff.”

“That’s okay,” she said, smiling impishly at me. “You’ll learn.”

Lindsey and I spent another hour in bed, making up for our lost foreplay. Afterwards, we showered together. I cooked breakfast for her and she cleaned up the kitchen afterwards.

I’d questioned her during breakfast as to whether she’d heard from Kyzer lately. She said she hadn’t.

It was odd that he’d slipped beneath the radar just around the time we made the bust in Philly. I made a note to check his whereabouts on the GPS. I hadn’t thought to do that since Lindsey had moved back home. I hadn’t felt the need.

The bust in Philly had gone down without a hitch.

Some major players were popped, and the district agents in Philly were taking over with the federal prosecutor to see if plea bargains were an option for names of others, higher up.

Unfortunately, Calvin had “lawyered-up” immediately. That had actually surprised both Slate and I, since he was relatively new to criminal activities and fairly small-time.

I figured he’d watched a lot of television and knew to clam up and ask for a lawyer. Now that he was dead, we had no means of getting a plea deal with him, meaning we didn’t know the identity of the dirty CBP agent that was clearing the illegal substance coming in with the green coffee beans.

Slate had ordered U.S. Customs to release the details on every manifest coming into the Port of Baltimore with cargo coded as “coffee beans” for the past three months, plus those coming in for the next two weeks. He was hoping to find a match.

I don’t think he knew just how much coffee is imported into the U.S., not to mention that “green” coffee beans aren’t assigned a separate Harmonized Tariff Code than any other type of coffee bean.

We’d been swamped with copies of commercial invoices and import declarations to sort through, recording information as to the shipper and consignee or importer of record.

We scanned all the docs, including those shipments currently on the water, and uploaded them to Kim at headquarters for analysis. This was her expertise. She could pull, scrub and analyze data better than anyone I’d ever known. She was also a great hacker, but that was just a sideline usually requested by me.

Lindsey interrupted my thoughts as I was checking my e-mail on my laptop. “You aren’t going to be working all day, are you?”

“Slate asked me to hang tight until he gets back from Deep Meadows prison. He wants to fill me in on what he finds out from Davey, and then compare it to what our lab came up with on their interpretation of that formula that was in the metal lockbox.”

“Hmmph,” she mumbled, “so I guess you’re working all day.”

“It comes with the territory. Sorry, babe.”

“Well, I had plans to meet Darcy for lunch later this afternoon. I was fully willing to blow her off for you, though.”

I pulled her onto my lap, giving her wet, sloppy kisses on her neck. “Why don’t you go ahead and meet her? You guys don’t see each other that much anymore. I’ll take care of business here and wait for Slate to fill me in when he gets back. How about I make dinner for us tonight here?”

“Well, I do have to eat, I guess. Is there a sleep-over involved?”

“As long as you don’t have to be anywhere else,” I said. “Clear it with the folks.”

She gave me a hard smack on my shoulder. “My mom knows about us and she isn’t pleased.”

I could tell she regretted saying it the minute it left her lips.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “It isn’t that she doesn’t like you, Taz.”

“Well, I’m glad to see it’s nothing personal then.”

“I mean, it’s more about the age and level of experience difference.”

“She thinks I’m a whore-dog.”

Lindsey got a sheepish look on her face and looked up at me. “She’s worried you’ll give me some lifelong STD.”

“Jesus Christ,” I bellowed, “you’re the only chick I’ve ever rode bareback on, does she know that?”

, she doesn’t know
and it’s really none of her business,” she replied, irritated.

“I mean, Christ, if she knew how much more pussy Slate tagged than me, maybe she wouldn’t be so quick to label me as a man-whore.”

“Oh, stop,” she said, getting up from my lap. “Let’s not let her cause friction between us. I shouldn’t have said anything, but in case she seems different with you, I thought you should know why.”

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