G-Men: The Series (84 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: G-Men: The Series
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“Lindsey,” Taz said gently, “I want you to see someone, baby. I know that you think you’re fine, but you’re not. You rarely want to leave the house, even with me. I come home tonight and find you cowering in the corner. It’s time you faced what happened, baby girl.”

I was on his lap, my arms wrapped around his neck, my face buried in his strong chest. I knew he was right. I nodded against him.

“Alright, then,” he said, kissing my hair. “We’ll find someone tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay,” I replied.

Taz lit some of the aromatherapy candles in our room. The power had not come back on, but it didn’t matter. I felt safe and comforted now.

We crawled beneath the sheets of the bed, the storm still crashing down around us, flashes of lightning coming through the stained glass window over the bed.

We were both naked, wrapped around each other like every other night. I moved on top of him, straddling his mid-section with my legs. I lowered my face to his and we kissed.

“I need you to be rough with me,” I whispered against his lips. “I need you to ravage me.”

I watched as one hand clasped his cock that was already erect. His other arm lifted me up, and turned me so that my back was to him. His fingers plied the folds of my sex, fingering me roughly, as I quickly grew wet for him.

I felt his hands clasp my hips, lifting me up and settling me down onto his erection. He was fully inside of me now, as his hips bucked up and down and my legs were folded up on each side of him.

I swiveled my hips, riding him up and down, fast and rough, crying out with pleasure.

“Lean forward,” he instructed, and I did.

His hands roughly clasped the cheeks of my ass as he moved me up and down, back and forth. I felt the palm of his hand as he slapped my ass, the sting of his skin against mine, again and again.

“More?” he asked.

“Oh, yes,” I said. And he delivered more stinging slaps to my sensitive skin that was warm and flushed pink now.

Taz raised me up and off of him, I whined.

“I want to see your face when you come,” he said, turning me to face him, and lowering me once again onto his hardened cock. “I love watching you come, baby.”

I rocked up and down on his shaft, bending over so my breasts were brushing against him.

His hands clasped them roughly, massaging the nipples with his fingertips, pinching them until I moaned with the painful pleasure.

I was whimpering now, ready to come and he knew it. He bucked me up and down until we both screamed out in pleasure as our orgasms unraveled together.

Afterwards, I cuddled up under his arm, my fingertips lightly tracing his bellybutton.

“I’m so glad you’re mine,” I whispered against his chest.

chapter 51

I was lying on my back on one of the deck chairs by the side of the swimming pool at Darcy’s house. She’d given me an early birthday gift…a string bikini that she told me I totally rocked.

It was July 4th weekend and I was hanging with Darcy.

We had been hanging with each other quite a bit as of late. That was because both Darin and Taz were working on a case, together. They had been in Detroit for the past three weeks. I’d heard from Taz last night. The assignment was wrapping up and he thought they’d be home this evening.

Having Darin gone for three weeks totally flipped Darcy out. I told her she needed to get used to it.

She said Darin had been as excited as a kid at Christmas with getting a real assignment with Special Agent Matthews.

According to Darcy, Taz was a legend for what had gone down in Marietta, Georgia nearly six months ago.

“Your tummy looks as flat and sexy as before,” Darcy commented, taking her place on the chaise lounge next to me. “You’d never know you had that colonoscopy. There’s no scar or anything.”

I corrected, looking at her from beneath my sunglasses.

“Whatever, the point is, you’re good as new.”

“I’ve been blessed,” I admitted. “Most of the scars have vanished.”

“What do you mean
of the scars? I don’t see a one.”

“I’m not talking the
scars, Darce. The psychological ones run much deeper. Taz was right about that.”

“So, have you finished up with the counseling?”

“Yep,” I said. “Dr. Beatty thinks we have dealt with the demons and I’m good to go.”

“Speaking of demons, when is Kyzer and Susan’s trial?”

“It’s not scheduled until this fall. I’m not worried about it. Dr. Beatty thinks I’m strong enough to face the trial.”

“And what does Dr. Matthews say?” she smirked.

“He concurs. He’s been my best medicine all through this anyway.”

“So, did you break down and spoil the surprises you have for him?” she asked, eying my new belly-button ring.

“Nope, I wanted it to be a surprise, remember? You’re the one that can’t stand surprises.”

“Let me see if you’re all healed up back there.”

I rolled onto my side, presenting my butt to Darcy as I lowered the small piece of material that was covering it.

“That looks so good,” she said. “Taz is going to love it.”

“He better, because if he doesn’t, I’m letting him know it was your idea.”

Darcy had convinced me to get a tat on my right butt cheek. It was the Tasmanian devil cartoon, with the name “Taz” scrolled underneath. I knew he would love it. I kissed two fingers and touched the tattoo, giving my Taz a kiss.

Darcy moaned, rolling her eyes.

“You guys are so freaking in love,” she said, smiling.

“So, what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing at all. I’m kind of jealous, actually.”

“Jealous? Why would you be jealous? You and Darin love each other.”

“We do,” she admitted, leaning back and pulling her sunglasses down from the top of her head where they had been perched, “but you guys are so intense with your love. I mean really intense.”

“We’ve been through a lot together,” I said with a shrug. “That’s probably the reason. We’re about to go through some new stuff, actually.”

“Oh, really? Anything you want to share with your BFF?”

“I really shouldn’t before I share it with Taz, but I could use your opinion, I suppose.”

“Okay, spill.”

“I have one more surprise for Taz when he gets home. I’m pregnant.”

“What?” she shrieked, ripping her sunglasses off to stare at me. “How did that happen?”

“How do you think, Darcy?” I laughed.

“I mean you guys weren’t being careful, using something?”

“Most of the time,” I replied. “Sometimes, we just kind of got carried away. I guess we thought the odds were on our side.”

“You don’t seem very flipped-out about it.”

“I’m not,” I replied, rubbing some sunscreen on my face.

“So, you’re not worried that Taz will be upset?”

“I guess it’s like this, if Taz is upset, then he’s not the Taz that I know and love. I may not always be the best at judging people, case in point: Kyzer
but I feel pretty good about knowing Taz’s character.”

“So, tell me, how are you going to give him the good news?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about that. I’m thinking about making a nice, romantic dinner for us. Then saying something about how much we love one another.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Darcy said, literally on the edge of her chaise hanging on my every word.

“And then asking what he thought about our love plus one.”

“Love plus one, hmm, I like that, Linds. I think it’s perfect. So, when are you going to tell him?”

“Well, now that you know, I suppose tonight when he gets home. I know you can’t keep a damn thing from Darin. So, do me a favor?”

“Of course, what?”

“Keep your pie-hole shut until at least tomorrow, okay?”

“You got it.”

“And if Taz chooses to tell Darin in the next day or two, tell him to please act surprised?”

“Absolutely,” she said, grinning.

“Thank you.”

“So, when is your due date?”

“December 18th.”

“I’m so excited,” she said, giggling. “Can I tell Jill?”

“Have you even talked to Jill?”

“Yeah, we keep in touch. You know she’s engaged to Gabe, right?”

“Yeah, have they set a date yet?”

“Next summer. She’s moved in with him. Now that you’re taking the rest of your schooling on-line, it sure is lonely around the old place.”

“For crying out loud, why don’t you finish your degree on line? I mean, really, you’d be closer to Darin.”

“I’m thinking about it,” she replied. “It’s just a little harder to bribe male professors when you’re not smack dab in front of them with a push-up bra and low-cut sweater on.”

“Or you could just opt to do your assignments on time and study for your tests.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s an option as well.”

“So, when do you think you and Taz will get married?”


Now it was my turn to whip my sunglasses off and gape at her. “Who said anything about marriage?”

“Well, gee,” she replied, rolling her eyes, “with the baby coming and all, I just assumed that would be the natural progression of things.”

“Marriage has not been discussed between Taz and me up to this point and I don’t see why that should change.”

“I don’t know,” Darcy replied, “Taz may feel differently about that. He is supporting you and all.”

Now Darcy had clearly hit a nerve.

“Hey, I have my own funds. I have the money Mom put away for my college once she sold the house in Indy. My tuition is cheaper taking these on-line classes, so I contribute. He’s not paying my way.”

“Okay, maybe not right now, but what about after you graduate or the money runs out?”

“My grandmother wants me to take a position at Banion.”

“I see, so you’ll be in Indianapolis, and Taz will be here. May I ask where the baby will be?”

“Darcy,” I said, plainly irritated, “we have plenty of time to work out the kinks.”

The truth was, I hadn’t given a thought to those “kinks” myself, other than to brush them from my mind whenever they popped in.

“Hey,” she said, interrupting my thoughts, “what about Taz’s family? Are they close by?”

Taz was fairly closed-mouthed about his family. I hadn’t seen or heard him talk to them on the phone. It seemed as if they simply didn’t keep in touch.

I’d questioned him a few times on the subject. He claimed they simply weren’t close. There was no estrangement. He had one older brother and a younger sister. His parents ran a business of some sort in Napa Valley, California.

“His family lives in Northern California. I gather they’re not close.”

“Well, that’s good. At least you won’t have any in-laws interfering in the mix.”

“Hey, how’s your mom doing?”

“I talked to her this morning. Other than feeling like a beached whale, all’s good.”

“So, like, you haven’t shared the news with her?”

“No, just you up to this point. Remember your promise.”

“Yeah, yeah. Not to worry.”

My cell phone sounded. I picked it up, glancing at the screen and smiled. Darcy’s phone was now ringing too. Our G-men were coming home.

“Hey,” I said into the phone, my butterflies fluttering.

“Hey, baby girl, I’m on my way home and I’m horny.”

“Oh, Taz,” I gushed, “you’re so romantic.”

I winked at Darcy. There was no need for her to know what he said. Darcy was giggling at her end with Darin. He’d probably told her the exact same thing.

“I’ll be there before you get there,” I said.

Darcy ended her call, sitting up and putting her sandals on.

“Shit, I’ve got to head home. I need to get that romantic dinner started before Taz hits the door. He’s on his way already.”

“Yeah, I’ve got to wax,” she replied, smiling.

I gathered my all my stuff, shoving it into my knapsack. I pulled a T-shirt on over my skimpy bikini.

“Thanks for the gift, Darce. Taz will love it.”

“Call me tomorrow and give me the all-clear to run my mouth, okay?”

“You got it,” I said, putting my flip-flops on and heading towards her driveway.

By the time I got home, I had exactly twenty minutes to get dinner going. I put a salad together, heated up some left-over mac and cheese, and put a couple of pork chops under the broiler on low heat.

I set the table in the kitchen and was pouring ice-water into the tumblers when I heard him come through the front door.

“Hey babe,” he called out, coming down the hallway.

“I’m in the kitchen,” I hollered back, checking the pork chops.

“Mmm, something smells good,” he said, coming into the kitchen. He saw me wearing nothing but the T-shirt I’d thrown on over my suit, and the flip flops.

“Where were you when I called?” he asked, popping a cherry tomato from the salad into his mouth.

“Oh, I was swimming at Darcy’s,” I replied. “Give me a minute to change.”

I went into the bedroom, shrugging the T-shirt off and over my head, not realizing Taz had followed me in there until I heard the long, low cat whistle he gave me when he saw my gift from Darcy.

“That’s some skimpy suit,” he said, walking towards me, the intent in his eyes very clear.

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