Games (Timeless Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Games (Timeless Series)
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Oui, monsieur
,” she said, allowing him to help her stand. As he swept her into a glorious waltz, she felt like the belle of the ball again.

When the dance ended he escorted her back to the blanket.

Colin, who’d just helped Libby sit, held out his hand. “It’s good to see you, Bradford. Would you care to join us?”

“For a bit,” he said, taking his outstretched hand,
then sitting beside Giselle.

They chatted until someone called, “There you are, Bradford.” An older woman marched toward their group. “I’m ready to leave. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Bradford stood to introduce his mother to them, then turned to Libby and bowed. “I enjoyed our talk.”

As Giselle offered her brightest smile, disappointment welled in her tummy. “I did, too. It was nice meeting you,
Madame Tyler.” She watched them go, wishing he could have stayed longer. Bradford, a breeder who owned a small stud farm in the area, seemed attractive enough. Hopefully she’d see him again.

She leaned her head back to capture more of the cool breeze and closed her eyes. Maybe he’d be someone who could make her forget Simon Harrington.

As if her thoughts had conjured him up, she couldn’t believe her ears when his familiar voice floated through the air.

“Hello, Giselle.”

She opened her eyes and stared in stunned fascination as he sat down next to her.

“Is this seat taken?
May I sit here?”

. You can sit wherever you like,

“Thank you. But
it’s Simon, remember?”

?” Confusion clouded her eyes.

“My name.
I want to hear it on your lips,” he said, leaning close so only she could hear.

His whispered voice sent chills up and down her spine. As she straightened, her laughter erupted. He was a bold man and she had to laugh at his audacity. Her laughter brought the attention of Colin and Libby.

“Introduce us to your friend, Giselle.” Libby put out her hand. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Libby. Won’t you join us?”

Simon stood and bowed. “Allow me,
ma’am.” He took Libby’s hand in his and brought it to his lips. “Simon Harrington, at your service.” After letting go of her hand, he turned and nodded. “Hello, Colin. It’s nice to see you again. How is it you’ve captured two beautiful women while the rest of us are empty-handed?”

“Just lucky, I guess,” Colin said, giving a jovial grunt. “It’s good to see you again, too. Libby’s right. Why don’t you sit back down and join us
? I can see that Giselle certainly won’t mind and I welcome the relief. I find it hard enough to keep up with one woman.”

Giselle’s cheeks flushed with warmth and the men laughed. Libby remained silent, keeping a narrowed gaze on what had to be her pink face.

“I believe you know Malcolm,” Colin said. “This is his wife, Susan.” The Websters were seated on a nearby blanket.

Simon nodded to Malcolm, and the two shook
hands. He bowed to Susan and kissed her hand.

He sat back down and engaged in small talk with the group. When the talk died, Simon’s low voice interrupted Giselle’s thoughts.


“Well what?”
She looked over at Simon with questioning eyes.

“Aren’t you going to say it?”

Again, his voice was whisper soft, like a feather brushing over her with the slightest stroke.

“Say what?” Giselle evaded, praying he wouldn’t notice how her skin was dotted with goose bumps caused by the touch of his words.

“You know what I want to hear.” An amused emerald gaze caught hers and would not let it go. “Say it!” he commanded firmly, without releasing his mental hold.

Giselle swallowed hard.

She closed her eyes to break eye contact and gain some equilibrium, taking a deep, calming breath before opening them.
Mon Dieu
, how could this man make her feel as if a million butterflies were fluttering in her stomach so easily with just a few words and a glance?

Looking at him now, with his jacket discarded and his shirtsleeves rolled up, Simon presented an utterly masculine picture. That, along with his spicy male scent wafting under her nose every now and then, scrambl
ed her thoughts. She was totally aware of him, sitting next to her with his thigh barely grazing hers. As much as she tried to ignore the feelings he brought out in her, it was an impossible task. She was playing a dangerous game, but she had no power to detach herself from engaging in the match.

Smiling brightly
, she finally met his amused gaze again and relented to his request.

“Simon.” She paused. “What brings you here,
? I thought you would be long gone by now, chasing villains or solving cases.”

His bark of laughter filled the air. “
, Giselle. I’ll be gone soon enough. My plans changed due to knocking out my informant. I have a bit of time to kill, so here I am.” His focus wandered. “I see you’ve been busy with your fishes.” He searched the horizon before channeling his attention back to her. “I wasn’t expecting to see you, but I can’t say I’m not pleased.”

Giselle peered at him through half
-lidded eyes, working to discern his mood. When he picked up her hand, fingering it before bringing it to his lips, the warmth of his skin sent sensations shooting through her. She looked away, trying to break the spell he seemed to be casting. Her breath caught in her throat when his next words floated past her ears.

“I don’t know what it is about you. I tried to pretend I didn’t see you. I tried to walk away. But I couldn’t.” His gaze raked her from head to toe. “You’re the epitome of femininity, dressed in your blue muslin gown, drawing me like a moth to flame. I only thank God I’m on my way to Cincinnati this evening, otherwise I’d be worried.”

“There goes one,” Colin said, pointing.

Giselle sent up a thankful prayer at the timely interruption. Simon seemed to see too much. He made her feel…well…almost naked
, if that were possible. His heated words caused stirrings deep within she’d rather not experience.

Her attention moved to where Colin’s finger aimed. The distraction worked.

Everyone’s eyes looked skyward, gazes fastened on the ascending red, yellow, and blue balloon with basket as it floated heavenward, heading for a distant target. Other balloons joined the original one, dotting the cloudless sky with more vibrant colors—greens, pinks, golds, and oranges.

During their ascent, Giselle’s elation soared like the balloons in the air as memories of Paris surfaced. She glanced at Simon and noted his careful scrutiny
of her, one full of speculation.

“Am I amusing you, Simon?” She worked to keep annoyance out of her voice. “You seem so fascinated by what you see.”

“Aye, Giselle, I can’t deny it. You do fascinate me.” Then he chuckled. “But isn’t that part of your game?”

How so? We are not playing games.”

“Aren’t we?”
His penetrating stare pierced hers, holding her captive. “Trouble is, I know better. I shouldn’t be here with you now, but somehow I can’t seem to resist your hook.” With a self-deprecating laugh, he shook his head. “I’m no better than all the other fishes swimming about, hoping for a bit of your attention.”

Giselle couldn’t help but laugh and Simon raised his eyebrows.

, Simon. That is not true. The thought of you swimming about hoping for anyone’s attention is a funny one. You demand my attention, and you well know it.”

“Just as you demand mine!”
A smile softened the hard edges of his face, transforming it, making him appear more dangerous. “Why do you think that is?”

“I do
not know. But I do not want to argue. Since you are here, why not simply enjoy each other’s company?”

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea, but I can’t find the will to walk away.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips once more. “Since I apparently have no choice, I do intend to enjoy what’s left of the day.”

Giselle beamed and her genuine smile seemed to catch Simon off guard. He cleared his throat and dropped her hand as his attention moved to the others in the group.

Her time with Simon passed too quickly for Giselle as the sun lowered and they enjoyed an evening meal. Once the night sky darkened, the fireworks began.

Everyone’s gaze was focused above as vibrant bursts of green, red, blue, and yellow exploded in a spectacular display.

“Come here.” Giselle heard Simon’s whisper. “They’ve only eyes for each other.” Then, taking advantage of Libby and Colin’s distraction, he pulled Giselle closer and placed her head onto the crook of his shoulder with his arm around her. “You’ll have to forgive me. I know I’m being forward, but I can’t help it. You’re too tempting.”

Giselle closed her eyes. His words washed over her and she breathed in the scent of him. She really shouldn’t be allowing him such liberties, yet she felt so comfortable and safe in his embrace. And he was right. No one was paying any attention to the two of them. She sighed, let her body go limp, and kept her gaze on the heavens above bursting in color.

This afternoon had been magical. Simon had kept her laughing with his stories and he fit in so well with the entire group. She wished she had more time with him. Even though she took her father’s warning about the man to heart, it was hard not to see him in a different light after today. She couldn’t help wondering why he seemed so attractive to her, when he was so unsuitable and would soon be gone. Was that the allure?


Giselle watched Simon until she could no longer see him, then sighed wistfully. Putting him out of her mind after today and finding someone more exciting or more appealing would be tough feats to accomplish. She leaned back and closed her eyes as her smile returned.
Difficult, but not impossible. After all, was she not Giselle Franklin, master of her game, as Simon had put it? She’d met several nice gentlemen last night and some paid court to her today. Those men definitely offered some diversion.

The carriage halted at Galt House Hotel. Colin helped first Libby and then turned to help Giselle. She climbed out and followed them into the lobby.

Several of Collin’s business acquaintances waylaid him and they all stopped to chat.

“Miss Franklin?”

Giselle turned at the sound of her name.

Bradford Tyler walked toward her, looking as dashing as earlier. A smile stole across her face at his disarming grin.

Monsieur Tyler,” she exclaimed in a pleased voice. “How nice to see you again so soon.”

“The pleasure is totally mine. What luck to find you here! Might I join you?”

“I would be honored.” Giselle held her smile in place and watched the tall, handsome man with blond hair and fair coloring take her outstretched gloved hand to his lips for a quick kiss. His intelligent blue eyes sparkled as he met her gaze.

Colin said good-bye to his friends and turned with his hand held out. “Bradford, it’s nice to see you.” They shook hands, and the foursome exchanged small talk until Colin said, “There’s someone I want to introduce you to, Libby. Excuse us, this will only take a moment.”

“Of course.
Maybe we could converse while you’re busy.” Bradford looked expectantly at Giselle. “That is, if Miss Franklin has no objections.” At her nod, he motioned toward a sofa. “Shall we?”

Nodding, Giselle followed him to the sofa smiling inwardly.
What good fortune.
His presence offered her a chance to coax him into wooing her. Simon Harrington’s mocking expression entered her thoughts just then.
. He would not intrude. With steely determination, she rendered her best smile, pushing the man completely out of her mind.

The entire time
she and Bradford talked, Giselle flirted outrageously. By the end of their chat, judging from the adoration mirrored in his vivid blue eyes, she was satisfied. She’d accomplished her goal. He’d be making a trip to see her. Soon.

Bradford stood, looking at his timepiece. “I still can’t believe my luck in finding you here, but I must take my leave if I’m to promptly meet my mother.” He heaved a regretful sigh. “I’ll escort you to your friends.”

I think I shall sit here for a bit,” Giselle replied, shaking her head. “They are right over there and I am quite comfortable.”

“Of course, Miss Franklin.
I enjoyed our visit.”

“Please, call me Giselle.” She smiled, sweetening her words with honey. “I think it
is appropriate, don’t you?”

“Oh yes
, Miss Franklin. I mean, Giselle.” Bradford blushed profusely. “And I’d be honored if you would call me Bradford.”

“Then Bradford it is.” She held out her hand.

He kissed her hand a second time, then bowed. “I look forward to calling on you in Shelbyville.”

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