Gansett After Dark (14 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Gansett After Dark
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Alex cringed as Mac glowered.

“You’ll pay for that later,” Mac said.

“I’m not afraid of you. I have things that you want.”

“Damn straight you do.”

“And that,” Jared said, “is our cue to move along, people.”

They got up and gathered the empty bottles and glasses.

“Was it something I said?” Mac asked.

“You know it was.” Maddie rolled her eyes at her husband, who was never shy about his desire to spend time alone with her. She loved that about him, not that she’d ever tell him that.

They said good night and thank you to Daisy and David for babysitting and saw them out the door.

Mac locked up and turned off the outside lights once they were safely in their cars.

“You didn’t have to run them off,” Maddie said as they went upstairs together.

“I can tell you’re about to fall over, but you’d never say so.”

“Don’t act like you know me so well.”

“I know you better than anyone, and I also know this pregnancy is kicking your ass big-time.”

“Yes,” she said with a sigh, “it is. I’ve never been so tired in my entire life. I can’t figure out why this time is so different than the last two times.”

“Um, maybe the fact that you have two other kids to contend with while you’re pregnant might have something to do with it?”

“Could be.”

“I need to be doing a better job of helping you out around here.”

“This is your busy season at the marina. You’re doing what you can.”

“I could spend more time at home. We’re not that busy, and I have partners who can help me so I can help you.”

“You don’t have to do that, Mac. So I’m a little tired. I’ll get through it. Taking care of the kids and the house is my job.”

He came to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “It’s
job, and I don’t mind taking on more around here while you’re busy growing Malcolm the third in there.”

She raised a brow. “Malcolm the third? First of all, how do you know it’s a
, and second of all,

“Is this your way of saying you don’t like my name?”

“I like Mac a lot better than Malcolm.”

“So do I. So we’ll call him Mac.”

“There’re already too many Macs in this family, and Janey still wants to name a kid McCarthy and call him Mac. That’ll be mayhem.”

“Then we’ll call him M.J.”

“Along with P.J?” she asked, reminding him of his new nephew.

“We have to come up with something. I grew up hating my name, but now that I’m older, I love that I was named after my dad. I love being the oldest son and the one who got to carry on the tradition. I want the same for this guy, even if he’s not my oldest son.”

“You have no idea what it does to me when you talk about Thomas that way.”

“How else would I talk about him? He is my son. He’s been my son since the day I met the two of you.”

She bit her lip and shook her head.


“I should be used to it by now.”

His brows knitted with confusion. “Used to what?”

“You and the amazing way you love us. Almost two years married, and you’re still taking my breath away.”

He put his arms around her. “You do the same to me. Every damned day.”

She slipped her arms around his waist and held on tight to him.

“Let’s get you in bed.”

Determined to fight through the powerful exhaustion so she could spend some more time with her husband, Maddie changed into one of the silky nightgowns he loved, brushed her hair and teeth and got into bed with him.

“Come here,” he said, reaching for her.

She curled up to him and relaxed into his embrace. “I can’t remember what it was like to sleep alone.”

“Neither can I, but I suspect it was kind of boring and lonely.”

“Compared to this, anything else would be.”

“Mmm, so true.” He rubbed her back in small circles. “Go to sleep, honey.”

“You don’t want to…”

“Not tonight. You need the sleep more than you need me.”

“That is never true.”

“Shh. Go to sleep. We’ve got millions of nights when we can do all sorts of naughty things.”

“Like what? Tell me about them.”

“Well, first…”

Maddie fell asleep to the familiar, comforting sound of his voice.

Chapter 10

“A bride should not ever, ever,
do dishes on her wedding night,” Seamus declared as he came into the house after seeing off the last of their guests. He shut the door, locked it, turned off the outside lights and then leaned against the door.

Tomorrow, they would face a frightful mess in the yard, and Carolina had decided to try to make a dent on the equally frightful mess in the kitchen sink, but apparently her new husband wasn’t having it.

Husband… She hadn’t had one of those in more than thirty years. How odd it was to use that word again so long after her dear husband Pete had been killed in an accident. Carolina dried her hands on a dishtowel and turned to him. “Where did you hear of this rule?”

“It’s in the marriage bible under part B subsection two point two: a bride should never, ever, ever do dishes on her wedding night. Rather, it reads, she should service her husband in any way he sees fit and show him how truly grateful she is to have had the good fortune to marry him.”

If they each lived to be a hundred years old—of course she’d get there way before he did—he’d probably never stop making her laugh. “You just made that up.”

“I had to do something. I thought you were in here making yourself ready for me, and I find you doing the dishes. This called for drastic measures and rulebooks.”

“How were you expecting me to ‘make myself ready’ for you?”

“By getting naked, for one thing.”

“So you expected me to be standing naked in the kitchen, waiting for you to tell me how best I can service you?”

“That would’ve been an excellent way to begin our marriage.”

“Let me know when you wake up from this dream you’re having and are ready for a dose of reality.”

“I never want to wake up from this dream I’ve been having, even when you don’t honor and obey me with your nakedness in the kitchen.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re incorrigible and delusional?”

He pushed off the door and started toward her, his green-eyed gaze fixed on her. “You have. Many times.”

Carolina felt like prey caught in the crosshairs. “And yet you still come back for more.”

He stopped when he was merely an inch away from her. “I’m a glutton for punishment.”

“Today you signed on for a lifetime’s worth of punishment.”

“Yes, and thank Christ for that.” Wrapping his arms around her neck, he kissed her as if he’d been dying to for days, weeks, months, a lifetime, completely losing himself in the kiss.

Surrounded by him, Carolina could only hold on and go along for the ride the way she had since the last of her defenses had fallen, allowing him into her heart and soul where he was now so firmly entrenched she couldn’t picture a day without him at the center of it.

Carolina had no idea how much time had passed when he finally withdrew from the kiss in small increments, keeping his lips touching hers as he gazed into her eyes. “God, I’ve needed that since Judge McCarthy said I could kiss my bride.”

“You behaved very admirably all afternoon.”

“Which means I should be rewarded for my good behavior.” He slid his hands from her shoulders to her hands and tugged her along behind him as he left the kitchen and headed for their bedroom. “We should’ve gone somewhere tonight. Somewhere special.”

“This is somewhere special. It’s our home, and it’s become much more special to me since you moved in.”

He stopped, dropped her hands and turned to face her. “Do you really mean that?”

“Yes,” she said with exasperation. “Of course I mean it.” He was much better at speaking about his feelings, which was something she needed to work on if he was honestly asking if she meant what she’d said. “I was thinking earlier today that I had no idea how lonely or bereft my adequate existence was until you came along and showed me.”


“I don’t know if I’ve said it often enough or shown you…”

“Shown me what?”

“How much I love you.”

“God, yes, I know, love. I know. How could I not know?”

“Maybe because half the time, including during our wedding, I’m threatening to murder you.”

His loud bark of laughter made her laugh, too.

“Sorry about that today. I wasn’t planning to include that in the vows.”

“I loved that you included it. I drive you to it, love. I know I do. And I do it on purpose because I love the way you look at me when I vex you.”

“You vex me, all right. But now that I know you’re doing it on purpose…”

“You have to still give me that look.” As he spoke, he worked on buttons and snaps and hooks. When he had fully revealed her, he stared at her, his gaze hungry and heated. “You’re so very lovely. I look at you,” he said, with his lips close to her ear, “and I want. I want you, Caro, and I’m so bloody grateful you agreed to marry me.”

“You didn’t give me much choice,” she said, filled with pleasure at knowing he was so happy.

“Aye, I didn’t. Left to your own devices, you’d still be deciding to let me back into your bed after you kicked me out the first time.”

“What you didn’t know then, and I probably shouldn’t tell you now, is all you had to do is talk to me in that insanely sexy Irish accent, and I would’ve given you anything you wanted.”

“Now you tell me! This is grounds for an annulment!”

“Shut up about annulments and make love to your wife, will you please?”

“Gladly, my love.” He removed his clothes as if the hounds of hell were chasing him and dragged her into bed with him.

“Finesse. Where’s the finesse?”

“I ain’t got none tonight. I’m like a randy goat on the prowl.”

Carolina cracked up laughing and couldn’t stop no matter how hard he tried to distract her—and he tried very hard to distract her before dropping his head to her chest in utter defeat.

“All this laughter isn’t good for a man’s fragile ego.”

“You’re not a man. You’re a randy goat, remember?”

“Poor choice of words. Are you done laughing at me now?”

“I might be until you say something equally hilarious.”

“I love to listen to you laugh, especially when I make it happen.”

“Which is
the time. You have no idea how funny you are.”

“I’m funny because I like to make you laugh. I’ve never been funny before you.”

“I find that very hard to believe.”

“’Tis true. My life was hardly anything much to laugh about until I found you. Losing my brothers the way I did… There was a lot of sadness. You make me want to laugh again, Caro.”

Touched to hear him speak of losses he rarely mentioned, she combed her fingers through his thick auburn hair, hoping to provide comfort. “We’ve both had more than our share of sadness.”

“Indeed, which is why we’re now due a lifetime’s worth of happiness.”

“I’m down for that.”

He kissed a path from her throat to her chest and belly. “You know what I’m down for?”

“I’m starting to get an idea.”

The deep rumble of his laughter made her skin tingle with goose bumps. She had learned over the last year not to fight him when he set out to overwhelm her senses, which was exactly what he was doing right now. As he made love to her with his mouth and tongue, Carolina tried to remember who she’d been before this sexy, charming, larger-than-life Irishman came bombing into her life and turned her entire world upside down.

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