G'Day USA (4 page)

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Authors: Tony McFadden

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I had just opened up the Sydney Morning Herald app on my iPad to catch up on news from home when I heard a voice I hadn’t in years.

Watch what you’re doing or I’ll slice you from ear to ear.’

I grinned and replied:
‘You’ve got to catch me first, you miserable fuck.’
I turned and saw Kent Williams, my co-star in
Beast of Bondi
. He was the Beast, a psychotic killer stalking the skate parks of Sydney while living in a storm drain off Bondi Beach. I was his last victim. That was the dialogue just before the big fight scene at the end. Pretty bad.

Kent. When did you get into town? And Charlie? Jeeze, this is almost a reunion.’

Kent sat across from me. ‘Yeah. All we need now is butt-fuck Bart.’

I shuddered. ‘No thanks.’ Charlie was still standing. ‘Sit, man. What have you guys been up to? When did you get here?’

Almost two years now. I think we got here not long after you did.’ Kent fiddled with a menu. ‘Charlie a few months after me.’

And you didn’t look me up?’

Kent waved at Emily to come and take his order. ‘Kinda busy. Didn’t think you’d be that interested in catching up anyway. But I’m glad we bumped into each other. You’re on fire now.’

I nodded. ‘Not doing too bad. Have you been acting? I haven’t run into you anywhere. And I can’t even tell you’ve got an Australian accent.’

Small parts here and there. Nothing like
Modern Family
or that movie you’re in. What’s the name?’

Blood Thunder

Right. Congrats.’

Thanks.’ Charlie sat very quietly, almost invisible. ‘What about you. Directing anything?’

He shook his head. ‘I’ve been out of the business since
. That was enough for me. Sweeney did a great job of turning me off the whole industry.’

That’s too bad. You were great. Any day Sweeney was in trouble it was you who fixed things up. And when he gave you the Second Unit stuff, hell, some of the best footage in the movie.’


Seriously. You should think about getting back in.’

He furrowed his brow and looked at me intently. ‘How is it that Sweeney is now out of jail? He said something about you planting evidence. Is that true?’

No, it’s not. When did he say that?’

Kent folded the menu and looked up. ‘Dropped by his place last night. He’s lost a bunch of weight in there. It looks like prison has actually done him well.’

Why would you go to his place? Especially after what he did to you.’

Come on now. Relax. I - we - just went by to welcome the man back to the land of freedom.’ He grinned. ‘Right Charlie?’

He said you fabricated evidence, or something, and that’s why the case was tossed. I don’t like the guy any more than you do, but why would you do that? Are you saying he didn’t kill your roommate, whatever his name was?’

Before I could answer, Kent interrupted. ‘And you knew about what he did to my foot? And you didn’t tell me?’

Whoa, whoa. Guys. You’re ambushing me. Charlie, no. I didn’t fabricate any evidence. I just took what I had to the police. His slime-bag lawyer got him off. And yes he did kill my roommate. His name was Joel.’ I looked closely at him, making sure he caught everything I said. ‘He absolutely killed Joel. His lawyer, apparently, convinced the judge I was pissed off at him because he was hitting on me. Neither was true. I wasn’t pissed off with him until after Joel was killed, and he never really hit on me.’

Emily came to the table. ‘Food, gentlemen?’

I paying for this, Em. My treat. These are old friends from Australia.’

It was sounding a bit loud. You okay?’

Just friends catching up. We’re okay. Boys, get whatever you want. Her husband is a fantastic cook.’

You sure, dear? I can get Henry out here to straighten these two out.’

Kent laughed. ‘It’s like she said - we’re old friends. Can I get some pancakes?’

Me too. And coffee, if you could. Thanks Ell.’

Emily cocked and eyebrow and looked at the two shaggy surfer types. ‘Yeah, okay. If I hear anything untoward from you lot I’ll have Henry out here with a cleaver to sort you out. Don’t mess with Ellie.’ She looked at Charlie then Kent. ‘Your pancakes will be ready in a couple of minutes.’

Kent watched her walk back into the cafe. ‘She your bodyguard or something?’

Something like that. Kind of adopted me when I moved in. It’s nice to know they’ve got my back.’ I leaned back in my seat. ‘Let’s dial it back a notch guys. We had fun on the movie. Best of buddies. Sweeney is history. Ancient history. I’ve decided I’m going to enjoy my life. Sweeney can go fuck himself. The odds of me ever crossing his path again are slim to none.’

Or our paths,’ said Charlie.

Crazy talk. Serious, Charlie, you should get back in the business.’ I looked at Kent. ‘I didn’t know about your foot until way later. Thought it was a surfing accident or something. You shouldn’t let your foot slow you down. Despite the
reviews, you were - are - good.’

Kent took a deep breath and seemed to be thinking about what to say. ‘Let’s say for a minute you didn’t know what Sweeney did, and I’m not convinced yet, there’s still no way I’m going to be able to get any serious roles with a foot that still hurts like hell if I’m on it for more than an hour or so. It even cuts into my surfing.’ He shook his head. ‘I’ll be bit parts. Nice of you to say otherwise, but I’ll deal.’

I scratched my head. ‘What did he do, exactly?’

Third, fourth and fifth metatarsi. Fractured all three of them. They didn’t set right because the ass forced me to do the role or he’d sue me for breach.’

You mean it’s going to hurt all your life?’

Unless I get surgery I can’t afford because my insurance is calling it a pre-existing condition.’

And how much would surgery cost?’

Don’t even. I don’t need your help.’

I sighed. ‘I’m obviously not going to force it on you, but think about it. I really want to help. And I can. Money isn’t as much of a problem.’

Don’t rub it in.’ Charlie looked like he was getting steamed and I really didn’t need that aggravation.

Hey, mate. It’s your decision to get out of the business. I can only suggest you get back in. You were good. I’d love to see you making movies again.’

Charlie pushed back his plate. ‘Nice seeing you again Ellie, but we’ve got to go.’

Hang on a sec, Chaz. Ellie here is just trying to be friendly. Right Ellie? Listen, while we’re in the neighborhood, why don’t you show us your digs? Never seen a movie star’s place before.’

I didn’t want to come across like a dick. Dickette? Whatever. ‘Sure. Not long though. I’ve got heaps of stuff to get done before the premiere tomorrow.’

Kent stood. ‘So when did you buy the place?’

Six months ago. I’m leasing though. Might buy something bigger up in Malibu later.’ I caught Charlie throw Kent a glance. ‘Hey, boys, don’t make me feel bad for doing well. I had to work hard to get here, and I’m going to enjoy it. Come on up. It’s not much, but the view is great.’ I stood and left a fifty under the edge of my plate. ‘Were you two surfing here last night? I thought I might have seen you. Or I saw someone who looked familiar.’

Charlie and I caught a couple waves.’

Charlie pushed his chair in. ‘Not very good here. Not compared to Huntington, anyway.’

He had a point there. ‘And Huntington isn’t even close to North Narrabeen. Am I right boys?’

You ever miss home?’

I opened the building door and stepped to one side to let them in. ‘Sometimes. But the opportunities are much better here. What about you?’

Charlie shrugged. ‘Sure. It’s nice there. But like you said, there’s more business here.’

I locked the front door. ‘What is it you do?’

Telecomms engineer doing work for a couple of different companies as a contractor. On and off work, but when it’s on, it’s pretty good money.’ He followed me into my apartment. ‘But sure as hell not this good. This is nice.’

I smiled and waited for Kent to come in before locking
door. ‘Yeah. It is. Beats the hell out of the guesthouse in the Valley.’

Kent plopped onto the sofa. ‘So were you doing something with him?’

Who, Sweeney?’ I opened the doors to the balcony. ‘Are you kidding me? No. He was like a father to me. A smelly, overweight father.’ I shuddered. ‘Gah. I think he was just trying to help out.’

Charlie stepped out on the balcony. ‘Great view. Must have spectacular sunsets out here.’

Kent bounced up. ‘Hey, where’s the loo?’

I pointed down the hall. ‘Second on the left.’

Charlie called from the balcony. ‘Ellie?’

What? Everything okay?’ I joined him on the balcony. ‘What’s up?’

Sorry if I came across like a dick. Wasn’t called for. You have done well. And it was kind, but unnecessary for you to say I was a good Director.’

It wasn’t bullshit, Charlie. Bart has only ever succeeded when he’s had a strong AD with him, and you were the best. You should look around for some small stuff, make your name, and go for it. If I can help, I will. We Aussies need to stick together.’


So where did this telecoms stuff come from?’

Got a TAFE diploma way back. Information and Communications Technology. Finally putting it to good use.’

What are you talking about?’ Kent pushed on to the small balcony. ‘What are we sticking together against?’

Charlie turned away. ‘Nothing, mate. Don’t worry about it.’

I was telling Charlie here he was the one who kept Bart from totally screwing the pooch in
Don’t you think?’

Kent shrugged. ‘Yeah, he was good. So were you. And despite the foot, so was I. Sweeney knows how to make good dreck. You’re not doing too bad. Was that the new MacBook Pro on your desk I passed?’

I don’t generally like visitors for exactly this reason. They tend to be snoops. ‘Picked it up a few weeks ago.’

And you’ve already got it swamped with Post-It notes. Some things never change.’ He rubbed his hands on his thighs and tucked a bit of the front of his shirt in, then pulled it out again. ‘So, Sweeney. You think he’s going to continue his love affair with C-Grade horror?’

I chuckled. ‘Not anymore. I doubt he’ll be making anything now. I wouldn’t be surprised if I ran into him running a squeegee stand in Compton. If I ever went to Compton, that is.’

I live in Compton.’

Shit, Charlie. Didn’t mean anything by it.’

Sure. Anyway, you’re wrong.’

About Sweeney?’

About him working, yeah. Kent and I are going to talk to him this afternoon about stuff. He might have something for us. Giving it some serious consideration.’

No, no, no. Don’t give him any money. You can’t trust him.’

Kent laughed. ‘Like I have money to give him. Not that at all. He’s been asked to direct an indie. Asked. He didn’t go looking for it, and he wasn’t asked to put any money in. They’ve got the financing. He thinks there’s work there for both of us, so I guess he isn’t dead. Yet.’

That took my breath away. Karma certainly wasn’t pulling her weight. ‘How does a sack of shit like him manage to come out of this smelling like roses? Un-fucking believable.’ I dry-scrubbed my face. ‘What an asshole.’ I looked at my two guests. ‘Shit. Sorry. I know this is good for you two, but it really pisses me off. He killed my best friend. He shouldn’t be out of jail, and he sure as hell shouldn’t be working.’ I ushered them off the balcony. ‘Sorry, but you gotta go, guys. I’ve got a ton to do. Keep in touch, okay? You know where I live.’

I closed the door behind them and dropped on the sofa. Took a deep breath. Tried to remind myself that my success didn’t depend on his failure.

I was having a hard time convincing myself.


Chapter Four


Charlie stood on the sidewalk outside Ellie’s apartment and looked at his vibrating phone. ‘Shit.’


Boss is looking for me.’

You told him you were sick, right?’

Yeah. He’s a fucking wanker.’ He turned off the phone. ‘Fuck him. I’m sick.’ He rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Remind me to call him later or I’ll be out of work.’ Charlie grinned. ‘But I’m going to have to go in tomorrow and make my resignation official if Sweeney actually comes up with the goods. I don’t feel like burning too many bridges.’

So let’s go see the man.’

Charlie looked at his watch. ‘Too early. He said this afternoon.’


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