Genesis in Bloom (10 page)

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Authors: Sophie del Mar

Tags: #Menage a Trois (f/f/m), #Menage & More

BOOK: Genesis in Bloom
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That was when she saw Alex standing across the room. His gaze never left hers as he closed the distance between them.

"You weren't in your room." He pinned her with an angry expression. "If you recall, we have an appointment tonight."

Genesis frowned. "I don't wish to see you again."

His eyes burned with a hidden fire. "I've purchased you for the entire week."

"From what I understand, it was on the house. Therefore, I suggest you find another woman to satisfy your needs." She refused to lower her gaze. "Every woman is interchangeable. Don't you find that to be true?"


"Young man," interrupted Monsieur LeClaire. "The lady has made her wishes clear to you. Will you continue to behave like a boorish cad?"

Alex's mouth tightened. "Never let it be said I didn't respect a woman's wishes."

With that he stalked out of the parlor as Genesis struggled to hold back her tears.

Monsieur LeClaire wished only to talk about books and art. She spent the remainder of the evening having a stimulating conversation with him before returning to her lonely room. Stripping off her clothes, she got into bed nursing the hope that Alex would come to her during the night.

He didn't.

Had she finally driven him away? It was what she wanted, wasn't it?

The next evening, she was back in the parlor searching for Monsieur LeClaire. He wasn't anywhere to be seen so she chose another older man to keep her company. Lord Cranston, a member of parliament, invited her to accompany him to the opera.

As she viewed the performance, she felt herself being watched. Gazing up at the private boxes, she saw Alex's handsome face.

He sat with other well-dressed, wealthy patrons. Genesis forced herself to concentrate on the beautiful music, but it was nearly impossible. Was he following her? Or had he already planned to attend tonight's performance?

Lord Cranston leaned toward her. "Is something troubling you, my dear?"

"No, I'm just fine."

He took her hand in his. "Good, because I long to return to your room at the brothel. I have plans for an entertaining evening."

She swallowed her fears. "I look forward to that, my lord."

* * * *

Alex sighed as pain filled his heart. So this was what his life had come to. Standing outside her window, spying on her as she entertained other men. First he had followed her to the opera and now he stood in the garden below her room. As usual, she had the lights on and the curtains open. Did she want him to see what she was doing?

If she removed a stitch of clothing, he would be in her room in a matter of seconds. So far she hadn't undressed, and he'd watched her for over an hour. Instead, the older man she entertained sat on her bed and cried while she talked to him.

Eventually, the man removed his clothing before handing her a small whip. Alex gripped the binoculars in a tighter grasp. What the fuck were they doing? If he laid a finger on Genesis--

Chapter 16

"I wanted to be a priest," said Lord Cranston. "It was my goal in life to serve God."

Genesis frowned. "What happened?"

"I couldn't stay away from women, especially married ones."

"Well, we all have our flaws."

He burst into tears and she felt at a loss. What was she supposed to do?

She put a hand on his shoulder. "Lord Cranston."

"Call me Mikey."

"Mikey?" She smiled. "So your first name is Michael?"


"Well Mikey, I think you're being hard on yourself. You're a member of parliament, so you've accomplished worthwhile things in your life."

He shook his head. "I gave into peer pressure and signed a petition to abolish brothels in London. Yet here I am in a Paris brothel."

"Well, nobody's perfect."

"I deserve to be punished for my hypocrisy and lust for married women."

He removed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. He took off his trousers and Genesis stepped away from him.

Then he took out a small whip from a hidden pocket in his jacket.

"Take this," he said. "Use it on me."


"On my back, of course."

"Of course." She whacked him softly on his bare shoulders.

"Much harder, mistress. Tell me you're doing this for my own good."

"I'm doing this for your own good, Mikey." She controlled her urge to giggle.

"Harder mistress," he begged.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"That's rather the point, isn't it?"

She continued to whip him, but refused to do it as hard as he requested.

"Thank you, mistress." He groaned loudly as he came with a sharp exhale of breath. She looked down at the stained sheets on her bed. How disgusting, but at least he hadn't asked her to fuck him.

After he left the room, she rang the bell. As was their custom, one of the eunuchs arrived almost immediately.

"Please send a maid to change the sheets," she said.

The man nodded and left the room.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door, and she smiled at his efficiency. But when she opened the door, she found Alex standing in the hallway.

They spoke at the same time.


"What are you doing here?" she asked. "I told you—"

"I know what you told me." His voice sounded weary, as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"How have you been?" She could have bitten off her tongue. Why had she asked him that?

"What do you care?" He sighed. "As a matter of fact, I haven't been very well."

"I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "I'm leaving Paris tomorrow."

"Leaving?" Her heart plummeted in her chest.
He couldn't leave her!

"Yes. I'm going home."

"Home? I thought this was your home."

"No. The city is ruined for me now."

"Oh." She felt the tears gather behind her eyes. "Well, have a pleasant journey."

"I wanted to see you one last time, and bring you this." He held up a faded, yellowed envelope.

"What is it?"

"It's a letter written by your mother."

"My mother?"

He nodded. "The detective I hired tracked her movements. She spent her final days with her sister in Marseilles. It appears you're not alone in the world after all. You have an aunt and a number of cousins."

"I have a family?" Her eyes were bright with happiness and gratitude. "How can I ever thank you?"

"Read the letter," he said. "Your aunt held it all these years, hoping her sister's child would somehow track her down. Her address is on the envelope in case you want to visit her."

"I'll read it later."

There was another knock on the door and a young woman entered the room. She was a pert chambermaid named Claudine. Though attractive, she wasn't beautiful enough for Madame Colette to hire as a courtesan.

Claudine gave Alex a long, lustful look as she bustled about changing the sheets. Genesis frowned, wishing the girl would hurry so she could be alone with him.

He raised an eyebrow as he watched her work. "What's your name?"

"Claudine, sir."

"You're very pretty, Claudine." He turned to Genesis. "You seem to enjoy threesomes, my love. Would you like this girl to join us tonight?"

Genesis looked at him with a surprised, hurt expression. "No, thank you."

He pulled Claudine into his arms and kissed her. "Why not? I thought you'd enjoy it."

"Alex, what are you doing?" Her temper flared. "Let go of her at once."

His voice was rich and seductive. "Would you like to join us, Claudine?"

"Oh yes, my lord." She dropped the soiled sheets on the floor and wrapped her arms around his waist. "And you won't even have to pay me."

"Claudine, you may leave now." Genesis controlled her fury by sheer force of will. How dare he treat her like--

Claudine devoured him with her eyes. "Do you wish me to leave?"

"Get out!" Genesis pointed at the door and the other girl jumped at the sound of her voice. She gathered up the sheets and gave Alex a last look before closing the door behind her.

Genesis glared at him. "How dare you treat me that way!"

"In what way?" His voice was mocking. "I thought you'd appreciate it. After all, you fucked that army captain and Sylvie, didn't you?"

"Yes, but—"

"So what's the difference? Murdoch and Sylvie, me and Claudine. We're all interchangeable, aren't we? Those were your words."

"Please stop."

"I see you have clean sheets now. Shall we christen them?"

He pulled her into his arms and then threw her on the bed. He straddled her and pinned her wrists above her head as she struggled against him.

"Alex, let me go. I don't want—"

"You don't want what?" His voice was warm against her throat.

She ceased her protests. "Mmm, I want you."

"Tonight is not about what
want," he said roughly. She suddenly felt afraid as he slid his hand into her neckline and ripped the gown from her body.

"There's no need to do that. I'll take it off."

"I've danced to your tune since the moment we met." His eyes were bright with anger. "But I've decided to get you out of my system once and for all."

He loosened his cravat and before she knew what was happening he tied her wrists to the headboard. Then he removed the rest of her clothing.

"Alex, please don't do this." She struggled against the restraints as he took off his shirt and trousers.

"Why not?" He laughed. "Isn't this what you want? To be treated like a whore?"

She smelled alcohol on his breath and turned away from him. "You're drunk. Please leave."

"I'll leave when I'm damn good and ready."

Despite her fear of the mood which had come over him, she couldn't stop herself from staring at his swollen, thick-veined cock. Her mouth watered in anticipation.

"Is this what you want?" Without waiting for an answer, he spread her legs open and thrust himself into her. She gasped in surprise as her muscles clenched around his large member.

"You're always ready for me, aren't you?" he whispered in her ear.

She nodded. "Always."

She longed for him to kiss and caress her, but he didn't. He simply thrust himself into her, as if she were nothing but a piece of meat. Despite the pleasure he gave her, she felt used and disrespected.

But that was the point, wasn't it? That was the way he wanted her to feel.

Her breathing grew labored and she felt herself about to climax. He withdrew from her and came on her stomach.

"Alex." Her voice held frustration and anger.

He untied her wrists. "What is it, my love?"

"You know what it is. I haven't came yet."

"But you're a whore, aren't you? You're not paid to enjoy yourself." He began to get dressed as she pulled the sheet over her naked, overheated body.

Tears flowed down her cheeks. "How can you treat me this way?"

"Get used to it, sweetheart. I'm sure you'll be treated much worse as time goes on." He slid the trousers up his legs and buttoned them. Then he pulled out a large roll of money. "If you save this little nest egg, it'll last you quite awhile."

"I don't need your money and I don't want it."

"Too bad because you've earned it." He threw the wad of bills on the bed and the money scattered across the mattress and fell on the floor.

She closed her eyes. "Get out."

"Don't worry, I'm leaving." He gave her a mocking smile. "For the first time, I can honestly say I've gotten you out of my system."

He turned on his heel and left the room without looking back.

Chapter 17

"I hurt her, not only physically but emotionally." Alex stood on the platform waiting for the train which would carry him away from Paris. "I'm sure she'll never want to see me again."

"I don't see why you need to leave." Gregory stared at his friend's pallid complexion and listless eyes. "You go see her, you apologize. Everything is fine."

Alex shook his head. "She probably won't see me again after the way I treated her. She's a proud person."

"But if she loves you—"

"I don't think she's capable of loving anyone." His voice broke. "But I'm in love with her and that's why I've got to leave. I've gotten too involved and I must step back for my own sanity."

"I can see that. It can't be easy watching the woman you love fuck other men."

"I can't do it any longer." Alex wiped at his eyes. "I feared for my sanity when Anna died, and I find myself again poised on the edge of an abyss. Only this time the pain is greater because Genesis is the love of my life and she has no idea."

The shrill whistle of the approaching train filled the station. He picked up his case and put an arm around his friend's shoulder. "Thank you for making me feel welcome."

"I wish you could've settled here permanently."

Alex smiled. "Who knows? I may come back someday."

"Then good luck to you."

Alex nodded and turned away. Was he doing the right thing? What choice was there? If he spent another night outside her window, he feared he would lose his mind.

He needed familiar surroundings, the sights and smells of home. He straightened his spine and walked toward the train.

* * * *

Genesis awoke and reached for Alex. Then the pain hit her with renewed intensity. He was gone and she was alone. Every morning for a week she had reached for him only to find the bed empty. The day after he came to her room, she told Madame Colette she no longer wished to see clients.

"You've lost your taste for this profession?" Colette gave her a shrewd look. "Or perhaps you're in love?"

"I'm not in love. It's just not what I thought it would be."

"Well, if you change your mind—"

"You'll be the first to know." Genesis sighed. "Just give me some time to—"

"Get over your broken heart?" She leaned back in her chair. "Sometimes the cure for losing a man is finding another one."

"Perhaps." Genesis agreed with a half-hearted nod of her head.

"Now that you have free time, you can help me plan Sylvie's engagement party."

"I would love to help."

A week passed and she threw herself into preparations for the party. She went shopping with Sylvie in the fashionable salons of Paris. Her friend would soon be the wife of a wealthy aristocrat and needed an entirely new wardrobe.

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