Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) (49 page)

Read Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book Three of the Road to Hell Series

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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“Yes.” Madison nodded with a grimace. “Sorry for driving you

A slight twitch to one corner of his mouth. “I figured you could use my ear.” Madison grinned at that screwed-up saying. “Conversation over liquor is a poor idea, hence the reason for the ice cream.”

“You rock, you know that?” She said as he settled onto the lawn beside her, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and he stretched his legs out.

His silver eyes seemed over-bright today. “Is that a compliment?”


“Should your decision be this hard?”

Always abrupt and to the point, Madison loved that about him. No point in pretending she didn’t know to what he referred. “Six months ago I would’ve had no trouble. What are your thoughts?”

“I don’t like either of them.”

“Why?” She ripped the lid off the ice cream. Zen produced a spoon with rainbow orbs and offered it to her. She stabbed the utensil into the icy treat. “I understand why you don’t like Micah. But what do you have against Nix?”

He shrugged, his dark hair ruffling in the breeze as he scanned the vicinity.

“Lame, Zen. Not really a reason either.”

“He’s not good enough for you.” He faced her. “That’s why I don’t like Phoenix. Or Micah.”

She squeezed his hand. “Would anyone be good enough for me?”


Too bad this immortal didn’t affect her the way Micah and Nix did. She’d be all over him in a heartbeat if so. Why couldn’t she fall hard for a simple man like him? She choked on her ice cream. There was nothing simple about him.

Someday some lucky girl would make him happy. She’d enjoy his support until then.

He snorted, indicating he still read her mind.

She sucked on her spoon, the scorching breeze curling around her and shifting her hair. “Could you tolerate one man more than the other?”

Zen put his arm around her and pulled her against his side. She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Madison, do you really wish to pick a man to love based upon my opinion?”

She sighed. “No. I love them both. That’s the problem.” Silence between them was usually easy. Not at the moment. “You know what I’m thinking?”



“I think it’s your life. Your future happiness.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll be here for you regardless of your decision.”

“Even if it’s Micah? You can tolerate him with your ideologies being at cross-purposes?”

“We’re no longer at cross-purposes. I want Elias punished as much as he does. Mostly I want you kept safe from whatever else will come after you.”

Yeah, she’d been thinking that, as well. The angels were likely only the first wave of assaults that’d arrive. “Doesn’t mean you’re friends with him.”

“I don’t have to be either of their friends. They help me protect you is all that matters to me.”

“You’re not making my decision any easier.”
When did we become such a whiner
? A really good question, she decided as she licked her spoon.

“I should’ve told you this sooner.” He sounded cautious, like whatever he had to say would be devastating. “And it may change the man you pick.”

Madison sat up straight and peered at him. She sank her utensil into the ice cream and gave him her undivided attention.

“The angels approached me before they attacked. They wanted you dead and told me why.”

As Zen related the events between him and the angel, Madison’s heart sped up. Whammied with the truth of her future, one thought ricocheted in her head…
Dear God, what will I do now



Chapter Forty-Seven



“Stop biting your nails.” Nix plucked Madison’s finger from her mouth. “Why are you looking at me like you’re about to end my world?”

“I hope I’m not.”

He hated seeing her nervous like this, but he’d already prepared himself to exit her life gracefully if that’s what she wanted. He’d put up a good enough fight for her affections. Whatever came next was up to Mads.

“You do what you gotta do, baby.” He brushed her cheek with his thumb. “We waiting on Micah?”


“I’m here, kitten.”

A glance to his left showed the King leaning a hip against Madison’s mammoth desk. He’d had fantasies of taking her on that piece of wood.

Mads’s husband crossed his arms over his chest. “There’s no need for you to say anything, Madison.”

“Not another fucking word, fallen!” He faced the other man, hands fisting at his sides. “You promised.

Madison placed a soothing hand on Nix’s shoulder. “Micah, let me spit out what I need to say.”

A stiff nod from the fallen sufficed as his concurrence. She snagged Nix’s hand and led him to Micah, whose hand she also grabbed. With no idea what to make of her nervousness, he wouldn’t jump to conclusions.

“I love you both.” She glanced between them, her expression so earnest he did not doubt her sincerity. “I’ve had a hard time making this decision. It goes against every one of my morals.”

Nix released a breath he hadn’t even known he was holding until that moment. With an opening like that, she was sure to kick him to the curb and fully claim her destiny. How would he react? He’d have to figure out some way to save face and be gracious.

Fuck gracious! He wanted Mads. Giving her up
end his world.

“I want to remain with you both.”

His brain screeched to a halt. Had he heard right?

Micah scratched his unshaven jaw and stared at Madison as if he expected her to deliver the punch line anytime.

When neither of them said anything, she rushed on. “I know it’s an unconventional request, and I understand if either of you are reluctant to agree.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, but must’ve felt uncomfortable in that stance because she lowered them to her sides a moment later. He couldn’t recall the last time she’d been so fidgety. “I need you both. And not because Micah feeds me seraph and terminates my Lynx hunger. Together you balance me.” She paused, wringing her hands, scrunching her face as if she attempted to locate the right words.

“Micah makes me question everything about myself, my morals, even my role in the world. That’s a good thing. But, Nix, you keep me grounded, love me for who I am regardless of the choices I make. Even with all my imperfections you think I’m perfect. Your expectations keep me levelheaded and my shit together. None of that expresses how either of you make me feel in the bedroom or here—” She tapped her heart.

That was a lot to take in at once. The Sherlock processed…or tried.

“You’re serious?” the King of Hell asked.

“Very.” Mads chewed on her bottom lip.

“How exactly are you suggesting this work?” Nix ran his fingers across his forehead, not only stunned he discussed her proposal so calmly, but that he considered it at all. “Half the time with him? The other half with me?”

“No. All the time with
of you.”

Tossing Nix a look, Micah chuckled. He knew what the demon king was thinking. She’d just neatly asked for the relationship they’d wanted with her in Hell.

“Mads, do you understand what you’re asking for?”

“Yes. I think so. To remain with you both as one big family.”

He noted she didn’t say ‘happy family.’ He cupped her cheeks between his hands. “Baby, by the time Micah and I finish with you, you’d be so debauched you won’t comprehend the word innocent.”

More lip biting and a slight shiver. “Debauched how?”

He lowered his hands because the idea of corrupting her while touching her was so fucking arousing he couldn’t think straight. This was Mads he contemplated loving with another man. And not just any man, a goddamn King of Hell. “We’d dominate you every way possible. If you can imagine it, we’ll want it.” Probably would want that way solo, too, because he wanted to teach her many,
lewd things her innocence would struggle with. “Restraining you like I did before is only for starters.”

Micah groaned his agreement. “Nice watching that.”

Remembering it got Nix hard all over again.

“Before we are finished, you wouldn’t recognize the woman you are now.” Her lips parted, but she said nothing. Good thing, because he kept talking. “Say bon voyage to your innocence.”

“I’m not innocent.”

“In the bedroom you are.” Not that he was complaining. Making love to her was the best sex of his life.

“I’d have you panting, desperate for pleasure until you begged for release and would agree to do anything to receive it. I’d dominate you totally and you would surrender to me completely.” Micah skimmed his knuckles along her cheek. “Have you on your knees sucking both of our cocks as an appetizer. Maybe have you and Phoenix take turns sucking me jointly. Then we
take you together, at the same time.”

A slow nod, and she looked stunned. “Everything in time. We have months and years to work up to the hardcore stuff.”

“Actually an eternity would be more accurate.” The fallen angel nodded toward Nix. “He accepted my deal for immortality.”

Mads’s gaze whipped to him, her expression horrified. “Why, Nix?”

“It was the only way I’d allow him to help me save you in Hell.”

Nix shot her husband a glare. “Not entirely the total truth. Micah said something that made sense.”

The demon King elevated a curious eyebrow.

Sighing, Nix explained, “He told me I didn’t deserve you if I’d only die for you, but not live. He was right.”

She did not look happy about his answer. “Micah, I am displeased by your actions.”

The fallen shrugged. “I did not need his assistance. I offered the deal so I’d have someone I trusted protecting you because I really thought you’d choose to be with him.”

Mads’s expression softened at the reality her husband had been willing to give her up to make her happy.

“No blame should be laid at Micah’s feet. I could’ve refused. I knew he didn’t need me.” Nix scuffed the back of his fingers across her cheek and into her hair. “I made the choice to
live for you

Mads caught his hand. “Then keep living for me. Agree to my request.”

Nix kissed her forehead and looked at Micah over the crown of her head. God, could he really agree to this type of relationship? Could he take the chance of turning back into the same man he’d been in Hell with her husband? “What of Amos? We have to think of him, too.”

“I already talked to him.” Mads looked up at him, her expression full of hope. “He sees both of his ‘daddies’”—she finger-quoted the word—“in his life regardless what I chose. He says he’s okay with me keeping you both. That it’d be
to have two daddies.”

“We’re not puppies or your pet dragon.” Micah crossed his arms over his chest, his designer suit stretching tight across his shoulders. “You’re not ‘keeping’ us. We’d be in a relationship.”

“Committed and exclusive relationship.” Mads went back to chewing on her thumbnail. “Which is why I’d want a union between the three of us.”

“Like a marriage?” Oh, fuck, no, Nix drew the line at marrying Micah.

“Kinda. But not. I’m asking for a union between each of you with only me, not to one another. Although…if y’all want to explore one another, I won’t oppose it.”

. Stunned, the Sherlock could only stare at her.

Mads dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out twin tree-like crystals. Both coalesced with the colors expressive of her magic. Micah perked up, coming away from the desk when he spied the items in her palm. Nix recognized one as the crystal the King wore until she reclaimed it from his neck after stabbing him in Hell. They were physical manifestations of her soul. According to Amos, Zenny had possessed one-half. “I’d offer the dual halves of my soul to you both as my commitment.”

Wanting to own a piece of her, Nix ran his hands down his face and struggled not to take one of them. This was insane, but why did the idea appeal to him? Excite him?

Jesus Christ, he felt like he was about to lose his virginity.

He looked to Micah for help. The demon King had his head cocked at an angle, studying Mads. “How would we arrange the sex?”

“You cannot seriously be considering this.” He gaped at the fallen.

Beliel shrugged. “Why not?”

“What? You’re just going to sit back and watch me fuck her whenever I want? I don’t think the fuck so, Micah.”

“Guys….” Mads touched their arms. “I’m not saying this arrangement will be easy. Far from it. But if we work together, we can make it work. And you two didn’t seem to have a problem sharing me in the shower.”

“That was one time.” He rammed his fingers through his hair. “You’re delusional if you think this won’t cause issues.”

“Maybe.” She executed a one-shoulder shrug. “It’s an all-or-nothing situation.” Nix’s gut clenched as Mads continued. “You both have to agree to the union. Or I walk away from both of you.”

“It’s not a union. It’s a threesome, Mads.” He jammed his hands in his jean pockets. “Do you really think you can handle jealous men vying for your favors?”

“Yes.” Mads nodded. “Because the alternative makes me feel like I’m burying one of you. Let me finish.” She held up her hand when he would’ve spoken. “Micah’s been full of wisdom apparently, because he said something that made sense to me, as well. He asked me if I was going to live for me or for society. All my life, I’ve met humanity’s expectations. I’ve pleased no one. Not my father, not your God, Nix, not even your Sherlocks were happy when I denied my Lynx. A monster is a monster in their eyes, and the only good one is a dead one. Since Amos was born, my life’s been about doing what’s best for him. I’m ready to live for me. I know what I’m asking for is selfish and I don’t care. I want what I want.” She didn’t flinch away from his stare. “I know you have a family, and I realize they might not approve—”

“My family’s seen weirder.”

“I want you and Micah, Nix. I want to love you both openly. I don’t care what anyone thinks any longer.”

Micah stared at her like he was proud of her for demanding what she wanted. But what she asked for would become complicated fast.

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