George F. Kennan: An American Life (144 page)

Read George F. Kennan: An American Life Online

Authors: John Lewis Gaddis

Tags: #General, #History, #20th Century, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Historical, #Modern, #Biography & Autobiography

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Rostow, Eugene V. “Searching for Kennan’s Grand Design.”
Yale Law Journal
87 (June 1978), 1527

Rovere, Richard. “Letter from Washington.”
New Yorker
, May 17, 1952.
Salisbury, Harrison. “The View from Mokhovaya Street.”
New York Times Magazine
, June 1, 1952.
_________. “When Russia’s Revolution Was Young.”
New York Times Book Review
, August 26, 1956.
Schilling, Warner R. “The Politics of National Defense: Fiscal 1950.” In Warner R. Schilling, Paul Y. Hammond, and Glenn H. Snyder, eds.,
Strategy, Politics, and Defense Budgets
. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962.
Trask, Roger R. “George F. Kennan’s Report on Latin America.”
Diplomatic History
2 (Summer 1978), 307

Urban, George. “From Containment to . . . Self-Containment: A Conversation with George F. Kennan.”
47 (September 1976), 10

Wood, Gordon S. “All in the Family.”
New York Review of Books
, February 22, 2001.
Wright, C. Ben. “Mr. ‘X’ and Containment.”
Slavic Review
35 (March 1976), 1

Abakumov, Viktor Semyonovich
Acheson, Dean
and atomic weapons
and Berlin
and China
and defense spending
and European unity
and Germany
and Kennan’s career
and Kennan’s lectures
and Kennan’s views on foreign affairs
and Kennan’s writings
and Korea
lectures by
and Marshall Plan
and Policy Planning Staff
Present at the Creation
as secretary of state
and Titoism
and Truman Doctrine
working style of
Adams, Brooks
Adams, Henry
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Sherman
Adams, Ware
Adenauer, Konrad
Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of
apartheid in
decolonization in
Kennans’ visit to
Air War College
Albert Einstein Peace Prize
Alexander I, Tsar
Alliluyeva, Svetlana Iosifovna
Allison, John
Alsop, Joseph
Alsop, Stewart
American Academy of Arts and Letters
American Council on Germany
Andropov, Yuri
Anglo-Portuguese treaty (1373)
Arab-Israeli war (1967)
Arbatov, Georgi
Armacost, Michael
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish
Aron, Raymond
Atlantic, The
Atlantic Charter
Atomic Energy Commission
Attlee, Clement
Augustine, Saint,
Austin, Warren
German annexation of
postwar occupation of
social systems in
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Bad Nauheim:
Kennan’s Russian history course in
U.S. embassy personnel interned in
Bakhmeteff, Boris
Balfour, Sir John “Jock,”
Ball, George
Ball, Lucille
Barghoorn, Frederick C.
Barnes, Joseph
Barrett, Betsy
Baruch Plan
Beard, Charles,
The Open Door at Home
Belgium, German invasion of
Bellah, Robert
Bemis, Samuel Flagg
Beneš, Eduard
Benton, William
allied airlift of
Bristol Hotel in
Cold War tensions over
Kennan’s diary description of
Kennan’s language studies in
Kennan’s reports from
Kennan’s temporary posting (1931) to
Kennan’s transfer (1939) to
postwar occupation of
Soviet blockade of
in wartime
Berlin, Isaiah
Berlin Olympics (1936)
Berlin Wall
Bevin, Ernest
Bidault, Georges
Billington, James
Billington, Ray
Bismarck, Gottfried von
Bismarck, Otto von
Black, Cyril
Blok, Aleksandr
Bohlen, Avis
Bohlen, Charles E. “Chip,”
as ambassador to Soviet Union
and Cold War
death of
and espionage
and Kennan’s expulsion
and Kennan’s long telegram
Kennan’s reports to
and Marshall Plan
memoirs of
in Moscow
and national security
nomination fight of
and postwar Europe
and State Department
in Washington
Bohlen-Robinson report
Böhm, Charlotte
Bonesteel, Charles “Tick” III
Borah, William
Bowie, Robert R.
Bowles, Chester
Braden, Spruille
Brassard, Father Louis Robert
Bretton Woods conference
Brezhnev, Leonid
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Reith lectures
Brodie, Bernard
The Absolute Weapon
Brown, Neill S.
Brown, Philip M.
Bruce, David
Brussels Treaty (1948)
Bryant, Louise
Bryce, James
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchwald, Art
Buffett, Warren
Bulgakov, Valentin Fedorovich
Bulganin, Nikolay
Bull, Harold
Bullitt, William C.
as ambassador to France
as ambassador to Soviet Union
Kennan’s letters to
“swan song” dispatch of
Bundy, Mary Acheson
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, William P. “Bill,”
Burgard, Lavere
Burlingham, C. C.
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Butler, George
Butterfield, Herbert
Butterworth, W. Walton
Byrnes, James F.
Cabot, John Moors
Calvin, John
and atomic bomb
Kennan’s speeches in
and NATO
Canadian Geographical Journal
Carlson, Harry
Carnegie Corporation
Carr, Wilbur J.
Carter, Jimmy
Casablanca conference (1943)
Cassels, Louis
Castle, William R., Jr.
Castro, Fidel
Chamberlain, Neville
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chekhov, Anton
The Cherry Orchard
The Steppe
Chekhov Publishing House
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago Sun-Times
and atomic bomb
civil war in
Kennan’s writings on
and Korea
and McCarthyism
and Nixon
PPS reports on
and Soviet Union
and Taiwan
Tiananmen Square unrest
and Tito
and UN
White Paper on
China Aid Act (1948)
China hands
China Lobby
Christopher, Warren M.
Chuikov, V. I.
Churchill, Winston
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
covert activities of
cyanide pills from
formation of
Kennan as advisor to
and Russian exiles
Clausewitz, Carl von
Clay, Lucius D.
Clayton, William L.
Cleveland, Grover
Clifford, Clark
Clinton, Bill
Clubb, O. Edmund
Coffin, William Sloane
Colby, Bainbridge
Cold War:
and atomic bomb
beginning of
Berlin blockade
Berlin tensions in
Berlin Wall in
concept of
Cold War: (
and containment
and détente
and déterrence
and disengagement
and domino theory
and iron curtain
“liberation” in
and long telegram
and McCarthyism
and minimum deterrence
mutually assured destruction (MAD) in
“New Look” in
“no first use” strategy
and nuclear capability
and nuclear moratorium/control
revisionist histories of
and Task Force A
and U.S. national security
as war of attrition
world divided in
and “X” article
and zero option
Cole, Felix
Coleman, F. W. B.
Committee on East-West Accord
Committee on Present Danger
Conant, James B.
Congress for Cultural Freedom
Conrad, Joseph,
Under Western Skies
Cooke, Alistair
Coolidge, Calvin
Corrigan, Frank P.
Cory, Thomas J.
Council of Economic Advisers
Council of Foreign Ministers
Council on Foreign Relations
Cousins, Norman
Craig, Gordon A.
Crawford, Angus MacDonald
Crawford, William A.
Crossman, Richard
Bay of Pigs
and Kennedy administration
Soviet missile crisis
Cumming, Hugh
Custine, Astolphe Louis Léonor, Marquis de
Bohemia and Moravia
founding of
and Germany
Kennan’s posting to Prague
resistance movements in
and Slovak independence
and Soviet Union
Sudetenland in
U.S. abandonment of
Czech Republic
Daladier, Édouard
Dartmouth College
Davies, John Paton
and China
and Cold War
investigations of
and Korea
and Policy Planning Staff
Davies, Joseph E.
Davies, Patricia
Davies, Richard
Dawson, William
Day After, The
Delany, Kevin
de Silva, Peer
De Stefano, Mario
Dillon, C. Douglas
Dilworth, Bunny
Dilworth, J. Richardson
Dixon, Sir Pierson
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dodds, Harold
Domino theory: in Asia
Dönhoff, Marion
Donne, John,
Donnelly, J. C.
Doolittle, James
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
death of
disagreements with Kennan
and Eisenhower
and Kennan’s career
and Kennan’s writings
and “liberation,”
Dunn, James C.
Durante, Jimmy
Durbrow, Elbridge
and Kennan’s time in Moscow
and long telegram
in Washington
Dutton, Frederick G.
Earle, Edward Mead
Makers of Modern Strategy
East European Fund
Eastman Kodak Company
Eden, Anthony
Aswan Dam in
and Suez Canal
Einstein, Albert
Albert Einstein Peace Prize
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
and Bohlen
and Dulles
and elections
health problems of
and Kennan
and Marshall
Eisenhower administration:
and Cold War
and Kennan’s career
and Latin America
and McCarthyism
and Soviet Union
and Suez
Elbrick, C. Burke
Emmet, Christopher
and atomic bomb
balance of power in
collective security of
see also
communist parties in
and Latin America
and Marshall Plan,
Marshall Plan
postwar order evolving in
postwar recovery of
spheres of influence in
and Truman Doctrine,
Truman Doctrine
unification of
European Advisory Commission (EAC)
Far Eastern Commission (FEC)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Ferguson, Homer
Ferris, Walt
First Presbyterian Church, Princeton
Fischer, Louis
Fish, Bert
Fitzgerald, F. Scott:
The Great Gatsby
This Side of Paradise
Follmer, Cyrus
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
Ford Foundation
Foreign Affairs
Acheson article in
“America and the Russian Future,”
history of Soviet-American relations in
“Japanese Security and American Policy,”
Kennan’s response to Acheson in

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