Georgie and Her Dragon (5 page)

Read Georgie and Her Dragon Online

Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #humor, #fantasy, #sex, #dragons, #princess

BOOK: Georgie and Her Dragon
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Theo glanced down to find himself naked,
too. The sight wasn’t exactly guaranteed to extract a swoon out of
dream-maiden Georgie, but it was good enough to get the job done,
which at this point was pretty much all Theo cared about.

His cock was hard and standing well away
from its nest of curly thatch, a drop of moisture dewing the
darkening head.

I?” Georgie
slithered to the edge of the bed and reached for him.

“Well, let me think.” Theo gulped. “I’ve
thought. Yes. You may. Please do. Like
, okay?”

Georgie giggled. “Okay.” Her hand wrapped
around his cock in a grip not unlike fire coiling next to his balls
and he damn near jumped a foot in the air. He did, in fact, achieve
a miniscule amount of altitude when she followed her first move
with a kiss and a parting of her lips.

Then she slid her mouth down over his cock
and Theo reached liftoff.

Warm wet waves of heat slid up and down over
his skin, searing slithers of lips and tongue and all the
wonderfully alliterative things that porn movies just don’t quite
manage to convey to viewers, although they try their best.

Nope, Theo wasn’t prepared for the sensation
at all. In fact, he had to clench his teeth hard just to hold back
an immediate onslaught of savagely delightful muscular
contractions, which probably would have resulted in a tsunami of
semen and drowned Georgie. Something he did not want to happen at
this particular moment - or any moment at all, come to think of

To the syncopated sound of his back molars
clashing together Georgie sucked his cock, giving him the blowjob
that would henceforth and forever more define the word “blowjob” in
Theo’s head. Her hair brushed softly against his thighs and her
smile - around his now extraordinarily hard and astoundingly huge
penis (it was Theo’s dream, after all) - curved her face into a
thing of gentle beauty. The sounds of slurping coming from the
general area of his testicles orchestrated this fantasy and raised
it to an amazingly arousing level of erotic delight.

The fact that Georgie was groaning and
glancing at him from under her eyelashes - just like that woman in
the porn movie he’d peeked in on - seemed perfectly natural. He
was, he realized, doing some quite appropriate moaning and groaning
himself. Also rather like the stud-muffin from that self-same porn
Flocking the Shepherdess
or something like that. He
couldn’t recall the title offhand, just the activities of the

Which, coincidentally, were being duplicated
by both Theo and Georgie.

Of course, looking at the situation
dispassionately - which Theo couldn’t, since it was his cock in
dream-Georgie’s mouth - this phenomenon was understandable. Dragons
didn’t get a hugely detailed sexual education for the simple reason
that they didn’t get much sex, so Theo was operating on leftover
human memories, amplified by images from the porn movie he’d
watched through that window a while back.

This became even clearer when Georgie slid
her lips from his cock and gently licked her way down to his balls,
running her tongue over them in gentle and loving caresses.

Theo’s eyes crossed, his breath seized in
his lungs and he waited for exquisite death - the natural result of
such treatment on a simple male. Strangled noises gurgled around
his tonsils, caused by the influx of arousal up his spinal cord.
Even his
was ready, standing up in hard little
erections all over his head.

How did people survive this
? Theo let
the question wander around his brain - or at least the one square
millimeter that wasn’t focused on Georgie and her mouth.

She swiped his balls once more with her
tongue then slithered around, lifting herself onto her knees and
trapping his cock between her breasts.
Oh yeah, baby
. This
just got better and better and worse and worse and Theo knew he was
gonna come real soon if she kept doing such magnificently erotic
things to him.

“Oh yeah, baby. Just like that.” He moaned
and reached for her hair, unwittingly repeating the dialogue from
the movie.

“You like that, baby?” Georgie purred the
words as she slid his cock between her breasts, squeezing him with
hot slick globes of flesh and playing with her nipples at the same

“Shit, yeah.” Well, that was all Theo. The
actor had had something else to say - like “Fuck, yeah” - but Theo
was improvising at this point, past awareness of what he actually

Nothing mattered anymore except for Georgie
and the way she loved his cock. Or the way she was
not-loving-it-quite-so-enthusiastically. Theo glanced down.
“Everything all right?”

She snorted - producing a rather delightful
sensation of having the tip of his cock briefly hit by the air from
a blow-dryer set on high. “Oh sure. Here I am sucking you off and
making you moan. So I gotta ask myself, what are you gonna do for

Limpid blue eyes stared at him as she let
her tongue slide between her lips and just brush the tiny slit and
the drop of pre-come he’d emitted.

“Uhhh...” Theo struggled to find the
speech-center of his brain. Since that organ resembled scrambled
eggs at this particular point, he had to work rather hard at it.
“Well, lemme see...”

Images flashed across his mind, some being
discarded completely (there were no chickens available), others
dismissed as impractical (Theo had no idea where the nearest hot
tub might be). But one scene appeared and hung around quite
Yeah, that would work.

He reached down and gently drew Georgie up
from his cock. There was a sizeable amount of regret along with
that movement, but Theo was fundamentally a fair-minded sort of
chap. Turnabout was - when it came to oral sex - fair play. He
eased her onto the bed and followed her, making sure her lovely
milky thighs were a good distance apart. He wasn’t about to miss a
single millisecond of this delightful experience.

And delightful it was, too.

Even though Theo had only watched a couple
doing this in the movie, the actual process - complete with sounds,
tastes, fragrances and the moans of Georgie ringing in his ears -
was a gazillion times better.

Tentatively, he settled in between her legs
and stared at the pink and swollen folds of pussy flesh that
glittered at him from beneath a mound of soft golden hair. He
reached forward and parted the damp curls, revealing all of her
womanly secrets. Or so he liked to think.

Of course, as a rule
womanly secrets
could refer to anything from the best way to make gingerbread to
the ability to produce a child. However, at this point in time -
when he was about a foot or so away from Georgie’s pussy - the
womanly secrets
seemed to be quite apt.

Interestingly, Georgie’s body was producing
a sweet liquid all by itself. Fascinated, Theo dipped a finger
tentatively in the slick of honey-like juice that oozed over her
skin and shone like diamonds where it beaded on her curly pussy
hair. He licked at the droplet - then licked again. It was
salty-sweet, fragrant, flowery and spicy - like the finest cookie
he’d ever eaten blended with the world’s best chocolate ice cream.
Or something. Theo had always been pretty awful when it came to
identifying foods.

This, however, this taste? He’d know it for
the rest of his life as being the taste of the best cookie anywhere

“Mmm.” Mouth watering, Theo dived in


A burbled litany of words that Theo took for
approval greeted his actions and when he started licking around and
devouring more of her juices from her pussy lips, she cried out
with pleasure.

“Fucking shit, Theo, yeah...more...God,
me, baby.”

Obediently, Theo ate. Using his tongue like
a tiny hors d’oeuvres fork, he prodded and poked and explored,
swiping long licks across anything he could find for a little
variety in between his tickling flickers.

Georgie’s thighs tightened around him like
nutcrackers, firm muscles clamping down against his ears and pretty
much muting the sounds from the rest of the universe. She held his
head tightly, hands scrabbling in his hair as he continued his oral

She nearly yanked out half his scalp when he
found a tiny nubbin of flesh had appeared from beneath a soft hood.
He licked it carefully, knowing it was that magical, mystical
magnificent seat of all women’s pleasure - the

Now exactly
Theo knew this was
something of a mystery. His dragon-self certainly wasn’t familiar
with that portion of a woman’s body. And the erotic gymnastics he’d
observed in the porn movie hadn’t even mentioned it. As a matter of
fact, he was pretty sure that none of those actresses had a
clitoris at all. Or if they had, they certainly hadn’t used it very
much, since the object had seemed to be to make their male costars
orgasm mightily while they themselves whimpered or squealed in

But somehow Theo had tapped into a universal
knowledge - a fact that was one of those underlying fundamentals on
which life was based. Women like to have their clitoral area
stimulated. Preferably with a male tongue, which is gentler than
some other things that could possibly be utilized in a pinch.

Following these precepts, Theo worked
Georgie, judging from the tension in her body and the rapid
breathing that she was either having a seizure or he was doing it
right. He pulled away for a moment to catch his breath only to have
her grasp his ears and yank his head right back where it had

Okay, he was doing it right.

Cleverly, he avoided the “elevator-button”
technique (if she doesn’t come right away, keep pushing) and also
managed to not fall into the “increased pressure results in
increased pleasure” trap (ramping up the force won’t get you
anything but a knee in the groin).

With masterful skill, Theo ate out his
Georgie, wondering if he’d remember any of these techniques when he
woke up. Then he realized he wouldn’t get to use them anyway, being
a dragon, so that was something he didn’t have to worry about.

Leaving only one
worry - his

Harder than the castle walls by now, Theo
was finding the taste of Georgie to be more of an aphrodisiac than
dragon claws could ever have been. He was helpless to resist the
call of his own body, so as he buried his face happily in Georgie’s
pussy, he slipped a hand down between his own legs and began to

It was a moment of exquisite bliss - a
moment when the world was solely dependent upon Theo for
satisfaction. Georgie trembled beneath his tongue and he trembled
within his fist.

He was Lord of the Universe, Master of the
Galaxy - he was The

A last thrust of his tongue deep into
Georgie’s body finally pushed her over the edge. She screamed, a
sound so sharp and excruciatingly loud that he winced, even with a
mouthful of pussy.

It came again, a screeching, viciously
painful, fingernails-on-a-chalkboard, knife-on-a-plate sort of

And Theo woke up.

He fried the two crows who were circling his
head - and squawking - with one shot from his nostrils. Which was
all very satisfying, but didn’t do a damn thing for the shudders of
sexual arousal that racked Theo and rattled the turrets around his
nest. He shivered and shook, still lost in that foggy in-between

In between man and dragon.

Had he been man, well - he could’ve taken
care of matters quite easily. A quick couple of strokes and -
wham-bang-whack-off-heaven. Or, if he’d been
lucky, a
passing serving wench with a serious case of the hornies could have
eased his predicament.

But - sadly - Theo had to acknowledge the
truth. And that truth was that he was a
with a
serious erection. As such, he was stumped. He staggered out of his
roost onto the battlements and surrendered to the pain, releasing
his pouch and his crumpled cock with a hugely enormous sigh that
threatened to topple some trees on a nearby hill.

He knew his claws were too sharp for a nice
quick jerk-off, which would have taken quite a weight off his mind.
There had to be other masturbatory alternatives that didn’t involve
genital self-mutilation and so he gazed frantically around for
inspiration before the tears gathering in his eyes poured free and
put out his dragon fire. That was a bitch to relight and something
dragons tended to avoid at all costs.

His tense gaze fell on the battlements. The
battlements. “
” being the
Latin word for “
just about the right height and size for a
massively horny dragon to use when caught short with no female
within twenty miles

He rammed his cock through the opening,
sighing with pleasure as the smooth stone walls caressed his
length. Or at least a couple of feet of it. It was, thankfully,
enough. With thrusts powerful enough to shake the moat into
ripples, Theo took his pleasure by himself, crashing his hips into
the two-foot thick battlements and letting the slabs rake his cock
as he moved.

One slight whiff of a fragrance that
could’ve been Georgie assailed his nostrils - and Theo was a goner.
His throaty roar scared the animals in the surrounding farms, and
the belch of smoke from his nostrils signaled his orgasm equally

Several miles away a minstrel looked up into
the sky, searching for a new song to play at dinner that night and
saw the billowing clouds over the castle ramparts. He blinked as
the words came to him...”
I’ve seen fire
...” He jumped as
drops of heavy rain pattered on his shoulders, surprising him quite
a bit since the sky was perfectly clear. “
And I’ve seen
...” The minstrel smiled. This one should go platinum in
weeks. Fired with enthusiasm he scrawled the rest of the song,
unaware that at that same moment one exhausted dragon was trying to
fold his limp cock back into his pouch on top of a distant

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