Gideon [The Marujan Brothers Series] Book Two

Read Gideon [The Marujan Brothers Series] Book Two Online

Authors: Hannah-Lee Hitchman

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #gideon, #hannahlee hitchman, #hadaen, #the marujan brothers series

BOOK: Gideon [The Marujan Brothers Series] Book Two
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Copyright © 2014 by
Hannah-Lee Hitchman

All rights reserved. No part
of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any

electronic or mechanical
means including information storage and retrieval

in the case of brief
quotations in critical articles or reviews-without permission in

from its author, Hannah-Lee
Hitchman. The characters and events portrayed in this

are fictitious or are used

Any similarity to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and is not intended

the author.

Copyright © 2014 Hannah-Lee




To my little sister,

For saying my eyes


And, for all readers

Without you I would never
have finished Book 2.








































Dear Readers,


"Gideon " is the second
book of "The Marujan Brothers Series" and is a fanatasy

romance. The contents of
this novel was written to appeal to an audience of persons

years and older and it is
my wish that only such individuals may read it.

I am a fresh new author so
my writing skills may not be remarkable as yet but, hey, I’m

accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause to you,
avid readers.

Now, I would like to bring
you through a few pronunciations of terms you will come

throughout the novel. Here

Maruj -

Hadaen -

Faolan -

Lensai -

Esyth -

Deorci -

mana - (maa-nah)

Baamel –

Suhki –


Writing this novel had
been a great adventure for me as I explored the levels of

and Esyth’s story. And now,
I want to share it with you!

Please feel free to make
any comments you wish on this book as I would very much

appreciate your feedback.
It is reviews like yours that make me a better writer every

Your Friend,

















Readers’ Praise for Hadaen
[The Marujan Brothers Series] Book One

Chantal Murray
This book
is simply AMAZING!!!... this book definitely got me addicted to it
from beginning to end. I fell in love with Haden throughout the
book. I also liked how the author was able to perfectly bring out
Haden's personality as the story progresses...I REALLY can't wait
to see what the author has in store for his brother Gideon in part
two of this series!! Good job Hannah-lee Hitchman and please
hurried it up with part two!

read!! Can't wait for book 2! I find most paranormal books to be
really predictable but this book certainly wasn't. I really loovve
Hadaen :) The book is really interesting and I recommend it to all
who love paranormal romance books. And those ***

Emma Ireland
Wow!! I'm hooked brilliant story line can't wait to
see what’s next. Thank you for letting me escape into a world I
swear I could almost smell and taste… Been a long time since a
story has done that. We'll done keep writing can't wait for the
next one.

Dorothy Moore: 5/5 STARS
A must read! I really
really enjoyed this book. It's not every day you read a fantasy
book and actually feel like you are a part of the supernatural
world being depicted...
When will Book Two be ready??? I can only imagine what the author
has in store.

Aimee Darcy:
One of the best
fantasy books I've ever read, simply because it was sooo
believable...... with scorching hot scenes.
I even referred it to a few of my friends. This should definitely
be a movie. I'd surely watch it!! *thumbs up*

Kishane ‘The Kish” Robinson
Great read. I love the way the author incorporates fantasy and
romance with a modern day twist. Erotic.

Jayda Murray: 5/5 STARS
I really enjoyed this book. I'm eager to
find out what has come of Deorci and Esyth. I adore Hadaen and
Amelia's story simply because she wasn't the 'sobbing' type. Hadaen
knows how to take control and I think she needed that.
Altogether, wonderful job by the author.

Paris. H:
Great read. I was
hanging on to every word. I have to agree with the "searing hot
page turner" description. Erotic scenes...practical romance that
isn't too 'mushy' & the realness of characters that makes me
wonder if there really is a place called Maruj.
Nice combination of war, lust, love and romance

Dee A Mony: 5/5 STARS
It's a good read. A searing
hot page turner that meshes fantasy with fact so believably and the
romance with the practicalities of war. I am happy this is just the

Nothing else to say
but... 'oh my gosh!' lol. I did not want this book to end. Thank
God, it's a series. Amelia has got some hella attitude; I love her!
And Hadaen? Pure alpha male :3
I was so looking forward to seeing Deorci die...but oh well! Gots
to keep us anticipating!
I'll be looking out for Gideon's story 'cause I can tell it'll be
another mind-probing one...

Patricia F.:
Awesome read!! I love how the
author brings out Hadaen's personality as well as gives us a hint
of what's to come for Gideon.
Looking forwards to reading Book 2.
Well written :)

(from Amazon):
I loved Hadaen! The author wasn't pulling any
punches in this book. It was raw, erotic, raunchy and engaging. It
had me hooked till the very end right from chapter one and that's
how every novel and every series should begin especially a fantasy
paranormal series-- they have a love hate relationship with
Hadaen is an ass in the beginning, conceited, egotistic with
the power gone to his head and one who needed a swift kick in the
balls. He treats Amelia badly, almost raping her until she orked
her magic and cast herself 700 years in the future. Hadaen looks
for her for 700 years when he discovers she is his mate, the key to
win the fight against darkness and guess what, he hasn't changed
one bit! But the years of having blue balls have given his head a
chance to get some blood and he's a little cool in his ardor this
time when he discovers Amelia doesn't remember him or her past and
he prefers it that way because she has no memory of what he almost
did to her. There was nothing truly epic about how she got her
memory back but when she does she's not that meek subject 700 years
ago and makes sure Hadean understands that. With the key to victory
secure, the main part of the story finally begins and a whole new
world unfolds.
Sadly, this book ends with a
cliffhanger on to accounts- the romance between Hadaen and Amelia,
and the great battle against darkness- and it continues with
Gideon's story. He and his love interest are introduced in this
book and it ended with Esyth sacrificing herself so that Amelia
doesn't have to, shattering Gideon's world but giving us a glimpse
of the next story, which I believe and hope will be better than
this one.
Chapter One
Maruj Castle
2nd May, 2014
he coffee isn't
to your liking, lord?"
The voluptuous girl peered down at him, the innocence she was
trying to portray never reaching her voice. Deep brown eyes
glistened through thick lashes…daring him. He was never one to
refuse a challenge. Gideon raised his gaze to her face and sipped
slowly, reveling in the way her small pink tongue jotted out
eagerly. He caressed the mouth of his mug for a while—his tongue
giving the smooth surface a sweet taunting massage. He knew the
wench wanted him...he could smell her desire; wet and hot and just
his for the taking.
"No." He shoved the mug away and towards her, leaning back in his
chair. "It's missing something..."
Her eyes widened instantly. "Is it too sweet, lord? Do you wish for
cream instead? P-Perhaps brewed too strongly..? I-I can do it
again." The girl's face brightened crimson and Gideon fought
against the urge to laugh.
"It's a little...weak."
"Then I shall fetch the sugar." She was off at it before she had
even uttered the entire sentence.
"Sugar...isn't what I desire." His voice was low—just low enough
for her not to miss the message behind his lustful tone. The girl
stopped sharp in her tracks, her back slightly turned to him. He
waited patiently, only because he knew she had caught his meaning.
And then she turned slowly, cheeks blushed and hands trembling.
Gideon smiled and shifted in his seat. "Perhaps
could suffice."
The girl stood planted in her position near the door but never
uttered a word. Neither did she bat an eyelash, her complexion pale
as raw dough. A small dainty mouth opened slightly, perhaps to say
something when the door came crashing open. Gideon swore beneath
his breath and grabbed back his mug, watching half-attentively as
the girl eagerly fled the room.
“Damn tyrant!”

He shook his head as his
sister-in-law strode inside the private dining room, shrugging off
her coat and reaching the bar in record time.
“What did Hadaen do now?” he chuckled, thoroughly enjoying his
Amelia poured herself a glass of brandy and swallowed it down
thickly, pausing a moment for the burning in her throat to ease.
“If that asshole expects me to live like this then he has sadly
mistaken. How can he expect me to go about this damn kingdom and
not do anything?”

You two
have been married for almost three years. When are you going to
stop living like cat and dog?” He stared forlornly down into his
mug for a minute, smiled sadly and then laughed. “You should follow
my example. I’m always happy!”
Amelia rolled her eyes and braced against the marble counter. “When
your brother gets his head from out of his ass, then we can talk
about being happy,” she grumbled.
Gideon chuckled and swallowed down the rest of his coffee. “Yup,”
he burped out and patted his chest. “Sounds like you two haven’t
been playing
for a while.” He watched as Amelia screwed up her
face and then cackled so loudly, it echoed throughout the room. “So
right. Damn!
No wonder the man is pissed.”
Walking towards the table, she grabbed up a freshly-picked apple
and bit into it. “Well, I won’t play housewife for anybody. It’s
called compromise, Gideon. He gives me what I want…then he’ll get
what he wants. It’s a no-brainer.”
“I’m sure—”
“WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?” Hadaen’s voice came booming from the hall.
A brief silence went before the doors were shoved open again….and
in walked his brother, looking ready to blow a fuse.
“Here!” she hollered, raising her hand and waving it around in a
mocking fashion. “
? I haven’t run off like you’ve been accusing me of for the
last 28 months!”
Hadaen casted his brother a withering look and then aimed his gaze
back at Amelia. Pulling out a chair, he sat down slowly, obviously
trying very hard to maintain his composure. The room stood still
for a good five minutes—Amelia deliberately taking her time to
devour the tiny apple and Hadaen pretending not to be annoyed by
it. Gideon on the other hand could not handle the murderous tension
surrounding him so he pushed himself to his feet and sighed
“I…am going to find one of Cook’s sharpest knives and shove it
straight through my heart,” he said, eyeing both of them
sarcastically. “You two will not bring me down in your god-forsaken
At that point, Hadaen’s fist went crashing down against the table;
tossing his self-control to the wind. Amelia turned to face him,
the never dying defiance blazing in her eyes. “Goddamit, woman! I
am your husband. You cannot lock me out of—might I remind
“I already did, Hadaen,” she said in a surprisingly calm voice.
“Why am I even attempting to explain things to you?” Amelia shook
her head and rose from the table. “I’m going for a walk.” And when
she noticed him rising to his feet and reaching out to grab her,
she side-stepped him quickly and dashed for the door.

Gideon shook his head, not even trying to hide his amusement. “How
do you do it, man?” he muttered in a taunting tone. “Being rejected
by your wife? That’s not good. Not good at all.”

Go fuck yourself
He laughed out harshly. “Speaking of that… I do believe I have an
appointment with the infamous Dahlia.”
“Wait. I need to talk to you about something.”
Gideon was already at the door and turning the knob. “What is
“It’s important.” And a dark emotion flashed only briefly across
his face. “We need to—.”
“I have to go.”
And he dashed from the room, heading straight down the long hallway
leading to the stone staircase, which lead down into the lower
floors. Moving quickly, Gideon tried not to notice the many framed
photos which hung neatly on both sides of the wall. Neither did he
wish to admit just how happy his ancestors looked, face-splitting
smiles and sparkling eyes. But his pace slowed anyway, and he
caught a glimpse of his mother’s smile. The mother he had never
known; the mother he had heard such great things of and who he had
tried to feel her presence countless times while he was a

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