Gideon's Redemption (22 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Gideon's Redemption
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“I like quickies, Gid. Or slowies, or marathons.” Rolling to her side, she pressed her lips against his scruffy jaw as she waited for her breathing to slow to normal. “As long as they’re with you, it doesn’t matter. I love you, honey.”

“I love you too, baby doll.” Raising her face to his, he kissed her, slow and sweet. “And I’m glad that you’re easy to please.”

She nestled her head against his shoulder, sighing contentedly. So much had changed for her in such a short time. Only two months had passed since he ran into her, waiting tables at the Bungalow. Now she was a married woman, enrolled in college, and taking a seat on the advisory board of a charitable foundation. She’d traded her crappy car for a Lexus and her crappier apartment for a luxurious Malibu beach house.

His thoughts mirrored hers as he asked, “This has been a wild ride for you, Shannon. Are you happy?”

Raising her head, she propped her chin on her hands that were stacked upon his chest. Smiling softly, she reassured him. “I’m happier than I could ever imagine. Aside from Eli being born, this has been the happiest day of my life.”

Stroking her hair away from her face, he tucked a wayward lock behind her ear, running the pad of his thumb across her cheekbone.

“You are so beautiful.” His voice was husky, and his hands, unable to stay still, ran gently over her face. She felt her cheeks suffuse with heat, and he chuckled as he replaced his hands with his lips, gently caressing the features that he praised. “I love the way your skin turns a rosy pink when you’re turned on or feeling shy.” He kissed her soft cheeks and then pressed his lips against her forehead. “Your eyes are a brilliant sapphire blue and framed by long, silky black lashes. I could stare at your beautiful face all day, love. I can’t get enough.”

Uncomfortable with such a close inspection, she changed the subject. “Thank you for flying everyone in for the ceremony. Having Roxie, Christina, and Betsy here to stand up for me made it very special.”

“Anything for my beautiful bride.” He smiled as he traced her heated cheeks with his long finger. “You’re blushing. It’s a wonder that such a beautiful woman can be so shy with a compliment.”

“Eli was thrilled to be your best man.”

“He did great and I must say he was the spitting image of his dad in that tux. He took his job seriously.”

“He told me he was concentrating so he wouldn’t drop the rings.”

“Poor kid. Was it too much pressure, do you think?”

“No, he would have done anything, tackled any task, jumped through any hoop to see his parents married.”

“Did he tell you that?”

“No, he told Bets and you know how she is with a secret. She found it so cute she was bursting to tell someone.” Shannon grinned as she reminisced. “He was cute signing the papers. It was very important to him that he write his new name correctly. Thank you for seeing to that as well.”

“That was one of the first favors he asked me, babe—to change his name legally. For my son to have my name means a lot to me, too. The lawyers did the work. All I did was make the call.”

“No, all you did was love him and accept him. I love you for that, Gideon.”

His eyes were a bit misty when he looked down at her and nodded. Then he took a deep breath and said, “We’re getting awfully schmaltzy for such a happy occasion. I think I’ll have to love you again to lighten the mood.”

“Twist my arm some more, honey,” Shannon teased.

“Hmm… I don’t think that’s necessary.” He rolled from the bed and lifted her into his arms. He carried her to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, where he set her down. “I would like to fulfill a fantasy of mine, however. Ever since I made the reservations, I’ve dreamed of taking you here in front of the windows.”

Cuddling her front up against him, she tried to get him to step back. “Someone will see us.”

“Nope, the windows are tinted. We can see out, but no one can see in.” He turned her to face the glass and stepped forward, pressing her up against it. She gasped as the coolness touched her skin. He took her hands and pressed them flat by her shoulders. “Keep your hands here and spread your legs for me, babe.”

“This feels so wicked, Gid. Are you sure no one can see?”

“Positive.” His hands caressed her shoulders, down her sides, and around to cup her full breasts. He moved up against her, pressing his aching cock against her bare, rounded bottom. “You’ve been a very good girl lately, honey. When was the last time you had a spanking?”

“A good girl spanking or a naughty one?”

“It seems like it’s been awhile for both. I think a good girl spanking is in order. To seal the vows you made today, to love, honor, and obey.”

“I did say that, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”

“Did you bribe the preacher?”

“I don’t think I’d call it a bribe. Just payment for services rendered.” He stepped back, allowing enough space for the slow glide of his hand over her quivering bottom. He rubbed and squeezed her soft flesh. “You are so freakin’ gorgeous, Shannon. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this fine ass and your glorious body.”

“I should hope not, Gid. Although if you do, I’ll remind you of your promise of ‘til death do us part’, not ‘till I get enough of her fine ass’.”

A sharp, stinging swat landed against her bottom, and she sucked in a breath, letting it out in a soft groan of delight.

“Getting a little sassy, babe? That’s okay. I’ll give you what you need. Hard swats or soft, this bottom is getting spanked.”

“Yes, please.”

He spanked her then with slow, sensuous swats to both cheeks until her bottom was a warm, rosy hue and the liquid ache between her thighs became unbearable.

“Take me, Gid. Right here against the window, with the world at our feet. Make me yours and love me.”

“As always, sweet baby.”

He took her, pressed against the penthouse window glass. They came together with all the love and passion they possessed. With the starlit skyline of Las Vegas glistening in the distance and the elaborate choreographed waters of the famous fountain shimmering below, they came apart in each other’s arms, trivializing the stunning spectacle before them. It was like a reawakening. No longer were the forces of fate and malicious manipulations against them. It was a time of redemption for their love, a renewal of their trust, and a resurgence of their hope for the future.



The End

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Marshal’s Law

When Janelle Prescott is thrown from her car as it careens off of a slippery road, she expects to wake up in a hospital. Instead, to her utter disbelief, she wakes up in a jail cell which looks like something from an old western movie set. It is there, hurt and alone, with no idea what happened or how she will get back home, that Janelle first meets Aaron Jackson. As she regains her wits, however, Janelle realizes that something is terribly amiss, and her worst fears are confirmed when she learns that Aaron is the marshal of Cheyenne County, Wyoming… and the year is 1878.

When an injured, apparently addle-headed woman falls into his lap, Aaron takes it upon himself to keep her safe and nurse her back to health. Truth be told, he is instantly attracted to her despite her sharp tongue and her bizarre story—a story which he is quickly forced by the evidence to accept as genuine. After Aaron takes her under his wing and into his family’s home, the two clash frequently, but Aaron is more than ready to lay down the law… even if that means a good, hard, bare-bottom spanking for this feisty brat from another era.

Having little choice, Janelle must learn how to live as a woman in 1878, including submitting to the firm-handed marshal who, in spite of everything, seems to have laid claim to her heart.

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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


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