Girl After Dark (19 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Eve

BOOK: Girl After Dark
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I just can’t seem to say it.

“Am I gonna have to spell this out to you?” Jonathan replies with a smile.

“What?!” I ask, confused.

“If you don’t get out of this cab right now and go home with that boy, young lady, then you’ve not been listening to a word of my advice!”

We both laugh and I feel my heart leaping with excitement. He’s right — again.

“Thanks Jonathan,” I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Then I hurriedly unbuckle my seatbelt, jump out of the cab, and wave him off, watching it speed off into the night, leaving me there on the curb.

I turn around. I’m alone in the street.


I start to run, turning the corner in what I hope to God is the direction of his apartment, and sure enough, I see him just a half-block away.

“Carson!” I call as I run.

He stops and turns, his puzzlement quickly becoming a wide excited grin as he realises who it is, racing towards him down the empty street.

And as I reach him, I do what I’ve been wanting to do for so long now, throwing myself into his arms and kissing him as if my life depended on it.

“You know what?” I say with a big grin between kisses, “Actually, I don’t think I’m that tired anymore!”








Girl After Dark: Back to Yours


Your apartment is stylish and elegant — just as stylish as you — but admiring the decor is the very last thing on my mind right now.

We’ve hardly made it through the door before we’re kissing again, both of us wanting the same thing, our bodies crying out for each other, our mouths gasping, our kisses hot and breathy.

You push me up against the wall, pressing yourself against me, and I can feel it straight away: the hardness between your thighs that tells me you need this just as much as I do right now.

Your hands are all over me: pawing my breasts, cupping my ass, and of course slipping between my legs.

At first you work me gently through the lace of my knickers and then, a moment later, I gasp as you urgently tug them downwards, right around my thighs. I only just about have time to step out of them before you’ve found your way between my legs, parting them with your hands, dropping to your knees now, your head nuzzling my sex, your tongue lapping at me, sending shudders of electric pleasure straight through me.

I push my fingers through your hair as I moan, urging you on, shivering and gasping as you tongue my clit, just the way I like it.

And when you stand up to kiss me, I taste myself on your lips, and we both smile, our eyes locking for a moment.

Then another surprise: I gasp as you pick me up in your arms, so easily that I feel like a doll as you carry me through to your bedroom and lay me down on top of the soft, sumptuous white sheets of your bed.

“No, let me do that,” you say as I push myself up to unzip my dress.

So I lay back down again, savoring the sheer slowness with which you undress me, unwrapping me – just like in my fantasy, uncovering first my shoulders, then my breasts, only the flimsy lace cups of my bra shielding them from view. But soon, you’ve taken that off too, and I find myself blushing.

“They’re too small,” I say, apologetically.

“No,” you murmur in between kisses, your lips teasing my nipples now, your tongue coaxing them into hard, pink little points. “They’re perfect.”

I’m trying to undress you, too, but all your focus is on me. Soon I’m naked, and once more you’re down there between my legs, this time working me quickly towards the very edge of pleasure, my fingers once again in your hair as I clamp my legs tight around you, the way you kiss me there so perfect, somehow forceful yet delicate, my body responding powerfully to everything you do. And sure enough, before I know it, I’m coming, arching my back, my eyes tightly closed, a long, low moan escaping my lips.

You bring yourself back up to kiss me, my honey once more on your lips, and finally I manage to unbuckle your pants, too, stroking your hot hard shaft, wanting to feel it in my mouth.

So I push you onto your back, working my kisses downwards, sighing as I take you finally between my lips, sucking you feverishly, as if I’m taken over by some primal force, stroking your shaft, massaging your balls, feeling you throb against my tongue in response.

I pull my head up with a gasp, locking eyes with you once more as I climb up and over you now, my hands on your broad shoulders as I straddle you, guiding myself back onto you, shuddering again as I feel your hot hands cup my buttocks, and then your thick hardness stretching me wide.

I stifle my moan with a kiss, my tongue in your mouth as you fill me right up, your hands on my ass, holding me in place as you fuck me, harder and harder, until I’m coming — again — and this time you do too, both of us shivering and gasping as I feel you pulse inside me, our bodies trembling and our hearts beating as one.



I lie back on my bed, lost in thought.

I know I said I was done with my blog, but the readers really loved my last post - the fantasy - and again they were hungry for more, and our night together in Carson’s apartment was so hot, I just knew they’d love that, too. 

So I guess what I meant was that I was done with sleeping around. I’m really passionate about my writing and I want to continue. Carson knows both those things, doesn’t he? I mean, it doesn’t matter that I’m still writing my blog, if I’m writing about him, does it?

Anyway, if anything, he should be flattered!

After all, I’ve just written about how great he is — in both fantasy and reality. And only he knows the difference between the two …

Also, I worked really hard at keeping his identity a secret. I purposefully didn’t describe his apartment — which was completely amazing by the way.

All of the stuff he’d been telling me about his family name, his stepmother, the family law firm … Well, I’d guessed that he might come from money. But even so, I wasn’t expecting anything quite like that.

His apartment was a penthouse in Manhattan - I’d never even been in one of those before. One whole corner was windows: two large glass walls looking out onto the city below. And a full grand piano, too. It was like something out of a movie set!

I didn’t even get around to asking him if he could actually play piano, but he seemed like the kind of person who had lots of hidden talents so I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out he was a concert-level pianist or something.

There was really amazing modern art on the walls, too, and lots of books in these gorgeous fitted bookcases that lined the walls: books on art and architecture, not to mention novels, history and law, even books on maths, there were just books everywhere you looked. I didn’t realise until then what a turn on it was to know that he was obviously really well read.

I was used to guys who didn’t give a thought to how their surroundings looked, but Carson’s apartment displayed his taste and his personality.

The whole night was perfect: romantic and lovely. And I’ve never been treated quite like that before by a guy. He’s so attentive. 

Next morning, he had to go to work, but told me I could stay as long as I wanted and to make myself at home. In the end, I didn’t stay too long. It felt weird being there without him. But even so, I was amazed how much he trusted me too, so early on.

Just then, my thoughts are interrupted by the familiar Skype noise. Of course, it’s Wednesday. My weekly date with Katy!

I accept the call, grinning when I see Katy’s pretty, friendly face fill the screen of my Macbook.

“How’s London?” I ask her.

“The same as always,” she grins back. “It misses you. So do I.”

“I miss you too!” I reply, feeling a little guilty about how well I’m settling into my new life. And I resolve that this time, I’m not going to keep anything from her.

“Okay,” I continue, “now I know you’re gonna say this is way too soon, but … Well … I’m seeing someone. It’s still early days but I think it’s kind of serious. Or it could be, I hope?”

“Oh my God!” she replies, clapping her hands in excitement. “It’s not too soon. You deserve someone in your life! What’s his name?”

“He’s called Carson,” I say. “He’s a lawyer, but he works for a charity, mostly human rights cases, disadvantaged people, that sort of thing.”

“Woah,” she laughs. “So he’s kind as well as smart? He sounds too good to be true!”

“You know what?” I say, “He kind of is! But he’s so different from any other guy I’ve met. Remember how Will always had a problem with how I earned way more money than him? Well, this guy’s the total opposite … He’s loaded. And as well as being kind and smart, he’s totally gorgeous, too. It’s strange, Katy. I’m worried that I’m not good enough for him.”

“Oh stop worrying about it,” Katy replies. “You deserve happiness. And it sounds like this isn’t a problem for him so why should it be one for you?”

“You know what? You’re right,” I say, so glad to have Katy to talk to about all this. “I should just enjoy it, shouldn’t I? Everything’s going great for once …”

But even as I say it, I worry that somehow — something might go wrong …




I’m on a date with Carson. A real date. Just him and me.

And I can’t stop grinning like the cat that finally got the cream.

Tonight, I’ve taken no chances. I’m wearing a classic outfit: little black dress, heels, and I’m wearing vampish red lipstick, too.

Carson’s obviously on the same page. I realise that from the moment I set foot in the restaurant: he’s dressed in a beautifully tailored suit. This isn’t the cool vintage thing from the night we saw Circles — this is something seriously expensive, a dark midnight navy colour, the cut totally showing off the shape of his amazing body beneath.

And the place he’s chosen for this date too is just perfect: a beautiful, small, intimate French restaurant.

It’s like we’re both on our best behaviour, both wanting to impress the other, and from the off the air feels like it’s crackling with an electric intensity.

He stands up as I reach the table, he pulls out my chair for me, he keeps his eyes locked onto mine, he even orders for me when the waiter comes over.

I mean, normally I might find something like that a bit too forward, even kind of pushy, but tonight? I find I’m actually enjoying it.

As we wait for our food, I find I want to know all about him. I feel like there’s still so much beneath that cool exterior and tonight I’m determined to dig a little deeper. So I ask him to tell me a little more about his family.

He talks about his father’s side of the family, the law firm that goes back generations. Then his voice softens as he begins to talk about his mum.

“My mother was a good person, never dazzled by all the money, didn’t care about social climbing, cared about helping people,” he explains.

“Where is she now?” I ask, gently, knowing the answer is probably going to be something sad, and hoping I’m not stirring up too many unhappy memories. 

“She died when I was just a boy,” he explains quietly. “My father remarried within a year. I don’t blame him. He was still a young man and he deserved to find love again, but the woman he chose? Well, my stepmother is pretty much the polar opposite of my mother. She only donates to charities to look good in the eyes of her friends and go to parties. I’m not interested in all that. I’m not ready to join the family firm just yet … And I’m not sure corporate law ever will be for me. I’m lucky not to have to worry about money, and so I want to use my position to be able to help people less fortunate than myself.”

I feel so proud to be here with him tonight.

He’s just so good. He’s intense and gentlemanly, and of course sexy, but on top of all that he’s actually a good person, too.

“I think that’s really admirable,” I say, honestly. “Not a lot of people would dedicate so much time to helping others, especially when they could be having fun spending their money. You’re a good person, Carson.”

He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his.

“Not all good, I hope,” he says.

And I’m about to ask what he means, when I feel his leg beneath the table, brushing against my own, and I know exactly what he means.




We’re standing outside, waiting to flag down a cab to go back to Carson’s apartment, when he suddenly turns to face me, his eyes burning.

“What is it?” I ask, smiling, feeling like I can probably guess.

“I just can’t wait,” he says, pulling me to him, his hands around my waist, hot and urgent. “I need you. Right here, right now.”

Before I even know what’s happening he’s grabbed my hand and pulled me down the dark little alley next to the restaurant.

“Are you sure this is okay?” I ask, my eyes darting out to the busy street, just a few feet away. “I mean, someone could see, couldn’t they?”

He answer not with words but with a kiss, pushing me back against the wall, hard, and I feel myself melt beneath him.

I can feel my heart pounding, too, as I realise just
we’re about to do, so close to that busy street. But Carson seems totally in control of this situation, kissing my neck and then biting it playfully eliciting a sharp little gasp from my lips, as he spreads my legs with his knee, my skirt pushing right up around my waist, his hand moving between my legs, his fingers massaging my wetness through my panties.

I’m trembling, melting in his arms, so ready for him, all my nerves aflame …

Carson’s totally ready too, unbuckling his pants, his cock springing free, hot and hard.

I spread my legs for him, shivering as he sharply tugs my knickers to one side, guiding himself inside me.

I moan, then catch myself, wondering if my voice is carrying out to the busy street. I shoot a nervous glance, at all those evening crowds bustling past, so happy, so completely unaware of what’s going on just a few feet away from them ...

He drives himself even deeper inside me, grabbing my wrists now and pressing them back above my head, pressing them hard against the cold wet brickwork, and with each fresh thrust of his hips, he brings me a little closer to the edge.

I moan, mashing my lips hungrily against his, both of us fucking so hard now, like animals.

I come quickly, with Carson buried deep inside me. My eyes close and a sharp gasp shivers past my lips, my body bucking as he plunders me, only needing a few more thrusts before he presses himself hard against me, his teeth nipping my neck as he comes, too, buried deep inside me like that.

As I’m pulling my skirt back down afterwards, I still can’t believe we just did that. I didn’t think Carson had such a wild side, but I realise I like it, and as we both head back out to the busy public street, we can’t keep the naughty smiles off our lips.

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