Given World (28 page)

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Authors: Marian Palaia

BOOK: Given World
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The second night, after he has been gone for one full day, she comes outside at midnight to meet me on the grass. She leans back on her hands, legs stretched straight out in front of her, face to the sky, hair loose and brushing the ground behind her.

“What if,” she says, “you only ever got to see this once.”

“What?” I say, but it is only a reflex. I am not blind.

“All these stars,” she says, pretending my question really does require an answer, like I’m sure she did at least a million times when I was a kid. “The doves and the piglets.” It has never occurred to me that maybe she was the one who taught a lot of these things to Mick in the first place. Or to me, and I just gave all the credit to Mick. Is that possible, as clearly as I think I remember it all?

“I don’t know,” I say. “I bet it would kind of blow your mind.”

“You’d never stop talking about it,” she says. “Not ever.”

I close my eyes for a minute and reopen them to watch the sky explode. I do this over and over. Every time it is different. Every time it is the most miraculous thing.

I feel her lie down beside me, and she slides her hand toward mine so just the outer edges of our little fingers are touching. “Thank you for coming home,” she says.

I can’t believe she’s thanking me. Now. I think,
All that water
All those bridges
. “Mom—” I say, quietly, instead of hollering.

She says, “I know, Riley. We were never meant to be perfect. Especially you and me. Maybe we didn’t do it right, but we did it.”

Whatever it is. I am happy for her. For getting to that place. And I can do this thing: meet her halfway. “Thank goodness we weren’t meant to be perfect.”

She laughs. It is like seeing the night sky for the first, and only, time.

•  •  •

I pull it together long enough to put a notice in the paper saying if anyone wants to drop by the house on Saturday, that would be really nice. We’ve already had him cremated, so there is no casket or cemetery to deal with. Mom says he would have hated that part anyway; would have preferred instead to be buried in the backyard, or chucked into the river. She was all for either of those options, but for some reason I decided it would be better to leave at least a couple of laws unbroken.

People come, a lot of people. They tell me about times my father helped out, with a calf, a tractor in the ditch, a truck off the road in a blizzard. A few even mention his first wife, delicately, in the context of how lucky he was to have found my mother after the accident. And how fine a young man Mick had been turning out to be. They were sorry, they said after all these years, for our loss. Losses.

Gail comes. She is with her husband, and she keeps staring at me. She looks old and sad. I tell her I’m sorry I didn’t write back after the last letter. It was more than I could deal with. I hope she understands. I can see she doesn’t, but I can’t do anything about that now.

No one stays very long, but they leave enough food to last the two of us at least a month. I fit it all into the fridge and the freezer somehow, and we head outside to drink a beer. Before we go, I find a pack of cigarettes my father had stashed in a cupboard, not really hidden, just out of sight. I put them in my pocket, take them with me. I don’t think I want a cigarette; think instead I just want the temptation so I can resist it, so I can congratulate myself for some damn thing.

I was supposed to come back sooner. I have known this, in some not-as-hard-as-I-made-it-to-get-to place, forever. Known that these people,
people, were not exactly encased in amber, waiting for me to come along with my little rock hammer.

I took too long. I barely had time to say hello. Among other things.
I missed you, Dad. I’m sorry I missed you, Dad. But, hey, can you still help me get this boulder off my chest? I don’t know who else to ask.

“Do you think,” I say to my mother, “some people are too good for this world?”

“Your father and your brother,” she says, as if she is agreeing with me.


“Maybe,” she says. “Those two were certainly good enough.”

“I lost everything,” I say. “Everything of Mick’s.”

She says, “No, you didn’t. Go look.”

She is biting her hair. I can feel her body vibrating. She reaches for my hand and squeezes. Then she’s gone, like a cat burglar, through an opening in the fence where a gate used to be. I am on my own to see what’s left, which is as it should be. Certainly she already knows. I could understand if she was sick and tired of knowing.

I drink her beer after I have finished mine, stare at the house for a while, go on a ghost hunt. It’s not hard to find them; they haven’t left the premises.

There are still a few boxes in Mick’s closet—stuff I didn’t take when I left, even though my name is still written on a lot of it. I didn’t take it because there was only so much room in the trunk of my car, and I didn’t know, really, where I was going, as the West Coast is a very long one. And maybe I knew enough to keep something in reserve. Maybe I at least knew that, but I had forgotten.

I find drawings of animals, birds, the river, the mountains, wildflowers, me. In a small, obviously handmade wooden box is a photo of a young man, maybe eighteen or nineteen, I have never seen before. It is quite old, cracked around the corners and overexposed, a little bit out of focus but still somehow recognizable, as is the shadow of the person who took it. There is a drawing of this boy’s face too, and next to it a self-portrait. They are not identical, but there is no mistaking the resemblance.

I make a ring of the drawings, lie on the floor in the middle of it. I reach out and put my hands on every piece of paper I can touch, waiting for one, any one, to touch back. The cool floor holds me there while I follow the cracks in the ceiling to the cobwebs in the corners. I flop my head to one side and look under the bed. Dust bunnies and his other guitar. The classical one. If I tried to tune it, I know it would just piss me off, but I am almost tempted to try. Almost.

In my parents’ room it is evident Mom has been sleeping on top of the covers, as there is a slight depression in the comforter on her side, and a blanket kicked down to the bottom of the bed. Medicine bottles and his inhaler still sit on Dad’s night table, and a book:
To Kill a Mockingbird
. I pick it up, and the bookmark is one of my school photos, from the second or third grade. He has just gotten to the part where Scout is stumbling through the woods dressed up like a ham.
. He
just gotten to the part. I can’t read any more of the words, can’t make my way through to where it all works out in the end, so I put the picture back, put the book down.

I pull open my mom’s slip drawer, from where I used to nick the goods to play dress-up, before the tomboy in me kicked in and took hold. I find a stack of letterss tied up with a shoestring. The two oldest ones are postmarked 1948 and ’49, from Fargo. They look like they have never been opened. Others are from Mick: from Missoula, from basic, from Vietnam. I will save those for later, for when there is enough time, space, beer, whatever. A few are from my father, not stamped or addressed; simply, I imagine, handed over or left on the table or her pillow. They say he loves her. Mick. Me. They say clearly this is the life we were meant for, after all was said and done. It was just a matter of getting here. And staying.

One letter is from my father to me. It begins, “Dearest Wanderer.” It talks about the animals. About my mother. About rain. It is in an envelope with my name on it, but no address. Another, quite a long one from my mom, mailed to an old address in San Francisco, is marked “Return to Sender” by an unknown hand. I try to think back to where I was then. Figure she missed me by six months or so. Around the middle of the worst years. This one I open to read. She was trying to tell me something. A few somethings. One, she didn’t know what M-O-T-H-E-R stood for. I want to tell her she’s not alone. But I also want to tell her I think she’s wrong. She knew. She just didn’t know she did. Two, Mick is my half brother. I don’t know where to go to begin to process the actual words, the pronouncement. The thing is, I knew. I don’t know what good any more processing would do now. Or ever. Because it doesn’t matter.

I wonder why she never sent the letter again after I resurfaced. A change of heart, I suppose. Or she forgot about it. Or maybe it was never really meant for me. I put it back. I wonder if all homes are so full of surprises. I want there to be someone here to ask, Where have I been all your life? But there are letters from me as well, so I was somewhere. I was real.

A stack of postcards from Slim. “Dear Miss Rose,” they say, “Thank you for the birthday card. Thank you for the check.” The handwriting on the most recent ones is an adult’s. I wonder when she stopped. I wonder if.

I look out the window of my parents’ room. It faces away from the road to pure, open, absolute nothingness. I think I see my mother in the distance, tacking across what used to be a wheat field, a small one, compared with what surrounds us. But it was enough. I remember her kneading dough; I remember bread straight out of the oven. I decide to make some—tomorrow, maybe—though I have not tried since I lived with the Cajun shape-shifter; tried the patently impossible trick of making him happy, a very, very long time ago on a hill in San Francisco, from where I could almost see the bay.

My room is the same, though the paint around the windows is peeling some, and the fish seem in places to have lost their way. My stuffed rabbit is still on the bed. Both eyes are missing, and still just the one ear. If I didn’t know what it was supposed to be, it would take some doing to figure it out. A few remnants of my kid life hang from hooks in the closet: a nearly disintegrated pair of overalls, a red scarf, a beaded belt. Ancient T-shirts lie crumpled on the floor like a pile of sleeping kittens.

Mick’s motorcycle jacket hangs from the door handle. I wonder why Mom would put it here, and then I remember: she didn’t; I did. Spirited it out of his room just before he went away. He would have taken it, but I had it too well hidden. He knew it was me, but I wasn’t giving it up. He left anyway. Without it. I pick it up and press my face to it. It smells old. It smells like Mick. It smells like when I was a little kid, just learning how to cuss, and everything,
, was right with the world. I put it on and go for a ride.

 The Given World

he school has been shut down now for decades, though I guess sometimes they still use it for stuff like meetings or bake sales, so it doesn’t feel completely abandoned. The solstice is two months past, the days noticeably shorter now. It is late afternoon, maybe five, and the sun is a few degrees farther south than it would have been when I came back here. This century is only a few years, now, from becoming a collective memory.

The fence around the playground is still standing in most places, though the equipment is largely useless. I have taken off my boots and Mick’s jacket and am dribbling a ball down the court, barely managing to avoid the most gaping craters in the asphalt. The first shots I miss by miles, but I keep getting closer, so I keep trying. Something else I never told Darrell (something far less critical, but still) was that I had played a fair game of basketball in school too, but had given it up for volleyball, a game I could play when I was high on mescaline and could watch the trails crisscross the net like shooting stars.

Darrell is watching me from the other side of the fence, hands grasping the metal bar at the top. We rode here together after I found him parked at the foot of our driveway, leaning against his truck, bouncing this basketball off the hard-packed dirt.

“You are one sneaky Indian,” I said, because I couldn’t think of one single other thing to say.

He said, “That’s redundant,” and threw me the ball. “Let’s see what you got.”

I threw it back. “Okay, let’s. Get on.” It would be a little while before I could put more words together. I didn’t have to ask for time.

What I’ve got isn’t much, but once he comes around the fence to join me, it looks like we’re a little more evenly matched than we once were, since his one leg seems to want to buckle if he doesn’t plant it just right. He’s still almost impenetrable, though, and there’s no way I can shoot over him, especially not once he gets those long arms up in the air. All I can do is try to get around him somehow, and to my basket before he has a chance to catch me. Even when I do, I miss most of my shots. And there’s no point in even trying to block him. He can shoot pretty much from midcourt, without really looking. But he’s getting tired, and the limp is getting worse, so I take the ball, go up to the school, and sit on the steps. He follows, sits by me.

“Come here often?”

Like we’re in a bar, and probably a whole lot younger. And totally different people.

“Not too.”

We’re both winded. We breathe in tandem, empty our lungs slowly.

I ask if he saw the obituary. He says yes, but he was afraid to come all the way in.


“Something like that. Nervous, maybe.” He shrugs. “Does it matter?”


He says he’s sorry about my dad, and I say it’s okay, and that I am not any more prepared to process death than I have ever been, so I will be going at it slowly. We can talk about something else. Pretty much anything.

He studies the basketball court for a few minutes, yanks the cuff of his jeans up to pull a burr off his sock. He says, without looking at me, “Slim told me he met a lady on a motorcycle. He thought he might know you. He thought maybe you were one of his teachers when he was little.”

“I didn’t tell him.”

“I know.”

I feel a little sick, but I suppose that’s to be expected. I can’t tell if he’s mad at me. I have spent well over half my life thinking he would be mad.

“Do you think—?” It’s a dumb question, so I don’t finish it.

“Yes,” he says. And in case I have any more dumb questions: “I’m not going to do it, Ginger.”

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