Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy) (14 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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He takes both of my feet into his hands and holds them out to the sides, beginning to pummel his cock in and out rapidly.  The pace is hypnotizing.  I feel like I have been charmed by his snake.  He continues to move in and out of me, with my legs spread wide open for ease of use.  My eyes are closed and the only sound I hear is the two of us breathing heavy and the moans escaping from my lips.  He releases my legs and lays on top of me, with our sexes fusing into one, and he pushes his cock as far into me as possible, barely moving his hips.  I just feel his body melding into mine.  He reaches up with his hand, running his finger along the curves of my lips.  He leans down and kisses me passionately, while slowly moving his cock in a small circular motion.  He pulls himself back up into an almost sitting position, and he pulls my hips up, to accommodate the new angle.  He starts pounding his cock into me with a fervor that I match with my hips.  We move together in a frenzy.  I arch my back and push my head further into the cushion.

In a raspy voice, “Look at me when you come, Danielle.  Look at me.”

My eyes fly open, and as they lock onto his, I feel the first wave of my release.  Screaming out his name, I feel my “P” tighten around his cock, as his seed shoots into me at an intense velocity.  He continues to move his cock in a quick circular motion, locking into my special zone, prompting my body to release a second time.

He collapses on me, while still firmly planted in my “P”.  I am pretty sure that he feels the aftershocks because he continues to push his hips into mine every time there is another wave of release.  When I finally felt the last tingle dissipate, I pay more attention the feeling of  his weight. It feels amazing to have Harrison’s sweaty body on top of me.  I like the way that I feel so safe and protected, as if he is my shield.  Again, I notice the only sounds I hear is our breathing and the beating of our hearts.  It’s the sound of two hearts, melting into one.

After a few moments of enjoying the after-climax bliss, the reality that we are naked in the middle of his new glass office sets in.  He must have the same realization.  He withdraws his cock and rolls to his side, sitting up.  He reaches out his hand, so as to help me to a sitting position.  He hands me my bra, and I shyly take it from, proceeding to put it on.  He gathers up the rest of my clothes and hands them to me.  Then, he picks up my ripped panties and looks at me with a big, proud smirk.

“Uh oh, looks like you will be going commando.  Darn.”

I swat at his arm and grab the panties, dangling from his middle finger.  “You sir, are a scoundrel.”  He laughs and stands to pull up his underwear, followed by his slacks.  The way his butt looks in those pants should be illegal.  I reach up and caress his butt with my hand.  He turns around and swiftly grabs my hand, pulling me up to stand.  He wraps his arms around me and leans down, kissing me tenderly.  After we break away, I feel self-conscious, as I am standing there in nothing but a belt around my waist and my bra.  I lean down to pick up my skirt and blouse and finish dressing.  Harrison is done before me and picks up the bottle of champagne.

“Thirsty?”  He licks his lower lip, and I can hardly control the urge to lean over and bite that damned lower lip of his.

“Mmm hmm.” A glass of champagne after sex sounds fantastic right about now.

He pops the cork and pours us each a glass.  He hands me my glass and clinks his to it.  “Let’s toast to clandestine adventures!”

I force a smile and take a large sip.  I wish I could find that as amusing as he clearly does.  It’s really hard for me to not feel as if I am doing something wrong here.  As if I am the other woman, as Bradley so shrewdly pointed out.  I know that I am obsessing over this, but he is engaged to someone else.  Despite the fact that I know it is a farce, I am still stuck in my ‘right is right and wrong is wrong’ moral compass.  It is who I am, in the end.

I walk over to the windows facing the river and watch a flock of geese flying just above the tops of the trees lining the banks on the opposite side of the river.  The Portland sky is overcast.  It’s not shaping up to be the lovely fall day that I had envisioned in the morning sunshine.  I hear Harrison approaching from behind me and see his reflection in the glass.  He is so amazing.  I can’t help but to hold my breath whenever he is near.  Bradley is a very good-looking guy, but Harrison, he isn’t just good looking, he exudes a confidence and sexiness that if a company could bottle and sell, it would be a Fortune 500.  I feel his arms wrap around me from behind, as he nuzzles his face in my hair.  He whispers in my ear, “I love you.”

I turn around and look into his crystal blue pools and say, “I love you too, Towers.”  We embraced and hold each other for several minutes.  The feeling of his arms wrapped around me allows me to forget everything for that moment in time.  I let myself breath in his scent.  I put to memory every inch of his body pressed against mine.  I etch the tones of his voice saying he loves me into my soul forever.  At this very moment, I am in ecstasy.

Chapter 17


When we finally release each other, he grabs my hand and leads me back into the cushions. “Before we have to actually get some work done, I thought we could eat.  Philippe has prepared a smorgasbord for us today.”

“I didn’t realize that I was hungry, until you mentioned that Philippe prepared this.  My stomach is roaring all of the sudden.”  I give him a wide smile and peer into the basket, as he begins to pull out a variety of tasty morsels.

We have a light conversation about the decorating and arrangement of furniture in his office, while we nibble on cold cuts, croissants, pickled vegetables, and fruit skewers.  He reaches into the basket again and produces freshly baked white chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.  I shake my head no, but he insists.  We end up sharing a cookie that he hand feeds to me.

“Danielle, I need to see you this weekend.  Come away with me to Hood River.  I will have Garrin in Montreal, running interference with Marion, so we can spend some time together.”

“Harrison, I can’t.  I am going to Palm Springs this weekend with Simone.”  I brace myself for his response.  I totally expect resistance from him.

“I don’t want you to go.  I need you here.”  He is frowning at me with that all-too-familiar furrow of his brow.  How can he be so sexy when he is mad like this?  It is infuriating.

“Well, the tickets are already bought and the plans have already been made.  I really need a girls weekend, and besides, I don’t want to disappoint Simone.”  I hope this will appeal to his sense of fairness.

He sighs and then looks off toward the river-facing windows.  “I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of your fun.”  He doesn’t look at me when he says this.

“Oh come on, it is only a weekend, and I will see you next week when I am here for the install.  I kind of owe this to Simone.  She has really been my rock for the last year and a half.  I promise to think of you the entire time!”

He looks at me with his adorable smirk, “Well, if you put it that way,  I will give you my blessing under two conditions.”

“Ok, what’s that?”  This ought to be good.

“First, I’m sending a security detail with you.”  I start to interrupt, but he puts his finger to my lips.  “Second, you must think about me and pleasure yourself.  Then, I want you to tell me about it.”

Um.  Wow.  I am not sure what to say.  That is a new one for me, and it’s incredibly sexy and hot!  The security detail, I can do without.

“Listen Towers, I will be more than happy to oblige you and give you a detailed report of how I pleasure myself while thinking about you.  However, I am not going to allow a security detail in Palm Springs.”

“Danielle, that is the only way I am going to allow you to go.”

“Oh for crying out loud!  I was hoping you would be reasonable about this.  It is nuts to expect me to be on vacation with a security guard following us around Palm Springs this weekend.  Where is the fun in that?”

His face becomes somber and his eyes are dark and cloudy, much like the weather outside.  “Danielle, you know that I have serious concerns about your safety.  I heard from Garrin this morning that there was another visit from Marion’s goons.  Their attacks are getting more frequent and bold.  It is eerily similar to the pattern that developed leading up to Adelaide’s death.”

I reach out and take Harrisons hand, and I look into his deep pools.  “Harrison, I know you are worried.  Frankly, so am I .  Maybe, you should tell me about Adelaide, so I can understand better.  I don’t want to live my life looking over my shoulder, wondering if someone is watching me.  It is unnerving to have all of these weird things happen that the police really can’t do a damned thing about.”

“That is exactly my point.  They are doing things that, in and of themselves, are petty crimes and can only result in a small slap on the wrist, if caught.  Marion is crafty and hungry for power and money.  She will obviously stop at nothing to get what she wants.”

“Don’t forget that you are at the top of her list.”

He shakes his head.  “No, I think she only believes she wants me.  Really, it’s my money, power, and notoriety that she wants.”

“I don’t understand.  I thought her family was as old and established as yours in Montreal.  Don’t they have oodles of money and social standing too?”

He nods and then clicks his tongue.  “Well, yes they do, but she doesn’t stand to obtain the control and notoriety from the family wealth.  Her brothers will inherit everything.  She only gets an inheritance in the form of a trust.  It is an enormous amount, but she won’t get it in a lump.  The funds will pay out in a monthly allowance.  Her brothers will receive the majority of shares and almost all of the control over the entire empire.”

“Oh, poor thing only gets a ton of money but no power.  Rough.”  I look at Harrison as he nods in agreement.

“She is expected to marry someone successful and have heirs.  Her father is disappointed in her divorce and makes no secret that he wants us to be married.  I half blame him for her desperation.  He is the one who is fueling her need, and I am the one who is on her radar.”

I change my position on the cushion and stretch out my cramped legs.  “Why though?  Doesn’t he realize you are not interested in marrying her?”

“He is an old man, stuck in his ancient beliefs, and she wants his approval so badly.  She also  wants a bigger piece of the empire.”  He follows my lead and stretches his legs out before him, taking a sip of champagne.  “Did I mention that her first husband was my cousin, Derek?

“Uh, no, I was not aware that she was married to your cousin.” 

“Yes, they were only married for a short period of time.  He urged her to start a family and she didn’t want to have kids, so she left him.  After they divorced, she set her sights back on me. Marion is convinced that she is in love with me and insists that she has been since she was little.  The bottom line is that she is going after what she wants, with not a care as to how she gets it.  This is why I believe she orchestrated Adelaide’s death.”

I feel sick to my stomach, thinking about her getting her clutches into him.  “How Harrison?  It is beyond my comprehension how someone would do that!”  He sighs and looks away, toward the windows again.  A dark cloud crosses his face and his eyes are even deeper pools.

“Adelaide and I were engaged for about two months, when she started receiving threatening notes left on her car, her front door, and even in her house.  The notes instructed her to quit her job and move away, otherwise her life would be ruined.  Over the course of a month, she had other things happen, like slashed tires and mystery calls.  Most of it seemed very juvenile but spiteful.  We figured, since she was a middle school teacher, it was likely some disgruntled student playing tricks.  She kept all of the evidence and brought it to her Principal’s attention, as well as the district office.  They did nothing about it, but noted it in her file.  I hired a private detective, and to my surprise, he found nothing.  Since there was no suspect and not enough evidence, we had to wait and see.  It was torture waiting for the culprits to reveal themselves or slip up.  The notes and antics continued, until I was up on an extended business trip.”  I interrupt.

“Wait, so she was in Montreal and not here?  Now I am confused, I thought she was American.”

“No, whatever gave you that idea?”

“I don’t know actually.  Maybe it is because the reading foundation, named in her honor, is here in the US.”

He nods, “Yes, I can see how that is confusing.  Actually, I started the foundation in Montreal, but since I reside here permanently, I thought it fitting to bring the foundation here.”

I am feeling very uncomfortable with this conversation, but I must hear the truth.  It is hard to hear about his past love.  It just now occurs to me how hard it must be for Harrison when I see Bradley.

“So continue.”

“As I was saying, I had returned to Montreal for an extended business trip.  I was working late at the office, and she had gone out to dinner with some friends.  I got a phone call informing me that Adelaide had been in a car accident and that she was being taken to the ER, via Med Flight.”  He stops talking, and I can see him swallow hard.  I reach out to put my arm around him, but he shifted his body out of my reach.  He continues, “I rushed to the hospital, but by the time I got there, it was too late.  The injuries that she sustained were too severe, and they weren’t able to save her.”

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