Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy) (4 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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He lays his right hand on my lower abs, the sensation is over the top.
The combination of his tongue and the pressure on my lower abs is amazing. I start breathing heavily...the pressure is just so unbearable...I am about to cum when he starts rubbing my lower abs as he is fucking my “P” with his tongue...harder...faster, as he pushes down again with his hand, I can’t take it anymore. I cum so hard that my body is shaking and my “P” pulsates with an electric shock that keeps going and going. I scream, as my body arches away from the sofa. I can’t take it anymore. “Okay stop, you have to stop, my body can’t take it!” He pulls his tongue away; the smile on his face is sexy and wicked....he knows exactly what the hell he is doing!

“I’m still not done with you
, Danielle!” He pulls his big hard cock out of his blue cotton underwear. I gasp, as it seems like it has been an eternity since I have seen him in all his glory, not just a couple weeks. He strokes his hand up and down his long shaft and then guides it into my sopping-wet, pulsating “P”. My breath hitches at the back of my throat, as he inserts himself all the way to the base of his shaft. With his hands on each side of my hips, he slowly starts pushing himself deeper and deeper into my “P”. I am holding my breath, as I feel his cock embedded deep into my loins. It occurs to me that at this moment in time, we have melded as one. He pulls his cock out of me slightly and then urges it back in. He continues moving himself methodically in and out of me, at a painstakingly measured pace. I feel the pressure building in my body, as I wrap my legs around his back, encouraging him to go deeper. As he increases the frequency of his deep plunges, all the senses in my body heighten. I feel the intense warming come over my entire body, centering in my loins. I have one wave after another of shear ecstasy.  With his last thrust, I yell out “Harrison, I love you!”

He responds with a low primal howl
, “Danielle, oh Danielle!” He groans and I feel his pulsating cock release his seed deep inside me. His eyes are locked with mine, and he says, “I love you too.” He collapses on top of me, with my legs still wrapped around his back; his breathing is shallow and ragged. I feel that he is sweaty through his dress shirt. After several minutes, I feel his breathing has regulated, and he looks at me with his sexy eyes twinkling.

I gasp as I feel the
  butterflies fluttering in my stomach. He moves to get up, and I feel his cock slip out of me. With remorse, I unwrap my legs from his body, allowing him to complete his removing himself from me. I look at him and realize that this is going to be a tough road. I don’t know how I can stay away from him long enough to allow him and his team to get this resolved.
they can.

I smooth out my jean skirt
, walk over to the entry hall, and grab my black shirt. I put my shirt on while I bring Harrison his pants, handing them to him, with reluctance.

He chuckles and gives me his delightful smirk, “Thanks.”
Then, he grabs me in a warm embrace and buries his head into my hair. He holds me for a minute, then breaks away and finishes dressing.

I walk with him to the door.
“Danielle, I promise we will get this resolved quickly. Until then, you will have to be patient and play the game.”

He then
places his finger under my chin and raises my face to meet his gaze. “See you Wednesday then?”

I sigh and nod, “Yes, I will give this a try
; I’ll see you Wednesday.”

“Oh, and I think I have lost count, isn’t that location number 21?”
He gives me a goodbye kiss, before unbolting the door and exiting my condo.

Chapter 5


I watch him walk down the hall, until he turns the corner. I then shut the door and bolt all three locks. I slide down onto the gleaming hardwood floor. I lean against the door and stare off into space. My head is pounding and my mind is on tilt, like one of those old-fashioned pinball machines. What the hell just happened?  Why did I let that happen? I feel my face blush, as I think of how it felt to have Harrison inside me again. I never thought I would be with him again. Wait, I should never have done that! I let my primal needs overtake my common sense. What the hell was I thinking? I allowed Harrison to overtake my body once again, which numbed my practical sensibilities. I let my guard down for a second, and there he was, working my body over to oblivion. Ugh!

While I continue to sit here on the floor, my thoughts lead me back around to the bigger picture… Harrison

To my surprise, I feel tears rolling down my face in a steady stream.
The hot, salty trickles start running across my lips, and I move my hand to wipe them away. I am not sure exactly how I am going to handle the hodgepodge of emotions I am experiencing right now.

I want to punch a hole in the wall
, but at the same time, I’d like to hide my head in the closet and never come out. The tangled web in which I find myself seems insurmountable. How is Harrison going to get the blackmail situation under control? Am I going to continue to be followed and do I really need to worry about my safety as much as Harrison thinks? Could things really get as bad as Adelaide’s car accident? I want to know more about her demise and so many other things. It always feels as if I only get morsels of information from Harrison. I have unanswered questions as simple as, what is his favorite color? If I can’t even get to the bottom of something stupid like that, how am I ever going to resolve the important questions?

I guess there is always Wednesday.
Maybe, I will have the chance to get more questions crossed off my never-ending list with our Wednesday meeting.

Music, is that music I hear?
From where is it coming?

Geeze, I am so caught up in my thoughts
that I hardly recognize my ringtone on my new phone. I scramble up, off the floor, to grab the phone on the counter. Looking at the caller ID real quick I see that it’s Simone. Finally!

“Hello there”

“Hello yourself stranger! How the hell are you?” Simone blares into the phone.

, I think I am deaf now, but hanging in there otherwise.”

“Sorry, I have ringing in my ears.
I went to a pub last night with a live band; I have been yelling ever since! So how are you really?”

I sigh.

She snorts, “What exactly does that mean?”

I sigh again, “Oh Clarke, I don’t want to go into this over the phone. There is so much to tell you! Maybe we can get together in the next day or two?”

, of course! I miss you, Dani, and hey, I am totally here for you! You know that, right?” She hollers into the phone.

I am holding the phone about half a foot away from my ear.
Man she is loud.

“Of course I know that!
You are the best BFF a girl could have!”

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out.
I want to tell her everything so badly, but now is not the time. I have to let this all sink in, so I can sort it all out.

“So, when can you meet up Clarke?
I am free after Wednesday. I can’t do the first part of next week, I have a job to finish.”

I feel a lump forming at the back of my throat
, as I think of the job I have before me. It just feels lousy, I am not looking forward to it, despite the fact I get to see Harrison.

“Ohhh, I have to be out of town this weekend.
I am going to Palm Springs for an industry thing. I even get to stay in this big producer’s house. It’s sort of a huge deal, considering us lowly stylists don’t usually get the royal treatment. It does pay to impress the right people!”

“Oh that’s great Clarke, wish I was getting out of town
. I sure could use a change of scenery!”

“Um, didn’t you just get back from the beach?
Isn’t that a change of scenery?”

I laugh, “Well, while I agree it certainly is a change of scenery, spending a week with my folks doesn’t really qualify as getting away!
They mean well but…”

“Yeah, I gotcha!
Hey! Why don’t you come with me to Palm Springs? You could fly down with me Friday morning and come back Sunday night.  You can stay with me at the big wig’s house!”

“Oh Clarke, it’s such short notice.
I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

She squawks, “Why not! You just said you were free after Wednesday and you need a change of scenery!
Live a little Dani, you are only going to be young and hot once! Plus, we can catch up on absolutely everything!”

I realize
that I am cutting off circulation in my finger, by winding my hair around it so tightly. Releasing my hair, I sigh. “Don’t you think tickets will be expensive with this short notice and what if the flights are sold out?”

“Oh Dani!”
She is yelling through the phone that I am, once again, holding away from my ear.

I touch the speaker button and set the phone on the counter
, while I look through the refrigerator for something to eat. I seem to have worked up an appetite.

“Just say yes and I will see about getting your flight.
You can pay me back in cocktails and spa treatments.”

Standing in the middle of my kitchen
, looking into my empty refrigerator, I decide to be spontaneous. “Fine Clarke, I’ll go...Under one condition, I get the window seat!”

She cackles through the speaker, “Done and done!
Let me get off the phone and make your flight plans.  Gotta get back to my company for now.  I will email you the details later.”

Smiling to myself, “Sounds great Clarke, and thank you!”

“Oh, you are so welcome, and I am stoked! We are going to have so much fun! I can’t even remember the last time we did something like this. I almost think our last Thelma-and-Louise adventure  was your pseudo bachelorette party in Vegas. Boy was that a joke. Who would have thought we would get food poisoning six hours into our trip? Anyway, gotta bounce. I’ll email you later.”

“Can’t wait
--bye Clarke!” I say, laughing to myself, as I hit the end button on my phone.

I remember that ill
-fated weekend in Vegas, just weeks before my wedding. We were sick the entire time. The other girls had a grand time, while Clarke and I took turns wrapping ourselves around the porcelain throne. In hindsight, that was a foreshadow to my marriage.

Chapter 6


Finding nothing to eat, I shut the refrigerator and settle on a bowl of cereal, minus the milk. My thoughts take me back to my current situation. Hopeless. I feel as if this is just a hopeless situation. I look at the clock and decide to get ready for bed. I have one day to figure out how I am going to handle Harrison on Wednesday. Tomorrow I’ll immerse myself in research for the professor’s area rugs. They have changed their minds so many times that I now have to find the rugs locally, instead of ordering for delivery.

I check the locks on the front door, power down my laptop
, and turn out the lights.

I need to shower before I go to bed.
After my sex fest with Harrison, I feel a bit dirty. Smiling to myself, I take off my clothes and climb into the inviting, steaming shower. I stand under the cascade of water, rubbing lavender and basil scented soap all over my body. It is a heady, masculine scent. I think of how nice it would be if Harrison were in the shower with me. How it would feel to have my fingers running up and down the length of his long body. I remember how his muscles flex under the touch of my fingers. Just as I start to feel tingly in my loins, the lights go out. My heart skips a beat. I flip the water off in an instant. I hurry to get out of the shower, grab my robe, and put it on quickly. My heart is beating out of my chest. I realize that I had left my phone charging on my bedside table. I stand still in the middle of my bathroom, straining to listen for any sounds coming from the main room or my bedroom. I hear nothing but city sounds and my pulse beating out of my neck and chest. My eyes have adjusted to the dark, and I see the candles lining my bathtub deck. I tiptoe over to them and grab a small votive in a glass candle holder. I open the drawer nearest the tub, next to the sink. I feel around until my hand rests on the long-neck lighter. I carefully pull it out, so as to not disturb any of the other objects in the drawer. I light the votive and slowly walk toward the bathroom door. I take my left hand and encircle the glass votive to distort the light it is giving off. Once at the door to my bathroom, I peer out into my bedroom. I don’t see anything, but I am scared as hell to make a move. The door to my bathroom is ajar enough that I can see out into my bedroom with a pretty clear view. I notice all the other lights are out as well. I had turned all the lights off, except the lamp on the bedside table, and that light is out now. I am not sure if the lights are out in the whole building or block, or if it is just me.

I need to get to my phone.
I have to risk leaving the safety of my bathroom. I feel panicked. This is one of my worst fears coming true. The awful part is that it could be nothing, or it could be intentional. I don’t want to find out the hard way, if it is the latter of the two. I have a choice to make. I can shut the bathroom door and lock it. Then sit and wait. Or, I can make a dash for it, grab the phone, and run back into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Either option brings bile to the back of my throat, and I feel an uncontrollable urge to cough away the scratchiness. I quietly walk over to the sink and turn the water to a trickle. I lean down to take a drink out of the faucet, hoping to ward off the threatening cough. As I turn off the water, I hear a loud
! My blood turns cold, and I advance quickly to shut the bathroom door. Before I can close the door, I catch a glimpse of a shadow moving through my bedroom. All the hair on my body is standing at attention, as I go into fight-or-flight mode. I quickly shut the door and lock it.

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