Glow (10 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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I jumped out of the car and jogged after her across the street. I caught up and
we walk into Estrada's together. She stood there looking around for a

“Let's sit there,” her red lips smiled.

I placed my hand on her back, leading her to the round table that is next to
the one we sat at the last time. I had seen the same waiter that we had is here
again, I sighed. As much as I would like to punch Jordan and the waiter in the
face, the only ass I need to kick is my own. I am the one who contacted my
aunt with this brilliant idea so I could get close to Vanessa. God, I am a dumb
I watched Vanessa's eyes light up as she noticed the waiter. “Look, Ben, it's

“Yeah,” I stared at the goofball with dark hair sticking up everywhere
heading in our direction.


“You never called,” he frowned at her.


I couldn't wait to see how she handles this one. I am going to guess that the
Vanessa Montello I know will stutter, blush, and apologize immensely.


Wait for it...


“I've been busy,” she winked. “Did you miss me?”


What? You've got to be kidding me!
Total fail...


“Hell yes I did,” he caressed her cheek with his fingertips. “You going to call
me later?”


“It depends,” she raised a perfectly shaped brow.


“On?” he challenged.


“If you get me a glass of Pinot,” she chewed on her bottom lip.


“It's on the house,” he smiled. “I'll be right back, beautiful,”


She laughed as he walked away. “Is it really this easy?”


“Yup,” I smirked.


“I honestly can't believe I haven't dated in so long,” she looked into my eyes.


“It's not a big deal,” I shrugged. “You're subconsciously waiting for the right


“We have already talked about this,” she frowned. “You know how I feel
about relationships,”


“Sadly enough,” I mumbled as Josh came walking up.


“Here's your wine,” he grinned like a dumbfound retard. I rolled my eyes. I
am sick of watching this already.

“Thank you,” she leaned back into the chair, keeping her long and sexy legs
crossed as she took a graceful sip and sat her glass onto the napkin. I could
watch her all day, everyday... 24-7.

He set down a glass of ice and what I'm assuming to be water in front of me.

“Thanks,” Pointing to the glass, “Is that vodka on the rocks?” I looked up at
the waiter-excuse me, his name is Josh. He looked around for a moment

“Uh, no,” he smirked. “It's water,”


“Then I don't want it,” I implied.


“Oh, did you want vodka on the rocks?” he was still confused.


“Yes,” I blinked a few times as I stared at him. What a tool.


He picked up my glass and walked away quickly.


“Ben,” Vanessa said giving me a disappointed look.


“What? He is a waiter, he should have asked me what I wanted,” I shrugged.


“You didn't have to be rude,” she took a sip of her wine. I watched as her lips
hugged the rim of the crystal wine glass. I felt myself becoming excited
again, I looked away.
“I wasn't being rude,” I sat up straight. “Just to the point is all,”


“He's coming, quiet,” she whispers.


“Here ya' go,” he set the glass down on my napkin. “I'm way sorry about

“Forget about it,” I waved my hand. I picked up my glass skeptically and
took a drink keeping a straight face as the alcohol burned the entire way
down. I don't even drink vodka, just felt like giving dude a hard time.

“So, Vanessa, do you have any plans tomorrow night?” he asked her. I
choked on my vodka, coughing uncontrollably.

“I don't, why?” she bats her lashes like she did with me earlier, making my
heart ache. She reached into her purse and whipped out a pen, writing on her

He fidgeted with his serving tray. “A friend of mine is throwing a party,

“Just text me tomorrow,” Vanessa stood up then gave a soft kiss on Josh's
cheek placing the napkin in his hand. “If you'll excuse me for a moment,” she
winked then turned around, swaying her ass the entire way to the bathroom.

I furrowed my brows.


“Oh my God, she's amazing,” Josh said under his breath as he ran his hands
through his hair.


I looked up at him, he is watching Vanessa walk away. I smiled as an idea
had come to mind.


“Yes she is,” I smiled. “It's just too bad, isn't it?”
Josh looked down at me. “What's too bad?”


“That such a beautiful woman can be so incredibly unbalanced,” I shook my


“Unbalanced?” he questions.


“Berserk, bonkers, cuckoo...” I twirled my finger at my temple.




This guy is mentally ignorant. “She's as mad as a hatter, Josh... the chic is
fucking crazy,” I smirked.
Get it now?


“No way,” he looked at me skeptically.


“Oh, yeah she is,” I shifted in my seat as he sat in the chair closest to me, I
leaned in closer. “The chic has serious issues,”


“Like what?” he whispered as he leaned in.


“Her real name isn't Vanessa, it's Nikki...”
Think, Ben, think!
I said the first
thing that came to mind, “She has multiple personalities,”


“Seriously?” he raises his brows.


“Oh, hell yeah,” I smirked. “Psycho,”


“It can't be all that bad, right?” he glanced back toward the bathroom.

“Afraid so,” I shook my head as he looked at me. “One minute you think she
is going to zig and then
, she zags,” I tried my hardest not to laugh as I
could see I was getting through to him.

“Here, you can keep her,” he said as he wads the napkin in his hands then
tossed it at me. “You both are fucking crazy,”


I laughed hysterically as he walked away.
Ah, that was rich
. I sighed.


“Hey,” I heard Vanessa.


I looked up and smiled at her. “That was fast,” I made a hand gesture, “Just
like a torpedo,” I laughed.


“Shut up,” she laughs too as she smacked my shoulder remembering the
comment I had made to her a few days ago.


She shrugged. “I had to make an unforgettable exit,”


“And that you did, princess,” I smiled, laughing slightly. If she only knew the
lasting impression
made for her.


“Good, I wonder if he'll text me?” she takes a drink of her wine.


“Oh, who knows,” I said as I choked down another sip of my drink.

Ah, I am such a jerk...
I felt awful for saying those things about Vanessa, but
hot damn, not only was I ridiculously jealous but that guy was the most
unintelligent man in this bar, hands down. He isn't worthy of even having
someone like Vanessa's phone number.

“Hey, you guys!” I heard a females voice say. It's none other than Maria. I
closed my eyes and sighed... she will talk to me, hit on me, and try to take me

“Maria,” I greeted her.


“I am so glad you could come,” Vanessa gestured her hand to the chair that
Josh was sitting in... next to me.


I shifted again, leaning towards Vanessa. It's all about the body language no


“How are you?” Maria leaned in. Her hand brushed my bicep.


“Just peachy,” I smiled at her. “You?”


“I don't know yet,” she winked.
I laughed.


I looked over at Vanessa and she was drinking what was left in her wine


One of those nights again?
I raised a brow.


“I'm going up to the bar,” she stood up adjusting her dress. “Do you guys
want anything?” she looked between both of us.


“Nah, I'm good,” I smiled at her.

“Yeah, um... whatever you are drinking is fine,” Maria said as she was still
staring at me. I really wish she would quit that staring shit. I huffed as I
looked around.

“Okay,” That's it... I turned towards Maria.


She batted her lashes at me. “Yes, Ben?”


“Where did Vanessa go?” I asked her.


“To the bar,” she pointed.

“Yes, I know this...” I stared from her eyes down to her lips. “You know
what I mean-” I leaned in closer, nearly touching her lips with mine. “Maria,
you know something,” I whispered.

“I uh-” she started to breathe harder. “Um,”
“Wow, you two are hitting it off well,” Vanessa set her wine glass down and
handed Maria the other.

“I-I don't know what you're talking about,” she said taking a drink from her


Apparently, so God help me, I will have to take the next approach...



Within the hour I made it well known to Maria that I was so called
'interested'. I bought her drinks- getting her nice and liquored up so she will
spill what it is that has changed Vanessa so quickly. I pried, we danced, I
pried, I flirt, and then tried to pry some more.

“I think Vanessa is going to get the Editor-in-Chief position after this
article,” I looked at a dancing Vanessa as Maria spoke- she was smiling,
laughing, and batting those damn eyelashes. “I mean, she is doing great with
this whole thing.” I smiled at Maria placing my arm around her shoulder.

That's right... keep talkin' girl.
“I think so, too,” I agreed.


“She is brilliant at what she does,” Maria hiccuped. “She's got it in the bag,”
she giggled.


“She learns fast,” I added.

“She did! I have to say that I was proud of her after wards,” she hiccuped
again. “I never would have thought she could do it, I mean,” she laughed
aloud. “That wink of hers,”

Ah-ha! I knew it!
Maria has something to do with this. But what? All I know
is that I dropped her off when she was sick, she ignored my texts, and when
she finally replied all she said was that Maria was keeping her company.
Company my ass... There is a conspiracy going on, and I will find out what it

“I know right?” I laughed with her. “How did you do it?”
Come on, almost
there... so close.
I could feel the tension building in my arms as our
conversation went on.

“It took a few hours but-” Maria hiccuped for a third time. “But I did it,” she
shrugged with a smile on her face.


I turned to Maria. “Now tell me, what the hell is going on?” I grabbed her
arm gently.


“Ben-” she stopped to look around.


“She's still dancing,” I nodded towards the dance floor. “Now spill,”


“I can't,” she frowned. “This isn't fair, don't do this to me!”

“What isn't fair is me dropping her off the perfect person she is, and now, a
day and a half later Vanessa is this entirely different person,” I sighed
running my hands through my hair out of frustration. “Look, all I know is she
has been acting so weird tonight and I think I deserve an explanation because
I know I haven't taught her that much,”

“Oh my God, Ben,” Maria's eyes went wide. “You like Vanessa, don't you?”
she poked my chest with the tip of her finger.


I rolled my eyes at her. “No, I do not like Vanessa,”
Does love count?


“Yes you do! The look on your face when you said she was perfect says so,”
she clapped her hands happily.

I dropped my head, my forehead hitting the table with a
. I had gotten
caught. No one in this world knows how I feel about Vanessa. “Maria, I
swear to everything that is holy, if you say even one syllable of this to

“I won't, I promise,” she rubbed my back lightly. “Besides, I think she likes
you too,” she gasped then quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

“What did you say?” I picked my head up quickly and looked at her. If she
said what I think she did, I haven't been this excited since I was ten and had
found my fathers stash of magazines.

“I didn't say anything,” she shook her head vigorously.

“Oh, yes you did,” I smiled widely. “You, my friend, are coming with me,” I
waggled my brows, then grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor
with me.

“Vanessa!” I hollered over the music thumping.


“Hi, Ben!” she smiled making my heart beat thrum.


“Come on, we're leaving,” I said.


“Um, why?” she asked continuing to dance with some tall-lanky guy.


“Maria and I have plans,” I smiled.


She gave me a look of shock and what was that expression? Jealousy? “Oh,


“Yes, let's go,” I said as I pulled a whining Maria with me. I kept glancing
behind us to see that Vanessa was following us.


When we got outside we are about fifty-feet from the car when I heard...


“Vanessa?” a males voice said from behind us.


I turned around to see none other than Jordan standing there with one of his
I groaned.


“Who is that?” Maria asked me, her voice full of admiration.


“That, Maria, is Jordan,” I sighed.


“Rawr, he's hot!” she giggled.


“You are not helping me, at all,” I rolled my eyes.


“Sorry,” she frowned.


“Hey, Jordan,” Vanessa smiled then gave him a quick hug. “How are you?”


He hugged her back, closing his eyes while doing so.
Oh no, this means he's
been thinking about her...


“I'm good,” he pulled away then took one of her hands in his. “How are you
feeling? Any better?”


“Yeah, I feel great,” she stared into his eyes.


“Are you leaving?” he nodded towards Maria and me without breaking eye

“Well, yeah, Ben is driving me home, and he is ready... so,” she nodded
slowly. There we go, there's the Vanessa I know. I smiled. “He can just take
my car if you want to give me a ride home later?” she asked him. On second
though; my smile faded quickly.

“Absolutely,” the bastard smirked as he wrapped his arm around her

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