God and Mrs Thatcher (51 page)

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Authors: Eliza Filby

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During her time in Downing Street, Margaret Thatcher liked to quote John Wesley’s mantra: ‘Earn all you can, save all you can and give all you can’, yet it was only ever the first instruction that was sufficiently encouraged. When asked by Frank Field what was her greatest regret in office, Margaret Thatcher reportedly replied, without any
hesitation, that she had not taxed the rich high enough. ‘I cut taxes and I thought we would get a giving society and we haven’t.’
Even Thatcher recognised that she had not instilled a sense of responsibility that comes with greater wealth. Perhaps, on this, she was reflecting her own father’s message in the pulpit, that the real danger was not poverty but affluence. She might have also looked to the words of William Temple for the answer: ‘the art of government is the art of so ordering life that self-interest prompts what justice demands’.

Margaret Thatcher always avowed to a belief in the inherent virtue of man. When she said there was ‘no such thing as society’, it was not a negative or flippant statement but an optimistic rallying cry for individual moral responsibility to oneself and to one another. The flaw in Margaret Thatcher’s theology was not that she did not believe in society, as many criticised, but that she had too much faith in man. She had forgotten the essence of Conservative philosophy: the Fall. In many ways, Thatcherism was a challenge to individual moral virtue, yet in Thatcher’s Eden, when given the choice, we, of course, ate the fruit.

The ideas of thrift, responsibility and rectitude made sense to Margaret Thatcher because she had grown up in a religious environment where the boundaries on individual freedom were clear. These were constraints, however, that British society (including the young Margaret Roberts) demonstrated a remarkable determination to escape from. The irony is that despite Thatcher’s pledges to re-instil Victorian values, her government ultimately accelerated their decline. As Peregrine Worsthorne has rather bluntly surmised: ‘Margaret Thatcher had set out to create a country in the image of her father but ended up creating one in the image of her son.’

It was not the sexual revolution of the 1960s, as Conservatives liked to claim, which ultimately undermined the Christian fabric of Britain, but the changes, struggles and upheavals of the 1980s that would eventually transform the British psyche. Margaret Thatcher’s time in office may have heralded a renaissance of individual freedom, but in doing
so also hastened the death of Christian Britain. In Margaret Thatcher, Britain had its last taste of Victorian Nonconformist culture, but while Britons largely accepted the economic changes, they rejected the moral conventions and expectations underpinning it. Britain was still considered to be a Christian country in 1979, yet by the end of the 1980s it had transformed into something altogether different. In her crusade to raise Albion from the ashes, Thatcher ended up destroying all that was familiar. The future was not to be conservative but consumerist, not English, but cosmopolitan, not Christian, but secular.


Interview with
The Guardian
, 8 July 1986

Julie Burchill,
The Times
, 14 November 2004

Private interview with author

Speech on Europe (‘Europe as I see it’) 24 June 1977

TV interview for BBC1
, 8 June 1987

The second half of the quote is often forgotten. ‘ …as long as they pay their taxes.’ Mandelson said it to a conference of California computer executives in 1998: Andrew Rawnsley,
Servants of the People: The Inside Story of New Labour
(London: Penguin, 2001), p. 213

Private interview with author

Carol Thatcher,
Below the Parapet
, p. 247

Private interview with author

Speech to British Society of Magazine Editors, 29 July 1988

Interview for
Manchester Evening News
, 8 April 1987

Speech at Lord Mayor’s Banquet, 10 November 1986

Matthew Hancock & Rob Wood, ‘Household Secured Debt’, Bank of England, 2004, pp. 291–301

John Bone & Karen O’Reilly, ‘No place called home: the causes and social consequences of the UK housing “bubble”’,
British Journal of Sociology
, (2010) Vol. 61, Issue 2, p. 238


Richard Berthoud & Elaine Kempson,
Credit and Debit: The PSI Report
(London: Policy Studies Institute, 1992), p. 47

Article for
, ‘This is your choice’, 1 September 1959

Berthoud & Kempson,
Credit and Debit
, pp. 46–7


J. Ford & K. Rowlingston, ‘Low-income households and credit: exclusion, preference, and inclusion’,
Environment and Planning A
, Vol. 28, p. 1345

Stewart Lansley, ‘Britain’s Livelihood Crisis’, Trade Union Congress, 2011

Ford & Rowlingston, ‘Low-income households’, p. 1345

Berthoud & Kempson,
Credit and Debit

Henry Palmer & Pat Conaty,
Profiting from Poverty: Why Debt is Big Business in Britain
(London: New Economics Foundation, 2002); Ford & Rowlingston, ‘Low-income households’, p. 1350

Speech to Conservative Party conference, 14 Oct 1977

The Church sold the centre in 1995 although it retained a 10 per cent stake

‘Household Debt in the Economic and Fiscal Outlook,’
Office for Budget Responsibility
, 21 April 2011

Daily Telegraph
, 31 October 2011

Speech at Lord Mayor’s Banquet, 10 November 1986

Financial Times
, 28 September 2011

Richard Davies, Peter Richardson, Vaiva Katinaite & Mark Manning, ‘Evolution of the UK banking system’, Ban of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2010, pp. 321–32; Stephen Burgess, ‘Measuring financial sector output and its contribution to the UK GDP’, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 2011 Q3, pp. 234–46; Andrew Haldane, The Contribution of the Financial Sector – Miracle or Mirage?, Speech to the Future of Finance Conference, 14 July 2010

Richard Roberts,
Did anyone learn anything from the Equitable Life? Lessons and learning from
Financial Crises
, (Institute of Contemporary British History, King’s College London, 2012) p. 9


TV Interview for ITN (recalls losing office), 28 June 1991

Private interview with author; Frank Field made a similar statement to the Commons on the occasion of Baroness Thatcher’s death

Quoted in Charles Moore,
Margaret Thatcher & Capitalism
(2012 Adam Smith Lecture), 6 February 2012

Jonathan Aitken
Rev. Eric James
Rt Hon. Lord Baker
Rt Rev. David Jenkins
Rt Rev. Michael Baughen
Anthony Kilmister OBE
Rt Hon. Lord Powell of Bayswater
Prof. Diamaid MacCulloch
Rt Hon. Tony Benn
Prof. David Martin
Rt Rev. Ronnie Bowlby
Charles Moore
Rt Rev. Tom Butler
Rev. Dr Edward Norman
Rt Hon. Lord Carey
Sir Richard O’Brien
Humphrey Carpenter
Rt Hon. Lord Parkinson
Cynthia Crawford
Rt Hon. Lord Charles Powell
Rt Hon. Frank Field
Hon. James Runcie
Rt Lord Gummer
Rt Hon. Lord Sacks
Rt Hon. Lord Harries
Rt Rev. Mark Santer
Derek Hatton
Dr Michael Schluter
Rt Hon Lord Howe
Lady Grace Sheppard
Rt Hon. Lord Hurd
Rt Hon. Lord Tebbit
Sir Bernard Ingham
Harvey Thomas CBE
Rt Hon. Lord Jenkin
Rt Hon. Lord Wakeham
Rt Hon. Lord Lawson
Very Reverend Alan Webster
Clifford Longley
Rt Hon. Ann Widdecome DSG
Archive Material

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Thatcher, Margaret, Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge

Worlock, Derek, Papers, Metropolitan Cathedral Archives, Liverpool


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The Sun
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