Going All In (10 page)

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Authors: Jess Dee

BOOK: Going All In
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Jay’s low moan echoed through the room. He pulled out and plunged back into her. She squeezed her legs around his waist, holding him tight so she didn’t lose her grip. Lord, she never wanted to let go of him.

She and Jay made love. The sensations he stirred within had her floating on a cloud of delicious desire.

Time lost meaning. Light and dark merged. All Julia focused on were the exquisite tingles chasing their way through her pussy and up her spine. Her eyes closed and she lost herself to Jay’s hypnotic, delectable rhythm, knowing Hunter watched every move, every action, and enjoyed it just as much as they did.

A shudder rippled through Jay, knocking her out of tempo. Sluggishly Julia opened her eyes, and her heart skipped a beat.

Hunter stood behind Jay. His legs must have been spread wide because he stood lower than usual. One hand rested on Jay’s back, the other she couldn’t see. He bit his lower lip as though in agony, and his gaze was fixed on Jay’s butt.

Jay shuddered again and jerked into Julia.

She bit back a moan. “What’s he doing, Jay?” she asked, her voice nothing more than a whisper.

“T-touching me.” Jay’s eyes were closed. He’d stilled inside her.

Goosebumps ran over her arms. “H…how?” God, she could barely talk.

“Fingers,” Jay murmured. “Sliding over me.” He took a shaky breath. “In me.”

Her mind filled with graphic images and she couldn’t stop the husky moan that escaped. “How does it feel?”

“Almost…as good…as you…do. Oh, fuck!” He drove into her.

Julia clenched her inner muscles and tried not to pass out from pleasure. “What? Tell me.”

“Added…another finger,” he panted. A tiny frown creased his forehead.

“Is it painful?” she asked.

“No. It’s fucking incredible.”

She gazed at Hunter. His lips were parted and his eyes hooded. He looked as though he couldn’t believe what he was doing. He also looked as though he couldn’t stop doing what he was doing.

“Hunter.” She breathed his name.

He glanced up and smiled at her; a smile that hinted at love, desire and frustration.

Julia caught her breath. “H-how many fingers?”

“Two,” Jay said.

Hunter shook his head. “Three,” he corrected as Jay jerked again.

This time there was no doubting the crease on Jay’s forehead was caused by pain.

“It’s okay,” Julia whispered. She stroked his cheeks and repeated the very words Jay had once soothed her with. “Take a minute to get used to the stretch.” Then she added a few of her own. “It’ll be worth it, I swear.”

Hunter said nothing, but the look he gave her scorched her all the way through to her bones, setting fire to places Jay had yet to touch.

Seconds passed. Jay breathed. In, out. In, out.

Hunter breathed too, more heavily than Jay.

The frown disappeared, along with the tension in Jay’s shoulders. He began thrusting into her again, setting off all sorts of wonderful sensations inside Julia. But his rhythm was off, as if his focus was incomplete.

Again Hunter looked at her, this time with an exultant expression.

A cry of frustration broke free from Jay. “Goddammit, Hunter. I want your dick, not your fingers.”

“I—” Hunter breathed hard. “I want…your ass.”

Julia grew lightheaded all over again. Hunter’s admission had taken an enormous amount of courage.

Jay panted, the lust in his face blinding.

She wanted Hunter in Jay’s ass almost as much as Jay did. But… “Are you okay doing this, Blondie?” Hunter had to be sure. If he wasn’t, his next move could blow his confidence and their relationship right out of the water.

Hunter licked his lips. “I’ve made love to you, Jules. Now I want—need—to make love to Jay. To…both…of you.”

She smiled and nodded, or tried to anyway, but blood rushed to her head and dizziness swamped her.

Jay made a funny sound in the back of his throat, wrenching Hunter’s attention away from her. Hunter moved his hand off Jay’s back and looked down.

Heavy breathing filled the air. Julia had no idea whose it was. Probably all three of theirs.

There was movement behind Jay, but much as she wanted to know, she couldn’t see what was happening. Then Jay gulped. He opened his eyes and stared at her. His pupils were tiny pinpricks, his irises glazed with lust. “Jules. Oh, fuck. Jules.” His voice was wanton and husky, and he shifted inside her in uncoordinated movements.

“Jay!” Hunter’s eyes were scrunched closed, and his head was tilted back. Drops of perspiration beaded on his upper lip. He rested one hand on Jay’s waist and the other he wrapped around her leg, connecting them all. His touch was intimate and erotic.

“Deeper,” Jay rasped. A second later he jerked inside Julia again.

It was Julia’s turn to gasp as a loud bang echoed through the room. Oh, sweet Lord. Good God. It was happening. Jay was making love to her, and Hunter was making love to Jay. All at the same time.

“Fuck!” Jay yelled. “I’m seeing fireworks.” This time when he jerked inside her, Julia couldn’t contain her cry of delight.

Hunter gasped. “Rockets…going off in my head…too.” His fingers skimmed over the sensitive skin of her calf. “Fuck, Jay, I’m buried balls-deep in your ass.”

The room exploded in a multitude of colors.

“It’s midnight,” Julia panted, realizing she too was seeing fireworks. The night sky was ablaze. Dazzling flashes of light illuminated the horizon. Thunderous booms reverberated through her body.

The three lovers absorbed their situation. Hunter stared at Julia, while Jay knelt in front of him, captivated. The fireworks outside were brilliant, an ideal complement to the pyrotechnics inside the flat.

“It’s perfect,” Julia said at last. “The perfect way to welcome in the New Year.” And Hunter was responsible for making it so. He amazed her. His desire for her and Jay had helped him overcome his father’s vicious taunting. He’d put his fears and doubts aside to complete their threesome.

Her heart raced. Their threesome was complete. Apart they were three separate entities. Together, like this, they became a whole.

Hunter’s smile was slow to form. “Yeah, Four Eyes, it sure is.”

Julia smiled back at Hunter. “You really do love Jay, don’t you?”

Jay’s breath caught.

Hunter’s smile grew. He nodded.

She smiled back.

“As much as I love you,” he said.

“I love you too.”

Fireworks exploded around them.

At which point Jay surged into her with unbridled zeal. Both she and Hunter gasped as Jay lost control. He drove into her, once, twice, a hundred times, the pressure of his thrusts a sublime torture to her pussy.

Hunter also lost his restraint. He pounded into Jay from behind. In minutes the three of them developed a new rhythm. Hunter drove into Jay, forcing him deep into Julia. When Hunter pulled out, Jay followed suit, only to repeat the process as Hunter plunged into him again. The air was rent with noisy blasts and breathless moans. The scent of sex flowed around them, filling her nose.

Julia was on a sexual high the likes of which she’d never dreamed she’d experience. And when Jay let rip with a mighty roar and lost himself to the throes of his orgasm, Julia let reality slip away. All that registered were the increasing tingles filling her pussy, the lights flashing behind her eyelids and the overwhelming need to release the sweet tension building in her loins. As Jay pulsed inside her, Julia’s own climax blindsided her. She lost herself to the passion of the moment, and to the beauty and adoration of the men she loved.

Hunter’s hoarse cry only increased her pleasure. It pounded through her groin, and washed over every nerve ending in her body. Even when her climax subsided, tiny streaks of pleasure still undulated through her, prolonging the sensation, extending the ecstasy.

As the impact of their lovemaking began slowly to wear off, the colors and sounds outside faded once again to dark silence. It was long moments before any of them could move, let alone talk.

Going All In
Chapter Eight

“I think it’s safe to say we brought in the New Year with a bang,” Jay said with a content grin. He pushed himself up on shaky legs and disposed of his condom.

Hunter did the same, then both men collapsed down beside her.

“Happy New Year, Four Eyes.” Hunter pressed a kiss to her mouth. Then he turned around and did the same to Jay. “Happy New Year.”

Jay then kissed Julia, and minutes or hours later the three of them finally came up for air.

“I think,” Julia said sagely, “that this must be what it feels like to be dealt a royal flush.”

Jay frowned. “I’m not sure about that. We need to test your theory with another round. Ready to deal the cards, Blondie?”

“Give me a couple of minutes, then ask again.”

“How about you, Jules?” Jay asked her.

She took a deep breath. “It’s not just a matter of minutes, guys. It’s…” She let the words fade away. It was a New Year. She shouldn’t ruin the moment. On the other hand, it was New Year’s, and what better time was there to make resolutions and sort out concerns?

In seven days Hunter had not only managed to confront his family issues, he’d begun to conquer them too. She’d been dithering over her fear of introducing Hunter and Jay to her sister and parents for weeks. It was time to take a page out of Hunter’s book and face her concerns head on.

She loved two men. And they loved her—and each other. Yes, their relationship might be different from the norm, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t last. It also didn’t mean she should be ashamed of it.

Julia was proud of her men. She was proud of what they’d created together. And she’d be proud to introduce them to her family.

Hunter’s gaze was on her. “It’s what, Four Eyes?”

She took a deep breath. Hell, they’d come this far. No point beating around the bush now. “I…I don’t want to play anymore.”

Jay froze. “Whaddya mean?”

“You want out, Jules?” Hunter asked.

“God, no!” Julia said. “I want in. Permanently. That’s the thing. I don’t want to play games. I want whatever this is between us all to be real. To be a proper, committed relationship.” She worried her lower lip. “I’m tired of keeping my feelings for you secret from the world. I love you guys. I’m proud of what we have and…”

Her words dried up. Jay was gaping at her, and Hunter looked dazed.

A sudden wave of nausea hit her. She’d just put herself out there. Revealed her true desires—and she was terrified by their reaction. Did they disagree with her?

“Fuck.” Jay’s shoulders sagged. “I thought you were about to blow us off.”

Hunter let out a long, unsteady breath. “Christ, me too.”

Relief plowed into her. “Yeah, well. No.” As if she’d be stupid enough to give up the best thing that had ever happened to her. “Just the opposite.”

Hunter sat up and leaned against the couch. Again his eyes saw right into her thoughts. “You want to introduce us to your sister, don’t you?”

“I do.”

“Kim?” Jay asked.

Julia nodded.

Jay scrunched his nose in confusion. “How did you know Jules wants us to meet her?” he asked Hunter. “What have I missed?”

“We spoke about it last week,” Hunter told him. “Julia felt awkward about introducing the two of us to Kim as her boyfriends.”

“Understandable,” Jay mused. “It’s not something you get to do every day.”

“What made you change your mind?” Hunter asked her.

“You did.” Tears filled her eyes. “I’ve been so worried what my family would say about my sleeping with two men. And then I looked at you, making love to Jay, to both of us, and I was ashamed of myself. If you could rise above the fears your father instilled in you, I can tell my family the truth about the men I love.”

She wasn’t an idiot. She knew her parents would be shocked by the choices she’d made, by her rejection of their traditional values and expectations. It would be a long while before they felt anywhere near comfortable with her decisions. She’d have to take her time with the introductions. Make them slowly. Kim was the obvious person to start with. Julia knew her sister would get along famously with both men, and with Kim on her side, telling her parents would be a whole lot easier. Heck, sometime in the not-too-distant future she might even tell her great-aunt Edith.

“I didn’t get through this alone, Jules,” Hunter said. “You and Jay helped me. Every step of the way. So did my mom.”

“Your mother?” Jay asked in surprise.

Hunter nodded. “I went to see her today. Well, yesterday. I told her about all of us.”

“What did she say?” Jay asked.

“More than I ever expected.” Hunter closed his eyes. “It took her years to bring up Scott with me. It was only when I moved out of home that she told me how much she hated what my father had done. For her, it was the beginning of the end of their marriage.”

Julia thought about her conversation with Hunter a week ago. He’d said then he and his mother had issues they’d had to work through. Hunter’s father and Scott had obviously headed that list.

“Yesterday I surprised her when I explained the nature of our threesome. But she got through it like a trooper. She even gave me her blessing.”

“She did?” Julia asked. “Just like that?”

“It took her a while to process everything. But deep down, my mother’s a romantic. She wants me to be happy.” He was silent a minute. “She’s been afraid for a long time that I’d be too scared to find true happiness—because of my father.” He smiled. “I think she’s rather proud of the fact I’ve now found two people I love.”

“I think I’d like to meet your mother,” Julia mused.

“That’s a good thing, because she wants to meet you.” He looked at Jay. “How about it? You up to meeting her?”

Jay thought for a minute. “Yeah, I’d be happy to. And I’d also like to meet Kim. Hell, Jules speaks about her so often I feel like I already know her.”

Julia smiled shyly. “I’d be proud to introduce you to my sister. Both of you.”

“Jay?” Hunter turned to him. “What about you? You up to introducing us to your family?”

Jay snickered. “I’m just thinking how I’m going to break the news.”

Julia’s heart thumped. “Will it be hard for them to hear?” Surely it couldn’t be worse than Hunter’s father finding out about his son’s bisexual tendencies.

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