Good Girl Gone Bad (5 page)

Read Good Girl Gone Bad Online

Authors: Karin Tabke

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica

BOOK: Good Girl Gone Bad
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Candi rambled on for a few more minutes about men, their dicks, and how in all her years of stripping she’d never met one worthy of taking home to her daughter. That is, until she met Mr. Right a month ago.

“Speaking of Mr. Right, here he comes now.” Candi’s voice rose in excitement. Phil turned and gasped. He might be Candi’s Mr. Right, but he was definitely her Mr. Wrong.

Dressed completely in black, his tall powerful body glided effortlessly across the wide span of the club floor. His shoulder-length black hair gleamed under the harsh light. His green eyes twinkled as if he held a secret. Phil swallowed, the action tight against her dry throat. Ty’s command presence was as much a part of him as was her blue eyes. She might not like the man, but her bourgeoning respect for him she could no longer ignore. The man was good.

“Hey, Ty,” Candi cooed, sauntering with her look-at-my-hips-and-tits walk. It worked, too; both Phil and Ty watched her smooth firm body parts take on a life of their own.

“Good evening, Candi,” Ty cooed right back.


Candi cuddled into Ty’s broad chest and smoothed the fitted black dress shirt he wore over the plane of his muscles. “I waited for you last night.”

Ty smiled at Candi indulgently, but smoothly disengaged her fingers digging between the buttonholes of his shirt. “I told you, I had work to do.”

He flashed Phil a wicked grin and she felt the heat rise in her face and a hot stab of desire spike between her legs. She hadn’t donned her work clothes yet, but stood in a pair of tight jeans, four-inch stiletto sandals, and a white form-fitting jersey top that hung loosely off one shoulder. Her
coup de
? She wore nothing beneath the top and only a G-string thong beneath the jeans. Her nipples swelled under Ty’s attention, and it was all Phil could do not to shield herself from his hot gaze.

Watching his deep green eyes go from initial surprise to appreciative to downright horny, she felt a rush of satisfaction, until he finished off with calm indifference.


y’s reaction to the revamped IA officer was immediate and basic. He wanted to fuck her. And wouldn’t have been particular about where, but the when part was now. He masked his surprise and chastised his cock for jumping so quickly to attention.

She was a looker all right. Long legs, narrow waist, tits sitting way up high. Her hair was now a kaleidoscope of browns, blondes, and reds, hanging long and sexy around her shoulders. Her full lips, painted and pouty, promised all kinds of deviant diversions.

Ty checked himself. She was the enemy. Plain and simple, he didn’t trust her. His gaze zeroed in on her stiffening nipples, the wide areolas visible beneath the sheer white fabric of her shirt. His cock twinged hard. He was glad for the boxer briefs he wore, lassoing the buck of his shaft.

Candi cut off his view of Phil and he breathed easier. Ty glanced down at the blonde, who clung to him like a vine. While the little dancer was cute and accomplished, Ty preferred longer drinks of water, like Phil.

After disengaging Candi’s blue nails from his shirt, he grinned down at Phil, who had a noticeable flush to her cheeks. Her blue eyes sparked. Whether from anger or desire he wasn’t sure, and he really didn’t care. What he wanted to see was that same fire in her eyes as he rode her hard to an orgasm. Ty muttered a curse. He’d spent too much damn time in this club. He wasn’t a dog by nature. Although he’d remained fairly unaffected by the girls here, he found himself reacting to Phil like one of Candi’s regulars.

“You must be the new cocktail Bud told me about. Why are you standing around?”

Phil opened her mouth, then closed it. Ty wondered how it would feel locking around his cock.

“I was just getting orientated,” Phil said.

Candi stared at him strangely. “This is Kat.” She turned to Phil and gave her an apologetic look. “Kat, this is Tyler Masters, the floor manager.”

Like a trooper, Phil extended her hand. Reluctantly Ty took it. The minute he touched the smooth warmth of her skin a rush of electricity sparked his nerves. She felt it, too, her hand jerked in his, her eyes widening.

“Get dressed and get out on the floor. We’re expecting a big crowd tonight,” he barked before turning on his heels and marching away.

Aware his behavior was out of line, but unable to control it, Ty cursed out loud and dared anyone who heard him to take exception. He was in a fucking strip joint and could get away with just about anything. Except doing naughty things to Philamina Zorn’s luscious lips.

Bud set a bottle of water on the bar as Ty strode toward him. “It’s going to be a busy one tonight, boss. Lines already forming.”

Ty nodded and guzzled the cold water, wishing he could slam the chilled plastic against his throbbing cock. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d sunk himself deep into a woman. His undercover work left zero time for even the most casual affair, and while he had no problem doing as the underworld did to gain their trust and settle in, he had no desire for the girls at Klub Kashmir. Call him old-fashioned, but he preferred his ladies more on the demure side as opposed to the brazen women of the club.

“Give me another round, Bud.”

As he chugged down the second bottle, Ty’s frustration turned to anger. He could thank his stripper mother for his distrust of women. That and a whole suitcase full of baggage.

He tossed the empty bottles over Bud’s shoulders for two three-pointers.

“You never miss, do you, boss?”

Ty grinned at the old cuss. “Nope.”

“Did you meet the new cocktail I hired?”

“Yeah, she’s slacking backstage.”

Laughing, Bud opened another bottle of water for Ty and set it on the bar. “You know, anytime you want something stronger, just ask.”

Ty gave Bud a crooked smile. “I don’t drink on the job.”

“I hear you, just saying.” Bud eyed Ty. “About the girlie I hired today. If I wasn’t so desperate, I’d have told her to take a walk.”


“She turned white when I handed her the uniform.”

Ty grinned; he could imagine.

“Then she asked if she could wear pantyhose. I gave her the spiel, but I think she might not last the night. A real timid one, she is.”

Ty grunted. If the old man only knew how far from the truth that statement was. Phil Zorn had the balls of a man, and while she played the librarian in IA, the sexy woman he saw backstage looked damn comfortable in her new skin.

“Want to wager, Bud?”

The old man’s eyes lit up. “You’re on, son. I’ll bet a weekend off with pay she don’t last a week.”

Ty reached over the bar extending his hand. “I’ll bet she makes more tips tonight than the other cocktails, and when I win, you work that weekend free of charge.”

The men shook. An audible groan from Bud sealed his fate. Turning, Ty felt like a cartoon character as his tongue and eyeballs popped out of his head.

Tall, sleek, and sexy. The name Kat fit her feline saunter. Instead of pantyhose, Phil wore a garter attached to black thigh-high stockings that ended in sexy black stiletto pumps. As she walked, her little skirt sashayed back and forth with the smooth sway of her hips. A tiny gemstone glittered in her belly button, catching his roaming eye. His body warmed as his eyes traveled up the smooth tautness of her stomach to her cleavage pushed together so tight he imagined the hot swell of her breasts locking around his cock.

He licked his lips, wanting to run his tongue between the deep valley before sucking her nipples that poked against the shimmering white fabric. His eyes continued their travel north, lingering on the smooth length of her neck, to her chin, and up farther. He wanted to suck those full lips right off her face. When they turned up into a smile, his eyes locked with hers.

Phil not only didn’t shake the eye contact, but she continued her slow sexy walk right toward him. She flicked her mane of hair over her shoulder and licked her lips.

“Jesus, boss, I didn’t see
coming,” Bud muttered behind him.

Ty cleared his throat. “Neither did I.”

“How about I give you this weekend? I’m not a welcher.”

Without breaking eye contact with Phil, Ty said, “She tricked us both. Hang on for the ride.”

Phil stopped a few feet from him. His nostrils caught the sultry musk of her perfume. They twitched in approval.

Phil smiled and raised a single eyebrow. Placing her hands on her hips, she struck a pose. “Is this acceptable, Mr. Masters?”

Ty grinned. “Turn around and I’ll let you know.”

He caught the flash of defiance in her eyes before she spun around. Without turning back around, she asked, “Well? Do I pass inspection? Does the back muster up to the front?”

Ty’s eyes swept the smooth length of her back down to the firm ripeness of her ass. The black pleats of her skirt poked out, giving anyone who stood a few feet back a nice shot at the tightness of her upper thighs. When he failed to respond, she wiggled her ass and looked over her shoulder.

“I don’t have all night, Mr. Masters.”

Ty reached out to touch her shoulder, to turn her around just as she pivoted. His hand landed on her left breast. This time he didn’t flinch at the contact. At least his hand didn’t. He smiled leisurely, pressed his palm more firmly against her warmth, and stepped closer. Unhurriedly he trailed a fingertip around her straining nipple. She caught her breath and he felt the hard thud of her heart against his hand. Her big blue eyes widened, captivating him in their innocence. If she wasn’t still a virgin, he doubted she had much experience. He wanted to be the one to tap into her. Her body language screamed uptight. Her body, though, screamed to his for contact.

He ran a finger down her waist to rest on the curve of her hip. The urge to pull her soft smooth body hard against him and torture her mouth with his lips was almost his undoing. She licked her glossy lips, the pink tip of her tongue conjuring up all kinds of sexy scenarios in his mind. Remembering where he was, he reined in his runaway desire. “If I had to pick which looked better, I’d have to call it a draw.”

The thick rasp of his voice gave away his mood. Phil leaned into him. At the contact his cock thickened, the smooth line of her belly enticing him from his straining self-control.

Her sharp intake of air told him she’d felt his quickening. She surprised him by smiling sweetly up at him. Then she surprised him even more when she swept her hand up between them, smoothed it against him, then grabbed his shaft and squeezed. He hissed in a breath, his cock rearing in her hand. She quelled it by squeezing harder. Setting his jaw at a hard angle, he held his breath, resisting the urge to push her back into his office, clear his desk, and take her.

“If you continue to touch me like this, Mr. Masters, I’m afraid I’ll have to file a sexual harassment charge against you and Klub Kashmir.”

Bud coughed. “No, no, you don’t want to do that.”

Ty’s jaw tightened. With supreme effort he reeled in his racing hormones.

His lips twitched in a smile. His entire body tightened with the enthusiasm of a sixteen-year-old boy anticipating his first blow job. When she abruptly released him, disappointment flooded his system.

He bent down to her ear and whispered, “Touché, Officer Zorn.” Then backed off. She had balls and he was glad. He relished future sparring matches.

Ty looked over his shoulder. “Show her the ropes, Bud.” Without another glance at Phil, he stalked off.


Phil couldn’t regulate her breathing and her body thrummed with tension. Her nipples were as hard as the stainless-steel chairs around her and her pussy throbbed with the same driving tempo of the music. Ty’s reaction to her surprised her, but hers to him stunned her.

She glanced anxiously around the brightly lit club. The stirring sound of a sleazy sax wafted through the sound system, setting the tone for the evening to come. What was it about this place that set her libido into overdrive? She’d never felt desire flood her as she had that moment she held Ty hot and hard in her hand. More astonishing, for the first time in her life, she felt no guilt associated with the desire.

Clenching her thighs, she suppressed a low moan. What the hell was happening to her?

“Bud? Can you excuse me for a minute?”

“Make it quick, the line’s getting antsy.”

Phil hurried to the ladies’ room and locked herself in a stall. She leaned back against the smooth metal door and closed her eyes. Her entire body hummed. A live conduit. She touched her breast and gasped. A painful pleasure lit her nerve endings, the tension intense. Her pussy constricted and she had the incredible urge to slip a finger into herself. The thought shocked her. While there had been nights as a teenager when her body begged for stimulation, Phil had been too embarrassed to touch herself.

Her mother, the daughter of a Baptist minister, and her father, a born-again Christian, had made it clear to her from her early years. Masturbation was dirty and only nasty girls who had no self-control did it.

She wasn’t nasty. She was good and clean and wholesome. And her father had drilled into her head the virtues of self-control. That hadn’t stopped her from allowing Kyle Thompson, the high school quarterback, from putting his hands on her. Her skin shivered and the sudden heat spell Ty induced chilled. She didn’t like to think of Kyle. She swallowed hard, grabbed a wad of toilet paper, and wiped the slick moisture from between her legs. Breathing deeply, she opened the stall door, quickly washed and dried her hands, and hurried out to Bud, who greeted her with a scowl.

“You’re not starting out on a good foot.”

“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

She steeled herself and listened intently to what Bud told her. She followed his directions to the letter, all the while repeating her new mantra in her head: I will not respond to Ty Jamerson. I will not respond to Ty Jamerson.

For one who prided herself on such hard-ass self-control, Phil couldn’t ignore the repeated twinge in her nether regions every time she heard Ty’s deep voice.

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