Good Girl (Playroom) (37 page)

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Authors: Erica Chilson

BOOK: Good Girl (Playroom)
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“I can’t,” Devon cries
, his expression desperate. He composes himself and says, “I refuse to be a consolation prize. You forget something- Willow isn’t my mother, she’s too strong. Sometimes I hate my dad, my aunt, and you fuckers. Kieren and I get a choice, and so will Willow. She’ll only do what she wants. Can’t you see that she realizes that now?”

“Yeah, I saw it screaming back at
me last night when I tossed Willow off my property like trash. Will it make you happy to know that I threw up for an hour because I sickened myself so much? I know I fucked up! Help me fix it,” Auggie begs.

“You’re both wrong,” I whisper so quietly that I can barely hear myself. I can’t take the strong emotions. I won’t sit idly by while they fight, over me, and for me.
It’s my place to stop this shit, even though I think both of them are fighting over something that doesn’t have anything to do with me.

“I’m just Willow, and from now on I
’ll do what I think is right and consequences be damned. I grew up some more last night as I talked to Clover. Her marriage wasn’t a fairytale, no relationship is, and I won’t model my relationships after someone else’s. You all just need to trust me to trust myself, or fuck off. That’s your choices, because everything else is

“I’m making a choice,” Robbie firmly announces. “If you can’t live in the same house, then you can move out, Auggie. The Spook House is more Willow’s than anyone’s. I’m so pissed at you right now that I want to punch you, too!”

“I didn’t want Willow to leave last night, and I still don’t want her to leave. Come home,” Auggie begs me.

“On one condition,” I negotiate. I don’t bother waiting for their agreement. “I’ll have my own room. I’m not playing th
is game again, Auggie. Play is play, reality is reality. I’m not combining the two. You pushed me at Devon. A boyfriend is reality. Be jealous all you want, it’s your own damn fault. And don’t think that it’s escaped my notice that Devon’s pushing me at his brother, too. Frankly, I’m sick of the whole lot of you. Wanna know what’s pushing me towards Kieren? You all are… Kieren’s fun, no commitment, no angst or judgment, no conditions, no pain or confusing emotions, no future or past or present. Uncomplicated, no strings attached friendship,” I pointedly say as I look between the two men I love, the ones who keep fucking me over in every way that counts.

jump off my stool, grab my book bag and coat, and ignore their gobsmacked expressions. I get ready for my evening class while they nervously fidget in silence.

“After class
, I’ll move into the purple room. Just so ya know… I’d decorated it for my future bedroom, knowing you’d pull this shit, because you’re nothing if not predictable,” I emotionlessly say to Auggie. “Partner, we’ll kick there asses. Our allies will be the brothers,” I kick Devon’s toe while talking to Robbie. “Euchre it is… and I want pizza, and our sister and her brats. We’ll have a tournament.”

I flutter a brief kiss to my brother’s cheek in parting. I don’t kiss Devon or Auggie because it’s taking everything in me not to turn into
Spanky, the badass ass-kicker. “Who knew,” I sing to my men, “Actions have consequences, and it’s about time you paid in full.”
















“Is this your version of a shit-fit?” I should be pissed, but I’m highly amused.

Auggie’s coming unhinged.

What a scene to walk in on after coming home after the day I’ve had, and to top it all off, I bombed a motherfucking pop-quiz… but this takes the shit-cake.

“You don’t want to sleep in the same bed with me…so…” Auggie starts moaning in earnes
t, never taking his eyes from mine.

“Two can play that game,” I drawl. “Since you didn’t want to fuck me, I guess I should go drag someone off the street and fuck them senseless.”

“Why don’t you call Kieren, ya know ya wanna,” Auggie’s taunt turns into a grunt of displeasurable pleasure.

“Have you looked at Kieren
? His athletic body is so hot it could melt paint.” I close my eyes and moan like I’m envisioning Kieren’s deep thrusts inside my body. “Mmm…” I purr and lick my lips. I smirk when Auggie winces. “Did Opal get you with her teeth?”

“Monster,” Auggie
growls, “You’re working my last nerve.”

“Oh! Here I tho
ught Opal was doing that for ya,” I snidely purr.

“For the record, I want to fuck you senseless,” Auggie grunts.

“But you never do,” I volley back.

“I’d rip you in half. Thank Opal for saving you from
the pain of a shredded pussy,” Auggie grunts.

“You’re being rude, Auggie,” I chastise. “You shouldn’t be looking at me, envisioning me sucking your cock, when
it’s Opal’s lips wrapped around the Beast.”

gasps when I look up from beneath my lashes and sweetly smile at him. “Monster,” he groans. “Please come back to me,” he begs.

“Tsk, tsk, Auggie… actions have consequences, and you wouldn’t respect me if I came back to you without you having to work for it. Mr
. Kline wouldn’t approve,” I smugly say. 

“Fine, no sleeping together… but play with me,” Auggie
pleads while Opal’s head starts bobbing faster- slurping and sucking noises fill the bedroom I shared with Auggie until last night.

“Hmm… this little display you have going on to make me jealous just backfired. You really need to grow up, Augustus. Getting your cock sucked in my bed won’t draw me back, but it’s guaranteed to push me farther away. Why would I ever sleep in a bed you fucked someone other than me in? Play was supposed to be separate from reality, remember? You just broke your own
cardinal rule- hypocrite,” I bite out.

I wanted to make light of Auggie getting a blowjob in my bed by the infamous
dog walker, but it hurts like a sonofabitch. Jealousy sears through my veins, but not nearly as strongly as disrespect. Auggie set this show up so that when I came in here to collect my stuff to move to my new bedroom, I’d see this despicable scene. I walked in to find a woman between Auggie’s massive thighs with his cock shoved down her throat- real fucking classic.

“Well, that’s a first,” Opal murmurs around Auggie’s cock. A second later she gives up, and his flaccid cock slops onto his taut belly. “Thanks for making me feel like a whore, asshole. Use someone else to hurt your little gal. I’m not the woman for that. Don’t bother asking for me again.”

Opal shakes her head in disgust. “Good Girl,” Opal calls to me. “This bastard has been crazier than usual for the past few months. This is the first contact he’s had with anyone other than Rob and Isis. I was leery of coming here. I apologize. I didn’t realize Augustus was doing this to be a dick.”

I stare gape-mouthed
at Auggie, who looks away and blushes.

“Augustus, I’m putting everyone on notice that you’re off limits. I won’t let you use any of us, that’s not what play is about. I
can’t believe you did this,” Opal growls in disappointment and flees our room.

“Well, you’re just pissing the female population off left and right
, now aren’t ya? Are you through, or do you need to throw a tantrum?” I taunt as I sit next to Auggie on our bed.

“I’d apologize, but hell, my coc
k doesn’t even work anymore,” Auggie whines and gestures to his saliva slickened dick.

“Sure it doesn’t,” I snicker. I trail my fingernail around the plum of his cock,
and all thirteen inches of the Beast swells up in an instant. “All better now,” I softly murmur.

“I’m a rat-bastard, Willow. I’m a rat-fucking-bastard. I won’t ask you to forgive me,
because I don’t deserve it.” Auggie groans deep from his chest and lies back on the bed.

“What was this about?” I point at the Beast in question.

“Fuck if I know. I didn’t want you to know that I haven’t been playing around. I did and I didn’t want you to touch Devon. I’m just scared. Hypocrite is right. I’ve broken every principal I stand for, and it all started when I finally gave in to my cravings for you. I should have waited. But no- I take a child on her eighteenth birthday. I take her innocence like a child molesting pervert- worse, in front of a crowd. I just couldn’t stay away from you. I’ve tried, Lord knows, I’ve tried. Boundaries, endless boundaries I’ve place on you and myself. Sleeping next to you night after night for months and not touching you, has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Goddammit, I sicken myself. Just looking in the mirror makes me want to gag. Jesus, Willow, I’m so sorry.”

Auggie mercilessly sobs, chest heaving erratically, keening deep from his chest. I find an inner-strength
I didn’t think I possessed, and I use it to help him. “I’m not a child,” I firmly state.

“Not now. You’re not a child now,”
he hiccups.

“I wasn’t then, either,” I say in an emotional fog. 

“Yes, you were, Willow. Oh my God, I’m a pervert,” Auggie chokes out.

“It’s too late for that, Auggie. You need to come to terms with this shit,” comes out harshly.

“How do you come to terms with being in love with a little girl? I’ve been struggling with it for years. You coming to work for me was too much of a temptation.”

“I had to grow up
sometime. It might as well be now. Because, Auggie, if it hadn’t played out the way it did, I’d still be a naïve dipshit with no goals and aspirations. You need to look at me,” I demand.

Slowly Auggie’
s manly face rises to my gaze. Watery, green eyes implore me. It’s heartbreaking, but I can’t fix him. The past few months have taught me a lot about life. But one lesson shines the brightest- you have to fix your own damned self.

“Look at me,” I grab Auggie’s
face, my fingers biting into his whisker-stubbled cheeks. “Twenty-eight or not, a small part of you is still a little boy. But I’m not here for him. I want the man, Mr. Augustus Kline, to see me- really see me. I’m not that little girl anymore, either- that naïve Willow monster. I’m Willow. I fuck up and make mistakes, and I learn from them. I work at
, and I’m a college student who loves fixing up creepy old houses. I’m a daughter, sister, and aunt, but that’s not who I am. I’m Willow, and I’m okay with that… When you’re okay with that, you know where to find me…”







~Chapter Thirty-Five~

“Where’s Clover,” I whisper to Robbie after the fourth win of the night. Rob and I cleaned house at Euchre.

made up some excuse that she had a headache. Reality is that she wanted you and Auggie to find a happy-medium without her being involved. Truthfully, I think Clover didn’t want to watch you guys. I’m having a hard time not kicking Auggie’s ass. Can you image if Clover was within scratching distance.

I snort, “Oh fuck, I didn’t think of that.”

“What’s up with everyone tonight? I know why Auggie is acting strange- guilty bastard. But why is Devon avoiding you?”

“Hell if I know. Devon
tried to tell me something last night and couldn’t do it. You know how men are with their pride,” I say to put Robbie and myself at ease. Devon is avoiding me. If I’m honest with myself, he’s avoided me since he ran last night. Other than a thirty-second phone call to check on his wellbeing last night, and his outburst at Auggie today, he hasn’t spoken to me.

showed up with Kieren about an hour ago, and has ignored me ever since. He said hello, and then stuck to his dad like a leech. I’d be really worried, but Kieren is acting normal. I assume if one is having a problem, the other would show it. It’s how the twins operate, and those brothers are close enough to be twins. 

“Go easy on Auggie
,” Robbie whispers in my ear. “He’s confused and scared.”

“So am I, but no
one is going easy on me,” I bitterly say.

mutters, “Touché.”

“Willow,” Isis’
seductive purr makes my skin crawl in on itself. “I need to speak to you in private.” It’s said as a request, but we both know it’s an order.

I follow Isis from the living room. Both Auggie and Rob look scared to death to see us wandering off together.
Isis leads me to the powder room of all places. She shuts us in and leans against the door, effectively trapping my ass in with her. I’m going nowhere until Isis is ready for me to leave.

“I’m proud of you,” flows from perfect, red lip
s. I blink up at her- stunned. “Don’t give in until Augustus changes. He needs to grow up, too. You’re more mature than he is right now. You’re good for each other. You challenge each other to be better people. Don’t fuck that up by running off to Augustus’ bed.” Isis pins me with her dark, piercing stare, and I don’t even dare to blink.

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