Good Men Still Exist

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Authors: Marques Lewis,Jamila Gomez

BOOK: Good Men Still Exist
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Still Exist


Marques Lewis


Jamila Gomez


Chapter 1

A Wake Up Call



“I am about to cum, Greg!” Brandy strained, riding Greg recklessly.

“What are you waiting for? I want you to cum on this dick, and I mean right now!” Greg said with his eyes shut tightly.

Both of Greg’s hands were handcuff to the wooden chair. His coconut skin shined with baby oil. Greg’s body was built like a God with an 11-inch dick that resided deep inside of Brandy’s tight pussy. Brandy rode him like a horse, grinding on his dick, feeling every inch in her stomach. She jumped up and connected eyes with him, smirking devilishly as she knelt down before him. Her knees hit the plush red carpet with impact as she lifted his hard dick towards his belly button to suck his balls. Brandy cuffed and placed both shaved balls in her mouth. She began sucking each ball to the side of her jaw with force. She wanted him to feel that she was dominating and pleasing at the same time. She wanted to blow his mind and make every second of his thoughts to be on her. His right leg shook from the incredible feeling from her wet, sloppy, mouth. His eyes grew open with pleasurable pain.

“You’re doing it too hard,” Greg exclaimed. “Loosen up for me, please!”

Brandy commenced to suck harder, looking at him and rolling her eyes before standing up and stroking every vein on his large, throbbing dick.

“You say another word to me and I am going to whip your ass! Do you hear me?” Brandy ordered, getting into Greg’s face. Greg nodded in agreement. Brandy then licked his ears and the side of his face. “Good! You are so damn sexy to me, Greg. Now I am about to go back to sucking your big ass dick, and I don’t want to hear another Goddamn word!”

Greg nodded again as Brandy got back on her knees with her eyes locked on his dick. She slapped his dick around and Greg was nervously startled.

“I know you are not nervous, Greg!”

He shook his head in denial of her accusation.

“Good.” Brandy said as she reached over to the side and grabbed gray duck tape, placing it over his mouth. He muffled with fears in his eyes.

“Oh, don’t worry baby. Momma gon’ to take good care of you.” She reached down, grabbed her purple blindfold, and covered his eyes. Greg began muffling uncontrollably, in fear of the unknown. “Good boy. Now, I am about to ride this fat dick until I nut. Everything will be just fine.”

Brandy began licking Greg’s nipples with the tip of her tongue. Greg’s head rose with veins popping out of his neck. She turned around, grabbed his dick, and sat gently upon it. Her breaths stammered deeply. She leaned over, touching her ankles and bouncing up and down, watching as his toes curled. She picked her head up and bit her lip.

“Damn, this is a big ass dick! Oh my God -- it is so good! You are about to make me nut on this dick! Do you want me to climax, Greg?!”

He nodded affirmatively while muffling.

“You son of bitch! Do you want me to nut?! Answer me, Greg! Do you want me to nut?!” she screamed.

Greg hollered as the tape slipped off of his mouth. Brandy grabbed her tits, squeezing them while shaking her long hair and screaming . . .


Chapter 2

A Life Change



Brandy woke up to the sound of Mila crying for a bottle. Sweat drenched her face because reoccurring dreams of her and Greg seemed too real. She rose up and went into the kitchen to fix Mila’s bottle. With the milk in tow, Brandy walked back into the room, picked Mila up, and fed her on the bed.

Brandy looked at her one-year-old daughter’s curly hair and caressed her small coconut-skinned legs as she fell asleep in her mother’s arms. It was a cold November night with low temperatures and a few snow flurries.
Brandy ran the heat all night because her daughter had a slight cold. She rocked Mila back and forth while looking at Channel 5 News. She noticed the time was 2:02 am on a Saturday morning. Brandy was tired from working a 12-hour shift at the DD&T call center. Barely keeping up with her own bills, she moved out of her apartment into Reggie’s house, her boyfriend and Mila’s father.

Brandy stood up to carry Mila to
her crib. “Okay, Mila bug. Mommy has to get some rest now. I really hope you don’t wake up into the morning.” She placed Mila in the crib, covered her under the sheets, and lay down to wait for Reggie to come home. She pulled her long, black, curly hair into a ponytail with tears coming down her eyes. Brandy had something heavy on her mind that she had to tell Reggie. She couldn’t stand it anymore; the guilt was eating her alive. She lay drifting on and off to sleep. Finally, her eyes opened upon hearing the front door downstairs slam shut. She looked herself in the mirror that sat on the right side of her bed.

She took deep breaths and wiped tears off of her chocolate face. She listened intently to the
heavy footsteps coming upstairs. She watched the doorknob turn as a very hammered Reggie rocked forward with his eyes barely open.

“Where have you been?” Brandy
scowled, frustrated with Reggie as he walked towards her.

looked at her while staggering towards the foot of the king-sized bed. “I was out having drinks with my friends! Hell, where the fuck you been?!” he said laughing, taking off his white polo striped shirt.

“Oh my God
! Reggie! Are you kidding me right now? You said you were going to stop when Mila was born!” Brandy said, fixing her long Essex College shirt sleeves and pulling down her navy blue shorts.

“What did I just say?
Hell yeah, I’ve been drinking! And I will stop -- trust me!” He sat on the end of the bed pulling his light blue jeans off.

“Did you forget that tonight was movie night? You
shot me that dumb text that you weren’t going to be out late!”

turned and laughed, throwing his hands up. “Movie night? Our asses renting Red Box movies. To tell you the truth, I don’t even like doing movie night! It’s stupid!”

, you have a problem with it now?”

“I have always had a problem with it! I did all of that to end the night the way I want!”

“Listen, you have been drinking; I do not think you understand what you’re saying right now!”

, I know what I am saying! I am saying that this relationships sucks!” he shouted as he stood up. “I do not understand what you try to pressure me with all these things for! You know I get paid $17.45 an hour. The economy is bad enough! You should know; you couldn’t keep up with your own shit! Then your broke ass want to spend all of my money. How about we spend some of your money some time! Oh wait, I forgot -- you don’t have a job! You say you’ve been looking for a job, but I know you haven’t!”

“Are you out your mind talking to me like this?” Brandy
yelled before covering her mouth in depression.

“Yeah . . .
yeah, I am talking to you, woman -- with your sorry broke ass! Then you move in with your broke ass, and bring my child, too! I was living good, fucking bad bitches, and selling dope on the side, but now I have to stop all of that just for you!”

Brandy jumped
off of the bed as Reggie turned around and stood up. The 6’4, light-skinned, 300-pounder laughed as he watched tears fall from Brandy’s eyes. She looked up, almost breaking her neck. Brandy was 5’3 and skinny with a cute round ass.

“Thank you so much
, Reggie, for admitting again that you cheated on me! Thank you so much for being a dog ass piece of shit.”

’re welcome. Hell, I told you I wasn’t faithful! Once you told me you were pregnant last year, I had bitches in and out of this apartment while you took your broke ass to work. Then you lost your job after you had Mila. I needed something to take my stress away. So, I fucked more bad bitches! Bitch, I own a paint shop! I see women every day wanting a new paint job!” Reggie taunted, standing in his wife beater and gray boxers with his belly overlapping.

“Stop talking to me like that! Stop that shit
now!” Brandy shouted on the top of her lungs. “You will not continue to keep talking me like you have no sense at all! Not in my condition!”

“Your broke ass better stop yelling in
my house. I know that much!”

"You know
, Reggie? I am getting tired of hearing your shit!" Brandy said, holding her stomach. "I mean, every day you pressure me about something! I am trying to get a job and get things together, but it is pretty hard, especially being a single mother! And being pregnant again at that -- it is stressing me out!”

Reggie looked at Brandy with his eyes glued on her stomach. “You’re telling me that you are pregnant again?”
Brandy head nodded affirmatively and Reggie placed his hand over his face in shock. “Oh, hell no! I do not want anymore kids from you. I mean, you’re not even wife material! Damn! I knew I should have used protection with your ass, but no. Little Reggie wanted to go raw with you,” he said sarcastically.   

“Why do you keep talking to me like this? I should have gone with Greg; he knows how to treat a woman!”

Reggie just chuckled. "You’re a funny little bitch! You think these men out here like you because of your pretty face? Or because you’re a good woman? Please! These dudes do not give a fuck about you! It’s all about your big ass. If you take that away, they wouldn’t give you a chance. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t even mess with you. All those damn arguments you kept bringing up I could care less about. I couldn’t wait for you to shut up so I could just fuck you!  But my crazy ass got you pregnant, and now another child? Please -- hell no!”

burst into tears.

“I don’t give a damn about you crying! Threaten
ing to leave me – that’ll be the best thing in my life! Bitch, you have been listening to too much music!” Reggie walked to the dresser mirror to look at her. “What I really want is for you to understand this!” He paused with his hands punching the dresser. “You know what? Get your things together, and get Mila’s shit, too. And get the fuck out of my house!” He turned around, almost falling to the floor. “I am serious -- get y’all’s shit of my house. Get your broke ass out of here!” He walked towards her and grabbed her hands, but she tried to fight him off.

, no! I am not leaving! Stop you’re hurting me!” She burst into tears. “I do not have a place to go! Stop it, Reggie!  So, you’re going to kick me and your child out in the cold -- for what?!”

Reggie grabbed her and looked
into her eyes with the devil in him. “You’re nothing but a sex toy and I'm finished playing with you! Now get out!”

"Reggie, why are you doing this to me
?!" Brandy asked as Reggie pushed her away from him.

, what did I just tell you?” he responds, wobbling. “If I have to tell your dumb ass . . . you know what? Fine! To be honest, I had to take your ugly ass and my child in!"

With an open hand, Brandy slapped Reggie to the ground

"Don't you ever talk about your child like that
?! How dare you?!"

Reggie looked at Brandy and laughed
. "Oh, you have fucked up, bitch!" Reggie grabbed his face as he lay on the floor. Brandy’s heart dropped. She quickly grabbed Mila out of the crib and placed her in the car seat by the door. She didn’t stall one second. She walked out instantly and closed the door with fear. She placed Mila down with a tight grip on the doorknob as Reggie tried to turn it.

looked down the steps attempting to make an exit. She took a deep breath, let the doorknob go, picked up Mila, and rushed down the steps with no shoes on. Reggie opened the door and stormed after Brandy and Mila with his shirt off.

Brandy cried
as she made it to the door, grabbing her keys off of the counter and running to her car. The snow slowed her down. She looked at Mila looking back at her. She made it to the car, fumbling her keys to unlock the doors. She looked behind her and didn’t see Reggie. Finally, grabbing the right key, she stuck it in door and unlocked it. She opened the back door to put Mila in the back seat.

Brandy closed Mila’s
door and unlocked her door sticking her left foot inside, seemingly safe, until suddenly, Brandy experiences excruciating pain in her right shoulder, causing her to fall to the ground, hitting her head on the cold snow. Mila cried aloud as blood oozed out of Brandy’s bullet-riddled shoulder. Reggie, stationed by the front door, fell to his knees as the liquor wore off. He quickly stood up hoping no one heard the gunshots. He rushed to check her pulse to see if Brandy was still alive.

. . . come on, baby. Wake up! I am really sorry, baby! Wake up! Mila, it is going to be okay. Don’t cry,” he said, opening the back door. "What did I just do?" He attempted to pick Brandy up, but the police pulled up with their guns drawn towards him.

ut the woman down and put your hands on the ground!” one officer shouted.

, she is shot! Please call the ambulance now -- please!” Reggie cried.

“Put her down and place your hands on the ground!”

Reggie placed Brandy back down on the ground and put his hands down, crying. The cops bum-rushed and arrested him. Mila cried as one officer grabbed her out of the backseat. The ambulance pulled up shortly after to take Brandy the hospital. Neighbors came outside and peeked out of their windows to see an October they would never forget . . .


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