Granted Wishes (The Granted Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Granted Wishes (The Granted Series Book 1)
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Chapter 13

on his sleek glass desk top. He glares down at his scattered documents, unable to concentrate. That damn woman has taken over his entire brain. Never has he let a woman take hold of him like this. Not even Lizzie ever got to him this way.

He turns in his smooth, black chair, looking out the large window in his office in hopes to clear his head. His phone chirps behind him, which agitates him. He grunts and swivels his chair around. Glancing at his phone, he notices it’s a photo message of Gracelynn smiling radiantly in Mara’s shop. She’s smoking hot and he can’t keep his eyes off her. Another ding from his phone, signaling a message from Kat, makes him turn away from the amazing photo.

Kat: Hey bro! Check out Gracelynn. Doesn’t she look even hotter with the makeover? We’re going for dinner. You should stop by and say hi.

Damn, Gracelynn looks fine. She looks better than fine and something below agrees with him. Down boy.

Gio: Hi sis. What time and where are you going?

His palms sweat. Goodbye Mr. Confident. He can’t believe that his sister… well, the woman he thought was his sister, is up to no good. Instantly his phone lights up again.

Kat: We’re leaving in fifteen minutes tops and going to Sal’s Pizza Palace. Can you make it?

Hell, can he make it? He’ll make it, no matter what it takes.

His fingers can’t hit the keys fast enough. Not only does he want to go, but Sal’s Pizza Palace is his favorite restaurant as well.

Gio: Yes, I can make it. Thanks for the invite!

* * *

“Why don’t we take Gracelynn to our fabulous Sal’s Pizza Palace, Mara? I think she’ll love Sal’s pizza.”

Mara nods her head. “Sounds good to me. I hope you like pizza, Gracelynn, since it looks like Kat here already decided for us.”

“Oh yes, I love it! Pizza and fries together are my favorite.” Just thinking about greasy cheese and tomato sauce makes her mouth water. “Can we go now? I’m starving for this famous Sal’s pizza.”

* * *

Gracelynn is shocked when they arrive at the small bistro-styled pizzeria. It was not what she pictured. A large, brick oven for pizzas immediately catches her eye. Italian music fills the air as she takes in her surroundings. Red brick fills the top portion of the walls, showcasing pictures of famous people all over the world. About twenty tables fill the room along with a small bar and kid section, which she notices right away from the cute sign, ‘Children are welcome to graffiti our walls.’ In that section there’s a chalkboard wall to allow children to draw while their food is being prepared. Gracelynn loves it and finds it a fabulous idea to keep children calm while they wait with their parents. Everything in the town is too good to be true… right out of a fairy tale.

A young man approaches them. “Hello, ladies.” He smiles at Mara and Kat. “How nice to see you again.” He turns to Gracelynn and gives her a sparkling smile as well. “And who might you be?”

She blushes and tells him her name. “It’s nice to meet you, Gracelynn,” the young man says. “Please follow me.”

The waiter takes them to a booth, gives them their menus and asks if they would like something to drink and if they know what they would like to eat. Mara and Kat decide on a soda except Gracelynn who asks for lemon water. They ask to wait a few minutes so they can decide on dinner. The young man leaves the table but not without winking at Gracelynn first.

Gracelynn is too distracted to look at the menu. Children laugh from the kids section, couples sit there smiling at each other, and the whole place has Gracelynn depressed. All the things she’ll never get to experience has her gripping her necklace for comfort.

* * *

Leaving work wasn’t a hard choice. After getting off the phone Gio tells Mallory, his assistant, that he’s leaving for the day.

He drives the few minutes to Sal’s place and since he’s early, decides to have a drink. Not typical for him, but he decides one won’t be that bad. As he picks up his drink, he notices movement in the corner of his eyes. Gracelynn, Mara and Kat walk past the bar following their waiter to their seats. Seeing Gracelynn again makes his insides twitch. He’s also noticed the waiter has his eyes on Gracelynn too. That makes his blood boil. He doesn’t like the young man checking her out.

Clutching his hands together, he wills himself to calm down. He doesn’t need to be jealous. He doesn’t even know this woman and he’s already being possessive, which isn’t like him at all. After finishing his drink, he thanks the bartender and decides to use the restroom, which is right near the corner booth where the ladies are seated.

As he walks toward the back of the restaurant, he notices Gracelynn staring right at him. He smiles when her cheeks flush. He can’t believe how beautiful she looks tonight. The ladies did a wonderful job, but that’s not all. Happiness shines in her eyes. Whether she’s happy to see him or just because of the girls, it doesn’t matter. It’s just good to see her looking so full of life.

* * *

“Hi, Gio,” Gracelynn speaks up as he is about to walk past their table. She still has butterflies swarming around in her stomach from when he looked at her. What is it about this man that gets her heart racing?

Gio glances at the ladies and smiles. “Hello again, Gracelynn.” He then turns toward Mara and Kat. “Ladies, I had no idea you knew Gracelynn.”

“We didn’t. I ran into her today at the café and then we got talking. We ended up at Mara’s salon and decided to get dinner,” Kat replies without taking her eyes off the menu.

Mara puts her menu down. “Would you like to join us, Gio? We’ve just arrived and have yet to order, as you can see.” She points to their empty table.

Gio’s face lights up. Gracelynn wonders what it would be like to make him smile like that every day.

“If that’s okay with everyone else, I’d love to have dinner with you all. Let me use the men’s room first though. I’ll be right back.”

* * *

Just as Gio is about to return to their table, his phone rings. He stops, noticing it’s Mallory calling and answers. “Hi, Mallory. Yes. I forgot. I was in such a hurry to leave that it totally slipped my mind. Sure, you can bring it to Sal’s. I’ll see you then.” He puts his phone back in his pocket, returns to the table and notices Gracelynn looking somber.

“Everything okay, doll? These two didn’t do anything to upset you, did they?” He can smell her wonderful, intoxicating scent and his body reacts. Thank goodness the table hides just how much. He hopes she won’t look down at him because if so, he won’t be able to hide his excitement. He looks at her, filled with embarrassment, but she smiles at him.

”I’m fine.” She leans back, relaxing in her seat.

“By the way, you look ravishing tonight. I love the new do.” Gio brushes a lock of her curled hair around her ear.

“Um, excuse us…shall we order dinner or shall we watch you both flirt with one another?” Mara says with a small smirk playing on her lips.

Gracelynn’s face reddens. She softly pushes Gio away. “Please stop whispering to me.”

He nods. ”You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll be a good boy for the rest of dinner.”

“Yeah…I’m not feeling too well all of a sudden,” Mara says while she looks at Kat. “Would you mind taking me home?”

Kat blinks a few times, but then she nods. “Yes. Yes, I’ll take you home right away.”

“Great.” Mara starts to get up. “Whatever you order,” she tells Gracelynn, “tell Sal it’s on me, and to put it on my tab.”

Gracelynn glances at Kat and Mara. “Oh wait, guys! I came with you and my music box is still in Kat’s truck.”

Kat smiles mischievously. “Once I get Mara back to her house, I’ll bring your gift back to you.” She glances at Gio, giving him the same mischievous grin. “Gio, could you take Gracelynn back to the café when you’re done here? Her car is parked there.”

Gio turns away from Gracelynn and focuses on Kat. “That won’t be a problem.” He thanks them as they leave and then turns back to face the woman he’s attracted to.

“Interesting dinner date with those ladies, huh?” Gracelynn lets out a small laugh. “Well, yes, they’re wonderful, though it’s obvious what they’re up to. I’ll get them for this next time, they just don’t know it yet.”

Gio looks at her in wonder. She has so much passion, so much life. He wonders what she likes or dislikes, and what she’s passionate about and…what it would be like to kiss her again.

“Gio, what did you tell Kat about me?”

Her question takes him by surprise. He looks around the restaurant, coming up with a way to tell her, but before he has the chance to respond he’s saved by Kat walking back into the restaurant. She hands Gracelynn her music box and Gio orders their pizza and fries as the ladies say their goodbyes.

“Do you seriously think I forgot you didn’t answer the question?” Gracelynn asks as soon as the waiter leaves again.

Gio curses inwardly – why couldn’t she just drop it? This woman remembers everything!

“Um, what was the question again, Gracie?”

“Funny. You think cute and forgetful will get you out of these questions, huh? You’re wrong though because I have the most remarkable memory.” She smiles widely and blinks her long eyelashes at him. Her eyes captivate him until she speaks again. “So, answer it already.”

His cheeks flush. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I’m going to tell the truth and hope it doesn’t freak you out. I thought about you all day. I told my sister about you because I think you’re a wonderful woman. You took my breath away.” The confession embarrasses him but he doesn’t know why. For God’s sake, he’s been married, had several girlfriends before, but no one ever affected him the way this woman does.

He reaches for her hand, liking the feeling of her skin touching his. “Gracelynn, please look at me. I’m sorry if I offended you. I barely know you and yet I feel like I’ve known you forever. Do you know what I mean?”

* * *

Gracelynn declares “Yes” before thinking. “I feel the same way. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. You make me giddy. I have butterflies and feel like a teenager all over again.”

Gio smiles at that comment. He unclutches his hand.

Gracie looks down and fidgets in her seat. “I haven’t dated in a long time.”

“Doll, I’m in the same boat as you. I haven’t been serious about anyone in years.”

Gracelynn starts laughing. This God of a man hasn’t dated in years… yeah right. “So you’re a player then?” As soon as the question falls from her lips, she knows it was a mistake.

Gio moves his body closer to hers and narrows his eyes. “I’m not a player, nor will I ever be one. Yes, I went out on a few dates, but who doesn’t? I never used and abused women the way you’re implying.” His deadly tone gives her chills. He leans back in the chair and crosses his arms over his chest, tightening up his dark grey suit jacket. He looks angry.

”I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed that.” Gracelynn feels upset that she has offended him. ”You’ve been nothing but kind to me and then I go around implying things…I’m sorry. I’m just not used to feeling attracted to people, and it’s making me act all weird. I haven’t thought about anyone this way since Angelo.”

“I’m sorry, too.” Gio uncrosses his arms and smiles at her. “I shouldn’t have been so rough with you. I just didn’t know how to say I’m not the typical man you’re expecting. The pig, the player, the controller. I want to get to know you and be your friend. I want to be a good man… a family man, who adores and loves someone special.” He looks at her, desire in his eyes. It’s as if they’re on their own little cloud and can see the sparks fly when they look at one another.

“Well, friend, what would you like to talk about?” Gracelynn asks.

“How about: what’s your favorite color? That’s not too personal, but it’s a start to get to know you better.”

“Well, take a guess. What do you think is my favorite color?” She wiggles her eyebrows up and down, playing with him for a bit. “Would it be black, like my socks, orange or maybe even dark blue like the sweater I’m wearing?”

“Well doll, I don’t actually think it’s any of those colors.”

She’s about to answer, when he interrupts her. “Stop! What do I get if I answer correctly? I would love to win a prize.”

Gracelynn chuckles. “Seriously? You want a prize for getting the correct answer? Is this typical friend behavior?” She laughs at his childlike manners.

“All I wanted was a hug or a kiss on the cheek.” He shrugs. “Do you think you can handle that?”

“Alright, Casanova, but no funny business other than that, got me?” Her reply is riddled with sarcasm, but secretly she enjoys the idea of him kissing her again.

“Well, are you going to answer the question, or are you stalling on purpose?” He lifts an eyebrow.

She reaches out to jab him in the arm, but he grabs her hand before she can hit him and places it on his lap. She breathes heavily and can’t believe he’s doing this to them, to
in public. “Um, what do you think you’re doing?”

“Nothing. I didn’t want you to hit me. I figured if I put your hand here, you wouldn’t move and I can keep hold of it.”

Gracelynn swallows hard, trying to control her naughty thoughts.

”I know what you’re thinking,” he whispers. “I feel the same way.” He lightly brushes her cheek with his pointer finger.

She looks up to into his eyes and thinks she could finally move on and maybe try to have a relationship with someone else; but just as she’s about to continue their conversation, someone nearby clears their throat. “Excuse me.”

Gracelynn takes her eyes away from Gio and stares at the beautiful woman who has interrupted them. She looks like she’s in her late twenties or early thirties, wears a provocative red dress that enhances her breasts and clings to her perfect body. Yet the look on her face is a scowl.

Gracelynn stares back at the woman. “Can I help you?”

The woman doesn’t reply.

Gracie frowns and turns to Gio, who has red flush all over his face. Just great, he knows this woman.

Gio clears his throat. “Gracelynn, this is Mallory. My assistant from work,” he states in a not-too-friendly tone.

BOOK: Granted Wishes (The Granted Series Book 1)
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