Gravel (MC Biker Romance) (22 page)

BOOK: Gravel (MC Biker Romance)
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“So what’ll it be?” Rip asked as he
smacked his hands together in anticipation.


I pulled the black lace teddy up
and showed him.


“Sexy,” Rip said as he rubbed his
hands on his lap. “Put it on.”


I stepped into the teddy and pulled
it up, slipping my arms through the straps. It felt good to be covered again,
even if it was only partially. I felt a breeze down below and quickly realized
it was crotch-less. How I didn’t notice that before was beyond me. I didn’t
know how clean the teddy was, but I tried not to think about that. It was clean
to me, and that’s all that mattered right then.


“Can I fuck her, Shark?” Rip asked,
wagging his tongue out of his mouth like some sort of dog. “That’s so fucking
hot. I just want to stick my dick in her and fuck the shit out of that pussy.”


Shark reached over and smacked Rip
on the side of the head.


“No!” he bellowed. “She needs to be
nice and clean for the first client. We don’t want any loose, sloppy pussies.
At least not for the beginning of the night.”


I felt the food start to come up in
my throat, but I forced it back down with a couple hard swallows. I wondered
how many men they were expecting me to service that night.


“You can go relax for a bit,” Shark
said, though not in a kind way. Nothing about him was kind. “You’re going to
need your energy tonight.”


“Kind of hard to relax with this
energy drink running through me,” I sassed as I walked over and took my place
on the bed.



try,” Shark said, clearly annoyed with me.


I crossed my arms and glared at


I remembered Rat Hole saying
something about nine o’clock earlier, so I glanced at the clock. It was almost
six. We still had a few more hours, and just as I’d thought, I was already
getting myself worked up.


I wanted to pace around the room
and burn off some energy, but I knew they wouldn’t let me. I wanted to pick
something to watch on T.V. besides the shit shows they had picked, but I knew
they wouldn’t let me. I wanted to breathe in some fresh air, but again, I knew
they wouldn’t let me. I was their prisoner. I was theirs to do with whatever
they pleased. The sooner I accepted it, the easier the pill would have been to
swallow. Or at least I tried to tell myself that.


My foot dangled off the edge of the
bed and twitched wildly.


“What the hell are you doing?”
Shark yelled. “That’s annoying. Stop that.”


“Really?” I replied. “I can’t move
my foot?”


“No,” he said. “It’s annoying. Sit


I took a deep breath, leaned back
against the metal headboard, and tried to get comfortable. For the first time
in days, I wanted each moment to tick by as slowly as possible. Each lingering
second was one second I wasn’t going to be some stranger’s sexual plaything. I
tried to hold on to each second as best I could, savoring the moment like my
life depended on it.


“Well, it’s about that time,” Shark
said to Rip as he stood up and stretched, checking his watch.


“Wow, it is,”
said as he followed suit.


I glanced over at the alarm
clock which
now read 8:45pm. The last few hours had flown by
without any sort of warning. I had spaced them out somehow and now that
horrific nine o’clock hour was almost upon us.


Rip reached down and grabbed
another plastic bag off the floor. I hadn’t noticed it before and had no idea
where it came from. He threw it
at me and it landed next to
me on the bed


“Put those on,” he said.


I reached into the bag and pulled
out a pair of dark blue jeans. I checked the tag. They were a size too big, but
I didn’t care. I quickly slid them on, grateful to have my privates finally
covered for the first time that evening. I reached into the bag and pulled out
a tank top. It was a plain, white ribbed tank top, and the black straps of my
lingerie peeked out from underneath it. It fit a little tight, but still, I
didn’t care.


“You guys had this all day and you
made me sit around in someone’s used lingerie?” I
as I got dressed.


They laughed
wicked, menacing laughs. Those men were pure evil.


“Hurry up,” Shark said as he
reached his arm out and motioned for me to walk towards him.


I purposely took my sweet time
walking across the room because I knew the fate that lied ahead was going to be
horrific. The moment I reached Shark, he grabbed me by the crook of my elbow
and squeezed it hard. I was sure he was going to leave marks.


“Ouch!” I yowled. “You don’t have
to be so rough.”


He jerked me hard, out of spite,
and I was sure my arm was about to be pulled out of its socket.


“Now, you keep your head down and
you don’t leave my side tonight. Not even for one minute,” Shark growled in my
ear. His breath was hot and stale and made me want to throw up. I held my
breath as his face lingered close to mine for a few seconds.


The shade of night was quickly
falling upon us as we stepped outside. I could hear the crickets chirping in the
grass and breathed in as many breaths of fresh air as I could possibly muster
as we walked to the truck. I was sandwiched between both Rip and Shark, with
Shark at my rear. I knew there was no running. I knew they’d literally kill me
if I fucked up their precious little plans.


They shoved me in the backseat of
the truck once again, and I sat up, taking a good look around. In the distance,
I saw mountains. It looked like the Rockies if I had to guess, and I was sure
we were back in Colorado.


“Bitch, lay the fuck down!” Shark
yelled back when he realized I was sitting up and taking in my surroundings.
“Who the fuck told you to sit up?”


I said nothing as I laid my head
down on the rough upholstered seat. I heard the rumble and roar of the truck’s
engine as Rip started it up, and every bump in the road jostled my already
unsettled stomach as we headed towards the bar. I glanced up a couple times to
see Rip and Shark conversing, only it was so inaudible that I couldn’t make out
a single word they were saying.


The truck came to an abrupt stop
just a few short minutes later, hitting the curb as Rip slammed it into park.
The guys climbed out and took good looks around before moving the seat forward.
Shark reached in and grabbed my arm, pulling me up, and forcing me out.


He leaned in, hot breath in my ear,
and said, “Remember what I told you earlier. No funny business.”


I said nothing.


“Acknowledge me, bitch!” he


“Yes,” I said, avoiding eye


“Yes, what?” he asked.


“I’ll stick right with you,” I
said, begrudgingly.


Shark grabbed the crook of my
elbow, his meaty fingers digging into my delicate skin, and escorted me inside
the bar. The last thing I saw before we went inside was a line of about forty
or fifty bikes parked outside, up and down the street and the sign above the
door that read, “Matterhorn Pub”.


We walked in and Shark immediately
pointed to an empty booth in the corner, pushing me to walk faster. I almost
tripped, but he grabbed my arm even harder and pulled me back to an upright


“Sit,” he said as he shoved me
towards the wall side of the booth. He climbed in next to me. It was a tight
fit, and there was definitely no getting out of there. “Pull your top down a
bit. Show off them


I hesitated at first and then
tugged my shirt down an inch or so
that my
cleavage was on full display.


Rip climbed into the booth and sat
directly across from us. Within a few minutes, a
biker with the
biggest beer belly I’d ever seen walked up to the booth.


“So,” he said as he cracked a
strange smile. His teeth were yellow and pointing in every which direction. “I
hear you guys are providing the entertainment tonight?”


Shark squared his shoulders and sat
back a little, “First one of the night. It’ll cost


“Oh, yeah?” the biker said. “How
much we talking?”


“Two hundred,” Shark said. “But you
get one fresh, tight ass pussy, and a girl who’ll do anything she’s told. Won’t


Shark reached his hand over and
cupped my face, squeezing my cheeks hard before letting go.


The biker looked at my face and
then down at my ample cleavage. I looked at his
trying to figure out which gang he was with. I instantly saw the Marquis Devils
colors and an embroidered name that said “Bruiser” on it. I determined he must
have been from another, local chapter.


“I don’t have two hundred bucks,”
he chuckled. “You guys are insane.”


“Come back to us in a few hours,”
Rip said. “The more cocks she takes, the cheaper she’ll get.”


“Oh, yeah?” Bruiser said with one
eyebrow raised. “Will do.”


He took a swig of his beer while
never breaking eye contact with me as he walked away. His jeans hung off his
ass and his vest barely covered his gigantic beer belly. He was disgusting, and
I couldn’t imagine fucking him.


The moment Bruiser walked away,
another biker took his place.


“What we got here?” he asked as he
eyed me like I was on display. “Rumor has it, she’s not been ridden yet


“Nope,” Shark said. “Not yet.
Still fresh as a daisy.
Horny as fuck too.”


I glanced down. I’d never had
anyone talk about me that way before, especially not while I was right there.
They were chipping away at my soul little by little, and I was quickly losing
hope that Raze would come find me in time.


I looked up at this biker, who
apparently was also in Bruiser’s chapter of the Marquis Devils. His cut
identified him as “Torture”. Perfect, exactly the kind of man I wanted to have
to fuck. Tears began to burn in my eyes, and I turned towards the wall to hide
my face. I didn’t want them to see me weak.


“Doesn’t look too horny to me,”
Torture said. He seemed displeased. Maybe he wasn’t a monster after all.


“Huh?” Shark asked, confused. He
flipped his head my way and grabbed my face. Tears streamed down my cheeks
leaving stains in their places. “Knock it off. You’re going to ruin this.”


I wiped my tears away and sniffled
a couple times.


“Grow a pair. Geez,” Rip said with
a laugh.


She going
to be okay?” Torture asked. Wow, he actually had a soul.


“Oh, yeah,” Shark assured him.


“Good, ‘cause I’m dying for a hot
piece of ass,” he said with a bit of a cackle in his voice. I realized I was
wrong about him. He didn’t have a soul. He wasn’t worried about me. He was
worried that I’d be a good lay for him.


“Two hundred bucks and you get her
for an hour,” Shark said. “We’ve even got cuffs if she gets too squirrelly for


Torture licked his lips as he
stared at my chest,
looked me up and down. An
eerie smile crossed his lips and he quickly began to nod.


“Yeah, I think that sounds fair,” he
said. “Give me about ten more minutes. I want to finish my beer. Where we


“We’ve got a room up at the
Twilight Motel just off the highway,” Rip said.


“I know exactly where that is,”
Torture said.


Rip stood up.


“Let me get your number,” he said.
“Give us about fifteen minutes. I’ll text you the room number when we’re ready
for you.”


“Sounds good, man,” Torture
as he looked me up and down for the umpteenth time. He
patted Rip on the shoulder and walked off, swigging his beer as he swaggered
back to the bar like a man about to get laid.


“That was easy enough,” Rip said to
Shark. “You ready to go make some money?”


some money,” Shark corrected him. “Two hundred bucks for that


I hung my head down as we all
climbed out of the booth. As we were leaving, a herd of heavy boot footsteps
began trampling inside the door.

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