Gravity Happens (Forcing Gravity) (34 page)

BOOK: Gravity Happens (Forcing Gravity)
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He shook his head slowly
as he looked at me with what I thought was pity. “No, Logan, don’t. You don’t owe me anything. I’m not an idiot. I know that if Jase hadn’t cheated, you’d be with him. I know you love him. I get it, and I’ll be fine. Just don’t push me away, okay? I can’t lose you.”

“No!” I said quickly, the idea horrifying to me.
It hadn’t even crossed my mind. “I won’t do that. You won’t lose me. I promise.”

I ran my thumb across his hand in what I hoped was comfort, and he smiled at me
, relief written all over his face.

“Good. I’m glad.”

We stayed like that, barely swinging, hands together until we had to leave to pick up Skylar. Ethan let go of my hand when we stood, even though I was pretty sure he wanted to hold onto it, and I probably would have let him if it offered even the smallest bit of comfort. I wasn’t sure where we were supposed to go from there. I didn’t know if things would be weird between us or if it would always seem like there was an elephant in the room if we even tried to go back to normal, but for now we were okay, and that was all I could hope for.

“Where’s your car?” I asked him, as I unlocked the door of my BMW convertible. I realized as I did that my car was the only one in the lot.

“It’s at my parents’ house. I walked here,” he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“Well, then, get in. I’ll drive.”

“Cool,” he said as he hopped into the passenger seat and fiddled with the satellite radio, choosing a song called
Bottled Affection
by Cold War Kids that he knew I liked. But it suddenly had new meaning for me, and I wondered if it was his way of sending me a message.

I decided to let his gesture go, knowing that we’d talked enough. We knew where each other stood
. There wasn’t anything else to say.

My sister was waiting outside our
mom’s house when we pulled through the gate and up the long drive. She popped up from the stoop wearing a skirt that was probably too short for her, but I decided not to say anything. I’d already reamed her for what Ethan had seen the other day, and I planned to continue that conversation at dinner. I was seriously concerned about her getting in too far over her head with a guy. She was still so young.

“Hi Ethan,” she said
, her face lighting up as soon as he opened the door to let her into the backseat.

“Hey Sky,” he said, sliding back into car.

“Ooh, I like that song. Turn it up,” she commanded, so I shot her a look as she settled back against the seat with a dreamy look on her face. “It totally resonates with me.”

eyes got wide as I watched her singing along with the lyrics in the rearview mirror.

Ethan complied with her, turning up the Ed Sheeran song
, before he turned back to her. “You know this song is about a girl who’s addicted to crack and is homeless, right?”

sat up and gave him a derisive look. “No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is,” Ethan argued
as Skylar rolled her eyes, showing her age. “Okay, fine, if it’s not about that, then what’s it about?”

“I don’t know,” she responded smartly, as Ethan typed something into his phone before holding it
out to show her. She read it and then got a hard look on her face. “Oh.”

That made Ethan smile. “I told you I was right. Don’t mess with my song knowledge, Sky.”

“Whatever,” she responded. “It’s still a pretty song.”

“I think it is,” I said, chiming in for the first time. I caught Sky
lar’s gaze in the rearview mirror and winked at her. It made her smile.






Chapter Twenty-Seven



I was glad things with Logan and me were good. I was afraid that she wouldn’t want to be around me after she knew how I felt, but
thankfully that wasn’t the case. We moved forward just like we would have before my confession, so much so that she was stretched out on my couch looking like she didn’t want to move.

But we were going out, so she’d need to get her butt
up soon. We’d both committed to having some fun, because it had been a few weeks since we’d done that. Hunter and TJ were coming over, and we were going to a new club with Garrett and Ellie. Gare was leaving the next day to shoot the second
movie that I think was called
Broken Wings
or something equally cheesy.

His character was such a douchebag, and he was the badass fallen angel. It didn’t make sense to me, but girls had dropped their panties for him ever
since the first movie had come out, so I could see why he liked it. Of course, the only girl dropping her panties for him now was Ellie, but she was hot, so I didn’t think he cared. Why crave variety when she was so willing to fulfill all of his needs – like she was at that very moment.

The ceiling shook for the third time, which caused Logan and me to look up.

“They’re like fucking rabbits,” I commented, realizing I was jealous.

It had been a few weeks since I’d gotten laid, and I was starting to go through withdrawal. Maybe I should call Lizzie, see if she could take the edge off.

“He’s leaving tomorrow, and she’s going to miss him,” Logan said, and I wondered if that’s how she and Jase had been before he left for New Orleans. I didn’t want to think about that. Then Logan poked me in the thigh with her toe. “Besides, you’re one to talk. I’ve heard you with women in the past.”

‘past’ is the operative word there.

I sighed. “I need to
get changed. Do you want to use the downstairs bathroom?”

“Sure,” she said, but it came out like a sexy growl as she stretched
out on the couch. “I really want to just lie here all night, but I know I can’t.”

“Hey, you’re the one who talked about moving on with your life and having fun. I’m sure Jase is out doing his thing. You should too.”

She frowned at my mention of Jase, but we both knew I was right. He’d been in the tabloids coming out of a club with his friend Freddie and an unknown girl the week before. It was unclear from the picture which guy she was with since it looked like she was with both of them, and I know Logan assumed Jase was moving on, so she should too.

“I might get fantastically drunk tonight,” she said, as I started to leave the room.

I turned back to her. “I’m okay with that. You can always crash in my room, and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

She smiled a small smile, and I knew she was sad. And because of that, I wanted to punch the bastard who’d treated her like shit.

“I know. Thanks, E.”

I nodded once. “Anytime, Lo.”

* * *

The club was packed, but because of my brother and Ellie, we were able to jump the line and head
right inside. Logan stayed close to me as we walked past the waiting paparazzi who started to snap pictures of her, Garrett and Ellie.

“Logan! Over here, Logan!”

“Logan, have you talked to Jason?”

“Do you know the name of the girl he was with last week?”

She glared at the photographer who’d asked her that, and he dropped his camera to leer at her.

“I know who she
is,” he taunted, and Logan looked away in disgust. “I’ll tell you.”

“Fuck off,” Logan muttered under her breath, so I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me as we disappeared inside the club.
Behind us the photographer chuckled as he continued to snap pictures.

I turned to her once we were inside. “You okay?”

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and shook her head, as if shaking off the incident. “I’m fine,” she said curtly, and I knew she was lying.

But I also knew there wasn’t much I could do for her, so I took her hand and led her over to the table Garrett and Ellie had commandeered
, where the manager of the club was setting us up with bottle service. I mixed up two of the strongest vodka tonics I could make and handed one to Logan who took it from me and turned to face the club where people were dancing and talking in groups. She took a few sips and seemed to visibly calm down even though there was a vacancy in her eyes that didn’t sit right with me.

“Good crowd tonight,” Garrett said, trying to change the mood at our table.

“Yo, E!” Hunter said from behind me.

“Yeah, man?”

He nodded his head so I would look up to where he was indicating. I turned to see three girls eyeing my friends and me with interest. It happened a lot, and I wasn’t really in the mood to make idle conversation with a girl I didn’t want to be with, especially with Logan next to me looking so upset.

“Dude, the redhead is wicked hot,” TJ said, sliding his head between us to gawk at the three girls who were smiling at the three of us, obviously doing the math. “I can practically see her ass through her skirt.”

Then one of the blonds waved her hand to beckon us over.

“I’m in,” Hunter said, running a hand back through his blond hair.

“Me too,” TJ said, grinning at the girls.

y giggled and started whispering to each other. TJ had one of those smiles with dimples that girls loved, and these three were no exception. He’d have his pick, and Hunter, who wasn’t as aggressive, would take the girl who didn’t immediately pounce on TJ.

“You in, man?” Hunter asked, turning to me.

I hesitated for a second, and then looked over at Logan. She was engaged in a conversation with Ellie and Garrett, so I figured, what the hell. It had been months since I’d had a random hook-up or even flirted with a girl. But I guess being in unrequited love with someone and then having a girlfriend will do that to you. I felt completely off my game. Maybe it was time to jump back in with both feet.

Logan needed time, and even in time, she might never come around. I had to be okay with that, and if I spent all of my time pining over her and wishing I was with her, I’d go crazy.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I’m going with Hunter and TJ to talk to those girls, cool?”

She nodded and looked over at me with a small smile. “Sure.”

Before heading over, I downed my drink and refilled it, then followed my boys to the girls who were unjustifiably hot. If I wanted to, I knew I could hook up. I’d been a player for too long not to spot an opportunity when it presented itself.

As soon as we approached, one of the blonds latched herself on to me. “I’m Ali,” she said, as she pressed her body against mine.

She had fake boobs, and they were on display for the world to see.

“Ethan,” I said, taking a long sip of my drink
as I shifted my eyes where I knew she wanted them, then looked back up to meet her gaze.

Ali giggled. “I saw yo
u come in, and I was afraid she was your girlfriend,” she said gesturing to Logan.

I didn’t look b
ack. I didn’t want to see if Logan was watching me or if she was disappointed or if she even looked just the slightest bit jealous because I would be back by her side in two seconds if that was the case. But worse, if she wasn’t paying attention to me at all, I was pretty sure that would make me feel worse.

“Best friend,”
I told Ali.

“Have you ever hooked up with her?”

That was an odd question.

“Nope. Never.”

Even I could hear the annoyance in my voice as I answered her.

I wondered if she could too when she gave me a funny look. “You’re not gay, are you?”

“No!” I said, taking major offense to that question. Okay, fine, I knew I was ‘pretty’. Girls had told me that for years, but I definitely wasn’t gay. “What in the hell made you think that?”

Ali pressed harder against me, her hand drifting to my stomach and dangerously lower to the waistband of my jeans. Her tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip. Then her other hand lifted to my face. She ran her thumb across my bottom lip, slowly, seductively.

“Well, you have a really pretty female best friend, and you were holding her hand when you walked in. If you’re not hooking up with her, then I figured you must be gay, or you could be in love with her and she’s not interested.”

My jaw tightened at her assumption, but
I didn’t answer her.

“Ah,” she said, as if understanding dawned on her. “I get it.”

“You get what?”

She leaned forward and sucked on my earlobe for a few seconds and then whispered. “I understand what it’s like to be in love with someone who doesn’t love you back. I’ve been there. Of course, my guy did end up being gay, so I can’t fault him for that, but your girl is just crazy.”

“Excuse me?” I said, pushing her away as I saw red. This girl had to know that the way into my good graces was not by insulting Logan.

She stumbled for a second before steeling herself and looking at me with fierce determination.

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