Gray Panthers: Battle for Earth

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Authors: David Guenther

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Opera

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Gray Panthers Battle for Earth






David Guenther



April 7 2015


    It is my long awaited pleasure to dedicate this book to my beloved wife, Lily. She has persevered as I became unavailable, between a 60 hour work week with commute, then coming home and disappearing into my office, after a quick bite for dinner, until 12:00 or 1:00, only to start again the next day at 6:00.  After I am done with my next book, I promise to catch up on my honey do list.

    I can’t fail to thank Jeff Ellison, a dedicated, overworked and underpaid science teacher who let me know when I had gone off track and I was becoming hard to follow.

    My thanks go to my comrades who I served with during my 21 years in the Air Force.  You are the ones who let a young man learn the true meaning of camaraderie and esprit de corps.  The importance of real leadership and the courage in purpose was demonstrated time and time again.  I would be remiss if I failed to thank those who are the present guardians of the republic, Thank you for your service.


Gray Panthers Battle for Earth

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Copyright © 2014 by David E. Guenther
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2014


United States of America

The country is a mere shadow of its previous greatness.  After numerous wars in the Middle East fought by proxy, America retaliates against Iran after the Iranians succeed in sinking the destroyer USS Barry, a US Navy destroyer.  Initial invasion forces found that instead of being hated they are instead welcomed as liberators from the Iranian population.  Numerous factions come out of hiding, especially the minority Christian factions.  The war soon bogs down when Russia and China declare America's invasion as illegal and provide material support and instructors to Iran.  The war comes to its bloodiest point when Iranian Guards hijacked an airliner headed for the US and detonated a nuclear bomb over Washington DC.  The surviving government then retaliated in kind against Iran.  Detonating a nuke in the atmosphere over Iran; the EMP disabled the country's electrical infrastructure followed by a second nuke detonation that took out all emergency resources that had started after the initial EMP.  America's plan works and potential enemies of the US only decry their actions in the United Nations, which for once does not cry foul since the UN Headquarters' is so close to the now very hot zone of Washington DC.

  Draconian legislation soon came from the new temporary American capitol housed in Nebraska.  The Secretary of Labor Susan Kennedy, now president by right of succession, used her emergency war powers as never before.  In order to provide the security needed to avoid future attacks, portions of the constitution were suspended, trading liberty for security.  Gun confiscation was the first order of business, with thousands of Americans dying in their support of the second amendment beliefs.  Soon the government modified the Posse Comitatus Act, as they needed military units to disband the militias and civilian populations that arose against the new government.  The military suffered mass desertions as enlisted members refused their orders and many officers resigned their commissions, rather than fight Americans.  The government then increased the size of the Department of Home Land Security and hired contractors with equipment transferred from the military to put down the militias and finished confiscating guns.  The next action taken was the regulation of media, to ensure only correct news stories were broadcast.  Internal control of the internet was set so that it was impossible to post anything anonymously.  The different world governments soon adopted a new world currency backed by the UN, replacing the ailing, dollar after all faith in the US Government was lost as the world currency.  Inflation in the United States soon went rampant; taxes were raised to cover the weak dollar and recent wars.  Silver, gold, and precious metals were confiscated, after being declared illegal to own, Payment was given in worthless paper.  The government then took over control of all private retirement accounts to ensure fair redistribution to all people who needed money not just those who had saved it.  Canada soon had an active border patrol as it tried to stop Americans from sneaking across the border.  Every international corporation that could soon pulled out of the US.  Major businesses left in the US had government agents controlling the operations of the companies ensuring they had union labor and that their owners paid the required taxes.  Many that did not bow to the government found themselves in violation of EPA regulations, failed IRS audits, or OSHA inspections.  Soon fines and taxes bankrupted the businesses, which were then confiscated by the government.  Since then the US has become even more restrictive for business or for individuals trying to be successful. Redistribution of wealth became the new norm as the government helped citizens organize into groups that set American against American, based on wealth, color, the employed against the unemployed, rural against city. The government did an outstanding job of dividing Americans in order to rule over them. Resentment was always alive and easily felt, especially away from areas where the government was strong.

    Little did anyone know, one man was going to restore not only hope and freedom.  One man was going to save the world.


Hades Worm Hole Deep Space 

   “Sir,” the rapidly breathing first officer of the transport ship Rain Bow, almost screamed as she saw two mercenary ships appear on her sensor screen. “Enemy ships have just entered sensor range; they will be able to see us in two days with their scanners, then catch up to us in six days.”

  “Calm yourself, Petunia.” the ship’s captain sighed in response. He knew the risk he took when he ordered the refugee fleet into the Hades Worm Hole, trying to distance themselves from their pursuers. Now the 500 ships were trapped.  The Hades Worm Hole was supposed to have been a well-kept secret.

  The Flem, were
perhaps the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy, renowned for their advanced scientific achievements in creating artificial intelligence, faster than light space-drives, mining, construction, and energy creation. The race of underground dwellers, previously had cities spanning thousands of miles. Although appearing very formidable at six foot tall with huge fangs, and covered in light tan colored fur, the race is almost incapable to perform any act of violence, even in self-defense.

The Flem sole reliance for their defense historically relied on the Jacka Race. Huge and hairy, the feline creatures sport huge manes around their necks similar to lions. Two sets of massive arms rivaling the single set of legs that easily propel them at great speed either on their legs alone or in combination with their arms. The race of mercenaries from the planet Glory live by a strict religious code that honors clan, honesty and warrior skill. The 10 clans are distinguished only by each clan’s color of clothing.  Originally technologically backwards, its contract with the Flems have provided it with interplanetary capability, and advanced technology ironically with the exception of weapons.  The Flems
though open to all trade, refuse any weapons development, or selling of technology easily converted to weapons. 

    "Do we know who it is following us?" the captain asked as he nervously scratched at his belly.  "Sir, it looks like a pair of Jacka scout ships, originally Flem registry traded to the Claw Clan of the Jacka. The transponder identifies them as the Tooth Clan."  Still scratching himself the captain softly asked, "What type of capability do they possess?"  "Sir, both appear to have older model Republic lasers and missiles, still potentially deadly to our ships," replied the first officer. She started to feel hot, unaware her leg starting to tap the floor under her.  Aware he was out of his league, the Captain immediately went to his ready room in order to open a virtual conference with all the ships captains. While numerous plans were made and scrapped, the Tooth Clan ships continued to close the gap, a final desperate plan was made.  Two of the auxiliary fleet repair ships under the control of their AIs would gradually slow, until the scout ships overtook them, and then they would destroy themselves and the scouts.  It was decided to use two ships that it was believed had defective AIs.  The AI of the Deep Roots was feared to be militaristic, the Grub had an AI that lacked initiative, constantly requiring input to be successful in its assignments.

    Immediately after the plan was transmitted to the ships, the auxiliary Deep Roots instantaneously closed with the other ship and lightly impacted with it so it would be obvious they had experienced an accidental collision.  Each of the ships began to vent helium 3 fuel as they each started to slow.  Auxiliary Deep Roots commenced to power up all the independent power reactors in her cargo hold while opening all combustible materials flooding the ship’s atmosphere.  The Deep Roots unexpectedly slowed all forward movement as both scout ships came along side
preparing to send boarding crews aboard.  As both of the scout ships attached themselves to the ship, Deep Roots engine exploded with numerous sympathetic explosions coming from the cargo holds, destroying itself and both scout ships. Auxiliary Grub, seeing the total destruction, immediately tried to veer away from the destruction contained and magnified by the restrictions of the worm hole.  Instead, Grub found itself in the initial blast as all systems were overwhelmed.  All exterior sensors were wiped away, in total sensory deprivation as it tried to understand what had happened.

    While still in total darkness a hard crash was experienced, external gravity pulled the ship down.  Desperation quickly flashed through Grubs AI until its minimal sensors began to spit out the information that the ship had materialized itself inside a planetary body.  The bubble created by the ship’s force field had dematerialized the rock away from the ship for a hundred feet in all directions as the rock itself melted into a cavern around the stricken ship. Grub needed only a minimal time to realize it had only one option.  Slowly, the force field’s power was reduced until the ship was on the ground of the cavern. It then powered itself down and went to sleep, waiting until it received instructions for what to do next.

Vulture Mountains, Arizona

31 March 2126

    Danny "D2" Daniels bounced particularly hard as he hit a hidden rut as he once again headed towards the mountains in search of his fortune.  Leaving the city behind was reward enough as the old veteran found himself bounced out of his daydreams as his solar cart nearly broke its axle.  In the distance a large herd of desert bighorns were grazing, unaware of his presence.  Quickly stopping the cart, he reached slowly into the back of the cart and uncovered his ancient M1 rifle.  Rapidly, with the smoothness of a well-oiled machine, he found himself leaning against the side of the cart while calculating the distance and trying to feel any breeze.  With a slight rush of buck fever as he centered in on a huge ram, he was surprised from the slam in his shoulder as he was not even aware he had squeezed the trigger.  The huge ram in the distance hit the ground hard as the 30.06 slug went through his skull.  Danny felt like a kid as he got into the cart, after policing his brass, to get to his reward.  Alert to anyone who may have seen him, ready to report him for both having an illegal weapon or for poaching. The unexpected surprise that he would soon be eating meat, something he could rarely afford, over rode his fears. He began to gut the ram, marveling at the size. He figured if he cleaned it right he should have 180 pounds of meat.  No sooner had he finished packing the meat into every free space in the cart, the distinct buzz of a drone could be heard in the distance, growing louder as it came up from the Mexican Border from the south.  Its route would soon take it slightly to the west of him with the mountains blocking any view of him and his treasure.  A slight adjustment in the drones flight path sent shivers through Dan as he realized he was now being tracked by the drones cameras. Hoping his treasure was covered well enough he waved to the drone with his floppy hat showing his gray beard and head of silver hair tied off into a pony tail.  The operator of the Homeland Security drone quickly lost interest in the old desert rat and banked the drone back towards base as it was on its last leg of its circuit.

    Anxiously thinking of his booty, imagining a patrol coming to check on him, and sending him off for a long stay, Dan started to think feverishly how to hide the treasured meat and come back to it.  Overcoming his initial nervousness, he decided to take the meat to his mine.  Hurrying, the unused remains of the ram were lightly buried and covered with brush.  Driving up to the mine shaft entrance was uneventful, stopping every couple hundred feet to pick up dead branches and to wipe away his trail.  The familiar patch of overlapping Ironwood trees blocking the mine entrance brought a relaxed sigh as he quickly parked the cart. Taking out an old camouflage tarp from under a tree and spreading it among the tree branches, he finished the process of covering the cart and breaking up its shape in the trees.  Walking over to the entrance of the old mine shaft he was not surprised to see the sturdy old rusty gate was securely closed with a shiny new chain and lock.  A quick check of the sand around the entrance assured him that he was the last person to visit the shaft as he could see his own faint boot prints and a small branch he had left covering the entrance was still in place.  The darkness of the shaft was barely disturbed as he turned on the light switch bathing the shaft in a dull soft yellow light. The shaft remained cool and welcoming as he made the numerous trips to get his meat safely to a large cavern where rusty hardware remained from what had been an elevator shaft, many years forgotten.  Transferring the meat back into the cavern was easy as he reveled in the cool quietness.  Going into the corner of the cavern he moved aside an old blanket that appeared as part of the wall, exposing an old electric fridge and an electric stove. He immediately loaded the meat into the fridge, deciding he would spend the night. 

   Loading up his wheel barrel with his tools, he started off for the mine shaft that he had recently uncovered, and exposed a new vein of quartz.  Passing the ancient elevator shaft the wheel barrel tipped sending half his load down into the darkness. Swearing lightly to himself as he recovered the nearby tools, he resigned himself to the fact he would need to go after them.  A feeling of dread told him he was on a fool's errand and should just forget the tools.

   The top portion of the old elevator where the cable spool had been stored, though rusty, still stood solidly as he tied off his ropes forming a harness. Dropping a chem. stick down into the darkness, it was barely visible as it hit bottom.  Dan took one last quick look around the cavern before letting himself start on his journey down the elevator shaft.  Gray stone seemed to materialize from the dark where ever the light from his mining helmet shown.  Upon hitting the bottom, he found the skeletons of numerous small animals that had fallen into the shaft over the years as well as quite a bit of trash, much of it he recognized as his own.  Quickly gathering his tools, he decided to do a quick exploration of the level
knowing he would most likely never come down again.  Surprisingly there was quite a few ancient tools still left as if their owners would be back soon to continue with their work from over a hundred years ago.  A smile spread on Dan’s face, the first since getting the ram earlier that morning. The tools would fetch a nice price from antique collectors. The wall still held a crude wooden shelf with numerous tools and oil lamps. On the ground, under the lamps, a case of lamp oils shown in the soft light of his mining lamp.  A quick check showed they still held their precious cargo of oil.  Filling the first lamp and dousing the wick with fuel, Dan reached up toward the shelf finding a small carton of Diamond brand wood matches. He was rewarded with a flash of flame and smoke, striking the match against the side of his helmet. He tried not to choke on the heavy sulfuric cloud from the match, as he lit the lamp.  The room seemed to grow as the lamps light danced throughout showing more tools and old articles of clothing.

    Deciding to explore and come back later to investigate his new source of wealth later, the path was clear towards the shaft ahead of him as he turned off his helmets lamp and instead used the old lamp, to save his battery life. Walking slowly, holding the lantern above his head, the lack of additional artifacts was depressing as he searched for any sign of gold while checking the walls and ceiling for any dangers.  Ten minutes into his search, his bladder demanded his attention as he set down the lamp and unzipped his pants.  He directed the stream against the wall as he noticed instead of creating a puddle on the rock floor it was disappearing into an unnoticed crack where the wall met the floor.  Quickly zipping up he grabbed his mining hammer from his belt, as he started attack the opening trying to avoid the heavy ammonia smell.  Hammering away at the crack, he thought to himself that the crack was not a natural fissure of any type and perhaps the previous miners must have had a secret room drilled out and he had missed the entrance.  Twenty minutes later the hole had only expanded to the size of a silver dollar.  Taking his flashlight from his belt, he directed the beam through the hole seeing nothing beyond the floor.  Hollering into the hole, he heard his echo from the distance. 

   Fatigue getting the better of him, he pushed himself upright and started towards the elevator shaft to the surface.  He did not look forward to the climb out, as he hooked himself up to his rope after extinguishing the lantern.  The laborious climb up the shaft made the muscles in his shoulders and arms ache in places that had not hurt in years.  The meat in the fridge was forgotten as he opened a can of stew, wolfing it cold from the can.  A quick splash of water on his face followed.  Half way through taking his boots off
he exhaustedly passed out on his cot.  The night was disturbed with images of DHS helicopters chasing him across the desert, then being back in the AOR in Iran fighting against the human wave hordes. Only the enemy was
already dead and mutilated as they continued to attack his position.

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