Grayslake: More than Mated: Bears Do It Better (Kindle Worlds Novella) (5 page)

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Neither Misha nor Borys got a chance to respond to Arina’s demand because the bear that had been shadowing her aunt dropped down on the couch next to her and said, “Please tell me you’re a bad girl, kitten.”



Chapter Eight


The Itan came to stand directly in front of him and his Misha, the movement drawing everyone’s attention and causing the room to go silent. Ty didn’t bother to look at Borys, leveling his commanding gaze on Borys’s mate, instead.

“I need to know how you want to proceed, Misha. You came here looking for your family, and in a way, you can say you found him. Since you’re a guest on my lands, I’m going to ask you: are you comfortable getting to know Borys as your mate instead of your cousin?”

Borys’s lap full of cookie went silent. He watched as she bent her head and stared at her own hands entwined on her lap, wondering what she was thinking. Had he scared her somehow? Was she disappointed for some reason, like having him as a mate?

It was hard for him to hold in all of the sudden nervous energy he had as all of these questions ran through his head. Borys hadn’t exactly been actively looking for a mate, but he was damn grateful he had found her.

Finding your fated mate wasn’t a guarantee. Both he and his bear wanted their mate to accept them, and perhaps love them one day. From the second he had realized what this woman was to him, all of the primitive shifter instincts involving a mate had kicked in. His bear wanted to go kill the best deer they could find and present it to her to prove he could provide food for her. His bear also wanted to show, not just his clan, but the entire world that he was strong enough to protect what was his. The man in him even wanted to hold her tight in his arms to show that he could show her affection. His cookie already meant the world to him, even if it was just on an instinctual or primitive level.

He felt his fingertips start to grab her a little tighter and automatically loosened his hold. Borys had never heard of someone rejecting their fated mate, but his and Misha’s circumstances were not exactly that of the norm. Maybe she wouldn’t want him because she momentarily thought they were family as cousins.

He watched her think. Her face was a mask, and he couldn’t see her emotions, but he could smell the nervousness and confusion rolling off of her. It was hard to watch and see her debate their future without saying a word, but he would give that to her.

Just watching her as she thought things over, he took in the lines of her face, the way she bit her lips as she thought, and the way her long lashes curled up, casting a small shadow against her upper cheek, her eyes closed. Even though he couldn’t tell what she was thinking, and Borys was pretty damn terrified that she would reject him, he couldn’t help admiring how lovely she was. He was going to soak in these precious minutes that she spent thinking just in case his pretty little cookie decided she didn’t want to give him a chance.

Long, silent moments slowly stole his breath until his chest started to burn from not breathing at all, when finally, she lifted her head, looking directly at him, instead of at the Itan. Her face was still as expressionless as it was before, so he had no clue as to what she was about to say.

Projecting her voice so the whole room would hear her, Misha answered the question. “I came here looking for one sort of gift and find myself in the possession of another. Who would I be to turn down the blessing that is a fated mating?” Turning her head in the other direction, she looked at Ty. “I accept Borys as my mate and humbly ask your permission to extend my visitation on your lands so I may get to know my fated mate better.”

A small smile spread across his face as Ty nodded to her. “I look forward to celebrating the addition of a new Grayslake clan member. Now, I’ll leave you and Borys to get to know one another.”

The Itan left the room, taking his brother Keen and the other bears who had witnessed today’s events with him. There were only four people left now: Misha, himself, her kooky aunt, and his fellow clan member Paxton. Borys had no idea what was going on in Paxton’s head, but it seemed as if Borys wasn’t the only bear here panting after a Vasiliev female.

Speaking of panting, Misha wiggled on his lap again, and Borys groaned at the way her curves felt against him. Her scent was changing, the tang of confusion was disappearing, replaced by the luscious scent of her arousal. It seemed as though his mate was finally starting to realize just what was going on between the two of them.

Wrapping his hands around her waist, he pulled his cookie back so that she lay against his chest and he could whisper into her ear. “Sweetheart, if you don’t stop wiggling on my lap like that, we’re going to embarrass ourselves in front of your aunt.”

Misha arched backward, pushing her ass against his cock as she let out a frustrated moan. “I think we need to leave, Borys.”

Best words he had heard all day.

Running his nose up the side of her neck, he whispered, “Tell me where you want to go, and I’ll take you there.”

Misha turned her head so she could look him in the eyes. “I want you to take me somewhere we can be alone. The longer we sit here, the more I ache for you. I’ve never felt anything like this before, Borys.”

He nipped her bottom lip. “And you never will for anyone else, love. Your body is slowly realizing what mine did the moment I stepped out of that truck and caught your sweet scent. We’re meant to be together.”

Her breath hitched at his words. “It feels like everything is moving so fast between us.”

Borys gripped the hair at the back of her head gently so she couldn’t turn away from him if she tried. “Cookie, I promise you we’re not moving fast enough. My body wants to know what it’s like to be buried deep inside yours. My bear wants to rub his scent all over you then give you a mating mark the whole world can see. My lips want to taste every inch of your skin, and my hands want to make you feel pleasure like you’ve never felt before. We’re going to leave here to do all of those things, but I don’t want you to worry, mate. We’ll give our bodies and our beasts the commitment and release tonight. Then, starting tomorrow, I’m going to show you that I can be worthy of your heart, too.”

“You would do that for me?” she whispered with vulnerability shining through her eyes.

Borys let go of her hair to run his hand lovingly across her cheek. “I would do anything for you, mate. I’m a lucky bear to have found my fated one, so I’ll spend every day of the rest of our lives showing you how much I cherish the gift that life has given me.”

Misha’s eyes watered up, and Borys worried he had pushed her too far too fast. He tried to think of what he could say to calm her down, convince her that he would do whatever she wanted him to do so he wouldn’t lose her. But it seemed his worries were for naught as his cookie leaned in and gave him a long, drugging kiss that sent his head spinning.

When they were both breathless, she pulled back just enough to say, “Take me somewhere private, my mate.”

Borys decided that those were now the best words he had heard all day. He only hoped she would continue to give him even better words once they were alone. “Take me” and “Do you want to see me naked?” were at the top of his list.

“Oh, for the Pete and all his love!” Arina hollered next to them, making both Borys and Misha jump. The tigress glared at them, obviously annoyed by their affectionate display. “Stop with the making out already.”

Borys and Misha didn’t get a chance to tell her Aunt Arina to calm down, that they were about to leave, because Paxton took that moment to make a roar of his own.

“Who’s Pete? And why do you want his love?”

As Borys took in the other bear’s crazy eyes staring down at the tigress, he knew one thing for sure: him and his cookie needed to get the fuck out of there.



Chapter Nine


“Are you sure my aunt will be okay back at the den with that crazy bear?”

Misha’s heart was hammering away in her chest. Borys had just swung her up into his arms and carried her out of the den, telling his clan mate, “Hope you two have fun! We’ll see you tomorrow,” before carrying her out of the Grayslake den and over to a truck.

Setting her inside on the passenger seat, his scent wrapped around her, so she knew this must be his vehicle. That didn’t stop her from trying to open the door and get out of the truck so she could storm back into the den and check on her aunt.

Borys caught her by the back of her pants before she could get of the truck and pulled her back in, leaning over to shut her door shut again.

With his sexy rumble, he told her, “They’re fine. I swear.”

“How can you be so sure?”

He started the truck and pulled away, turning onto the road that would lead them out the way they had come in. “Cookie, Paxton wouldn’t hurt a hair on your aunt’s head.”

Now she was getting good and frustrated with the man that the powers that be had given to her as her mate. “You don’t know that!”

He snorted. “But I do, sweetheart. Couldn’t you tell by the way they were acting? Paxton and Arina are also fated mates.”

Misha’s jaw dropped open in shock. She had no idea what to say. No, she hadn’t noticed such a thing! Probably because bears acted so differently than the tigers she was used to dealing with.

Tigers rarely mated. She could only guess it was more in their animalistic nature to be loners. The fact that they had a pride and didn’t have separate territories where they stayed isolated on their own was a miracle. Misha had never heard of any other tiger shifters living together like that before. Of course, her tiger family had done everything they could to keep her shielded and protected from the world outside of their territory, anyway, so there might be a lot about shifters and mating she didn’t know about.

Borys interrupted her jumbled thoughts. “That’s because bears do it better, baby.”

Confused at his out of nowhere remark, she asked, “Wait, what? What do bears do better?”

Borys laughed at her. “You just said you hadn’t noticed such a thing because bears act so differently than the tigers you grew up with. I’m telling you; we act differently because we do it better.”

First, Misha hadn’t realized she had said that out loud. Secondly, she couldn’t help asking the burning question in her mind. “What exactly do bears do better than tigers, hmm?”

She watched as a cocky smile spread across his face.

“Everything, cookie. We do
better. Just wait until I get you to my house. I’ll be happy to prove that point to you in the bedroom.”

This was probably one of those times an experienced woman would have a saucy comeback to give her partner as verbal foreplay. Problem was, Misha had never done any of this before. That was probably why she found herself saying, “But I have no one to compare you to. How will I know you’ll be better?”

Tires squealed as Borys’s truck came to a screeching stop. Misha barely managed to throw her hands out to catch the dashboard in time before her body hit it from the momentum.

When she looked over at the crazy man behind the wheel, she gasped. Borys’s eyes were almost glowing they were so bright, and they now looked so heated. The look was that of pure need, the likes she had never seen any man give a woman before.

“You’re a virgin?” he asked her in a guttural voice.

“Yes,” she whispered back softly before licking her lips nervously.

Borys’s eyes followed the track of her tongue and growled, not in warning, but in want. He still had that look on his face but, if anything, he now looked like he was ready to eat her alive in all sorts of delicious ways.

That look did a couple of things to Misha all at once. First, it made her nipples tighten into hard, little points of anticipation. Then, it made her panties wet, arousal flooding her system. Finally, it made a silent promise that she wasn’t going to be a virgin come morning, and it would more than likely be a night she never forgot.

“Sit back and buckle up, cookie. I’m about to give the phrase ‘gone in sixty seconds’ a whole new meaning if we don’t hurry up and get back to my house.”

Misha didn’t say a word, choosing to grab the seatbelt buckle with her trembling hands, securing it just as Borys slammed on the gas pedal. They shot forward like a rocket, and Misha found herself gripping the sides of the seat, silently praying her new mate was a very good driver.

Five minutes later, Borys pulled his truck into the driveway of a small, modest-looking home that Misha found adorable, not that she had a whole lot of time to take note of what it looked like because, the second Borys had the truck parked, he turned off the engine and was out of the vehicle and standing by her door, yanking it open so hard she thought he might actually tear it off the hinges. He then grabbed her around the waist, pulled her out of the truck, and threw her over his shoulder.

She was slightly embarrassed by the squeak she let out, but it didn’t seem as if Borys minded. The small sound got her a small pat to her ass, along with a “Shush.” Before she knew it, they were through the house’s front door.

Misha watched as the hardwood floor flew by underneath her as Borys quickly made his way to wherever he was heading inside the house. Then she was flying through the air before landing on a huge, cushy bed, her body bouncing.

When she settled, she saw, standing there at the foot of the bed, a very determined Borys, eyes still aglow and panting with sexual need. A need Misha now felt consuming her.

Seeing him standing there, all hard muscles and a delicious bulge behind his jeans, lust filled her.

Perhaps she had never felt anything like this before, but there was no confusion on what it was. Her core ached with wanting him inside her. Her mouth watered to taste him. Even where Misha’s neck met her shoulder tingles of anticipation took over, wanting the mate bite he would give her to make her his forever. She wanted it all, but he simply stood and there, watching, not moving.

“Borys?” she asked, confused.

“I don’t want to lose control with you, cookie. I never dreamed that I would be fortunate to find my fated mate, and now, here you are. I need to know this is where you want to be before I get in that bed, love.”

Her heart fluttered at his vulnerability. So strong, yet so afraid he might take advantage of her somehow. It was time for Misha to show Borys that she felt just as lucky to find her fated mate as well.

Sitting up on the bed, she watched as his body tensed further. Reaching to the hem of the bottom of her shirt, she pulled it over her head and dropped it to the bed. Then, feeling a bit shy, she reached back slowly to unclasp her bra, holding her hands over the cups still covering her breasts, not quite bare to him yet.

Looking up at him, Misha said the only thing she could think to say, “Make me yours, Borys.”

A snarl ripped from his throat, but somehow he made himself move slowly. First, he peeled his shirt over his head and off. Then, he unbuttoned and pushed his jeans down his solid thighs. Once he kicked them off onto the floor, he stood there naked before her, utterly commando, and proudly showing off his chiseled body and already hard cock.

Nodding, he ordered, “Take it off, cookie.”

Just because you wanted something, didn’t mean you weren’t nervous to get it. That was why Misha trembled as she let her hands fall away from her chest, allowing her bra to slide down her arms and off her body. Setting it aside, she laid back on the bed, her eyes never once leaving his as she moved to push her pants and panties down her thighs.

Borys watched every movement she made until she was completely bare before him on the bed. He then stared at her for long, silent moments, and Misha wondered what he was thinking.

Did he find her body beautiful? Would he enjoy the ample curves of her breasts, a bit of a pooch on her belly, along with her thick thighs and plump ass? Or would he be disappointed that she wasn’t skinnier like other women?

The man seemed to know what her thoughts were, because he climbed onto the bed, situating himself between her thighs as he hovered over her face to tell her, “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Absolutely perfect.”

The sincere approval from him had Misha lunging up to kiss him, hungrily swiping her tongue along the seam of his lips until he opened wide to let her in. The intoxicating taste of him drew her in for more, and it wasn’t long before she was moaning, “More,” into his mouth.

She whimpered when Borys pulled his lips from hers, only to moan again as he moved them down to kiss her neck. Using his hands to plump both of her breasts, he lashed her nipples with his tongue, and then started to savor them slowly. Lavishing her with licks and kisses as he moved his way down her body, past her abdomen, he placed a chaste, teasing kiss on her clit, causing Misha’s hips to surge upward, wanting more of his kisses on her secret place.

Borys grabbed her hips to hold her still before he began to lick her core, giving her long, slow licks up and down, and in and out of her center. Every now and then, he would stop to nibble or suck, driving her wild.

Through the haze of pleasure, Misha managed to open her eyes to look down, begging, “Please, Borys, more.”

He growled against her, the vibrations sending her pleasure spiraling upward, just as he slipped a finger inside of her. Filling her up, he pumped in and out several times before adding a second finger. He was stretching her now. She could feel her inner walls fluttering around his digits as some unnamed phenomena consumed her.

Misha’s heart raced, her whole body tightened, needing something she didn’t know how to ask for. She tried to gyrate against his mouth and fingers, searching for the elusive release to the building wave of tension in her body, but Borys managed to hold her relatively still.

One second, she was living on the edge of a beautiful agony, and the next, she was hurtling over, crying out in pleasure as ecstasy washed over her, leaving her a boneless heap on the bed.




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