Greeley's Spyce (21 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Greeley's Spyce
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Kacy opened her mouth to say something in return, but Ernst just

held up a hand and shook his head. ―I don‘t want to know, Kacy. It would

tear me up to think of you with another man. But if you aren‘t dating anyone,

I want to fill that spot.‖

He watched as she cocked her head and hooked her ankles. A sparkle

flickered in the back of her coppery eyes. ―I want to date you, Kacy. Exclu-


Kacy‘s heart tripled in speed as she sat on the smooth counter. Was

she ready to try the dating thing again? With Ernst? A man who left at any

time for any place and she couldn‘t know where or for how long?

Ernst unfurled his body from its position and flowed towards her.

From the flaxen hair on his head to the soles of his feet, this being moving

toward her was downright, mouth-wateringly sinful with his handsome


―Well?‖ he murmured as his fit body wedged itself between her legs.

A few blinks later, Kacy was able to pull her gaze from the blue one

that held her. ―‗Well‘ what?‖

A sexy grin flashed across his face as he leaned in closer. ―I wanted to

know what you though about being exclusive with one another.‖ Ernst

trailed a finger through the loose tendrils around her face.

Kacy trembled. ―Exclusive?‖ The word was babbled as his eyes made

love to her face.

―That is what I said,‖ he acknowledged, sliding one hand up and

down her leg.

―What about when you‘re gone?‖ Kacy questioned.

Ernst didn‘t immediately respond. ―Well we‘d still be exclusive.


―I‘ve heard the stories about sailors and a different girl in every

port.‖ She reached out to fiddle with his collar, not meeting his gaze any


―Look at me,‖ he implored. When her endless metallic gaze met his,

he continued. ―I don‘t want anyone but you. I want to be

Kacy.‖ His voice was thick with sincerity as he continued. ―My feelings for

you have only grown since we met. I know before I said we were boyfriend

and girlfriend, but now I am putting it to you.‖

Kacy shook with untold emotion. This man had come to mean so

much to her. Licking her lips she spoke, ―Is this your way of asking me to be

your girlfriend?‖

Greeley's Spyce


His wraithlike eyes narrowed as he tried to control the grin threaten-

ing to cross his face. ―Yes, ma‘am, I am. But perhaps I need to be a bit clearer

with my question.‖

Her legs tightened around his waist. ―Probably should. You were a

bit vague there,‖ her teasing remark came.

This time the smile won. He took one of Kacy‘s hands and bowed

over it. ―Will you, Ms. Koali Cynemon Travis, electrician extraordinaire, be

my girlfriend?‖

Using her free hand, Kacy covered her heart. Those thick lashes of

hers batted as she drawled in a syrupy voice, ―Why this is such a surprise.

What shall I say?‖

―Yes would be a great choice,‖ Ernst replied, grinning softly at her.

―I think you‘re right. Yes, Ernst…‖ she trailed off, waiting for him to

supply his middle name.


―Yes Ernst Greeley Zimmermann, Navy SEAL phenomenon, I will be

your girlfriend.‖

―That‘s the best thing I‘ve heard in a long time.‖ Both of his strong

hands held her face as he brought their lips together in a gentle kiss.

Moving his hands down to cup her ass, Ernst walked her over to the

couch in his arms. With extraordinary gentleness, he set Kacy down before

following her to the softness of the couch.

Adjusting them so her head rested upon his chest, Ernst enjoyed just

holding her and watching her fish swim around in their tank. A while later

he spoke, ―So what do you want to do tomorrow night?‖

No response.

Tipping his head so he could see her face, Ernst saw she was sound

asleep. Sooty lashes rested against her cheeks as she slumbered. He didn‘t say

another word, knowing full well she was exhausted from the past few days.

Brushing a kiss over the top of her head, he carefully moved out from

under her. Standing, he immediately bent down to scoop her off the couch

and place her in her own bed.

Undressing her, Ernst covered her with the thick duvet and kissed

her tenderly. ―Sleep well, Kacy.‖ It was so hard for him to leave her there. He

wanted nothing more than to slip in beside her and enjoy her body against

his, but he didn‘t.

She deserved to get a good night sleep. Losing Adam had been hard

on him, but nothing like it was for her. So with one final kiss, Ernst grabbed

his suit coat and left, turning off the lights on his way out.

Walking out onto her porch, he double-checked to make sure her

door had locked before walking to his truck. For a moment, he sat there and

watched her home before he started the engine and headed back to his



Ernst was in Kacy‘s kitchen chopping vegetables for dinner when the

phone rang. He cursed under his breath as Kacy wiped her hands on a towel

and picked it up. Since he had left her sleeping alone in her bed after the

funeral, four days had gone by and this was the first evening they had

managed to spend together. He really didn‘t want to share her.

He eavesdropped but continued dicing the things in front of him.

―Hello,‖ her husky alto came. Ernst saw the grin cross her face in response to

the voice at the other end. ―Hey, Sherri. How are you doing?‖

Setting down his knife, he put the veggies in the pan and began to

sauté them. ―I miss you too. Good, I‘m good. We lost Adam.‖ Her voice

caught with that but soon the joy returned.

His gaze followed her easy movements as she listened avidly to the

other person. ―I am so happy for you! He sounds like a great guy. Really?‖

Her copper gaze met the pale one of Ernst as she smiled. ―No, I can under-

stand it. Hon, I am so happy for you! Keep me posted. Love you, too, bye.‖

With a small shake of her head, Kacy hung up the phone.

―Good news?‖ Ernst asked, moving towards her and ignoring the

items on the stovetop.

―Very,‖ Kacy said, reaching around him for the wooden spoon and

stirring the stuff in the skillet. ―Don‘t let it burn.‖

Capturing her around the waist, he kissed her neck. ―Coming from

the woman who had to unpack these dishes. The only appliance out was

your coffee pot, and you are telling me not to let food burn?‖

A delectable flush scurried up her face. ―Sorry. But I want to make

sure dinner is okay.‖

―Dinner will be fine. It‘s on a low simmer. Tell me the good news.‖

Ernst wanted to be included in the happy moments of her life as well.

Kacy just grinned and placed herself in front of the salad makings.

―That was a call from Sherri who was letting me know she had met someone

and they are getting married. She was one of the first women who joined our

Greeley's Spyce


battered women‘s group. She‘s been gone for about two years, so it was great

to hear from her.‖

Ernst watched her cut tomatoes for the salad. ―So, are you going to

the wedding?‖
Will you let me go as your date?

―Perhaps.‖ At his confused stare she clarified, ―They haven‘t set a

date yet.‖

He nodded before stirring the vegetables. ―I have a wedding coming

up. Do you want to come with me?‖

―When is it?‖ Kacy asked without turning to look at him.

―Three weekends from now.‖ Her head was shaking ―no‖ before he

had finished speaking. ―Why are you shaking your head?‖

―That‘s the three-day bike event to raise money for the orphanage.

And if that wasn‘t it, I have a friend getting married that Saturday as well. If I

was free, I would go to her wedding.‖ She turned and sent him an apologetic

smile. ―Sorry.‖

Ernst knew about the ride and wouldn‘t make her feel guilty about

picking it over him. ―Well,‖ he sighed lightheartedly, ―I guess I‘ll go stag.‖

Her eyes softened as she watched him. ―I am sorry. Truly. I wish I

could go with you.‖

―The ride is very important. Don‘t worry.‖ With a wink, Ernst took

the sautéed shrimp and veggies off the stove. ―I expect you to make time for

me at our wedding.‖

Momentarily stunned by his comment, Kacy was silent. ―Well, may-

be if I get more than three weeks‘ notice,‖ she sassed back.

With a predatory grin, he warned, ―Consider yourself notified.‖

―Not quite what I meant,‖ she responded, smiling back at him.

Heading back to the stove, he took off the pot of linguine, pouring

the contents into a bowl. He put it on the table as well. ―What can I say?‖

Those broad shoulders of his shrugged as that smile remained in place.

―Dinner‘s ready?‖ Kacy said as she brought the salad to the table.

Pulling out her chair he held it for her. ―Okay, dinner‘s ready,‖ Ernst

quipped as he slid her and her chair up close to the table.

Kacy just shook her head.

After dinner was finished and the kitchen was spotless, Ernst and

Kacy took a walk around her neighborhood. The evenings had cooled off a

bit, so it was very comfortable as they strolled.

They were hand in hand and moving in a companionable silence. As

they rounded the corner and were back on Kacy‘s street, Ernst broke it.

―What are you doing Saturday?‖ he wondered as his thumb teased

the inside of her wrist.

―Just gonna go over some bids…why?‖ She began going up her

steps. Ernst stopped her and turned her back around to face him. They were



Aliyah Burke

―Come to dinner with me,‖ he paused, ―at my parents‘ home.‖

Meeting the parents…big step, Kacy. Sure you’re ready?
―You want me to

meet your parents,‖ she muttered.

―Yes,‖ Ernst said without blinking. One hand wound into her hair.

Kacy swallowed. ―What time is dinner?‖

―Late afternoon.‖ He flashed a winning smile. ―Does that mean you‘ll

come with me?‖

―Only if you help me figure out what to take as a gift.‖

―You don‘t need a gift.‖ At the instant purse of her lips Ernst added,

―But we will find one anyway that they‘ll love.‖

She smiled. ―In that case, yes, I will go with you.‖


Copper eyes grew serious. ―Did you tell them about me?‖

―Tell them what? That I would try to bring you? Yes.‖ He held her

gaze in the yellow porch light.

Kacy frowned at him. ―You know what I mean.‖

Ernst lifter her and carried her to the top of the porch where he put

her back on her feet. ―Don‘t begin those thoughts, Kacy. Yes, I know what

you mean; I was choosing to ignore it. It‘s not relevant.‖

In what and whose world?
―I don‘t want it to be an issue. That‘s why I

don‘t want it to be a surprise to them.‖

Ernst appeared to think it over. ―I‘ll tell them,‖ he murmured and ran

a thumb over her cheek, ―if it will make you feel better.‖

Not really, but it’s a start.
―It will,‖ Kacy stated, stepping away from

him and unlocking her door.

Ernst remained silent as they entered her house. ―Ice cream?‖ he

asked as he removed his shoes.

―Always,‖ Kacy returned with a smile before heading directly to the

kitchen, Ernst following right on her heels.

Lying with her in his arms, Ernst thought about the woman in his

embrace. She had changed after the incident with the phone message and

understandably with Adam‘s death. But still he felt she was holding part of

herself back, had a piece of her heart he wasn‘t able to access.

Idly running his fingers up and down her bare skin, he tried to figure

out what it was nagging at him. The sex was amazing…sublime really. They

had the passion, the emotional connection, and the intellectual one.

It was her eyes, those gorgeous copper eyes. The times she didn‘t

think he was watching her, they would put her in a far away place that he

couldn‘t reach.

Kacy stirred against him. Her naked, silken curves slid against his

body. Groaning, Ernst readjusted their bodies and guided his erection into

her heat, swallowing her moan of pleasure as he kissed her.

Greeley's Spyce


Later that morning, they sat at the table eating breakfast. The clock

said six-ten as Ernst got up for more toast. ―Wanna go out to eat tonight?‖

She grabbed the jam and put some on her toast. ―I‘m meeting some


He spread some peanut butter on his toast. ―Oh, well, maybe tomor-

row, then?‖

Copper eyes narrowed. ―Do you have something planned?‘

Ernst grinned. ―No. I just want to spend all the time with you I can.

But I don‘t want you to give up spending time with your friends. So have

fun. Just so I get you all day Saturday.‖

Her eyes darkened and she licked her lips. ―I‘m all yours.‖

Something primal flared in his pale gaze as he nodded. ―Saturday.‖

The look turned promissory as it traveled over her top half.

―All yours.‖ She winked.

―All mine,‖ he vowed.

Kacy toasted him with her glass of juice. They finished breakfast with

discussions about their plans for the day. Together they cleaned up the

breakfast dishes and then took a long shower together.

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