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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Greeley's Spyce (8 page)

BOOK: Greeley's Spyce
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Kacy walked to her bedroom ignorant of the fact that Ernst was once again

following her.

―Where are you going?‖ he questioned as she entered her closet and

pulled out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

―About thirty miles from here. I don‘t know him. New client.‖ Her

fingers were on the buttons of her shirt as she began to undress.

Ernst continued watching her and Kacy tried to stay calm. The fact he

kept his distance spoke volumes. ―Let me come along,‖ he said as gently as

he could.

For a moment, Kacy worried the inside of her lower lip, unsure if she

should keep undressing. When he made no further movement, she decided to

proceed, especially since she did feel comfortable with him. Safe even.

Shrugging out of the silk blouse, she pulled on the tee shirt and began to

change pants.

―Is there a particular reason you want to come along on my call?‖

―Not really, other than the fact he is a man you don‘t know, and it is

ten-thirty at night,‖ he growled, watching her slide on the other pair of jeans.

―Sure, but you can‘t get in the way.‖ Her words were quick. He

didn‘t miss the smile she had.

Ernst climbed in her van; and Kacy felt him watching as she clipped

her cell phone on her side, got into her van, and backed out of the garage,

driving off into the night.


Rubbing the back of her neck, Kacy restocked her van. It was one in

the morning and she was exhausted. At least tomorrow was Sunday and she

could sleep in a bit. Having Ernst with her had been a godsend. Mr. Sing had

wanted more than just her expertise in electricity, making a pass at her the

second she had handed him the bill.

She smiled as she remembered Ernst stepping between them and

asking him to please not hit on his woman. Mr. Sing had apologized and paid

her. The van ride back had been silent as she‘d mentally run over what she

needed to do.

So now, she wanted nothing more than to climb into bed. Of course,

there was one other thing she wouldn‘t mind doing and his name was Ernst.

Shaking her head to get her focus back, Kacy finished restocking the van and

shut the door.

Going inside the house, she saw Ernst leaning against the wall lead-

ing to the kitchen. His pale eyes were on her from the moment she walked in

the door. Kacy sent him a nervous smile. This man took her breath away.

―Thanks for going with me,‖ she offered as she closed the door to the

garage behind her.

―You get hit on a lot?‖ he asked, unfolding his body and walking to-

wards her.

―It happens,‖ Kacy said and shrugged that fact off. Kicking off her

shoes, she put her keys by the door.

―Well, I should get going,‖ Ernst said as he ran his hand down her


―Thanks for dinner,‖ she said.

Looking into her eyes, Ernst leaned down to kiss her. The heat im-

mediately sparked to life. As if against his will, he drew away from her

tempting mouth. ―Dream of me Kacy, 'cause you know I will be dreaming of

you.‖ One more fast kiss and he was gone, slipping away into the night.

Slumping against the wall, Kacy closed her eyes and relived the feel

of his lips on hers. ―I am one stupid broad to let that man walk out of my


Aliyah Burke

door.‖ Disgusted with herself, she turned off the lights, walked down the hall

to her room, and put on her sleep clothes.

A pounding on the door startled her. Her next door neighbor, Mrs.

Wilder, was an elderly woman who would sometimes come over late at night

when she got spooked or needed to go to the emergency room. Heading up

the hall at a jog, she jerked the door open to find not her neighbor, but Ernst

standing at the other side of the door. Kacy‘s eyes grew wide as she backed

up almost to the wall of the entryway as he followed her inside. Not a word

passed his mouth as he grabbed her ass and hauled her up against him. His

lips ground on hers as he claimed her mind, soul, and body. She was his and

she knew it.

Clambering to get closer, she wrapped her legs around his waist as

his strong hands dug into the flesh of her ass. With one swift kick, he shut the

door behind him and carried her down the hall to her bedroom, shouldering

his way into the room.

Lips still mashed together, he laid her down on the bed and then fol-

lowed, covering her softer body with his firm one. Her hands began tugging

up his shirt as her skin searched for his, desperately needing to feel it upon

her own.

Ernst tore his mouth off hers and stared into her eyes as he tried to

regain control of his breathing. Sitting up, he whipped off his shirt. Naked

desire blazed in her gaze.

―Touch me,‖ he rasped.

Kacy sat up as well so they were knee to knee on her bed. Eyes rov-

ing over his exposed torso, she licked her lips in anticipation of touching such

a work of art. Reaching for the moderately haired chest, she laid her spread

hands across his pectorals. The heat of his skin burned her palms; the

coarseness of his chest hair contrasted with the smoothness of the rest.

Her hands moved down over his ribs and across his six pack, then

back up again and down his shoulders and arms. ―You are amazing,‖ she

whispered as she continued to touch his body. ―So strong.‖ Kacy looked at

how dark her skin was against his. Inhaling, she smelled the mixture of his

cologne, his natural scent, and the desire that flowed in the room.

With a direction and mind of their own, her hands moved back down

across his taut stomach and to his waistband. A deep, pulling need was alive

inside her. She wanted this man more than she wanted her next breath.

But the disappointment. And what came after. Her body stiffened

and her eyes grew wide with fear.

Ernst noticed the change in her body immediately and grabbed her

hands, pulling her body into his. Wrapping his steel-bound arms around her,

his willpower just about crumbed as her face burrowed into his neck. She

smelled so sweet.

―I‘m sorry,‖ she mumbled against his neck.

Greeley's Spyce


Praying for strength, Ernst set her away from him. ―Why did you

stop touching me? Do you not like my body? Do I repulse you?‖

―No.‖ Immediately she reached for his arm. ―I don‘t want to disap-

point you.‖

Ernst tucked her hair behind her ear. ―You will not disappoint me.

Can I touch you now?‖ he asked softly.

―Yes,‖ she said quietly.

A grin spread across his face. ―I have been looking forward to this

since I met you.‖ He reached for the hem of her gray tank top and lifted the

garment from her body.

They always said blue flames were among the hottest, and the fires

that burned in Ernst‘s eyes did that saying justice. His gaze took its sweet

time moving over her bare chest.

―You are gorgeous,‖ he managed to say as he swallowed repeatedly,

trying to get moisture back in his mouth.

Her breasts were full and he knew they were made to suckle him and

one day their child. Her stomach was flat but not rigid like his. She was firm,

but definitely feminine.

Reaching forward, he brushed her hair back over both shoulders. Not

wanting anything to block his view. Then he took two fingers and trailed

them down her sternum to her belly button.

―Your skin is like silk,‖ he said as he watched her nipples harden un-

der his gaze. ―I can‘t wait to suck on your breasts.‖ Moving off the bed he

stood before her in nothing but jeans and socks. He‘d kicked off his shoes as

he‘d explored her.

―Come here,‖ he said.

Her gaze on his, Kacy moved to stand in front of him. The one lamp

lit in the room, casting a glow about them. His large hands settled on her hips

only to move upward and cup her breasts. He felt her tremble beneath his

touch. His thumbs brushed over the tight nipples, sending more shockwaves

through her.

Lowering his head, Ernst took one nipple in his mouth. His tongue

laved it while he suckled. Kacy whimpered and gripped his arms for support.

Dragging his tongue along her skin, he moved to the second one and sho-

wered it with the same attention.

Kacy screamed as her first orgasm in years overtook her body. Eyes a

bit fuzzy, she met the gaze of the man totally supporting her weight.

―What are you doing to me?‖ she muttered.

Ernst swept her up and laid her back on the bed. ―Showing you what

real pleasure is.‖ He ripped off the bottoms she wore, leaving her totally

naked beneath him.

―Ernst,‖ she uttered, embarrassment plain in her low voice, ―I just



Aliyah Burke

His hand swept over the apex of her thighs and he gritted his teeth as

if to control himself. ―I know,
. Let‘s see if we can‘t set some


Kacy shivered at those words. His warm body move away and she

whimpered. Then his breath was by her ear. ―Don‘t worry; I‘m not going


She felt him beside her. Naked this time. Kacy could feel his erection

pressing into her side. He would cut her in two. But he didn‘t shove into her.

Instead, his mouth began licking and nibbling around her neck.

―You taste so good, Kacy,‖ he said between caresses.

Kacy felt that burn within her core begin again. Her hips arched in si-

lent invitation as she mewled in pleasure.

―Not yet. You‘re not ready yet.‖ Ernst began to kiss his way down

her body.

Not ready yet?
Her body could light the whole city it had so much vol-

tage coursing through it! Her cries were of pleasure and disappointment.

He kissed her breasts and moved down to her belly, his tongue dip-

ping into her navel. He licked across her waist until her body shook from all

the tremors coursing through it.

Ernst passed the part of her that called to him with its spicy scent, the

damp curls he wanted to touch and taste. He passed her core, just allowing

his breath to touch her there. He licked down the inside of one leg to her foot

and back up the other.

Kacy squirmed on the bed. ―Ernst,‖ she begged.

―What?‖ His voice was rough with passion. He kissed her as his

body settled beside her.

―I want—‖

He ran his finger down the bridge of her nose, then caressed her lips.

Over her chin and through the valley between her full breasts. Past her belly

button and through the patch of wet, sable hair that was at the juncture of her


His finger moved across the thick nether lips and slipped inside. Ka-

cy came off the bed in another explosive orgasm, screaming his name to the


Ernst slid another finger inside her tight body as he felt her juices

covering his hand.
Dear God, she is so tight around me.
He just about came right


His thumb began to rub her clit, knowing the callused skin brought

her even more pleasure. ―That‘s it, baby,‖ he whispered. ―Just let it go.‖

It didn‘t take long before her body was once again on the brink of an

orgasm. Her legs clamped around his wrist to keep him in place.

Ernst latched his mouth onto one taut nipple. Her lower body lifted

up as he sucked it at the speed matching the thrust of his fingers. Then he

Greeley's Spyce


maneuvered his body between her legs, withdrawing his two slick fingers.

His thumb stayed on her swollen clit.

Slowly, he guided the head of his unyielding erection to the heat of

her body. A small push later, and the tip was in.

Kacy stiffened at the intrusion. Ernst moved his head up to hers so

their mouths could meet. ―Trust me,
.‖ Unhurriedly, he pushed his

hips forward, driving himself home into her moist heat.

―Ernst,‖ she panted. She began to arch against him, but he shook his

head against her neck.

―Wait. Just hold still.‖ Eyes closed, Ernst prayed for strength. He

wanted to pound the hell out of the woman beneath him. Stake his claim on

her. Make her understand that no other man would even begin to compare to


Drops of sweat fell from his head to her skin. Kacy realized he was

holding back his own pleasure to allow her hers. Closing her eyes, she felt his

love flow over her.

―Please, Ernst,‖ Kacy said as her hands captured his face, bringing it

back up to hers for a kiss. ―Make love to me.‖

―Forever,‖ he promised as his hips began to move back and forth.

Each stroke made her shiver. As another orgasm poured over her,

Ernst seemed to lose the thin thread of control he had.

His thrusts grew deeper and faster. Kacy met each one with a cry of


Ernst pressed his mouth to hers, his thick tongue matched the piston-

ing of his hips.

Kacy‘s legs locked around his waist as he plowed deeper into her.

Her eyes had long since rolled back into her head. Nails dug into the tender

flesh of his shoulders as he thrust one last time and exploded deep within


As his seed covered her womb, their souls intertwined. At that mo-

ment, they were one—not a white man and a black woman—but one soul,

BOOK: Greeley's Spyce
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