Guardian For Hire: A For Hire Novel (15 page)

Read Guardian For Hire: A For Hire Novel Online

Authors: Christine Bell

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #bodyguard, #bestseller, #guardian, #danger, #for hire, #ponzi scheme, #sexy, #protector, #USA today bestseller

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She frowned and then shrugged. “Maybe he was concerned that Sheree talked to me about his proclivities during therapy sessions?”

“Maybe so.” He nodded slowly. “Or maybe he’d decided to wipe out anyone with a possible involvement with the scam. With none of the employees left alive but the servants, there would be no call to review the tapes because there would be no one alive to prosecute. Ergo, the tapes would stay in evidence undisturbed for all time.”

“But if we give him the tapes, then any proof of the infidelity or his cross-dressing is gone and there’s no reason for more violence.” The relief in her voice was palpable, but a frown still furrowed her brow.

“This is good news, Sarabeth.”

“I know. And he’s a terrible person. But the tiniest part of me feels sorry for him. When I tell you he loved that woman, I mean he would have burned the earth to the ground to keep her happy. And seeing her doing that”—she nodded toward the now-silent screen—“and hearing her betray him like that. It must’ve made him a little crazy. Crazier than usual, I mean. All you had to do was watch the way he looked at her…” She shook her head, and Gavin let her words sink in.

He was starting to think he knew what that felt like. Caring about someone so much it hurt. He allowed his thoughts to take root for a brief, sobering few seconds before he was distracted by the look of anguish on her face as she watched the couple on the screen.

She bit her bottom lip and moved to settle into the armchair across from the desk. “It just seems like nobody got out of that place unscathed.”

The hurt in her voice left his heart aching for her.

The screen went black, and they sat in silence for the next hour while all of the video transferred onto his computer and the video burned onto disks. He slipped the disks into cases, then dropped them into a small black bag in the bottom drawer of his desk and nodded at Sarabeth.

“You ready for all this to be over?” he asked softly.

Her eyes had been closed when he’d spoken, and it took her a minute to open them.

“Yeah.” Her voice was distant…tinny. “It’ll be nice to have things back to normal.” She sighed and rested on the back cushion of her chair, then sat up, looking him in the eye with a new fierceness. “Can I go with you?”

“Not a chance, Doc.”

She gave him a curt nod and didn’t argue, clearly expecting his answer.

“Maddy will be here to stay with you in case…” In case something went horribly wrong, at least she wouldn’t be alone. He left the latter unsaid.

“Be careful out there, will you?”

Her green eyes beseeched him, and he forced a reassuring smile as he crossed the room.

A mushy, drawn-out good-bye here would only clue her in to the fact that he wasn’t 100 percent certain how it was all going to turn out. Instead, he held the door open as he looked over his shoulder. “I’m an old pro, don’t you worry. I’ll see you real soon.”

“Hurry back!”

He closed the door behind him and started up the stairs, the concern in her voice spreading warmth through his body that followed him all the way outside into the chilled afternoon air.

By the time he pulled onto Beachwood Street, he still had half an hour to spare. A pay phone was there, cast in shadows. To his surprise, as soon as he stepped out of the car, it rang. Which probably meant they had eyes on him. That was no surprise. He picked up the receiver cautiously and spoke.


“The warehouse on the corner of Barnum and Second,” a low voice murmured. The phone disconnected, and a dial tone sounded in his ear. He set the receiver down again and strode back to his car. He’d held out a slim hope that the meeting would happen outside on the street. This second, private location was less than ideal. Still, there was no way Vito had gone through the trouble of killing three people and trying for the fourth only to murder the person who had exactly what he wanted. At least not right away.

He pulled the car out of the lot and drove the fifteen minutes across town, apprehension building in his gut. When he pulled into the abandoned warehouse lot, his thoughts drifted again to Sarabeth. She’d been so strong. His biggest fear was that something would go wrong here today and she would blame herself. He steeled himself, put the car in park, and grabbed the bag next to him. He’d have to be extra careful to make sure that didn’t happen.

He was halfway to the wide loading dock doors when he spotted the sniper out of the corner of his eye. It went against the grain, but he pretended he didn’t see him and kept moving. There was no question that Vito would come with some major heat. For all that bastard knew, this was a trap.

When he reached the doors, they slid open, revealing three giant goons in suits, not a neck between them.

“Hey fellas, you guys the Welcome Wagon?”

The biggest of the three, who looked like he’d been hit in the face with the business end of a shovel, nodded slowly. “Yeah. Sure.”

He jerked his head to one side, indicating that Gavin should follow. As they walked through the dimly lit space, he quickly counted two more goons watching from afar, one on the catwalk one level up and one hiding behind a crate across the floor. His fists clenched, but he didn’t slow his pace.

They rounded a corner, and his escorts stopped short as they approached a man sitting in chair, another two goons flanking him. Jesus, what had they expected? A fucking full-on SWAT raid or something?

Vito stood, a cigarette sitting precariously between his sagging, fleshy lips.

“You’re a man of punctuality, Mr. McClintock. I appreciate that.” He reached up to take a long pull on his cigarette.

“You guys really don’t mind fitting the stereotype, do you?” He surveyed the man, shaking his head slowly. On top of the pinky ring, he’d even worn a pin-striped suit. It was as if he had stepped off the set of a DeNiro movie.

“Hey, if you’re going to deal with the mob, are you going to go with a guy who looks like he’s going to sell you insurance, or with the guy who looks like he could take out insurance on your life?” He shrugged. “It’s marketing. You know how it goes. But that’s not why we’re here.”

“Speaking of we, you got, what, eight or nine guys here? They taking pictures or are you reconsidering our deal?”

“I’ve got no quarrel with you. It’s just you and me. The rest, we’ll call ‘security.’”

“Right.” Gavin frowned.

“I’m not known for my patience, Mr. McClintock.” He held out his wrinkled, leathery hand. “You have something for me?”

Gavin carefully handed over the satchel of disks, but one of the members of Vito’s crew reached for it instead.

Vito waited while the goon dug through and held up discs for his inspection.

“These are not tapes,” he said, his tone flat.

Gavin kept his eyes locked on Vito, and a hand on his hip where his gun sat now. If the gangster tried to get squirrely, he sure as hell couldn’t take them all, but he could kill the head of the snake, and that was something.

“No, they’re not.”

“So where
my tapes?” His face wrinkled, annoyance playing across his brow.

“They’re in safekeeping.”

His softly spoken “fuck” resonated in the silence. “With the police?”

“With me.”

Vito’s dark eyes went shrewd. “Ah, you want to be part of the family, is that it? I’m afraid it’s a little harder than all that.”

“No, I want some insurance.”

“Insurance?” He sniffed, dangling the bag of discs by his side before swinging them viciously against the concrete floor over and over. By the time he was done pulverizing them, he was breathing hard and spittle had collected on the corners of his mouth. He smiled and set the bag on the floor before smoothing a hand through his hair. The smile he offered was chilling. “You know, people don’t usually play games with me. I’m a very sore loser. And what’s to stop me from finding out where those copies are and then killing you? My guys can be very persuasive.”

Goon number three cracked his knuckles obligingly.

“I’m sure they can, but you won’t lose. As long as I don’t either.” Gavin tightened his jaw, planting his feet firmly on the ground, his fists at his sides. “I have no reason to leak those tapes, Vito. But surely, as a businessman, you can understand my position.”

Gavin slipped a hand slowly down to his coat pocket where his cell phone lay. He’d kept a text queued up there in case Vito tried to pull some shit like this, and all he needed to do was hit send—which he did—and then buy some time. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. That was his motto, and he’d done exactly that. Now to stall for ten minutes to avoid physical torture while he waited for plan B to come to fruition.

“And I’m sure you can understand mine. I’ve come too far to stop now.” Vito jerked his head toward the ground, and the big fella came up behind Gavin, shoving him roughly to his knees. Okay, so maybe he’d pushed too fast. When one of the muscle brigade came toward him, the butt end of the pistol resting comfortably in his hand as though he was prepped to whip him with it, Gavin realized that maybe ten minutes was longer than he had. But before he could renegotiate his position or determine exactly how bad the situation was and whether or not it was time to draw his own weapon, a low female voice rang through the room.

“If you don’t let him up right now, I’ll shoot you dead.”

What the fuck? His pulse jacked higher as he realized with growing terror who that voice belonged to.
Jesus, Doc, why?
He jerked against his captor, trying to get a glimpse of her, but when he pressed the chilly steel of his pistol against his face, he stilled. The last thing he needed was for this guy to blow his brains out and the second-to-last thing he needed was for Sarabeth to witness it. She’d never get out of here alive alone, gun or not, if she panicked, and he couldn’t lose her. Not yet.

“Well if it isn’t the lady of the hour.” Vito’s lips pulled back into a shark’s smile. “I gotta say, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Well, here I am,” Sarabeth stepped into the his view, decked out in her security gear, and Gavin barely resisted the urge to tackle her to the ground and cover her body with his own as their friendly neighborhood gangsters all slowly swiveled their weapons toward her.

“And she’s not alone.” Maddy moved into view, dressed similarly, gun pointed directly at Vito’s head.

Jesus Christ, he was going to ream her out when they got out of this. She could’ve gotten Sarabeth killed with this scheme, not to mention herself.

“Girls, girls. I think women with guns are sexy as hell, but I’m a little hurt that you’re pointing them my way,” Vito said with a
. “No reason my boys shouldn’t take you out right now and have two less—“

“You don’t want to do that, Vito,” Sarabeth said softly, her eyes narrowed menacingly. Gavin felt a rush of pride through his fear for her. She really was becoming quite the badass.

“And why’s that?”

“Because those tapes are now copied onto multiple discs and my redheaded friend here has them hidden in several locations, along with instructions for various individuals to release them should any of us go missing or…worse.”

She said her little speech with such aplomb, Gavin almost expected her to add “pyew pyew” on the end to keep in character. It was actually a pretty good strategy, setting the tapes up to release in the event of their deaths, and one he wished he’d thought of himself. Now it was Vito’s move. Gavin waited, every muscle at the ready to move if he needed to. Sometimes pushing a man too far backfired and, if emotions got high enough, who knew what he could do? As long as he had a breath in him, though, he would make sure Sarabeth and Maddy got out of here safe.

Vito stood back and stared at the two women, his face twisting into an ugly snarl.

“If you people keep fucking with me, you’re going to wind up sleeping with the fishes, that much I can tell you.”

He made a move toward Sarabeth, but before he got close, the sound of the doors sliding open echoed through the room, and a bullhorn sounded.

“Vito DeSalvo. We have you surrounded. Lay down your weapons and no one will get hurt.”

Vito’s face crumpled, and suddenly he looked every one of his years, plus some. “Fuck that. If I’m going out, I’m going out swinging.”

He motioned to his boys to get ready for a firefight, and the guy holding him let go, stepping back as Vito reached for the gun in his holster and raised it at Gavin. “But I’m taking this motherfucker down before I do anything else.”

Footsteps sounded, and he wondered how long those cops had before the gangsters opened fire. As Vito got within point-blank range, Gavin’s hand twitched toward his weapon. Before he closed his hand over the pistol, two shots sounded back-to-back—
pop pop
—and Vito let out an enraged scream of pain and dropped to the ground.

Gavin leaped to his feet, tugging his gun from the holster, panic making his vision blur. Two shots, but Vito was only bleeding from one hole. His gun lay on the ground a few feet from him as he writhed in pain, cupping the wound in his wrist that was bleeding profusely. Gavin covered the three closest goons, silently praying that the other bullet hadn’t found one of his girls. He couldn’t take his attention off his targets without risking a load of lead to the face, so he barked their names.

“Doc, Maddy. Talk to me.” His ears were still ringing from the shots and the adrenaline, and he strained to hear a response.

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