Guardian's Challenge (14 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Green

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Guardian's Challenge
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Neeve’s whole body shook. She couldn’t understand the mindset of someone who’d kill her own sister then stoop to attempting to kill her sister’s children. Impotent rage still swirled through Neeve, and she had to force herself to unclench her fists.

Tyr approached them.

“Thank you,” he murmured, his gaze locked on Neeve’s. “I don’t know what we would have done had we lost them. I just can’t believe Brianna would…” His eyes lost focus for a moment as his thoughts appeared to consume him. But he quickly snapped out of it. “Let me show you back to your room.”

They followed him through the twisting hallways to the center portion of the keep.

“Are you sure you won’t consider staying on? More than ever, we’re in dire need of someone with your skills.”

“I’m sorry, m’lord, but I can’t. We all have duties in our home,” she said as they entered the room.

Tyr smiled sadly, lingering outside the door. “I’ll see that your ship sets sail tomorrow.” Without warning, he threw a shimmering shield up in the open doorway, trapping them inside. “All aboard will be reported lost at sea. Your overlord will be compensated for his loss.”

Angry shouts erupted at once from Asher, Neeve and Joseph.

“I hope you understand. I have no other way to ensure my children’s safety,” Tyr said.

“That’s not true,” Neeve shouted over the words of the men trapped with her.

“You can either accept your position with your mates safely at your side or I can take them from you.”

He waved his hand, and the door slammed with a resounding crash. The sound reverberated through her chest, and she sank to the floor, her legs too weak to hold her. How dare he? She felt badly for him and his predicament, but she wasn’t his to command. Her eyes slid to Asher. She wasn’t his either.

Barely controlled fury tightened his features, and he looked as if he’d kill Tyr if he got the chance. Hell, she was ready to do it herself. She couldn’t believe he’d done this. Holding them captive? Threatening to do who knew what Asher and Joseph? She knew these were the actions of a desperate man, but they were unacceptable.

Joseph extended his hand toward the shifting energy barrier but quickly pulled back his hand with a curse, the flesh sizzling.

Neeve pulled herself up from the floor and crossed the room. Gently cupping her hands around Joseph’s injury, she sent the last of her energy into it, healing the damage. After the blistered skin had been replaced, she turned to Asher who stared intently at the door. Holding his hands several inches apart, he conjured a huge energy ball and hurled it at the doorway. It sizzled as it made contact then rebounded back into the room, careening off the walls and scorching everything it touched. It headed straight for Neeve and Joseph, barely missing their heads as Joseph yanked her down to the floor sheltering her with his body. Finally, its motion slowed then stopped, and eventually the energy dissipated.

Asher ran to them and helped Neeve up from the floor. Running his hands over her body as if checking for injuries, he peered into her face. “I’m so sorry. Are you all right?”

When she nodded, he glanced at Joseph, the same question in his eyes.

Joseph nodded, climbed to his feet and stared at the doorway, “Obviously, force isn’t going to work.”

Neeve’s gaze darted around the room. There were no windows and no other exits—just hewn rock walls. A flicker of hope sputtered to life in her chest as she weighed her options. It
possible to get them out, but at what risk to herself and the people who’d taken her in as one of their own—the people she’d come to love as family? Using this particular magic would not only drain her completely, potentially risking her life, but it would also betray the people who’d rescued her. She’d vowed never to reveal the sacred magic they’d taught her, but other options seemed to be rapidly dwindling.

While the men argued about their best course of action, Neeve crept closer to the wall. She had no idea if the magic would even work. The barrier Tyr had placed might interfere with her abilities further thwarting them. Whispering the ancient spell that would transmute solid rock into an interplaner portal, she attempted a small opening. The rock gave way as though it was made of water, and she was able to stick her hand through.

Anxiety-tinged hope spread through her. The people of Hafan would have to forgive her. There was no way she’d risk the life of the man she loved and that of a dear friend when she had the ability to save them. Pulling her hand from the rock, she struggled to her feet and approached the men.

Asher dragged his hands through his hair, frustration clear on his face. “We can’t just sit here and wait for them to return. I refuse to leave Neeve to their mercy.”

“Well, I don’t really fancy dying either,” Joseph added.

A wry smile curved Asher’s lips, and he glanced at Neeve. “Nor do I, my friend. Nor do I.”

Neeve cleared her throat. “I can get us out of here.”

“What?” both men asked at once.

“I can get us someplace safe.”

“What are you talking about?” Asher asked.

The sound of several sets of heavy footsteps sounded outside the doorway, and the unmistakable sensation of a spell being reversed crept through the room. Tyr was back.

Neeve grabbed Asher and Jospeh’s hands, pulling their attention from the door. “I can get us out of here.”

Both tried to tug their hands from their grasp and take up a defensive stance in front of her, but she refused to let go. “I can get us out of here,” she repeated, “but I have to do it now. Do you trust me?”

Both men nodded.

“Then don’t let go,” she ordered.

Clutching their hands more tightly and doing her best to ignore Tyr’s demand that she give him her answer, she walked to the wall. She whispered the incantation, and the rock wall before her began to shift and shimmer, looking like glowing, gray liquid.


Asher’s mouth dropped open, and his eyes widened in awe. A quick glance at Joseph showed he wore a nearly identical expression.

“Walk forward,” Neeve demanded, “and don’t look back.” She took several hurried steps forward tugging the men along with her. The altered rock closed around them like a cold embrace. Turning to glance over his shoulder, he saw Tyr and his men burst into the room and skid to a stop, but Asher viewed them through a heavy gray film that grew thicker by the moment.

Neeve quietly chanted as they continued to walk forward through the altered rock. After a few more steps, the wall in front of them started to glow faintly, growing brighter as they moved forward. It was almost like viewing the glow of firelight through curtains. The hazy shapes of furniture and a window took shape, and suddenly he realized he was looking into his own chamber. Just as quickly, they passed through the wall into the room.

Still clutching their hands, Neeve fell to her knees, her head bowed forward and her breathing erratic. He followed her to the ground and scooped her into his arms, directing Joseph to pull back the covers on the bed. Her skin was icy cold, and she’d begun to shiver. Gently, Asher laid her down and pulled her into his arms, tugging the bedding over her chilled body.

He turned to Joseph. “Find Micah. Bring him to me. But don’t mention anything to anyone.” He glanced at Neeve. “Not yet.” One didn’t typically order the overlord to attend to them, but Asher knew the other man would understand his reluctance to leave Neeve.

Joseph nodded and squatted down at Neeve’s side. “Remind me not to travel with you, again. Trouble follows you.” He grinned at her, but his expression quickly sobered. “You’re an amazing woman. I’m honored to have been your lover.” He smoothed her hair off her forehead while Asher ignored a small spurt of jealousy. Joseph glanced up at him, merriment twinkling in his gaze before looking at Neeve again. “And remember, if you and Asher are ever looking for an occasional third, all you need to do is ask.”

Neeve smiled wanly at him in response, and Joseph dropped an affectionate kiss on her cheek before he left the room.

Asher pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she shivered.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

She nodded slowly. “Just exhausted.”

“Sleep now. You’ve got plenty of questions to answer after you’ve rested.”

She was asleep before he’d even finished speaking. He’d never seen anything like that—had no idea that kind of magic even existed. How powerful was she? And what other secrets was she hiding?

His chamber door swung open on silent hinges. Micah entered the room and pulled a chair to the side of the bed. “I didn’t expect you back yet. How did it go?”

Asher’s body shook with silent laughter. Quietly, so as not to disturb Neeve, he replayed the events of the past few days to his friend. Micah’s jaw tightened with rage as Asher revealed Tyr’s plan to keep them captive in order to keep Neeve and her healing ability for himself. Judging from the coldness seeping into Micah’s gaze, the Pryderi had just lost their most powerful ally.

“How did you get back so quickly?” the other man finally thought to ask.

Asher glanced at Neeve, unsettled about revealing her secret, but he couldn’t keep it from Micah. Not with everything at stake. When Asher had finished speaking, Micah sat back in his chair, his eyes huge.

“I’ve never even heard of power like that. How is it we never sensed the scope of her abilities?”

“I have no idea,” Asher admitted. Likely, he’d been too busy fucking her to think about anything else. Guilt assailed him, and he drew her more snuggly against his body. She’d warmed considerably, but he could feel the exhaustion that had completely sapped her strength. Dark circles marred the skin beneath her eyes, and she sighed in her sleep.

He glanced at Micah, who smiled knowingly at him. Eager to avoid questions he had no intention of answering, he asked one of his own. “How are Elizabeth and the babe?”

The other man’s smile, turning from knowing to sappy. “They’re resting, but they’re fine. Better than fine, really. Mairenn is strong and beautiful—just like her mother. Someday, I hope you know the same joy.”

A trickle of unease spread through Asher. He had no trouble imagining Neeve heavy with their child, or their babe nursing at her breast. But did she want that? Did she want him?

The sound of chair legs scraping against the floor drew his attention back to his friend. “You look almost as exhausted as she does. Rest, and when you both wake, bring her to me. I want to discuss this power of hers and compensate her for her actions with the Pryderi.”

Somehow, he doubted Neeve would be terribly thrilled about discussing her powers with Micah or anyone else. But he nodded his agreement as his eyes drifted shut.

The last sound he registered was the sound of the door latching as Micah pulled it shut behind him. It seemed his eyes had only been closed for a few minutes when something woke him. Squinting against the late afternoon sunlight streaming through the room, Asher blinked trying to clear his vision. The events of the last few days tumbled through his memory. Neeve was burrowed against him, her arm flung around his waist and her face resting on his chest. Her warm breath puffed against his skin as she breathed deeply. Closing his eyes, he lay back and stroked her hair. He knew the moment she woke. The rhythm of her breathing changed, though her eyes remained closed.

“I know you’re awake.”

Slowly, her eyes blinked open, the deep brown breathtaking in the sunlight. Bruises still colored her flesh, but they didn’t detract from her beauty. If anything, the fact that she’d fought so hard to survive made her even more stunning. There was no doubt about it—he was in love. The thought no longer terrified him as it once had. Instead, the idea that he’d someday be without her was a far more sobering fear.

Pushing up on her elbow, she leaned down and placed a tender kiss on his lips. It was a long, lazy kiss as if she had all the time in the world, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that their time was limited—that something bad was coming. Maybe, it was just the aftereffects of all that they’d experienced recently. One crisis after another and, now, he didn’t know what to do with the modicum of peace he was experiencing. Well, he definitely had some ideas.

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