Guilty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC #3)

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Authors: Shelley Springfield,Emily Minton

BOOK: Guilty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC #3)
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Guilty Bastard
Emily Minton
Shelley Springfield
Emily Minton & Shelley Springfield
Guilty Bastard
Grim Bastards Mc



Copyright © 2016 Emily Minton & Shelley Springfield

Published 2016

Guilty Bastard is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events portrayed in this book either are from the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the authors. Please don’t take offense to the content, as it is FICTION.

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Cover Art by
Marisa Shor at Cover Me Darling

Edited by
Kendra Gaither
at Kendra's Editing and Book Services

Formatted by
JM Walker at Just Write Creations

Guilty Bastard
Grim Bastards Mc


Emily Minton


Shelley Springfield

She's a club whore, not looking for love.

Lisa Higgins has been part of the Grim Bastards MC since she was seventeen years old. She’s always accepted her place in the club, until Round steals her heart.

He's a bastard, full of guilt.

Carter Roundtree has never forgiven himself for not loving his old lady the way he should have. That guilt is made worse when Lisa works her way into his heart.

Can a bastard and a whore find love in each other’s arms?

To anyone that has ever loved and lost.

As the moon sidles up

Must she sidle up,

As trips the scared moon

Away must she trip:

"His light had struck me blind

Dared I stop.”

She sings as the moon sings:

"I am I, am I;

The greater grows my light

The further that I fly.”

All creation shivers

With that sweet cry.

By William Butler Yeats


he sound
of something crashing against the wall sends a shiver down my spine. Someone is pissed way the fuck off, and that’s never a good thing at the clubhouse. Anger often leads to bloodshed between the brothers. At least, it did before Boz took the gavel a few months ago. Since then, the brotherhood seems stronger, more united.

Another crash draws my eyes to a closed door at the end of the hall, our VP’s room. Well, Round was the Grim Bastards’ VP. He stepped down not long after Boz took over. Even though he doesn’t wear an officer’s patch anymore, he still holds the room and all the benefits that come with it.

Even as nothing more than a hanger-on, I know Round’s reasons for stepping down as VP. He thinks the club needs new blood, and I agree. When our old Pres was killed, the club needed to be rebuilt. That couldn’t happen with the same people sitting by the new Pres’ side. Round’s son, Smoke, took his spot by the Pres’ side. The kid is doing an amazing job.

An enraged scream reaches my ears, and my heart skips a beat. Round is mad, pissed as fuck to be more accurate. He and a few of the boys just got back from a run. The rumor around the clubhouse is they passed his wife driving down the road, with her lover in the car with her. Any illusions of a happy couple were ruined in that moment. Now, everyone knows she’s fucking around on him.

Ignoring the sounds of things crashing against the wall, I continue down the hall. I’ve almost made it past Round’s room, when the door swings open. He comes rushing out, running right into me. My body starts to sway backwards, just before his hands wrap around my arms to pull me tight to his muscular chest.

“What the fuck?” he asks, his voice scratchy and gruff. “I could’ve knocked you on your ass.”

Looking up, my eyes lock on his. “I’m sorry, Round.”

His brown eyes are staring straight at me, sending a shiver right to my core. The laugh lines fanning around them remind me once again of the laughter I miss so much. Unable to stop myself, I take in his face, just as I have a million other times. His lashes are long and thick, causing his beautiful eyes to stand out even more. His brows are still dark as night, but his hair and beard are a stunning silver, with only a hint of the black they once were.

His hair is pushed back from his face, thick with a bit of a wave. It just reaches his collar, curling slightly right at his ears. He wears a full beard, covering his chin. His nose is straight and strong, and paired with high cheekbones, that’s a combination for a ruggedly handsome face.

“Fuck, Lisa. Did I hurt you?” he asks, not letting me go.

“No,” I mumble, my eyes going back to his.

For years, I’ve wanted this man. Wanted him enough to quit taking other men to bed, wanted him enough to turn down three different brothers when they asked me to be their old lady. I fell in love with him, even though it’s caused me nothing but pain. I knew that if I couldn’t have him, I didn’t want anyone. He already has an old lady, but that hasn’t stopped me from wanting him.

At first, I stayed away because of his wife. I stayed away out of respect to her and their children. Then, Round started staying at the clubhouse. He even took some of the girls to his bed. Not me, though. I started to lose respect for him, thinking he was like every other man in the club. Then, I saw his old lady with another man. It only took one look to know that the two of them were more than friends.

After that, I didn’t worry so much about his wife, and Round and I grew closer. Still, he never tried to get me in his bed. Instead, he would spend hours talking to me, playing cards, and drinking. When he was done, he’d grab one of the girls and head to his room. Each time, my heart broke a little.

As we’ve grown closer, he finally told me that his old lady was done. She doesn’t want him anymore, doesn’t want to be part of the club. Yet, he still won’t let her go. His kids don’t know; they would blame him for their marriage breaking down. He just doesn’t have the heart to tarnish their image of their mother. Knowing he is willing to take shit for what his old lady does makes me love him even more.

Taking in a deep breath, I push away thoughts of my feelings for him and try to be the friend I know he needs.

“Wanna go grab a beer and play a little pool?” I ask, pretending that having him in my arms isn’t all I can think about.

Tugging me into his room, he shuts the door and shrugs off his cut. When his eyes finally come to mine, the need is still there but there’s something else, too.

“I’ve tried to stay the hell away from you,” he says, reaching down and grabbing the bottom of his shirt. “I’m too fucking weak to fight it now.”

I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head, showing me his rippling abs. “Round, you need to think about what you are doing.”

I’m not stupid; I know what he wants. It’s the same thing I’ve wanted for years. Still, I don’t think this is a good idea. Being with him, while he has an old lady, could leave me with a broken heart. Can I afford to take that chance?

“You’re all I’ve thought about since the day you walked through that door,” he tells me, reaching out and pulling me flush with his chest. “It’s either go out there and drink myself to oblivion, or stay in here and give in to the temptation I’ve been fighting for years. Well, I’m tired of fighting.”

Running his hand up the back of my neck, he fists my long hair in his hand. “I need you, Lisa. I need you tonight.”

My eyes lock on his, and the need I see in them damn near takes my breath away. “Take what you need, sweetheart.”

His hand releases my hair and comes around to cup my face. A second later, his mouth comes down on mine. The first brush of his lips sends a wave of lust through my body. His tongue caresses mine, giving me my first taste of him—a delicious mixture of whiskey and coffee, a truly addictive flavor. Deep down, I know this will only lead to heartache, but I can’t turn away from him. A part of me needs this every bit as much as he does.

He continues to kiss me as he walks me back toward the bed. As soon as my legs hit the mattress, he pushes me down and brings his body over mine. His fingers go back to my hair, pushing the loose strands from my face. The entire time, his eyes are locked on mine.

“This is gonna change everything,” he says, his voice husky with need. “You understand that, don’t you?”

My heart skips a frantic beat, as his words ricochet through my brain like a loose cannon. “I know it will.”

His lips meet mine again, deepening the kiss. I barely get a taste of him, before he jumps up from the bed, his eyes looking longingly at me, and he kicks off his boots.

A slow smile spreads across his face, as his hands goes to the button on his jeans. “I need you naked, Lisa.”

I get up from the bed and undress quickly, not questioning whether what we are doing is right or wrong. By the time I shimmy out of my panties, Round is back on the bed, naked and waiting. It only takes a second before he is yanking me down to him. I get only a glimpse of his thick cock before he rolls on top of me, grabs my legs, and jerks them apart.

“I gotta taste you,” he mumbles, before lowering his head to my already wet pussy. “I’ve wanted to know your taste forever.”

My back bows up in pleasure and a touch of pain as he latches on to my clit, giving it a gentle bite. As soon as his teeth release, his tongue circles it, taking the sting away. At the same time, his fingers find my opening and delve inside.

“I knew you were gonna taste fucking amazing, but I had no damn idea it would be this good,” he says, before running his tongue over my clit once again.

My hips jerk up, wanting to get closer to his mouth. “So good.”

He doesn’t reply, just continues to work my pussy. I’ve never felt anything like this in my whole life. It’s as if he knows what I need before I do. My body starts to tighten as my orgasm gets closer and closer. Just as I’m about to go over the edge, Round pulls away and goes to his knees between my legs.

He reaches to the nightstand and grabs a condom, then rolls it on. He then lines up his cock with my pussy and says, “You come around my dick the first time.”

I nod my head, willing to agree to anything. “Yes.”

He rubs the swollen head of his cock through my juices and smiles. A split second later, he’s inside me. His thrusts are brutal, filling me as no one has ever done before. In and out, his hips move at a slow but forceful pace. With every downward stroke, the air whooshes out of my body.

Within seconds, I’m almost there. “Please, don’t stop.”

“Never,” he growls out, gaining speed. “This pussy is mine now, Lisa, no one else’s.” He continues to grind in deep. “Tell me, baby. Tell me who you belong to.”

“You, Round,” I pant out, lifting my hips to meet his thrusts. “I belong to you.”

His thrusts start to lose rhythm, as he frantically seeks his pleasure. He buries himself deep and rotates his hips, touching just the spot I need him to. A violent orgasm rushes through me as I wrap my legs around him and moan. A second later, I feel his cock jerk inside me, as he buries himself to the hilt and groans out his own release.

After a few seconds to catch his breath, he rolls off me, pulls off the condom, and tosses it in the trash. Then, he pulls me into his arms. “I can’t claim you, not right now, but you’ll be mine just the same.”

This time, my heart starts to pound. I know guys like to say shit during sex, most of it lies, but this is different. This seems real. “What are you talking about, Round?”

“I’m telling you, you’re mine.”

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