Authors: Donna Hill
Eva folded her arms. “He's your brother.”
“She's your cousin.”
“Then I guess we wait,” Eva said.
Jake leaned against the side of the car. He looked at Eva. “How are you feeling”
She shrugged a little, a half smile on her face. “Not bad. Guess that morning sickness thing hasn't fully kicked in.”
Jake nodded. “What if it's a girl”
“What if it's a boy” She moved in front of him and stood in between his legs.
He hooked his arms around her waist. “Scary.”
“Yeah, scariest thing we've ever done.”
“Yeah.” He lowered his head for a quick kiss when the short blast of a car horn snapped them apart.
“No time for all that lovey-dovey stuff,” Jinx said, striding from the car. Rita hopped out from the other side.
“Well, don't you two look impressive in your little uniforms,” Eva joked.
Jinx did a short bow. “Miami's finest.”
“Got the stuff” Jake asked.
Jinx held up the duffle bag, identical to the one they took from Stan's car. He grinned. “Poor old Stan. They're gonna book him on a bag of dirty laundry.”
They all broke out laughing.
“Come on. Let's get out of here,” Rita said. “These polyester pants are killing me.”
*Â Â Â *Â Â Â *
Lenora's head pounded. She tried to open her eyes but quickly shut them against the light. The pounding continued. But it wasn't her head. It was the door. She struggled to sit up.
“Mrs. Ingram. Open the door. It's the police.”
Lenora blinked several times, shook her head to clear it. She looked around. Where was Stan
“Mrs. Ingram! Open the door.”
Lenora pushed herself to a standing position. She felt sick. She made it to the door and pulled it open. Two uniformed officers stood in front of her with Stan in handcuffs.
“What's going onWhy is my husband in handcuffs
“He had a very interesting story to tell us,
Ingram. Why don't you get your things and come with us.”
“I want to call my supervisor. I ⦠I'm on special assignment.”
“We've been in touch with your supervisor, Agent Flannagan. He doesn't know about any special assignment. Come with us, ma'am.”
She whirled on Stan with fear and fury. “What did you tell themYou fool! What did you say
” She lunged at him.
The officer stepped in between them and took her by the arm. “Get your things, ma'am.” He motioned to an officer near a second patrol car. “Secure the room.”
Lenora got her purse and shoes and was led out of the motel room.
“So how did we make out” Rita asked as she reapplied her lipstick. She took a look out of the airplane window.
“I figure minus a couple of handfuls of real diamonds and about ten grand in cash, chalking those up to operating expenses, we cleared close to a mil,” Jake said.
Jinx whistled. “How sweet it is.”
Eva looked at the team. “Me and Jake could have never pulled this off without you. You didn't have to get involved, but you didâand we appreciate it.” She turned to Jake and squeezed his hand.
“That's what family is for,” Rita said.
“When we land in Honolulu, I'm going straight to the beach,” Jake announced.
Eva's eyes widened in surprise. “Jake” she softly questioned.