Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2 (17 page)

Read Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2 Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #erotic, #assassin, #crime, #Gay, #violence, #mafia, #italian, #enemies, #thriler, #mafioso

BOOK: Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2
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Domenico groaned, shoving the bin farther
away. “She probably had her girlfriends over too.”

“I suppose, this is a nice place.” Seth
wanted to change the topic.

Domenico rolled his eyes. “Of course it is.
What do you think I did when I was watching you for months?”

Seth’s eyes widened, and it finally clicked
“Is this it?” He pointed to the professional-looking telescope by
the window.

Domenico nodded. “Yeah. Why, you want to

“No! You can’t just spy on people, you
perv.” Seth crossed his arms on his chest, eying the

Domenico watched him, completely
expressionless. “Good. I don’t want you watching anyone’s

Seth rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah? What if I
see some now?” He walked up to the telescope and peeked into it. He
wouldn’t normally do something like this, but he wanted to tease
Dom, who instantly moved closer and pulled him into an embrace.

“Don’t you have more interesting things to
worry about now?” he asked, pulling on Seth’s lip with his

“Oh, right… I forgot my prize is awaiting.”
Seth wrapped his arms around Dom.

Domenico blinked, still smiling. “Yeah, you
explored the whole apartment?”

“I think I still have the bedroom to
explore.” In one swift move Seth slid his hands to Dom’s thighs and
picked him up. He was far from light, and the way he tensed up like
a mannequin didn’t help.

Dom stared at him, wide-eyed, but didn’t
make a sound of protest. He didn’t hold on to Seth either.

Seth snorted and walked into one of the rooms
he hadn’t explored yet. This too looked like the interior of a
modern hotel, which seemed to be a theme with Domenico’s taste in
interior decoration. He dropped Dom to the huge bed and climbed on
top of him.

The bedding was smooth black silk, but all
he had on his mind was the hard, stiff body beneath him. Domenico’s
chest was moving quickly, pumping shaky air in and out as he lay on
the bed.

“All this peace and quiet. No rush, no fear,
just you and me,” Seth took a deep breath, sliding Dom’s thighs
apart to lie in between them.

“I’m not afraid,” muttered Domenico as his
legs fell to the sides to accommodate Seth. His Adam’s apple bobbed
up and down.

“Yeah, right. I wasn’t the one spraying
deodorant all over the room as if I was fifteen again.” Seth slowly
ground his hips into him, sliding his hands down Dom’s sides and
loving the feel of muscle under the shirt.

“The room smelled of come.” Dom looked at
the ceiling, his hair spread all over the bedding like a demonic

“Well, now it doesn’t. We have to amend
that.” Seth pulled off his T-shirt and bent down to kiss the vein
on the side of Dom’s neck. He wanted to suggest exactly what he
wanted to do to Dom. He loved the way his lover smelled even after
the tiring flight from Europe. Earthy, rich, with a hint of musk
still present from the cologne Dom used. And now Seth was ready to
unwrap his present.

“Now you’re gonna be mine as well.” He licked
Dom’s neck all the way to his jaw. It pulsed with heat. “You like
that?” Seth rocked his hips into Dom with a harder push, teasing a
sharp intake of breath out of his lover, who remained motionless,
spread out on the bed like a rag doll thrown to it.

“It’s nice.”

Seth raised his eyebrows and sat up on Dom’s
hips, unbuttoning his shirt and working his way down. “That’s all
you’ve got? Pretty exciting. Who knows, maybe someday it will even
be ‘okay’.”

Domenico smiled, though it didn’t reach his
eyes, which were wide and pale. “It’s been a long time.”

Seth sighed and moved his palms all over
Dom’s chest and down to his stomach. So fucking lean, and with just
the right amount of hair. He ran his thumbs along each ridge of
muscle. “Too long. I’ve waited too long.” He bent down for a kiss
and moved down Dom’s thighs, to unzip his pants. As he looked at
the fly, he couldn’t miss Domenico’s hands clutching at the
comforter on both sides of his hips. Those damn pieces of cloth
were getting more touch than he was.

Seth frowned in annoyance, slowly pulling
down Dom’s pants. What was going on? “This would be the moment for
you to unbutton my jeans.”

Domenico cleared his throat, untangling his
fingers from the bedding. His hands moved with a purpose, but there
was no breathless lust behind the act. It was nothing like Seth had
come to expect from Dom in bed. He didn’t get it. It was Dom who
had suggested this in the first place. Maybe he just needed to get
worked up a bit more. The lack of erection in Dom’s pants wasn’t
all that promising though. Seth managed to get half-hard just from
the grinding and kissing.

“You’re so gorgeous,” he said, pulling on
the waistband of Dom’s briefs. The warm skin was as delicious as
always, but there was something unnerving about the way Dom was
lying there, completely passive, as if he were thinking of Italy on
his wedding night. The mere thought of marriage deflated Seth on
the inside, but he pushed down his pants and jeans, hoping that
seeing how excited he was would get Dom going.

“Is everything all right, handsome?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” whispered
Domenico with that strangely bland voice, moving his hands up to
rest on both sides of his face like a puppy submitting to the
dominant dog. His bare chest was rising and falling like an
accelerating machine. This was
what Seth had wished for. He had imagined Dom
excited, telling him how much he wanted his dick, but it just
wasn’t coming.

“Come on, Dom, I don’t want to make love to a
log,” he sighed, stroking that sexy stomach.

Domenico gave him a wide-eyed stare and
nodded, moving his hands to rest on Seth’s sides. They were simply
there, like a warm compress. So achingly unexciting Seth wanted to

“Am I doing something wrong?” Seth took a
hold of Dom’s hand and pulled it to his dick. “I love it when you
touch me,” he tried.

“I know, it’s just... so weird.” Domenico bit
his lip, and worst of all, turned away his eyes.

Seth sat up, taken aback. “What’s weird? Me
on top is weird?” Anger started simmering under his skin. Why the
fuck was this happening? Why wasn’t his cock nestled between Dom’s
buttocks yet? What the fuck?

Domenico turned to his side, trapping Seth
between his thighs. “I know you’re capable of topping.”

“‘Capable’? Hell yeah I’m ‘capable’, so
what’s your problem?” Annoyance was making a steady way up his
body, and he pushed Dom to his stomach, hoping if he gave Dom’s ass
more attention, he’d get into the mood, but all it did was to make
Dom even more stiff-jointed. It was like moving around a dummy. He
didn’t even answer the question.

Seth looked down at Dom’s
delicious body, the wide shoulders, the gorgeous ass. He didn’t
want him just lying there, he wanted every muscle simmering with
Fuck that

I’m so
fucking done.” Seth pushed the jeans to the floor but pulled up his
pants, embarrassed to be the only one excited. He got off the bed,
anger steaming off his skin. This was what he was getting? A ‘fuck
me if you really have to’? Well, fuck you very much for that. He
didn’t need some charity fuck.

Domenico pulled up his pants as if he was
being threatened. Yeah, right, like Seth could ever pose a threat
to him. “Seth...”

“What?” Seth hissed, wishing his erection
away. “You don’t want it, I can see that. What the fuck is that
supposed to mean?”

“I did want it.” Domenico was arranging his
clothes in sharp, nervous moves, with his eyes fixed on the

“Yeah right, you’re already getting dressed.
Is there something wrong with me? You don’t like my dick all of a
sudden?” Seth raised his voice, heat circulating through his body
and finding no way out. This was so humiliating.

“Of course not,” muttered Domenico, getting
up from the bed. He crossed his arms over his chest and fixed his
gaze on the floor. His face was like a mask without emotion but
with a red flush on the cheeks. “You know how much I want you.”

“No, actually, I don’t.”
Seth gave Dom’s crotch and expectant look. He knew that was below
the belt, but he was
. “It’s like having my dick
cut off.”

“You know I love to suck your dick,” snapped
Domenico. He grabbed a cushion and sent it flying to the nearest
wall. “I can’t help it!”

“So what’s wrong with it now? Huh?” Seth
spread his arms, standing there in just his briefs. He felt
ridiculous and betrayed at the same time.

Domenico buttoned up his suit jacket, staring
at the fallen pillow. “Nothing. I just don’t feel like it now.”

Seth saw red. “You ‘don’t feel like it’? Fuck
you!” He came closer and pushed at Dom’s chest. “Maybe I should
just take it, huh? Domenico Acerbi style!”

Domenico inhaled what must have been a gallon
of air. “Don’t touch me.”

“Oh, yeah? Or what?” Seth pushed him again,
cocking his head to the side. Why couldn’t he get what he

Instead of answering, Domenico rushed to the

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
Seth followed, wide-eyed. “We’re not done!”

Dom growled, butting his head against the
door frame. “What?”

“Why don’t you want me?” It turned out to
sound more hurt than Seth would have wished.

Domenico slowly turned around, his eyes still
firmly trained on the floor. “It’s not you.”

Seth took a step back, more emasculated than
ever before. That’s what anyone would say to make their partner
feel better, yet it was rarely true, and he damn well knew it. Did
he turn out not good enough at it? “Okay, whatever,” he

It was only then that Dom raised his eyes at
him, expressionless and blank. “I do want it. Just not now.”

Seth raised his hands, giving up. “I’m done.
Not gonna try to get rejected again. If you want it, tell me, if
not, whatever.” Even the heat from the floor couldn’t warm him

Domenico swallowed and slowly made his way to
the window, his hand never letting go of the wall.

“I should be more like you,
just going for whatever
want at the time.” Seth followed him with his
gaze. He didn’t really mean it, but Dom’s silence was fueling his
fire. He needed to squeeze out some kind of reaction.

“Weren’t you the one to cheat on me with a
waiter?” rasped Domenico from the window.

“I was drunk, it was a misunderstanding!”
Seth couldn’t believe Dom would bring up that shit. “You should’ve
just punched me, so we could get over it, not… do what you

“Maybe you should just punch me then for not
putting out?” Domenico’s stare hardened.

Seth screamed in
frustration, raising his arms in the air. That was
the point! “Maybe I
should just finger-rape you and see how you like that,

“I wasn’t resisting.”

“I was.”

Dom turned his back on him.

“Why do you not fucking listen?” Seth started
hitting the wall with his fists, frustrated to no end. If he didn’t
let this anger out somewhere, he’d hit Domenico in a matter of
seconds. “You had no right to do that! You did something so
intimate and used it like a weapon.”

Domenico placed his hands on both sides of
the window with a sigh so low it threatened to break the glass.
“You cheated on me! I was so angry I didn’t know what to do with

Seth ran his hands through his hair. At least
he got something honest out of Dom for once. He didn’t want this
argument to last forever. “You can’t use sexual stuff for
punishment. You just can’t… I-I’m sorry about that guy. I promise
not to do anything like that again, but… you have to promise that
to me too. You can’t abuse me like that. Promise.”

Domenico’s silence was a bit too long for
Seth’s liking, but he eventually uttered, “Promise.” Pushing
himself away from the window, Domenico stepped back and sat down on
the bed, with his face still turned away.

Uneasy, Seth climbed on the bed and hugged
him from behind, kissing the warm nape, so pale in comparison to
the hair. As much as the sexual rejection hurt, he was happy to get
some of the air between them cleared. Domenico instantly clutched
Seth’s forearms, leaning into the embrace like it was the only
thing between him and the electric chair. He turned his head and
nuzzled Seth’s cheek.

“I’m not some rapist,” he whispered

Seth took a deep breath and kissed his
temple. “I know.”

Dom chuckled all of a sudden, forcing Seth to
embrace him even tighter. “You’re so big. What size do you even

Seth smiled and kissed Dom’s ear, holding him
close. “Differs. Large mostly.”

Domenico snorted. “Large, my ass.”

“What? I like them tight.”

“Nothing. I like to see bits of your stomach
when you move.” Domenico’s body gradually relaxed against Seth, and
he rested his head on Seth’s shoulder with a small smile.

“I know something you’ll like more, but it’s
a secret.” Seth gave him one more kiss. “I had to hide it at the
airport to get it through in my cabin luggage.”

Dom blinked. “You can get sex toys

“Idiot. It’s something better. But you’re
gonna have to wait to find out.” Seth smiled and pulled away,
stroking Dom’s back once more. He didn’t want this sexual fail to
escalate into a black hole in their relationship.


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