HAMMERED (Mrs. Fix It Mysteries Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: HAMMERED (Mrs. Fix It Mysteries Book 1)
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Kate knew why Carly didn’t visit her mother much, but that had no bearing on the case. Kate suspected she wasn’t going to get much out of Celia. She’d already made up her mind that Scott was guilty because of something he did close to thirty years ago.

Nothing like living in the past. The bad part of a small town was that everyone knew your business. They know every butthead thing you did as a teenager and wouldn’t let you forget it. Scott hadn’t been a bad kid, but he’d also not been a completely good kid. Part of his attraction to Kate at the time was his motorcycle. Her mother had almost had a cow the first time he showed up to take her on a date.

In true Scott fashion, he’d charmed her mother. Her father had been more skeptical, but he hadn’t interfered with her dating Scott. She would have fought back anyway. She was sixteen at the time and finding her way in the world.

“So you saw the chief’s truck and Carly’s truck.”

“Yes, that was it.”

Celia nodded. “I heard that Scott’s wife cheated on him. Or is that the story he’s giving out?”

Man, this woman did not like Scott. “I don’t know why the marriage broke up. Not my business.”

Not that she wasn’t curious. She was, but that would imply a level of intimacy with Scott that she didn’t want to encourage. She’d talked to him on the phone twice, and he’d flirted with her both times.

Seeing that Celia wasn’t going to enlighten her any further, Kate said her good-byes. She had to get rid of the wood at the scrap yard, then she could go home. Or should she go visit Scott in jail? Tell him what she knew so far?

Except that all she knew was that Celia Johnson didn’t like him. Not a good person to have against you, but mostly she was harmless. Scott probably knew that already.

Kate’s phone rang when she climbed back in the truck at the scrap yard.


“Kate, it’s Scott.”

“Don’t tell me that I’m your one phone call,” she said.

He knew other people in town. He must. He’d grown up here. Besides, she had no access to a lawyer.

“No, I’m out. I’ve been released on my own recognizance. I’m starving and wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner.”

He wanted to go out when he’d been accused of murder? That takes big brass ones.

“You just get out of jail after being accused of murder and you’re asking me on a date.”

“Not a date, just dinner.”

Dinner could mean so much. She should go to prove to herself that there was nothing between them. No spark. No quickening of her heart when he so much as called her. Nope.

But she wouldn’t. She was chicken.

“Dinner sounds too much like a date. I’ll have to pass.”

“I’ll get takeout and bring it to your house,” he said.

That would save her from cooking or getting takeout herself. If she did do takeout, she needed to drive back into the center of town. Past her house then back to her house. The idea tired her.

The day in the sun was beginning to catch up to her. Her bones ached and she could feel the ankle that she’d sprained when she’d tripped over one of the boys’ toys years ago. She’d probably done too much today, but she had bills to pay. She could soak in the tub and feel better.

“No, Scott. I just want to go home and put on my pajamas.”

“You can wear pajamas. I’ll wear mine, too.”

She had a feeling he didn’t wear them. And that was the point.




Chapter Four

Kate went home after fending of Scott’s invitation, ate then went to bed. The next morning dawned cloudy, breezy and a little warm. Her first stop would be Carly’s Florist. Her best friend Carly had found her calling before even going to college. She’d worked afternoons at Sunshine Florist.

When the woman who owned it retired, Carly bought it and renamed it. Kate had to put up a shelf for Carly, so this morning that’s what she’d do. She could also talk to her and ask if she saw anything odd when she was delivering flowers yesterday.

The shop sat on a corner on Main Street Rock Ridge and had the usual storefront windows with a door in the middle. Carly stood in the window display, one hand on her hip, when Kate pulled up.

Carly had blond hair that had stayed light for years. Now she colored it to keep it that way. It was a soft color, one which redheaded Kate often envied. She also envied Carly’s curvy figure and how she always managed to look feminine in the least girly clothes.

Today, she sported a frilly blouse and a long, flowered skirt.

She’d already stopped at the hardware store for supplies. Carly’s shop smelled of flowers and the cinnamon coffee she had brewing. Kate snagged a cup then watched Carly work her magic in the window.

“I’ll never understand how you do what you do,” Kate said.

Carly shrugged. “I can’t hammer a nail or hang sheetrock so we’re even. I can’t even paint,” Carly said, hopping down from the window ledge. She wiped her hands on her green apron.

The coffee was warm and Kate hugged the mug. The day wasn’t cold, but she felt a coolness in her bones from yesterday’s events. Scott was home and she’d go see him at some point to finish his project.

His house had been cleared. He was making arrangements for his ex-wife to be buried here. Why had she come to Rock Ridge? What business did she have? Was she on a mission to get Scott back? He could leave a hole in your life when he was gone.

She refused to contemplate that Scott’s leaving had left just as large a hole as her husband’s departure. No need to think about that.

“You are so deep in thought,” Carly said.

She poured herself a second cup of coffee. She ran on caffeine most days, not always stopping for lunch. Her father had instilled his work ethic in her. She didn’t mind downtime, but when she knew there were things to do she couldn’t sit.

“This murder is on my mind. Oh by the way, you were over that way yesterday morning?”

“I was delivering flowers to Janice Gabe. She had twins.”

“Did you see anything suspicious?”

“I saw a woman in Scott’s house. She was very much alive. She wore a tank top, tight skirt and impossible heels. She was walking up the driveway from Scott’s house.”

Tight skirt? Carly hadn’t examined the woman’s wardrobe, but that sounded like Scott’s ex and the woman she found.

“Did she knock or go right in?”

Carly mulled that over. “Knocked then went it.”

As if she belonged. She must have been that kind of woman. Scott would need a strong woman to balance him out, to fend off his own strong personality. A woman could get run over by Scott and find herself lost.

“The door wasn’t unlocked for me, so I’m surprised she could walk in,” Kate said.

Someone locked it after they left. The killer? She shuddered to think that the killer had been there right before her.

“You didn’t see anyone else that didn’t belong in that neighborhood?”

“I saw Larry’s chief truck, but he’s often parked everywhere when he does inspections.”

It was not odd that Larry’s truck was there, but something about it struck her as odd. She couldn’t get a handle on it. Hopefully it would come to her. “Whose house was he parked in front of?”

“I don’t know the name, but catty-corner to Scott’s.”

The Olsens. Kate had repaired a hole in their ceiling that had happened when the tub on the second floor sprung a slow leak in the drain. Water hadn’t piled up, but over time, the leak became bigger. Once it had been fixed, they called Kate to make it look nice.

Being short, ceilings were not her favorite. Working on a ladder with her hands in the air was not her idea of a good time.

The Olsens’ house was not for sale, but that didn’t mean one near theirs wasn’t. She didn’t remember seeing any for-sale signs and Scott had already closed on his house, so that inspection was done.

She’d have to talk to Larry about that.

“What time did you deliver those flowers?”

“I’d say seven.”

“That was early,” Kate said.

“Yes, they were deliveries from yesterday. That teen I hired didn’t show up again. I was left with flowers to deliver, and I was too exhausted the night before. Today I have a wedding to prep for and I think Larry’s coming in to get centerpieces for a firehouse banquet.”

Larry had asked her to attend with him, but she said if she did go, she’d go stag. It was a fundraiser for a child with cancer. Hershey Medical gave a list to the fire company and they chose a recipient. The fire company raised thousands of dollars to cover the medical expenses of several different children.

That banquet was that weekend, and Kate hadn’t decided to attend or not. This year it would be a square dance and she wasn’t a good dancer. Larry could really cut a rug, but her days of doing that were over. Greg hadn’t been a dancer, and they hadn’t attended the fundraiser at all during their marriage.

Greg hadn’t originally been from Rock Ridge and didn’t necessarily embrace the small-town life.

“You going?” Carly asked.

“Not sure.”

“I’m sure you have a date,” she said.

Kate shook her head. Everyone in town pushed her and Larry together. They’d all forgotten that she had a husband.

Including Larry. She wished he’d moved on. It might be a few years before she could declare Greg legally dead.

Then there would be a mourning period, so he could just find someone else to go out with. He wanted to marry and he might not get the chance if he waited for her. He’d been married, but his wife had died. He’d liked being married, he’d always told her. Kate wasn’t sure she would get married again.

The silver lining in this situation was that Kate enjoyed her independence.

No one questioned her decision. She’d loved her husband, but sometimes he could be overbearing. She didn’t like being told what to do when she was perfectly capable of making a decision. She’d disliked that her husband had questioned her every move. Thankfully she had a strong enough personality not to take it to heart, but it had been wearing on her.

She didn’t think she still loved her husband. If he were dead, she could forgive him. If he just ran off, then she had every right to be mad. Only time would tell.

“Why are you asking questions? Didn’t they arrest Scott for the murder?” Carly asked.

Like mother, like daughter. She would probably get mad if Kate voiced those thoughts. Carly insisted she was nothing like her mother. The apple had not fallen from that tree. “Why is everyone so quick to think Scott did it?”

Carly eyed her with a shocked look on her face. “You don’t know why he left the Philly PD?”

“No, and it isn’t my business.”

“You might want to make it your business. He was in a fight with another cop. A violent fight.”

There were as many stories about Scott leaving the PD as there were people in this town. She wouldn’t believe anything until she heard it right from Scott. Not that she was going to ask him outright. She maintained that it was none of her business.

“Where did you hear that?”

“That’s what everyone’s been talking about.”

Kate shook her head. She guessed that she didn’t talk to whomever constituted “everyone” because that was one story she hadn’t heard.

“I better get that shelf started. Show me again where you want it,” Kate said.

“Back here in the storage room,” Carly said.

Kate brought her coffee with her as Carly described what she wanted. Part of Kate’s mind was listening. The other part was puzzling over why Scott’s ex-wife had come to town. That might be the key to her murder.


Just as she finished up at Carly’s Florist, Kate’s phone rang. Scott. Again.

“Hello, Scott. No, I’m not joining you for any meal.”

He chuckled. “I guess I’m persistent. No, actually I just wondered if you had my house on your list of chores for today.”

She mentally went through her schedule. She could do it and put one or two things that weren’t dire off until tomorrow. Might be better to get his repair over with. Then she wouldn’t have to spend so much time with him.

“I can be there in ten minutes.”

When Kate arrived at Scott’s house, he was standing behind the screen door. As if waiting for her. He pushed it open to let her in.

“I can unload your truck,” he said.

He looked worse for wear after being in jail. She wondered if it was the first time. She studied him. “I’ve got everything. All I’m doing is sanding and painting. It’ll be a mess.”

He nodded. “Mind if I sit and watch?”

She shrugged. “Whatever.”

She didn’t want him to watch. She wanted him in another room because he was making her nervous. He shouldn’t. He was just Scott. She was a married woman. Maybe repeating that in her head would remind her. Scott was just Scott except that he looked even better now with his snow white hair than he had in high school.

Not fair. She was sporting some extra pounds and wasn’t dressed to look nice. She was dressed for work in overalls. Not that she had any real fashion sense.

She began to sand the spackling she’d done before she found the dead body.

“Does Ken still think you did it?”

Scott settled himself on the third step. He leaned his forearms on his thighs. He was tan and must have just come back from vacation. Maybe he’d taken time off before he arrived in Rock Ridge.

She wasn’t going to ask. Too personal. Too intimate, but his presence had her nerves on edge.

“I’m getting the impression that Ken doesn’t like me,” Scott said.

“Probably not. He was up for your job, but didn’t get it.”

Scott nodded. “That happens.”

“The mayor wanted Ken also.”

Might as well give him the lay of the land.

“Good to know. I probably don’t have an ally in him,” Scott said.

“No, you don’t. Sorry to say. Will make your job harder,” she said.

She sat back and admired her handiwork. She ran a hand over the wall. Smooth as she could make it. Her father had told her she had the right touch for spackling. He’d had her help him when he needed to do it in their house.

“No harder than the Philly PD.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“Corruption. Bad cops. This is a much gentler place to have obstacles.”

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