Her eyes widened. "I didn't do anything."
Kane leaned closer, placing his hand on her lower back as he whispered loudly, "Actually, I think he means me, love."
Razi pushed over a bucket of water to wipe away the dust. As water sloshed over the new mats, he cast a wary glance at Gilda that asked a dozen different questions then turned to Mick and frowned. "I told you this would happen, Sensei."
Although Thayer opened his mouth, Fabio spoke before his partner could get a word out. "We found Kane on the beach swinging a training sword."
"Of course he was." Mick groaned. "We can't leave him unsupervised for a minute. What do you think, Gilda? The new floors look pretty good, don't they?"
Gilda pried out of Kane's grasp to join Mick, who hugged her hard, almost possessively, then kissed her forehead.
She smiled. "They look great. What else do we have left to do before the grand opening?"
"You mean the big MMA Extravaganza?" Kane asked, far closer behind her than she expected. Dangerous and silent. The guy reminded her of a venomous snake. Well, maybe not venomous, but certainly a snake.
"Our fighters will show up tomorrow ready to roll," Mick said. "I think, for the most part, we're ready. Razi said he'd pick up a few cases of water and a couple fruit trays. The owner of Café Beanz offered to provide muffins and coffee in return for free advertising. All we need is to put the signs up and set out the benches for our spectators."
"That's it?" Gilda blinked. "No working until midnight to get things finished?"
"Not tonight, babe." He kissed her. "Actually, except for the scorecards and the logo, we'll finish right on time. We'll have the octagon set up by tomorrow morning. Most of the fighters are coming into town right after lunch tomorrow then we have the meet and greet at Razi's at five. Aside from picking up the food and dealing with an unexpected change in the program, everything's under control."
She sighed. "Then you don't need me for now. I'm going home for a shower."
Mick grabbed her arm. "Not just yet, Sherlock. I need you to pick up a couple things."
"Of course you do." Gilda smiled when he kissed her nose.
Sherlock became Mick's nickname for her when she snooped around to catch a killer at the old Yoshida school. It seemed the name had stuck.
"Wait, what unexpected change? We have the posters and everything else done. I won't be able to change anything at this point."
"Sherlock?" Kane snorted. "Now that's an interesting nickname."
Her face warmed. "Long story."
"I'd like to hear it over breakfast in bed sometime, love." He winked.
Not looking amused in the least, Mick shook his head. "Back off, Kane. She doesn't need your help. She's perfectly capable of getting in trouble all on her own."
Razi, who'd mopped the floors in silence up to that point, stood back. "It is a very long story. Leave her alone. She has no time for the likes of a jerk like you, so do not harass her." He turned to face her, nodding his head over the chest-high wall toward the open room below. "What do you think of the new training hall, Gilda?"
She drew even closer to Mick, impressed at how calmly Razi had put Kane in his place. "I think it all looks great. Where are we getting benches from?"
Razi smiled. "Doc Graham knows someone who builds them. Mick and I need to pick them up in one hour. We will move the new tatami mats out of the way so they are not damaged."
"Kane," Mick said. "If you have nothing better to do, we could use an extra set of hands for today. Gilda's been running off her feet and could use a break."
"Aww." Kane stood his ground. "Maybe I'll stick around for a while and rub her feet while you guys do all the work."
When Razi frowned, Gilda got the impression he didn't want Kane Garrick anywhere near the new school, Mick, or her. He seemed aware of her gaze and glanced at her. "Yes, she could use a break. We all make a very good team. I am grateful she did not go to work at Happy Harvey's Hangover Hut after all."
Her chest swelled with a dose of pride. After the rocky start she and Razi had gotten off to when he first arrived at the Yoshida school, those words were high praise. "Thanks. Me too."
"Happy Harvey's Hangover Hut?" Kane smirked. "Sounds like my kind of place. Where is it, love?"
"I'm sure you'll sniff it out on your own. Let's go get breakfast." Mick wiped his hands on an old towel draped over a sawhorse. "I could go for a huge coffee and an omelet."
"Perfect," Kane said. "I could eat a goat. What about you, Razi?"
"If you know somewhere in town where they serve good curry goat, I am in." Razi grunted. "Give me a moment to empty the cleaning bucket."
"Curry goat for breakfast, huh?" Kane raised his eyebrows then glanced at Gilda and shrugged. "Eh, why not? I've got time to kill before I check out the voodoo shop, anyway."
"The voodoo shop?" Mick asked.
"A new store he and his girlfriend Mena are opening here in town," Gilda said.
"No, no, no." Kane held up both hands. "I'll have nothing to do with her or that place, love. That lunatic's on her own. I don't talk to rocks, and I won't sell magic potions to anyone."
Mick stared, his mouth open. "Rocks and magic potions, huh? Sounds like a good place to stay away from. Razi, you ready for some breakfast? Let's head over to Beanz. I need a good cup of coffee. The stuff you make is lethal."
Razi flared his nostrils. "I will meet you there as soon as I put the mop and bucket away."
Gilda kept one eye on Razi, worried he might dump the bucket of filthy water over Kane's head if they didn't leave soon. Odd. If Razi and Kane were such great friends, why did Razi seem so wary?
"Come on, love. I'll buy you a coffee." Kane flashed a smile.
Gilda glanced at Mick, who frowned when his phone buzzed. He tapped the screen then stuck the phone in his pocket. She had a feeling the text had to do with the unexpected change in the grand opening he'd mentioned. Whatever was happening, he didn't seem very happy.
The night before the MMA Extravaganza, Mick hosted a meet and greet for all the fighters and coaches at Razi's. Henry, one of their students who waited tables at The Cove Restaurant, joined Gilda and Marion as they arrived around four in order to fill platters with sandwiches and vegetables and make sure there was more than enough food and drinks.
"I can't stay long." Henry smoothed the white dress shirt he wore for work. "I have the six 'til close shift tonight. Lucky me, I get to walk right into the start of the dinner rush."
"That is no problem. I really only need you for one big job." Razi sent Henry out for several bags of ice and a few other last minute things from Happy Harvey's.
Happy Harvey's Hangover Hut wasn't the place to go if you had a hangover, more like if you were in desperate search of the means of one. A glorified, tiki-infested liquor and convenience store, Happy Harvey's was owned by Happy—no one had ever called him Harvey—a seventy-year-old man who'd become disillusioned with retirement. He was also one of Gilda's good friends.
While Gilda had visited Razi's backyard earlier in the summer, she'd never set foot in his house until that afternoon. She stood in the doorway and gazed around the fully outfitted kitchen in awe. "You must love to cook. I've never seen such a fancy kitchen anywhere but in a nice restaurant like The Cove."
"A man who trains hard, looks good, and loves to cook?" Marion sighed. "Razi, you're a dream come true for any woman."
Razi's face reddened as he waved the two women inside and started giving them instructions before they'd even found their way to the kitchen. "Could one of you please take the watermelon out of the refrigerator?"
"Anything you say." Marion flashed a smile and opened the refrigerator door. "Should I take out the other fruit too?"
"No, those are for my breakfast in the morning," he said.
Gilda caught a glimpse of several packages of strawberries and blueberries and gave a low whistle. "That's a lot of fruit for one guy."
"Not really. They will only last me a day or two." Razi took out a large knife for the watermelon. "I use them for protein shakes."
Marion gave a low whistle as her eyebrows rose. "I'm guessing you don't suffer from irregularity."
Razi shook his head. "No, I am a very normal person."
Her jaw dropped. "I'm sure you are."
Gilda snickered then covered her mouth. "Razi, who taught you how to cook?"
"My mother, back in Israel. The meals were a little different from what I am used to now. It is too bad I do not have an open fire on which to cook a goat. Someday, I would like to build one in my backyard."
"Cook a goat?" Marion blanched. "Over an open fire?"
Razi glanced at Gilda and shrugged. "Yes. Roasted goat with fava beans and couscous. It is delicious when cooked over an open fire."
Marion winced and held up a finger. "On that note, could I use your washroom?"
He pointed her to the nearest washroom. Once she'd gone, he turned to Gilda. "Your friend seems not to have a very strong stomach."
"Trust me, I've seen her eat things that look and smell worse than goat." Gilda lunged toward the door when Henry appeared in the window.
"Thanks." Henry grinned, his arms laden with several bags of ice. "I'm glad Happy was already prepared for the party. He had all our stuff packaged and ready to go. All I had to do was load the car. Is anyone free to give me a hand?"
Gilda and Henry had just carried in the last bag of ice when Marion returned a few minutes later. Marion glanced from Razi to Henry then winced and opted to help Henry set up the tables outside.
When Razi sighed in obvious relief, Gilda smiled. "You know she likes you, right."
"Yes, I am well aware of her adoration." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Miss Wright, could you please do me one simple favor tonight?"
"Sure. What do you need?"
Razi hesitated. "Please keep her away from me. She frightens me."
Gilda smiled, surprised to hear him admit he was afraid of anything. "I promise, I'll do my best."
After Henry left for work, people began to trickle through the gate until Razi's backyard became far more crowded than Gilda had ever seen. She lost count at fifty people, since they kept moving around to mix and mingle. Most seemed to be old friends or acquaintances, yet some gave others a wide berth. Razi appeared more comfortable staying in the shadows of his yard and concerning himself with the food rather than their guests.
Mick grasped Gilda's arm as she stood near the buffet table setting out a full platter of vegetables. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
"Sorry." She kissed him. "I've been helping Razi get things ready. He also wants me as a buffer to fend off Marion."
"That couldn't happen to a nicer guy." He laughed. "Come on, I want you to meet an old friend of mine."
"Aren't they all old friends of yours?"
He steered her across the yard. "Yeah, but this one is that unexpected change I mentioned. He showed up saying he was invited, and I'm not about to refuse his services. This guy's a pretty big deal in the MMA world, so do me a favor and do whatever he asks. Within reason, of course."
"Of course." Gilda clutched his arm and smiled.
He stopped and turned her to face a short, stocky man with a mop of dark hair and an angular face Picasso would have loved to paint. His eyes were dark and deep set, his nose twisted, and his jaw tight; a cat ready to pounce if anyone said a wrong word. His mere presence was so intimidating, Gilda sucked in a sharp breath and took a small step back.
Mick slid one arm around her waist. "Gilda Wright, this is Charlie Hunt. Charlie trains some of the best MMA fighters in the world and has even stooped to training with me several times over the past fifteen years. We worked together in Detroit for a while, with a couple of fighters. He's even had several fights of his own and hasn't lost one yet. This is the kind of guy you want to have your back in a bar fight."
"It's nice to meet you." She forced a smile. From the way Charlie's dark eyes pierced her, she doubted she'd feel safe if he were anywhere near her in a bar, let alone anywhere else.
"Gilda." Charlie's voice was so deep and gravelly, it sent a shiver down her back. A chunk of metal gleamed from a gold chain around his neck. A three-inch-long gold ingot, which struck her as an odd thing to wear as a piece of jewelry.
"Are you here to fight tomorrow too?" she asked.
"It seems Charlie's here more to referee matches than to actually fight." Mick clapped a hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Although, I'm still trying to convince him to take on Razi in an exhibition match before things get underway. A little bonus entertainment to warm up the crowd for the other matches."
Gilda raised both eyebrows and met Charlie's dark gaze. "And you won't?"
will not." Razi stepped out of the shadows, his jaw clenched as he touched her arm. "Miss Wright, may I speak with you in private?"
Charlie snorted and squared his shoulders. "You won't fight me because you're afraid you'll lose and look like the fool you are."
Razi lowered his eyebrows. "I am afraid of nothing, especially not a thug like you."
Charlie widened his stance and turned to face Razi.
Mick nudged Gilda to one side and stepped between them. "Nothing except Gilda, that is. Look, guys, why don't we save this discussion for later? While I think an exhibition match would be a big draw, we don't have to—"
Charlie smirked. "People would pay a small fortune to see a real soldier like me take down an Israeli terrorist."
"I am
a terrorist." Razi, a former Israeli soldier, lunged around Mick and reached for Charlie's throat.
"Calm down, Razi." Mick grabbed him around the waist.
Gilda swallowed hard then met Mick's gaze. "Did I miss something?"
"I'll tell you later," he said. "Once we get these two in opposite corners of the yard."
Kane lunged in front of Charlie and frowned. "What you missed, love, is the great party that's going on around us that seems to have run out of ice. Why don't you take Razi down to Happy's to pick some up? Now. Please." He placed one hand on her back to propel her toward Razi.