Harvest of Hearts

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Authors: Laura Hilton

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What Others Are Saying…



Read A Harvest of Hearts and fall in love with these characters as they work to meld two strong desires into one.


—Diana Lesire Brandmeyer
Author, Wyoming Weddings, Hearts on the Road, We’re Not Blended, We’re Pureed, and A Bride’s Dilemma in Friendship, Tennessee


A Harvest of Hearts is an edgy Amish story without compromising the traditions of the Amish. You will not want to miss this book!


—Cindy Loven
Book reviewer, cindylovenreviews.blogspot.com


Laura V. Hilton has a winner in her second installment of The Amish of Seymour series. A Harvest of Hearts is a tender story with all of the elements necessary to keep you turning the pages: a pretty, plucky heroine in Shanna and a handsome, patient, true-to-the-faith suitor in Matthew. Together, they learn lessons in love, life, sacrifice, faith, and family. This book will involve you from the start with well-written prose, humor, and sweet, romantic moments.


—JoAnn Durgin
Author, Awakening


Laura Hilton weaves a delightful tale that encourages readers not to give up on their hearts’ desires.


—Susette Williams
Author, New Garden’s Conversion (appears in the anthology The Quakers of New Garden)


Another Amish fiction by Laura V. Hilton that I truly love! I recommend this book to all Amish fiction fans and to anyone who just wants a great read.


—Joy Hannabass, Book reviewer


A Harvest of Hearts leads readers to the hope of where home really is with its strong and touching themes of forgiveness and second chances. Another winner from up-and-coming author Laura V. Hilton!


—Penny Zeller
Author, the Montana Skies series (McKenzie, Kaydie, and Hailee)





Publisher’s Note:


This novel is a work of fiction. References to real events, organizations, or places are used in a fictional context. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.


All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.


The Amish of Seymour ~ Book Two
Laura V. Hilton


ISBN: 978-1-60374-256-6
Printed in the United States of America
© 2011 by Laura V. Hilton


Whitaker House
1030 Hunt Valley Circle
New Kensington, PA 15068




Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


Hilton, Laura V., 1963–

A harvest of hearts / by Laura V. Hilton.

p. cm. — (The Amish of Seymour series ; bk. 2)

Summary: “Shanna Stoltzfus thought she’d turned her back on the Amish for good, but handsome newcomer Matthew Yoder forces her to reconsider where her home and heart lie”—Provided by publisher.

ISBN 978-1-60374-256-6 (trade pbk.)

1. Homecoming—Fiction. 2. Self-actualization (Psychology)—Fiction. 3. Man woman relationships—Fiction. 4. Amish—Fiction
5. Seymour (Mo.)—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3608.I4665H37 2011







No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical—including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system—without permission in writing from the publisher. Please direct your inquiries to [email protected].


I’d like to offer my heartfelt thanks to the following:


The Swartz family, for allowing me a look at the inside of an Amish home and the outside layout of their farm. And for giving me a taste of their homemade jams and jellies.


Susanne Woods Fisher, for contacting her sources to settle a few questions to which I couldn’t find the answers.


The residents of Seymour, for answering my questions and pointing me in the right directions.


The Ozark Folk Center in Mountain View, Arkansas—specifically, Scott Reidy—for giving me a crash course in blacksmithing.


The amazing team at Whitaker House—Christine, Courtney, and Cathy. You are wonderful.


My agent, for believing in me all these years.


To my critique group—you know who you are. You are amazing and knew how to ask the right questions when more detail was needed. Also, thanks for the encouragement.


To my husband, Steve, for being a tireless proofreader and cheering section, and my sons, Michael and Loundy, for taking over the kitchen duties when I was deep in the story.

Dedicated to:

Steve, my best friend,


Loundy, my favorite song,


Michael, my adventurous one,


Kristin, my precious daughter,


Jenna, my sunshine,


Kaeli, my shower of blessing,


And God, who has blessed me with these.


In loving memory of Allan and Janice Price, my parents; my grandmother, Mertie; and my uncle Loundy, each of whom has blessed me with some knowledge of our Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors.


Also, to Tamela, my agent, for not letting me give up and for giving sage advice.

Glossary of Amish Terms and Phrases





“Ain’t so?—”a phrase commonly used at the end of a sentence to invite agreement


Ausbund—Amish hymnal used in worship services. Includes lyrics only.


bitte—you’re welcome


boppli—baby or babies








danki—thank you


dawdi-haus—a home built for grandparents to live in once they retire


Englischer—a non-Amish person










gut nacht—good night






“Ich liebe dich”—“I love you”




kapp—prayer covering or cap






maidal—an unmarried woman










Ordnung—the rules by which an Amish community lives


rumschpringe—“running around time,” a period of adolescence after which Amish teens choose either to be baptized in the Amish church or to leave the community


ser gut—very good




“Was ist letz?”—“What’s the matter?”





Chapter 1

Shanna Stoltzfus felt something brush against her hair, just above her left ear. She swatted at it. When she touched flesh, she jumped, her attempts to pray forgotten, and raised her head from the steering wheel to see maple-stained fingers, complete with calluses and a small cut.


The hand pulled back. “Is something wrong? Are you hurt?” a deep voice asked.


She looked up into incredible gray eyes belonging to a drop-dead-gorgeous Amish man. He grasped his straw hat in the long fingers of his right hand. His light brown hair shone with natural blond highlights. She’d paid big bucks for streaks like those. He also had a strong, clean-shaven jaw. Nice. Too bad he hadn’t been around when she’d been Amish. She definitely would have noticed a hunk like this. Might even have considered staying.


“Lost, maybe? I can direct you back to the main road. Where did you want to go?”


“Anyplace but here. Mexico sounds good.” She swallowed her trepidation and aimed what she hoped was a wry smile at him. When she reached for the door handle, he stepped out of the way. “You must be the houseguest Mamm mentioned in her letters. Matthew Yoder from Pennsylvania?” She swung her legs out of the car and extended a hand. “I’m Shanna.”


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