Haunted (49 page)

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Authors: R.L. Merrill

BOOK: Haunted
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He smiled when he saw her and his whole face relaxed. I used to watch the two of them together and wonder what it would be like to be loved like that. Devon loved me like that. I was grateful for his love and I needed to figure out how to quit frustrating him.

“You both look like shit so I’m taking you back to your room, Jaylene. I’ll be right back, honey.”

Daryl made a lewd comment that got a blush from Katie. She sashayed over to him and whispered something in his ear that made him groan. She laughed and started to turn my chair around to push me out.

“Hey Jaylene, you think about what I said, ok? Now I love you, girl, and I ain’t goin’ anywhere either, so go rest your pretty little head.”

I smiled back at him and said, “You better not go anywhere. I love you, too.”

He smiled approvingly at me and then closed his eyes to rest. He didn’t look like my father had looked, yellow and grey and old. Daryl was still full of life and I felt that he probably would be around for a lot longer. Especially if he really started taking better care of himself.

Katie wheeled me down the hall and back to my room. She helped me into bed and said, “Honey, would you like me to try to wash that out of your hair?”  

“I’ll do it,” said Mackenzie as she stomped into the room. Oh, boy. Another pissed off person.

“Maybe I should just go to sleep,” I whispered and Mackenzie just plopped on the bed next to me.

“Uh uh. No fucking way. You’re going to talk to me, dammit.” In the dim light I could see that Mackenzie wasn’t wearing makeup and looked like she’d been crying.

“Katie? Where’s Devon?”  

She smiled at me. “I sent him back to your place to take a shower and get you some clean clothes. I think he needed a break, even though he argued with me the whole way out to the car. I’m going to go check on Daryl. Thanks again, Mackenzie, for watching the girls.”

“No problem at all,” she said. “We played makeup studio and they got to practice on Star. Don’t worry, I got pictures.”

I laughed, but it hurt so I had to try to stop.

Katie kissed me on the cheek and said, “You stop trying to take care of everyone else, ok? Take care of you.”

I smiled weakly at her and said, “Thanks for everything, Katie.”

She nodded and left the room.

“I’m not going to yell at you because I’m sure Daryl just did. I’m going to wash this gunk out of your hair and then you’re going to sleep until Devon gets back.”

I nodded, “Yes, Mom.”

She harrumphed at me like a satisfied mama bear and went to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth and a bowl of warm water. I closed my eyes and tried to relax while she gently washed the dried blood from my hair. She was very quiet for Mackenzie and I opened one eye to peek up at her. She had a very serene smile on her face and her touch was so very tender.

“Thank you for coming, Mackenzie. I’m happy you’re here.”

She smiled. “Anything for you, dollface. Now just close your eyes and rest. You’re going to need it because I’m kicking your ass tomorrow.”

I chuckled, winced, and promptly fell asleep.

I heard Devon’s guitar and thought I was dreaming, but I was being poked and prodded, so I figured if I was dreaming it was a horrific nightmare full of pain and suffering. I felt like my skin was being ripped off and I cried out.

“Sorry, Miss Charles. I needed to change your bandage and check your sutures.”

It was a different nurse. The guitar strumming stopped so I figured I was imagining it until I felt a familiar weight settle onto the bed next to me. I smiled and turned in his direction.

“I thought I was dreaming. You really are here.”

He laughed softly and kissed the unbandaged side of my forehead. “I’m here. Do you need anything?”  

I laughed and said, “I probably need to add a few things to my list of gross outs. Top of the list has to be that I’m a terrible patient and have the worst after-puking breath in history.”

He laughed and rubbed his hand across my stomach. It was a little tender but the warmth from his hand felt great. I held his hand there against me and he stilled.

“Does that hurt?”  

I shook my head. “No, your hand feels nice. It’s a little tender. But I think I’m making progress because my head only feels like it weighs 50lbs, not 100.”

He laughed and kissed my cheek. “Ok, beautiful girl, why don’t you try to rest some more. If you’re feeling better in the morning the doctor said I can take you home.”

I snuggled up to him. But then I jumped and my eyes flew open. “Oh my gods, Devon! It’s Monday! We’re supposed to be back at the St. Germaine! You guys should be practicing!”  

He pulled me back down and shushed me. “Actually, it’s Tuesday and it’s about 3:00 a.m. so we wouldn’t be practicing. You don’t need to worry about anything, ok?”  

But they had so much work to do! How could he be so calm about it?

“But Devon, you guys lost a whole day and-”  

He shook his head on the pillow next to mine and closed his eyes. “No more worrying. It’s all taken care of. Now go back to sleep.”

He must really have been tired if he wasn’t worrying. I turned over and pulled his arm close around me.

Nurses came back twice more after that and woke me to ask my name and birthday. Devon stirred when they came in, but he’d made it very clear that he wasn’t leaving me, so they didn’t even bother to ask him to leave.

The sun woke me the next time. That and the pitiful sounds coming from my stomach. My mouth felt like the Sahara and ice chips weren’t going to cut it anymore. A new nurse came in and laughed a little at poor Devon’s huge body hanging off the side of the bed. I motioned her over to my side of the bed, and with her help, I was able to get up without disturbing him.

The dizziness was less as she led me to the bathroom where I found the most amazing prize. Someone had brought me my toothbrush and paste and even my hairbrush! I sighed and the nurse said she’d stand guard while I took care of personal needs. It was the greatest tooth-brushing ever experienced by womankind.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, I smiled at the sight of my beautiful man sleeping ridiculously sound for being in what must be a totally uncomfortable position.

The nurse giggled and said, “I wanted to ask for his autograph, but I didn’t want to disturb y’all. Watching him sleep is just as amazing.”

I took a closer look at the nurse. She was probably a couple of years younger than me and she obviously recognized Devon. I smiled at her.

“He is pretty amazing when he sleeps.”

She put her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. But you are so lucky.”

I laughed and this caused him to stir. “I am unbelievably lucky,” I said to her and I gave her a wink.

“Are you ready for some breakfast,” she asked me from the doorway.

“I would kill for something to eat right now. I’d literally kill something to eat if it would make my stomach stop growling.”

She laughed and left the room as Devon opened an eye.

“Wow, chère. The colors on your face are even more fascinating today.”

I rolled my eyes at him, which hurt considerably less than yesterday, and crawled back into bed next to him. I looked into his eyes trying to determine where things stood.

“I’d really like to be doing this in my own bed with you. And with fewer clothes.”

He smiled and tried to stretch a little. “The sooner the better. My back is killing me right now.”

I felt so bad. “Oh, baby. You didn’t need to...”

His eyes flew open, daring me to finish that sentence. “I only meant I hate it that you didn’t sleep well. Is that ok?”  

He frowned. “No. But at least you didn’t say sorry again.”

We looked at each other for a really long time without speaking until throat clearing at the door broke apart our gaze.

“I brought your breakfast, Miss Charles. Doctor said only toast and juice first. Your stomach needs to rest a bit more.”

I nodded. “This is great, thank you.”

The nurse nodded, her eyes bugged out at Devon, and then she hurried out of the room.

“You’re going to need to leave an autograph for her. The poor girl has been beside herself all morning.”

He shook his head and sat up. He ran his hands through his hair and I envied how easily he achieved his look in the morning.

“I also really, really want to take a shower and wash my hair. Think maybe you might want to help with that?” I was only sort of teasing. I knew I needed help but I didn’t know what he was feeling right now. “I understand if you need to go, though.”

He stood up and stretched and I heard his back pop and crack. Then he sat back down next to me and reached to roll the tray with my lame breakfast on it closer to me.

Devon broke a piece of toast off and held it up to my lips. I raised an eyebrow at him and took the food. He was watching me closely as I took another bite from his fingers. The third bite his fingers lingered over my lips. By the fourth bite, he was caressing my face and by the fifth bite, he was kissing my neck in between.

“As soon as they give you clearance I am going to drive you home and caretake you like nobody’s business. I am going to bathe you, wash your hair, feed you, watch over you, maybe even paint your toenails again. I am not leaving your side.”

I looked up at him and the love in his eyes was so powerful it took my breath away. “That would be pretty damn wonderful. But what about...”

He shook his head. “Marcus and I had a long talk yesterday and he called Scott, the producer. We told Scott we weren’t able to come out to L.A. right now and he was fine with it. He actually had another band that was ready this week, so they are taking our time with him. That gives us another month or so to fine-tune what we’ve got and come up with some better stuff. So I’m not going anywhere. I even told the guys I’d be staying with you until you were better and they were pissed because they all want to come take care of you, too.”

I laughed at that and tears spilled down my cheeks. He kissed them away and held more toast up for me. I pointed at the juice and he gave me a sip. I was a little over attentive to the bendy straw on my juice box causing Devon’s eyes to narrow and a growl to sound in his chest. He pulled the juice box away and kissed me deeply, his tongue gliding along mine, stroking and caressing. I moaned softly and he pulled me to him, crushing me against his chest. A soft tapping at the door interrupted us and we both looked over to find Dr. Franklin smiling at us.

“Well, I see things are progressing in here. How do you feel this morning, Miss Charles?”  

I smiled at Devon. “Better. Much better.”

Dr. Franklin chuckled. “I can see why. Mr. Boudreaux? Would you mind if I examine Miss Charles? It will mean getting her home that much quicker.”

Devon smiled his devastating smile, my favorite of his smiles, and I felt like things just might be going right in the world.



The guys’ reprieve lasted two more months. During that time I was in and out of the St. Germaine tattooing them and just hanging out. They decided on the drawing of the angel cradling a fleur de lis, just like Star described. When I finished the drawing, Jade just HAD to have it done first. I worked on them each over a couple of weeks and learned even more about them during that time. Mage was insanely ticklish and his tattoo took the longest since he wanted it on his rib cage. I tattooed Devon last, when he was ready, and it was a moving experience for both of us. He decided to have it placed on his back under his last name. It was a perfect fit.

I made sure I spent plenty of time hanging out with the other guys as well. We watched more cult classics together, played more Trivial Pursuit, and we finally made it out to their old paintball stomping grounds in Houma. I was victorious! Most importantly, they wrote some amazing music together. Much of it was very different from where they had started and a huge departure from their earlier albums. All of it related to losing Maggie and finding their way back to life, wherever that journey led them.

The guys went back to L.A. in early July to go into the studio with Scott Cross and wrapped recording in mid-August. They returned to New Orleans for a couple of weeks in September and Devon and I spent almost every single minute together. He hung out at my shop, we went out to listen to music, and we spent lots of time with Marie, Daryl and the rest of the family. Daryl fully recovered from his heart attack and started working with a personal trainer. He lost 50lbs and looked even scarier now that he was starting to tone and build muscle.

Business was booming at the shop. Mackenzie and I decided to hire another tattoo artist and a shop girl so that she and I would be able to travel from time to time together to see the guys. She and Star hit a few bumpy patches, including the night he knocked on my door in his birthday suit because Mackenzie had gotten angry and kicked him out. All he could figure out was that she went to use the bathroom and he’d left the toilet seat up. The next thing he knew she was hitting him with a pillow and screaming at him to get out. Devon gladly lent him a pair of shorts and he crashed on the couch after we ate a pint of ice cream together. When Devon and I awoke the next day Mackenzie was curled up next to him on my couch and he was snoring happily.

October was filled with a series of shows in major cities. They played more intimate venues than usual and Devon loved it. He called me everyday from the road, sometimes twice or three times, and he said he felt like the new stuff they’d written had invigorated him. It was hard with him gone, but the extra time we’d had together further solidified our feelings. My confidence in us was growing. The short tour ended in New Orleans for VooDoo Fest the week of Halloween. It was my first time seeing them perform in a regular setting and I was completely awestruck. They had a stage built, pyrotechnics, film running on three screens and they performed with such aggression and power it blew me away. They played a few songs from the new album, which they titled
As Marcus suggested, they used my original drawing. Rock radio stations everywhere picked up ‘Heavy’ as the first single. It immediately went to number one on the charts and stayed there through November.

The album release was set for December and, in poor taste, the label had planned a release party the same week as the anniversary of Maggie’s death. This time it was held at the Key Club on Sunset in Hollywood. Devon and I talked a lot about it ahead of time, and by the time the night arrived, he was feeling more comfortable with the idea. Things were very different this time. The guys were all sober, Sherry did her best to be sure any bad influences wouldn’t be around them, and he felt like he could do it if he was holding my hand. The plan was they would play three or four songs from the album, we would toast, with Martinelli’s, and that would be that.

But Devon had something else in mind. After they played their set, they lingered on stage and Devon stepped up to the mic.

“Before we finish up here, I have one more song to sing. It’s called ‘Branded,’ and I would like to dedicate this to my beautiful Jaylene.”


I feel your needle on my skin, marking me as you’ve marked my soul

The buzz like the feeling I get whenever you are near to me

The lines and colors you etch into me like the memories of holding you close

The moment you touched me you branded me

You branded me

And I’ll never be the same


My life before you left marks and scars I never thought would heal

My life before you was an endless drone that left me numb and cold

My life before you was broken lines and muted colors

But the moment you touched me, you branded me

You branded me

And I’m forever changed


From now on I’ll share my soul with you

From now on I’ll hold you close whether near or far

From now on we’ll make the lines and colors more vivid than ever before

Now that you’ve branded me

You’ve branded me,

Part of me you’ll always be.


When the song finished he gestured for me to join him onstage. Mackenzie elbowed me and Sherry pushed from the other side. I walked up to the stage, careful not to stumble in the gorgeous deep red gown Devon had bought for me and on the heels I was so not used to wearing. Marcus took my hand and helped me up the steps to Devon, who took me in his arms and kissed me. He got down on his knee and my world tilted on its side. He still held the mic in his hand.

“Beautiful girl, you’ve held my hand through these many months and made me the happiest man alive. I told you shortly after we met that I was going to ask you to marry me, and well, I’ve wanted to do this since that day. Jaylene Renee Charles, would you do me the most incredible honor of becoming my wife?”  

He held out a breathtakingly beautiful platinum ring with a large black diamond in the center surrounded by smaller white diamonds. I was shaking a bit and had some trouble breathing. He looked concerned but the smile never left his eyes. After all we’d been through, I didn’t ever want that smile to leave his eyes again. I said a silent prayer of thanks that those eyes continued to smile. When I didn’t answer right away he cleared his throat and said, “I dare you.” His devastating smile almost did me in.

When I answered, I had never been so sure of anything in my life. “Yes, Devon. I would love to be your wife. You don’t even have to dare me.”

The guys in the band sarcastically played the wedding march and the applause from our friends and family in the club was heartwarming. I wasn’t just marrying my best friend. I was marrying into the family who had already adopted me. I felt safe, I felt cherished, and I felt loved. And though we would always be haunted by those we’d lost and by the tragedies of the past, we were all closer than ever. Maggie’s Bones were about to reconquer the world.

Devon slipped the ring on my finger and made sure it was snug before rising to his full height and cradling my face in his hands. “I love you desperately, chère. I can’t wait to be married to you.”

I shook my head. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Boudreaux.”

We both laughed and he pulled me into a tight embrace. I barely heard the congratulations that were given by all of the partygoers.


Her eyes our lens

Her smile our light

Her laugh our applause

Her death our tragedy


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