Haunted (5 page)

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Authors: R.L. Merrill

BOOK: Haunted
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He closed the book and looked around the shop before landing his gaze on me. “Miss Charles, I know this whole situation seems strange. Really, the lawyers insisted on us doing everything so formal. I don’t know who they think they’re protecting...us or the label.” He stepped back from the counter and looked around some more, obviously feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

I leaned against the counter, resting my elbows on top of my portfolio. “Are you guys having some sort of problems or is this the usual level of intensity?”  

I was kind of joking, trying to make light of the situation, but I was really unsure how to read him. I was very aware that he was standing only two feet away from me. I was also aware of the fact that my head just came up to his shoulder, and I thought I was tall. He was sort of freakishly tall.

He looked at me again and I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to take the glasses off or not. I thought that maybe his gaze would be too intense for me.

“We’ve had a difficult year. We’re late on delivering our new album, we were supposed to have it finished six months after our last one and we haven’t even written anything yet. We’ve been stuck, writer’s block or something. Anyway, yeah. So they are threatening us with financial shit if we don’t get our album at least rough recorded by the end of May. So I guess this is kind of our last attempt at making this work.”

He looked down at his feet and I could see his brows furrowed. If I had known him better I would have reached out for him right then. I desperately wanted to ease him somehow. He was visibly upset, but I didn’t know how he’d react. Some people really didn’t respond well to strangers touching them.

“And you guys really think I can help?”  

He nodded and took a deep breath, slipping off his glasses. “Uncle Daryl told us how you tattooed his guys after they lost their friend in Iraq, that somehow they were better after, they could kind of put it behind them and move forward. I don’t know if it will work or not for us, but the last idea the guys had sure didn’t.”

I frowned and took a chance by asking, “What was that? If you want to tell me, that is.”

He huffed out a laugh. “Well, Mage, you know he has that name because he claims to, I don’t know...Don’t laugh, ok? He takes it kind of serious. He claims his ancestors are witches, like voodoo or something, I don’t really know. When we were kids he was always trying to get us to try some shit like Ouija boards, voodoo dolls, crazy stuff.”

I couldn’t help but notice the change in his voice. It had a really nice tone to it when he was talking about his friend.

“Anyway, he hired some chick to come and do a séance out at my family’s place on the bayou. Almost burned the place down! The lady swore we had a vengeful spirit who would haunt us unless we gave her an extra $500.” He laughed out loud then and it sounded like music to my ears. He rubbed his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger, touching a spot where he had a hint of a soul patch. It was dark like the rest of his hair. His humor changed his posture and he seemed a bit more perked up.

“So did you pay her? Was she able to exorcise the spirit?”  

He looked at me to see if I was taking him seriously and the warm smile he gave me when he saw I was, made my heart drop into my stomach. His eyes crinkled a little on the sides, kind of like Marcus but his seemed friendly, not, you know,

“Actually, we haven’t been back out there since that night. The other guys were scared shitless. They claimed they heard noises and swore we’d be possessed by evil spirits if we went back.” His humor faded at that. He cleared his throat and ran a hand over his hair. “You’ll probably think we’re total freaks after that story.”

“Not at all. Hey, sometimes you have to think outside the box, right?”  He shrugged and looked back down. “I’m sorry, Devon.” This time I did touch him. I placed my fingers lightly on the back of his hand. “That’s what you guys want me to do, right? Hear your stories? And just from the little I’ve learned about you all, I’m guessing there will be more stories like this?”  

He looked down at our hands and sucked in his bottom lip. I pulled my hand back and he looked down at me, giving me his small smile again. Wow, I’d just met him and I was classifying his smiles into categories:  ghost of a smile, half smile, small smile...He was so beautiful it was almost painful, especially when I looked into those soulful eyes. I felt like I was bathing in his pain. I had to do something to help that. I stood up straight and leaned a hip against the counter, crossing my arms. This drew his eyes downwards for a moment. Was he checking me out?

He shook himself. “I don’t mean to keep you. The guys just, well, they wanted me to ask you if you’d come. And I wanted to ask you to come. Please. If anything it will be a fun couple of weeks, maybe we’ll write some songs, and you can add some pictures to your book here.” The ghost smile was back and he traced my nameplate on the outside of the portfolio.

I was so touched that he had asked me like that. Just from this short time talking to him, it seemed like he didn’t talk much, or at least didn’t now. The few glimpses of laughter I saw from him showed a man who loved his friends and just wanted to see them happy. It was nice to see such camaraderie. I was feeling much less threatened than I did earlier today. I couldn’t let them down. I’d make it work somehow.

“Well, as long as you promise there will be no cutting the heads off chickens or sacrificing virgins, I guess I can make it.”

He smiled down at me and I just desperately wanted to reach out and touch his lip. I tucked my hands back into my pockets to be safe.

“Of course, Miss Charles. We’ll call those rituals our true last resort. Although I can’t guarantee there won’t be any reading of the tea leaves or tarot decks being shuffled. Is that going to be a problem?”  

I shook my head seriously. But then I thought of something and tilted my head to the side. “You guys just do whatever it is you need to and let me know what you need from me. I do have one thing to tell you...I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, but I have a slight compulsion you should know about.”

His brows raised and he looked startled. “Really? What is it?”  

Smothering a laugh, I said as serious as I could, “I need to draw, a lot. I always have a sketchbook with me, so I’ll probably do lots of drawings of you guys. Will that be ok? I will submit everything to you before I go, as per the contract.”

It was his turn to smirk. “That’s it? I thought it was going to be something much scarier, like organizing the sock drawers or lining up all our guitar picks by size and color. Don’t laugh, we had a roadie once who did that and it drove Marcus batshit crazy.”

“No, nothing that serious, no! I just, um, sometimes it makes people uncomfortable. That’s all. Nothing creepy.”

He shook his head.

“You do realize we are all musicians? Damaged musicians? We stop mid-sentence to write down lyrics or explain things in demented sound language. I think you’ll find us to be kindred spirits.”

I smiled and stood upright.

“Well, then. I guess I better go call Sherry.”

He smiled, looking relieved. He grabbed for my hand and put it between the two of his much larger ones, cradling it gently. “Thank you, Miss Charles. Really. This means a lot.” His voice cracked at that and I couldn’t help myself, I reached my other hand up and touched his mouth-wateringly exceptional bicep.

“It’s fine. It’ll be a good time. And please, call me Jay.”

He nodded. “Ok. Jaylene. It’s a beautiful name.”

My cheeks must have flushed at that. I stumbled back, nearly tripping on my feet. “Great. Ok. So I need to pack. Um. Anything in particular I need to bring?”  

He shook his head. “Just whatever you need to work and whatever you need to be comfortable.”

Somehow I didn’t think comfy sweats and duckie slippers were what I would be comfortable in surrounded by these guys.

“Ok. I’ll just go call Sherry.” He stood there smiling at me, looking relieved, and anxious, and pleased. I think. I stepped back and he didn’t move. “Thanks for walking me back, Devon.”

He smiled and nodded. “We’ll see you Friday, around 10? That seems to be an empty time on the street over there. We’ll try to be up and presentable.” He looked worried.

I shook my head. “Don’t change anything for me. I’m there to see you guys in your element, right? Oh, wait. You guys should at least be dressed. That would be good. I don’t know what a bunch of guys do when they are staying together.”

He laughed at that, his smile growing relaxed again.

“You don't have brothers or anything?”  

I shook my head. “Nope, just me. I’m an only. Guess I was enough of a nightmare, my parents didn’t dare to have more.”

He frowned and then narrowed his eyes at me. “Or they just realized they should quit while they were ahead.”

Oh. My. Did he just say that? He put his sunglasses back on and smiled his half smile again.

“Good afternoon, Jaylene.” He turned and stepped out the door.

I fell onto my stool. I must have been holding my breath because all of a sudden I felt lightheaded.

“OMG was that not the cutest thing EVER? ? ? Jay, he is ADORABLE! And hot, and sweet and sexy, and if I were you, I’d pick the bedroom next to him just so you can dream about him next door!” Mackenzie had her hand on her throat and looked like she was in a heated dream.

“Kenzie! This is work! Remember work? That thing you’re going to have to do all by yourself while I’m gone! Aren’t you even a little bit peeved I’m going?”  

“Of course I am peeved at you, dammit! You will so squander this opportunity you have been given, I know you! You’re living the dream, Jay! Five hot guys, totally unattached if the Internet can be believed, and you are there to ‘work.’ WhatEVER!”  She stomped off cursing me under her breath so I made my escape.

But as I climbed the steps I panicked. “What the hell am I going to WEAR?”  

I could hear Mackenzie laughing at me from down below. Brat!

My heart pounded in my chest. I wasn’t sure what affected me more, the decision I’d made...Or Devon. And he was definitely affecting me. I didn’t do well with guys when it wasn’t a joking around situation. I was never sure if they had the right idea about me. A tattooed chick makes some think “for a good time, call.” Shit, I even dated one guy that assumed because I had tattoos and some piercings I was into the BDSM lifestyle, which I’m NOT. Being controlled by a man goes completely against what I believe about relationships. I certainly didn’t mind a man who knew what he wanted and went for it, gods no! But when what he wants is a woman who will be led around, literally, on a leash, see ya later! So I’ve spent most of my potential dating years as “friend material.” Guys poured out their hearts to me on a constant basis about the one who got away, or the one who wanted someone else, or even the one who wouldn’t give them the time of day. I did my best to help them navigate the feminine mystique. Perhaps I wasn’t the best one to do that, because I never seemed to be able to get past a few dates, often with wrong-for-me kind of guys. So what did I know? What could I bring to the table? I wasn’t into games of any kind and had no tolerance for people who were.

I sighed and picked up the phone to call Sherry. I found two missed calls and messages, one from Sherry and one from Daryl.


“Hey dollface, just wanted to tell you how much the girls love seeing themselves on their daddy’s arm. Beautiful work, you did. Beautiful like you. I hope you help dem boys of mine. Marcus, Jade and Devon are my blood and the rest are like family, and you know what dat means. I put the fear of God into dem if they harm one sweet hair on your head. You call me if they do, now, y’hear? Call that Miss Jordan, now, Jay. This is good for you, too.”


For such a tough guy he sure could be sweet. It meant a lot to me that he was watching out for me and that he thought I could help “dem boys.” Boys seemed to be very fitting for them after their behavior earlier.


“Hello Miss Charles. No pressure, I just hadn’t heard from you and wanted to make sure you didn’t have any other questions for me. I also wanted to tell you that I have been authorized to pay you whatever you ask in order to get you to sign if money is the issue. The guys were specific, and I am quoting them, ‘This is priceless, Sherry! Work your magic!’ So this is me trying to work my magic. I’ll fly there and get on my knees if that’s what it takes. Call me, or I’m booking the flight!”


A weaker person would certainly take advantage of an offer for more money. More money wasn’t the issue for me, as they were already being generous. And I wasn’t even upset about my drawings becoming their property. Once I got the drawings out of my head I didn’t need them anymore.

Sherry picked up after the first ring. “Miss Charles? Jaylene? Is that you? Do I need to book a flight out there?”

I laughed at her tenacity.

“I don’t think so. I’ve called to say I’ll accept the job. I’m sorry I’ve been reticent, it’s just not something I’ve ever done before.”

She laughed. “You think I’ve ever asked someone to do this before? Ok, it’s true rock stars sometimes have some strange requests...” Her voice changed, got softer. “But these guys are different. They’ve been through a horrible ordeal, Jaylene. There’s no other way to describe it. I’m afraid if they don’t get past this it will wreck not only the band and their burgeoning career, but it will destroy them personally. Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of rockers hit bottom and it ain’t pretty. I’ve never seen anything like this though. I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but you’re really their last hope.”

Wow. I was worried about just how deep I was getting into this already. “I don’t know what to say, Sherry. I really don’t. I’ll do whatever I can but like I said, I hope you aren’t expecting miracles.”

“I don’t mean to scare you, Jaylene. I love these guys and I don’t want to see them hurting anymore is all. So you’ll do it! That’s so great! I’m so glad. Now let me give you the details...”

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