Hauntings (21 page)

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Authors: Lewis Stanek

BOOK: Hauntings
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              “where do we go?'' Oswald asked bewildered with the options before him. He realized he had spent far too much time in the ivory tower of academe and far too little time out in the world.

              “Follow me,” Clara said confidently, leading Oswald past the computer department on to digital cameras. Clara waved to get a salesman's attention. A young salesperson, little more than a teenager came to the counter.

              “Can I help you?” Before Oswald could think of what to say or open his mouth, Clara replied.

              “My friend here wants to buy a camera.”

              “You have come to the right place. We have just about anything you could want from beginners cameras for children to those for experts,” He said with a wave of the arm across the counter where he stood.

              “I just need something I could use to document” Oswald started, but Clara quickly interrupted.

              He needs something to take high quality photographs that can be saved directly to his computer and easily incorporated into his documents. This must give him professional quality results, but be easily used. We don't want too high of a learning curve here. Something along the lines of point and click with professional results is what we need.”

              “I couldn't have said it better myself.” Oswald agreed. 

              “I think I have just what you want,” The clerk said brightly. The salesman slide open the back of the counter and took out a selection of digital cameras. He went on to describe in great detail the advantages and disadvantage of each model. It was all gibberish to Oswald, he would trust Clara to choose a camera for him. He would make better use of his time buying himself a new computer. A laptop would be appropriate given the location of his project and his work.

              “Clara, you go ahead and select what you think is our best option here, I'm going to take a look at the laptops they have for sale. Come get me when you've decided,” Oswald said taking a step in the direction of the laptop computers.

              “Don't go away Ozzie.  Think this is the one you need.” Clara said pointing to a Kodak.

The more things change the more they stay the same,
Oswald thought before saying.

              “Fine I'll take that one. Do I pay here now or can I do a little more shopping first?”

              “What else can I help you with?”

              “I'm in need of a new computer. Something portable, a laptop, I'll probably want a spare battery while I'm at it. I don't want to spend a lot of money on software, but I need a professional office suite, so what have you got with Linux installed as the operating system?”

              “Not many come with Linux installed, but we have a lot of requests, we can load it for you if you wish on any of the laptops we carry.”

              “Fine, I'll take that one.” Oswald replied pointing to a Dell. How long before you have Windows scrapped and Linux installed?'

              “No more than an Hour, do you want to pay for these now?”

              “Yes, don't forget about the spare battery for the laptop.”

              “Don't worry about a thing, Do you want to buy the optional insurance for your camera and laptop?”

              “Do they come with a warranty?”
              “Of course.”

              “Then I'll skip the insurance.” The clerk rang up Oswald's purchases and Oswald handed the young man his credit card. Clara and Oswald walked through the aisles of the store, looking at all the modern marvels available for purchase.

              “I'm sorry if I stepped on your toes picking out your new camera.” Clara said as they passed by a display of assorted stereo equipment.

              “I appreciate your help Clara. I haven't been in the market for a camera in years, I wouldn't have know what to ask and probably would have bought the most expensive least useful camera in stock, but the one giving the salesman the highest commission.”

              “But you certainly knew your way around the computers.”

              “Computers have been part of my life at work for decades. I know what I need in that category. Remind me to stop and buy another five gallons of gasoline on the way back home.”

              “You're calling the cabin home now?”

              “I guess I am.” Oswald was paged overhead that his computer was now ready for him. They went to the service desk to pick up their purchase.

              “I'm getting hungry can we stop somewhere for a bite to eat before go back?” Clara asked.

              “Sure what would you like?” casual, fine dining, fast food, the sky's the limit. I'm in the mood to celebrate today.”

              “Its your discovery, I think the restaurant should be your choice.”

              “Clara, I have no idea what is available. Do you know of a good Italian restaurant in town?”

              “Do you want pizza or do you mean real food?”
              “Real food. I'm in the mood for eggplant parmigiana, or maybe chicken cacciatore, or maybe some lasagna. It's all good. Most of all I look forward to the desert, tiramisu or perhaps a cannoli.”

              “Oh that all sounds so delicious.”

              “If it's done right it is. We should have a bottle of wine too. It's simply not a celebration with out some wine.”

              “The only Italian restaurant I know of in town is called Angelo's Ristorante. I always wanted to go. When I was in High School, I had a boyfriend once who promised to take me there on prom night, but he couldn't afford it. Then he promised me he would take me there someday, but someday never came.”

              “Then that's where we're going tonight, we'll order whatever we want and have champagne to top off the celebration.” Oswald carried his new toys to the car and put them in the back. He was about to take the driver's seat then thought better of it. He handed Clara the keys once again.”

              “Are you sure? You didn't seem too comfortable with my driving on the way here,” Clara stated offering Oswald the chance to take his car keys back.

              “Clara, you know you're way around town here. I'm still a new comer. I think for the time being we'd be better off with you driving. Just get us there safely.”

              “I always do,” She replied hopping into the driver's seat, as Oswald took his seat on the passenger side of the car. In minutes they arrived at the Ristorante.

              “We might not be able to get a table, they usually want reservations here,” Clara advised.

              “On the weekends, I'm sure we couldn't get in without a reservation, but this is a week night they should be able to seat us,” Oswald hoped he was right in his assertion.

They entered the restaurant through ornate hand carved wooden doors and were met at once by the hostess, a young woman about Clara's age who asked if they had a reservation

              “No, we don't have a reservation, but this is a special occasion for us and we hope you can find room for us.”

              It may be a little wait , but I'm sure we can find you a table. Why don't you have a seat at the bar, and I'll call you when your table is ready. What is your name?”

              “Hubbard, doctor Hubbard.” Oswald replied, in his experience sometimes the title doctor provided a little deference from staff in situations like this. At the bar Clara and Oswald took seats at a high standing table surrounded by what could be bar stools with backs supports. A cocktail waitress approached and Clara ordered a glass of wine, Oswald chose a whiskey sour.

              “It's just as I imagined it would be, Ozzie,”  Clara cooed.

              “Life is good.” Oswald replied and took a sip of his drink.  The hostess came sooner than Oswald expected, before they could finish their drinks and led them to their table. The restaurant was busy for a week night, but there were empty tables here and there. Oswald held the chair for Clara.

              “Oh how gallant,” she said taking her seat. The waiter approached their table offering them menus and asking for their drink orders.

              “We just got our drinks from the bar, could you ask again later. I'd like a few minutes to look over your menu.”

              “Take as much time as you need.”

              “I'll have a refill on my wine, if you don't mind,” Clara stated before gulping down the last of her wine, emptying her glass.

              “As you wish.” The waiter replied then walked from their table to the bar. Oswald studied the menu. He decided on the eggplant parmigiana, with a Caesar salad and a side of pasta.

              “What do think looks good?” He asked Clara.

              “Lasagna has always been my favorite. Should we have appetizers?”

              “Why not? Order whatever you want when the waiter comes back.” Oswald felt suddenly tired.
Too much excitement for one day,
he thought.  “I need to excuse myself for a moment.” Oswald got up from the table and exited to the men's room, where he splashed some cold water on his face. He looked in the mirror, he looked old and haggard, he looked his age, much older than he has felt these past few days.

              He's been living on Adrenalin, the thrill of discovery and now his age was going to catch up with him, but not before his celebration tonight. Oswald blotted his face dry with paper towels before returning to the table and his guest.

              “The waiter brought us some bread sticks and water. I thought I'd wait until you came back before I ordered. What are you going to have Ozzie?” Clara asked happily. Oswald smiled wishing he could drain some of her energy for the night.

              “I think I'll have the eggplant, but really I'm looking forward to desert. I can't decide between a cannoli or the tiramisu.”

              “This is a celebration, have both.” The waiter returned and took their orders, Oswald asked for a cup of coffee, to help him get a little energy back. Oswald and Clara discussed the equipment they bought, Clara tried to explain how easy the camera would be to use. Oswald spoke of the importance of getting the measurements of the circle surrounding the clearing right. How everything must be as accurate as possible.

              “Once I have the data organized and have a plan to present to the regents, I can call Aleister Dyer and let him know the details. It would be helpful to have him in my corner when I present my research proposal to the regents.” Clara listened closely, leaning forward toward Oswald, giving general leads when Oswald would pause, to show she was listening and to encourage Oswald to continue talking.  Soon the waiter brought  their food to the table, Oswald felt a little more awake, more energized than he had for awhile.

              Focusing on the work ahead of him gave Oswald some of the energy he needed to continue. The food was delicious, Oswald ordered a bottle of champagne and made a great show of popping the cork and pouring Clara the first flute of the wine.

              After dinner they left the restaurant in in a glorious mood. Oswald talking endlessly about the photographs and measurements he would take in the morning, and how he looked forward to showing them to doctor Dyer. Clara suggested sending the pictures as an email attachment to the doctor to save time.

              “you can send them from the library here in Sterling. I'm sure they have computers the public can use,” Clara said eagerly as she drove Oswald home to the cabin. After the fine dinner and wine consumed this evening Oswald, not only didn't mind Clara driving, but he was so relaxed and comfortable on the way back to the cabin that he fell fast asleep.

              Without Oswald to impress, Clara drove a bit slower at least until she left Sterling and was back on her home turf. Once back in Dixon, she stopped at Sam & Ella's to let Ed and Freida know she was safe. She let Oswald continue sleeping in the passenger seat of his Volvo wagon. They weren't happy with the idea of Clara driving Oswald home, not that they thought Oswald presented any danger to her, but they did not like it when anyone went near the cabin if it wasn't necessary, and the fact that it was their daughter intensified the feeling. But she had been on her own long enough that no matter how much they disliked the idea, they knew there was nothing they could do about it. They weren't happy about it but they could live with it as log as they knew their daughter was safe. After Clara promised to stop back after dropping Oswald off at the cabin and picking up her own car, she left.

              “Get up sleepy head!? Clara said gently shaking Oswald's shoulder. He groaned a bit as he work. His neck was stiff and ached from sleeping in an awkward position. He sat up and stretched his neck, trying to work the kink out.

              “So we're back.”

              “I've got you home safe and sound.  Do you want some help carrying in you things. ?”

              “No, I've got it. Damn, I forgot the gas!”

              “Don't worry, I didn't.”

              “Oh thank you. What do I owe you?” Oswald tried to remember what the price of gas was the last time he filled up. “Do you think twenty will do?”

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