Having Her: Lies We Tell, Book 2 (10 page)

BOOK: Having Her: Lies We Tell, Book 2
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Vin put a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head back so he could see her face. Her green eyes darted away, her cheeks flaming scarlet. She’d gone tense.

“You don’t know how to do it?” he asked. “Is that what you’re trying to say?”


“Answer me, slave.”

She still wouldn’t look at him. “No, I don’t.”

That surprised him. She’d been so sensual, had responded so completely to him two nights ago, he’d been sure she’d had some sexual experience.

Well, it didn’t matter. He wasn’t going to complain about having to teach her how to give head.

“Look at me.” He used the same tone of command he did on the building site when the apprentices were out of line, and it had the desired effect, her gaze coming to his instantly. “Remember what I said about the saw? If it didn’t cut then that it was my fault I didn’t sharpen it? All you need to do is what I tell you. And if I don’t like it, it’s my fault.”

Her throat moved. “Okay.”

“Now, run your tongue around the head, slave.”

Kara bent her head, no hesitation this time, and he felt her tongue touch his cock, at first tentative then, slowly, with more confidence. His breath caught. “Open your mouth. Take it inside.” The order came out sharp but he didn’t care. He just wanted more.

She did as she was told, the heat of her mouth engulfing him and he groaned as a shock of electric pleasure went straight down his spine. “Fuck…that’s good.” Vin closed his eyes for a second, leaning back in his chair as she began to move her mouth on him. She wasn’t experienced but that in no way detracted from the intensity of the sensation. In fact there was an element to her hesitancy that made it even more intense.

God, she was going to blow his head off at this rate.

With his free hand, he grabbed her ponytail, coiling the softness of it in his fist, directing her movements. He looked down, watching as she knelt between his legs, sucking him off.

It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen his life.

Outside in the hallway he could hear someone speak, the sounds of work continuing on around him. But not in here.

In here his beautiful slave was giving him a blowjob, and afterward he was going to flip her naked body over his desk and fuck the living hell out of her.

So wrong. Selfish of him.

The thought made him so hard he couldn’t think, and suddenly he wanted to be inside her. Have the fantasy right now. And why the hell not? She was his to command, wasn’t she?

His hand tightened in her ponytail as he eased her mouth off him. She blinked. “Did I… Did I do something wrong?”

“No, you did exactly what I wanted. I just changed my mind. On my desk, slave.” Kara got to her feet then backed away slowly to the desk, putting her hands behind her on the wood and pushing herself up and onto it. She didn’t look at him but he let himself look at her.

She was all pink skin and exquisite curves. Her hard little nipples were a deep rose color and he remembered the taste of them. Remembered the sounds she’d made as he’d sucked on them. Christ, he’d never thought a woman so soft and vulnerable could be so desirable.

Getting out of his chair, he went over to the desk, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket as he did so. Found the condom he kept in it, the one he’d had to replace after that first night with her. He got it out and ripped it open. Then he gave it to her and this time she didn’t need instruction. She unrolled it down on his cock, her fingers firm, applying pressure, making him want to growl as fire flashed along his nerve-endings.

“Lie down,” he said roughly and when she did so, he nearly growled again. The sheer eroticism of having her naked on his desk in the middle of a work day was like a punch to the gut. Smart, snarky Kara in a slave collar. Ready to do his bidding. “Spread your legs for me.”

Her eyelashes fluttered closed as she did as she was told, letting her knees fall open. Letting him see how pink and wet she was. Ready for him.

He couldn’t wait. Gripping her hips, he pulled her to the edge of the desk, positioned himself then thrust inside her.

She gave a soft cry, her body arching. He hooked his arm underneath her knee, drawing her leg up and around his waist, leaning forward, pushing deeper. Then he stopped, letting the incredible heat of her body seep through him. Into him.

He looked down at her, lying back on his desk amongst the boring detritus of work, the sun illuminating her. Gold and blue and pink. Like a rare and precious work of art made especially for him. Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open.

He thrust again, harder, listening to the sounds she made. Christ, she felt tight as a glove. Perfect.

“You feel so good, slave,” he murmured. “I love how tight you are.”

She gasped, her hands pressing down on the wood of the desk beneath her, her hips lifting in time with his.

“Do you like this? Do you like being naked on my desk?” The words spilled out of him, he couldn’t stop them. Raw and hot and erotic. Words he’d never said to anyone else. “Being fucked in the middle of the day, where anyone can hear you?” He hauled her leg higher, pushing deeper. “I can make you scream, baby. Scream so everyone can hear how hard I can make you come.”

Kara groaned, her body shivering as he moved inside her, faster now, harder. Pleasure uncoiling inside him like a whip.

Distantly he heard someone knock on his door and he said something—he didn’t know what—and the knocking stopped, but somehow the knowledge of what he was doing and who he was doing it with, came back to him. An erotic tidal wave of knowledge.

Kara Sinclair. Who’d agreed to be his slave. Who he was screwing in his office in the middle of the day.

Bad. And yet so very, very good.

Vin gripped her hips tightly, moving faster. Driving himself and her closer to the edge and as he went over, he was conscious of only thing.

They had to do this again.

Chapter Six

Kara lay on Vin’s desk feeling as if the world had ended. Outside the office she could hear people talking, the sounds of reality continuing, but inside all she could hear was Vin’s breathing and hers, fast and ragged.

Oh God. She couldn’t believe what had just happened, what she’d just done. That they’d ended up having sex on his desk.

Oh come on, really? You showed up here in the slave costume. What did you expect would happen?

She swallowed, her eyes still shut, trying to take a breath, put herself back together again.

Yeah, she’d expected this to happen. Wanted it to. Wanted to take his orders, lose her self-consciousness and her vulnerability in the role of his slave.

And also she’d been pissed at the way he’d just appeared in the café out of the blue, telling her he wanted her again. Embarrassed and pissed. She hadn’t expected to hear from him again. Hadn’t wanted to hear from him again. In fact she’d just wanted to forget the whole slave episode in her apartment. Her behavior had been so out of control, so unlike her that it had embarrassed her even to think about.

Until he’d pinned her to the spot in the café with those stormy blue eyes of his, making her thoroughly aware of every part of her he’d touched. Every part of her that wanted him to touch her again.

Possibly she should have waited to contact him when she’d got home that night but dammit, he couldn’t have it all his own way. She’d wanted to push him so she’d made sure she had cover at the café and then had gone and got the costume again. And turned up at his office.

The look on his face as she’d taken off the coat had made it worth doing that alone.

But then he’d taken it much further than she’d ever expected.

Who knew that straight-arrow Vin would have taken her on his desk at work?

Who knew you would let him?

Cautiously she opened her eyes.

He’d moved away from the desk and was now in the process of doing his jeans up. She could see the sun coming through the office windows lighting bronze sparks from his dark hair, following the lines of his striking face.

Jesus, he really was quite phenomenally hot.

Kara sat up, too busy staring at him to remember she was naked apart from her slave chain. The second time they’d had sex and he still hadn’t taken off his clothes. She’d seen him half-naked on the building site though, knew the lean, hard lines of his chest and abs.

She licked her lips, the taste of him sitting heavy and thick in her mouth. Salty and musky…delicious. She’d never gone down on a guy before. It had always sounded vaguely disgusting. But going down on Vin hadn’t been. And when he’d taken her ponytail in his hand and directed her movements…

His head came up abruptly, blue gaze meeting hers. She felt the shock of it go right down through to her toes.

He didn’t say anything, coming over to the desk and putting his hands on her hips, easing her down from the edge to stand on the floor. Then he went to the door of his office, picked up the remains of her discarded costume and the coat that lay on the floor, and came back over to her.

“It’s okay,” Kara began. “I can—”

“I didn’t say you could speak,” Vin interrupted. “I’m going to dress you, so don’t move.”

The thought of him dressing her made her uneasy for some reason. Totally insane when the whole desk-sex thing hadn’t. “I can dress myself.”

Vin’s gaze pinned her to the spot. “You’re speaking. Didn’t I tell you not to?”

Kara’s mouth shut with a snap. Oh she would have loved to tell him where to stick that but they were still role-playing, and some part of her wanted the fantasy to continue.

When she remained silent, he gave a little nod as if in approval. “You remember you’re only here for my pleasure? Well, dressing you gives me pleasure. So shut up and stand there and let me do it.”

She shut up and stood there and it was kind of humiliating to be dressed by a grown man when most of her life she’d been the one dressing other people. Her little brother and sister almost as soon as she knew how buttons worked. Her mother when the combination of work and alcohol had gotten to be too much. And yet a part of her—that part that loved this fantasy of having someone make all the decisions for her, take away all the responsibility—also liked having someone dress her. Because he did it so gently, carefully, with all his attention as if this task was the most important thing he’d ever done. As if she was precious.

No one had ever dressed her like that. Taken care of her.

A lump rose in her throat, unwanted, unasked for and she felt a weird prickle behind her eyes.

She swallowed then blinked fiercely.
No, please not tears.
Not fucking crying because some guy just happened to be gentle putting her clothes back on.

Christ, what a loser. What a pathetic loser.

“Vin,” she began.

“Shut up. I haven’t finished.” He picked up the coat, eased her arms into it, drawing it around her mostly naked body, doing up the buttons with single-minded purpose. Right up to her chin. “There,” he said, sounding satisfied. “Now, I’m finished.”

For a second he gazed at her as if surveying his handiwork. Then he leaned forward and his mouth brushed hers, a fleeting warmth. “Thank you, slave. You did well. But you have to remember that I’m the master here, and I say when you’re required and when you’re not.”

Kara blinked, the warmth of that kiss still whispering over her skin. Then she realized he was waiting for a response, a question in his eyes. He wanted to do this again, that much was obvious, and he was waiting for her to okay it.

Again? Did she want to do it again?

The small, vulnerable part of her wanted it. But the hard, outer shell, the one she’d been carefully building up for years, wasn’t so sure. Behind the arrogance, the take-charge attitude, there was a gentleness to Vincent Fox she hadn’t expected. And really, really didn’t want.

But then again, it wasn’t her who had to accept that gentleness, was it? It was the slave. And the slave had nothing to do with her. Nothing at all.

“Yes,” she heard herself say.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, master.”

“Good.” He stepped back, giving her room. “Keep your phone with you. And be ready. You are dismissed.”

But he kept looking at her and didn’t stop looking as she went to the door.

And she could still feel the pressure of his gaze on her back as she turned the handle and went out.



Kara squinted at the panel she’d just sketched out, yet another installment of the cartoon she was doing for Ellie based on the computer game her friend had created. Dark Shadow, the heroine, was in the process of fighting the villain, Iron Wolf. A villain that once again was looking more and more like a certain man of her acquaintance. A blazingly hot, kinky man.

Jesus Christ. Why was she drawing Vin all the time? She seriously had to get it to together. Ellie was going to recognize him and wonder why on earth Kara kept turning her precious Iron Wolf into her brother.

Uh yeah, sorry, Ell. It’s because I’ve been screwing him every night for the past week and now I can’t stop thinking about him.

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