Hawksfell Manor 04: Derek's Dare (9 page)

BOOK: Hawksfell Manor 04: Derek's Dare
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“Your skin is so soft,” he rasped. “You smell so good.”

She murmured something as he dragged his tongue over the swell of her breasts. He made quick work of loosening her dress and corset, letting both garments dip low to reveal the stellar breasts Derek had spoken of. Her nipples were a shade darker than her lips. Without waiting another moment, he closed his mouth over one nipple.

She arched and cradled his head, pressing him closer to her. “Evan!”

He bit down gently and she let out a soft moan. He was on fire for her but would keep his promise to himself if it killed him. He had to see her, though. He had to get all of these blasted clothes off her body and see just what he suspected was beneath.

“Into the bedroom, love,” he said, urging her beside the bed.

“Love,” she whispered as he removed her shoes and dress.

Her stockings were pretty confections of lace and trimmed with ribbons the color of her eyes.

“You are lovely,” he said.

She reclined on the bed, leaning up on her elbows as she watched him disrobe. He eyed her, noted that she rubbed her slender thighs together as he stripped down to his trousers. Her scent was heavy in the room, and it made his balls ache. She wanted release. He knew it.

“Ah, Diana.” He stretched out on top of her, rubbing his chest over her pebbled nipples. “You feel good, too.”

“Love me, Evan,” she said.

He cupped her face and stared down at her. “I’ll do my best.”

* * * *

She felt like quite the wanton, rubbing herself against this lovely man. He was sweet and gentle and she so wanted him to put his pretty mouth on her breasts again. His slightly callused hands were sure as he ran them over her flesh, moaning his desire and whispering words of praise. He moved and covered one breast and she arched as she had before.

“Please…” she groaned.

He lowered his head and suckled her nipple. His tongue dragged over the tip, starting a fire within her. Her limbs trembled, and her pussy grew hot and tingling. His fingers trailed over the edge of her stockings, setting her skin on fire. He neared her pussy, his fingertips tickling her.

“You’re wet, Diana,” he said, his voice low. “Are you wet for me?”

She was. “Yes, Evan.” She wanted him to please her, as astounding as that should be. Wanted the pleasure she just knew he could give her. “I’m wet for you.”

He pinched her clit and she jumped. Chuckling, he spread her legs and buried his face between her thighs. It was everything she remembered from her time with Derek, but more. Yesterday she’d imagined this very thing and today she had her wish. His tongue stroked her flesh as he made the most intriguing sounds.

“Delectable,” he murmured, lifting his head to grin at her. “You are delicious, love.” He dropped a kiss on her belly.

She swallowed, meeting his hot gaze. “Lick me, Evan. Please.”

He smiled again and lowered his head once more. She felt his fingers delve inside her swollen pussy as his tongue stabbed at her clit. Her legs were spread wide, her hands fisted in the fine linens on his bed. His rooms were lovely but she might as well have been on the floor of the garage for the notice she paid to her surroundings at the moment. Her every sense was focused on what he was doing to her. His lips and tongue, his fingers and breath, drove her closer and closer to that pinnacle Derek had shown her. She wanted it so badly. She whimpered and thrashed beneath his tender hold as his mouth drove her clearly over the edge.

She bucked wildly as her orgasm took her breath. “Evan!”

He soon gentled, licking and kissing her pussy and her inner thighs as she slowly recovered. He moved up and kissed her mouth. She tasted herself on him, that and his warm, bright taste.

“Did you like that, Diana?” he asked.

She caught her breath and nodded. “Oh, yes.”

“Then you will love this,” Derek said from the doorway.

He stood there, large and dark, in Evan’s bedroom. Her gaze shot to Evan, who wore a smug expression. “You knew he’d come here?”

He shook his head. “Not entirely. I suspected as much.”

She leaned up on her elbows again. She knew she made quite a display, her bent legs splayed and her breasts bared. She didn’t care.

“Why are you here, Derek?” she asked.

He began to remove his clothes. “I’m going to fuck you, Diana. Isn’t that what you want?”

She glanced at Evan, who moved to sit beside her. “What about you? I thought you were going to take me.”

“I believe you want Derek now.”

“But you just made me…” She bit her lip, tears threatening. “You made me come,” she finished on a whisper.

He smiled. “And I enjoyed it. You are remarkable.”

“But now Derek…?” She turned her head to find Derek blessedly naked.

He stroked his cock as he had the other night. He was huge in his own hand, even larger than she remembered from their night at Holbrook Hall.

“Oh, what are you going to do?” she asked him.

He came closer and she caught his scent now. Spice and heat, which mingled with Evan’s bright smell and her own sex. Her heart beat faster.

“I’m going to fuck you, Diana.” He knelt on the bed between her trembling thighs. The underside of his cock rubbed delightfully over her still-engorged clit. “I’m going to fuck you hard.”

She gasped as he shifted and drove inside her. Pain shot through her center and she cried out.

He stilled, dropping kisses on her face. His brows were drawn together over his dark eyes. “I’m sorry, love. I should have been more gentle.”

“It’s all right,” she whispered. “You’re just so…”

“Big?” Evan offered.

She slid him a look out of the corner of her eye. He seemed eager to watch Derek take her, his face intent on where their bodies joined. Then Derek moved inside her, and she felt a burst of the pleasure Evan had just given her.

“Oh, my!” she gasped.

Derek braced himself above her. His gaze was dark and intense. “All right, Diana?”

She nodded. “Fuck me, Derek.”

He flashed a quick smile. “Yes?”

“Fuck me…hard.”

He let out a strangled laugh and began to thrust inside her. He was so big, the pressure so great, that she grabbed onto his arms to keep herself steady.

“You’re so tight,” he bit out. He stroked deep and hard, grunting his pleasure. “God, you feel so good!”

She closed her eyes and arched beneath him, her legs wrapped high on his narrow hips. “Yes! Oh, Derek!”

He moved faster now, Evan’s bed squeaking gently beneath her. Lights flashed behind her eyelids as her body began to reach toward that peak of pleasure once again. She came as he pounded within her, pulsing around his cock as she screamed out her release.

Derek didn’t slow. He kept up the pressure, kept his promise to fuck her hard. She crested again, sobbing as she came around him, and he froze. In the next instant he roared his release and arched into her as he shuddered.

“My God,” he gasped. “I’ve never come so hard.”

“Hmm, I’ve heard that before,” Evan said.

Derek kissed her and withdrew. He collapsed on the bed beside her and grinned at Evan. “And it is as true now as it was then, believe me.”

He was still out of breath, and she breathed slowly in and out to catch her own. Evan’s statement, and Derek’s response, struck her as odd when her wits returned.

“When, Evan?” she asked.

He tilted his head. “When what, love?”

She lowered her lashes. “When did Derek say he never came so hard?”

Derek grunted. “Tell her, Evan.”

She met Derek’s gaze then. “Tell me what, Derek?”

“Are you sure?” Evan asked.

The two men shared a look she couldn’t interpret. It was tender and conspiratorial at the same time. She struggled to sit up, impeded by the two of them pressed to her sides. “What’s going on?”

Evan took her hand and kissed it then helped her sit up. “Love, Derek and I met each other before yesterday afternoon.”

She thought for a moment. “Well, that makes sense. You didn’t seem surprised when he came into your rooms.”

Evan’s cheeks flushed.

“Evan, you’re blushing again,” Derek said. There was affection in his voice. “I’ll tell her.”

She crossed her arms over her breasts, trying to assume a stern stance despite her near nudity. “One of you, please tell me!”

Derek took her other hand. “Evan and I have been together, Diana.”

His words stunned her. She looked from one to the other, using but a bit of imagination to see the two of them entwined. “Truly?”

Evan nodded. “Does that shock you?”

She blinked then realized that it titillated more than shocked her. “No.” She ran her gaze over Derek’s big rough body, settling her gaze on his cock. It was still large though it had lost its rigidity. A glance at Evan’s trousers told her he wasn’t as fortunate.

“Did he suck you, Evan?”

Evan’s eyes widened. “Um…”

“I did,” Derek answered. “I’m certain he would enjoy you doing the same.”

She smiled, clasping her hands together. “I can do that. Derek enjoyed my mouth on his cock. Didn’t you, Derek?”

Derek groaned. “God, yes.”

She came up on her knees. “Then I shall make Evan come hard, too.”

Evan laughed then groaned as she cupped him through his trousers.

* * * *

Derek watched as Diana unfastened Evan’s trousers. His cock sprang forth, engorged and impressive. She gasped and licked her lips.

“Evan, your cock is so big,” she whispered.

“Suck me,” Evan bit out. He shifted on the bed, coming up on his knees. “Suck me, Diana.”

She nodded and engulfed his cock in her mouth. Derek watched her, gauging Evan’s every reaction, as she sucked and licked him. Evan leaned back on his hands and closed his eyes, his throat working as she drove him toward climax.

“That’s it, love,” Derek encouraged. “Make him come.”

Diana purred her delight, and he grabbed her hips. He pulled her up on her knees and stroked her pussy. She was wet, of course. From her juices and his seed. Her lips were swollen again, though.

“You like doing that, don’t you?” he asked her. “You like giving pleasure?”

Evan groaned as she nodded. Derek drove two fingers into her pussy, twisting his hand to settle his thumb over her clit. Her back arched and she increased her suction on Evan’s cock.

“I’m coming,” he gasped. “Diana, I’m coming!”

As Derek watched, Evan let out a shout, coming deep in Diana’s mouth as she hummed around him. The next moment she lifted her head and cried out, close to her own climax.

“Oh, Derek,” she cried. “Oh!”

Evan lifted her by her arms and sealed his mouth to one of her breasts. She writhed between them, her legs braced apart as she clutched Evan’s shoulders. Derek shifted his hand again, delving one wet finger into her ass. She came against him, sobbing as she collapsed against Evan’s chest.

The three of them settled on the bed once more. Derek held her close, wishing they could stay like this. Loving her with Evan surpassed what had transpired at the inn. It seemed like more than his cock was engaged with the both of them. It was a pity he couldn’t count on forever.

For Evan and Diana, he just might dare to hope for it.

Chapter 10

Diana woke in her bed at Hawksfell Manor, replete and satisfied. Evan had made love to her with his tongue, his lovely mouth. Derek had finally given her what she’d been asking for, and it surpassed her fantasies. But where did that leave her now?

She rose, pulled on her wrapper, and rang for a maid. Lily came to her, her eyes wide.

“I’m surprised you slept the morning away, miss.”

Diana shrugged, her face warm. If Lily knew she’d had both Derek and Evan, a man the maid fancied, she would be more than surprised.

“I’d love a bath, Lily. Can you see to it?”

The maid nodded and went into the adjoining lavatory. Diana settled before the vanity, staring at her reflection. She was no longer a virgin. Derek had taken what she’d surrendered and given her as much pleasure as Evan had. Her flesh pulsed again as she recalled every naughty thing they did to her. Derek put a finger in her bottom! Oh, and Evan’s mouth had been so hungry on her breast. She cupped her breasts now, feeling their sensitivity through her thin satin gown.

“All set, miss,” Lily said. “I’ve left out the soap and a towel.”

Diana dropped her hands, shoving them beneath her thighs. “Thank you, Lily.”

The maid eyed her for a moment and Diana fancied the girl could read her every wayward thought. After she bobbed a curtsey and left, Diana let out a sigh. She went into the bathroom and stripped, settling into the steaming water.

After she rose from the bath she rang again and dressed for the day with Lily’s assistance.

“I’m sorry to take you away from the countess.”

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