HDU #2: Dirt

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Authors: India Lee

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The Sequel to HDU

india lee


Copyright © 2013 India Lee Books

All Rights Reserved


This book is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places, and
incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used
Any resemblance to actual
events or people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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The Pop Source

June 28


After eight grueling weeks
of shooting in Jordan, Liam Brody returns to the States today and to the girl
waiting back home, Amanda Nathan — who celebrates her 23rd birthday
tonight! Hosted by new PR queen Wendy Krentz, Nathan will be reuniting with her
soldier sweetheart at booze-free hotspot, Agno (reportedly chosen to
accommodate friend and recent rehab graduate, Ian Marsh).


Since an early visit to set
in the Jordanian city of Amman, Nathan has gone a near three months without
seeing on-again beau, Brody, who sustained several ghastly on-set injuries
while filming the Terrence Rambis biopic
A Soldier
Reports allege that Nathan, who visited
Brody following his first injury, spent much of the past few weeks pleading
with her boyfriend to utilize a stunt double.
Unfortunately for the worried girlfriend, those pleas fell
upon deaf ears as Brody opted to perform each of his own stunts, continuing his
strong lobby for an Academy Award.


As most Rambis films are,
A Soldier
is already an Oscar frontrunner and has
reportedly gleaned from Brody the most powerful and transforming performance of
his career – a portion of which can be seen in the actor’s extra hunky
new build! According to on-set trainers, the already-built Brody packed on over
ten pounds of pure muscle during his eight weeks in Jordan, which allegedly
included impossibly difficult training exercises from the actual pararescue
training pipeline! According to sources on set, Brody impressively completed
actual combat, diving, airborne, and basic survival skills during his character
bootcamp and acquired both the physical and mental state of an elite Special
Ops soldier.


Hopefully, the convincing
act will shoot Brody to the A-list’s elite! Along with a possible Oscar,
sources report that Rambis has already pegged the heartthrob to star in his
next film,
, the upcoming action flick that’s
sparking buzz for its star-studded ensemble cast and staggering budget of $218
Reports allege that the
film will be delivering Brody his very first $20 plus million paycheck, which
would certainly mark the first step of his induction into the upper crust of


Looks like it’ll be a
breakout year for the man whose dating history once outshone his acting
For Brody, change has sure
been good!


A Tale of Two Identical Shows


June 28


We just can’t help but
And no, it’s not just
because Casey Mulreed decided to name her show
, which is strikingly similar to Tom Vogel’s
And it’s not because of the possible rivalry between America’s Former
Sweetheart, Miss Mulreed, and America’s Unofficial New Sweetheart, Amanda
Nathan, who has been hired to the writing staff of
and whose resumed friendship with filmmaker
Ian Marsh is said to have complicated relations with Mulreed.


No, it’s because both shows
were picked up at the same exact time, will premiere on
the same exact date
on heatedly rival networks and both center
around beautiful, young people on their tumultuous paths to fame in New
And while ZINC, which picked
, boasts 29 million
subscribers to their top ranked premium cable network (a good 9 million more
subscribers than
’s network,
Cinereel), word has it that network presidents are livid over the fact that
Cinereel finally has a probable smash hit on its hands.


For so long, ZINC has kept
Cinereel in a perpetual second place in premium cable network rankings, but
with Cinereel’s recent surge in subscribers thanks to its new online streaming
Simon perhaps has a
reason to feel threatened.
Especially since ZINC has recently been accused of failing to adapt to
the new generation of viewers and being too “old-fashioned.”
What was once seen as classy
programming is now deemed slow-paced, tedious and a little boring.

Perhaps it’s time for
Cinereel to be top dog? Let’s make predictions based on an early comparison.


is said to be an outstanding script by those who have had early access
— a very distinct and different voice, not one that people knew Mulreed
was capable of writing since she’s never written before.
Vogel’s script is also said to be
outstanding, but slow-paced and deliberate compared to Mulreed’s
drama-at-every-turn story.

A virtual
The styles are vastly
different but both are very good.


productions have casted Hollywood newcomers to give the show a very real
The leading ladies of
, who are the alleged depictions of 19-year-old Casey Mulreed and best
friend Jamie Nasri, are unknowns but absolute stunners.
Meanwhile, Kyle Laurie, who plays Milo
, is likely to make the
ladies squeal and swoon all throughout the Fall season.
The one up that Vogel’s show has this
time around is the recent casting of Bond girl and Hollywood veteran, Zoe
Mercury, as Milo’s on-and-off girlfriend.

Leadoff 1
Legacy 0


everyone has been talking about Mulreed’s
as it is likely a true-to-life portrayal of her own road to addiction —
an addiction that she only recently came out with, though not on her own
Some may remember that
Mulreed’s rumored ex-fling, Ian Marsh, released a video of her confession to alcoholism
and addiction, which was vicious but actually quite timely considering the buzz
that it’s created for the premiere of
Over at ZINC, we hear
the marketing budget for
quite low considering the show’s staggering $8 million per episode budget, so
not a whole lot of buzz unless you count tabloid stories about Amanda
Which actually do count,
considering everyone’s wondering what’s going on between her and Mulreed,
especially now that they’re working on rival TV shows.
We need answers!

Leadoff 1
Legacy 1


This is very
It’s veteran vs. Rookie in
the battle of showrunners, and despite the Oscar nominations and royal
Hollywood blood and the ability to eventually do it all, Tom Vogel gets the
point against Casey Mulreed when it comes to running a show.
The man’s been pumping out hits since
Casey’s middle school days.

Leadoff 2
Legacy 1


Looks like
will take the cake.
this mean that industry rookie Amanda Nathan actually has some sort of career
advantage over Casey Mulreed? She already stole the title of America’s
Sweetheart — is she set to steal another? Next big TV writer, perhaps?
ultimately become Nathan vs. Mulreed?


Time will only tell.
As far as premieres go, thank God we
only have to wait till September.


HDU via The Durt

June 28


You know how you were going
to just say that you watched
A Soldier
sound like the type of person who could sit through a three-hour political war
drama? Or were only going to watch it right before the Oscars so you could
sound smart and participate in award season discussions?


Well, now you’re actually
going to eagerly watch it.
The day
it comes out.
Because Liam Brody.


From the looks of it, the
guy spent his time in Jordan eating a Costco-sized carton of raw eggs a day
while bench-pressing Terrence Rambis and a stack of crew members between
Seriously though, we’re
hearing that production had to install an especially sturdy exercise bar on-set
because Liam so often spent his down time doing 100-pound weighted
You heard me.
While I can only do one pull-up of
questionable authenticity, Liam can apparently do a set of ten with two
fifty-pound weights strapped to his midsection (yes, this is an exercise that
people do for non-torture reasons).
So, yeah, all signs point toward Liam Brody being a descendent of
Hercules, and Rambis agrees.


Said director, Rambis,
“Liam’s unreal work ethic is part of why
A Soldier
has become my proudest piece of work in a twenty plus-year career.
I have been living, eating and
breathing this film and I can confidently say that Liam has too.


He has mastered the type of impossible
training that an actual airman would have to complete to become pararescue, and
that in itself is an accomplishment to be proud of for life.
But in addition to that, I truly
believe that Liam should win an Oscar for his efforts in
— he transformed both his mind and body completely.
He gave 110% to this film.”


A hundred and ten percent
plus a good chunk of his own health and personal safety, apparently.
While shooting, Liam broke his hand and
dislocated a shoulder within the first week and kept on truckin’, even through
some nasty, stitch-requiring lacerations, only stopping when a shattered elbow
took him down for a few weeks.
Even then, Liam reportedly got agitated with doctors and insisted on
continuing production, nearly getting his way until new BFF Rambis stepped in
to insist on rest and rehabilitation – after all, he’ll be needing Liam
in full health to take the starring role in the highly anticipated action-thriller,
The Legends
(Meanwhile, you’re imagining how hot Liam
Brody probably is when he’s mad.
worry, I was too).


A Soldier
is nearly finished shooting but the true
good news is that Liam’s back in the States for us to more accessibly ogle via
paparazzi shots, assuming his newly heightened beauty doesn’t break camera
lenses, because


By the way, does this make
Amanda Nathan, America’s Unofficial Sweetheart, the Most Hated Woman Alive now
because she gets to see Liam naked?


Probably not.
The world’s still pretty enamored with
lil’ Miss Nathan, who will finally tell all and in her first big magazine
feature this month.
According to
sources, Fleur Magazine nabbed the official interview with Amanda, who spent
her Liam-less month of April preparing for work at the ZINC offices in
Seems that life is
finally good and peaceful for Amanda after a winter of madness early this year.


Which brings us to our last
news item, filed under “Does Anybody Give A Shit?”


Ian Marsh has yet to
relapse, crash a party or ruin any lives in his first two weeks out of rehab,
which is a victory in itself.
Interestingly enough, the industry leper has actually
won over
a couple hearts since coming out of rehab and publishing his candid
rehab diary online, which surprisingly, is less about himself and more about
giving advice on how to avoid the humiliating path he took thanks to addiction.
And while most of his fans are
thirteen-year-old Tumblr addicts who can’t resist his floppy boy band hair, Ian
actually managed to intrigue a high-quality ally in socialite wild
child-turned-health and beauty guru, Harper Gunn.
The two rehab grads have been spotted together several times
at Agno, Harper’s newly opened vegan eatery in Flatiron, which, of course, is
also booze-free.
Does this mean
that Ian will be wasting your popcorn by not being a total trainwreck this
summer? Possibly, but have no fear.


For every rehabilitated
screw-up in Hollywood, there are at least two new careers beginning their
It’s just the
So here’s to a summer of
good, dirty celebrity drama.
there be some deliciously juicy meltdowns for us to sip sangria to. ;)




goddamnit i am entirely too
obsessed with liamanda is this healthy





ok i know casey mulreed is
supposed to be invincible or whatever but is she really not going to admit
herself into rehab? kind of setting a shitty example by just waltzing around
like she can magically cure this on her own.
pretty sure it’s rare that people can.


are you kidding all writers
and showrunners are addicts it’s a requirement

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