Read Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire Online
Authors: Peter H. Wilson
Holy Cross 183, 268
Holy Lance 83, 268, 299
Holy Land 62, 97–8, 142, 146, 191, 326, 377, 620
holy war ideology 97, 144
Melander, Peter
homage: ceremonies 285, 308, 330, 365, 430, 432, 478, 527; to dukes 348; to kings 305, 573; refused 573, 709; significance 307–8
Honorius II (d.1130), pope from 1124 62
honour: aristocratic 399, 549, 613; of the Empire 63, 360, 379–80, 611; and equality 549; kingly 308; princely 501
Hontheim, Nikolaus von (1701–90), 134
St John, knights of
households: development 508–10; functions 509; ideal 246, 509–10, 538; political significance 502, 508–10, 522, 579, 584, 593
house construction 78, 509
Hrotsvith (d.927), abbess of Gandersheim from 919 86
Hýgel, Johann Alois baron (1754–1825) 647
Hugo of Arles (c.880–947), king of Italy from 926 48, 49, 505
Huguenots 112, 130, 168475
Humanism 46, 71, 104, 253, 258–9, 261–5, 280, 285, 290, 550, 579, 599, 608
Humbertine dynasty 194, 226–7, 253, 473, 666
Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767–1835) 668
Hundred Years War (1337–1453) 68, 71, 100, 200
Hungary: assembly 211, 380, 433, 595; Avar rule 704; economy 150, 221; and Empire 1, 146, 186, 205–7, 211–12, 220–21, 228, 349; governance 205, 211; Habsburg rule 113, 149–51, 212, 220–21, 259, 399, 401, 428–30, 433, 438, 451, 456, 458, 470, 597, 634, 708–9, 710, 712, 733, 734, 737; immigration 95, 169; imperial 149; international contacts 213; Luxembourg rule 147, 211–12, 220, 394, 396, 728, 730; monarchy 205, 257, 429, 733; Mongol invasion 211; nobles 208, 221–2, 264, 380, 433, 555, 733; origins 202; and Ottomans 71, 100, 143, 147–51, 166, 212, 221, 394, 443, 448, 450–51, 456, 470, 729, 731, 738; partition 149; patron saint 234; population 490; re-conquest (1683–99) 157, 221, 747; religion 83, 102, 140, 205–6; revolts 470, 634; royal title 149, 159, 205, 223; society 541; students 236; Teutonic Order in 98;
see also
Arpad dynasty, Magyars
Huns 20, 21, 700
hunting 242, 331, 338, 389, 615, 634
Hus, Jan (c.1369–1415) 99, 110
Hussites: and Bohemian identity 260; destruction 399; as heretics 400; measures against 71, 100, 404–5, 576, 731; political impact 99–100, 212, 218, 221, 273, 396, 552, 555; religious impact 99–100, 108, 118, 731
Hutten, Ulrich von (1488–1523) 263, 553, 558
iconoclasm 10, 139
identity: assimilation 94–6; corporate 12–13, 285, 499, 560–61, 578, 580, 595–6, 607; individual 239–40; local 504, 513, 522, 523, 548, 550; multilayered 7, 235, 254, 527, 668, 675; and place 239–40, 242–4, 247–54, 367, 551; regnal 234–5, 253, 256, 257; theories of 233–7; tribal 235–9;
see also
imperial patriotism; nationalism
Illuminati 643
Imhoff family 167
title 34, 154
Imperia, statue 679–80
imperial absolutism 501
imperial army (Reichsarmee): effectiveness 289, 455, 648, 747; funding 438, 445–54, 456, 560; interpretations 454–5; legal basis 172–3, 455–60; size 456, 458–62; structure 284, 459–61, 475, 747;
see also
Empire: defence structure
Imperial Aulic Council
imperial ban (
) 110, 296, 393, 558, 560, 614, 625, 631–2, 737, 748
Imperial Book Commission 275
Imperial Cameral Court
imperial chancellery: development 323–5, 391, 435–6, 471, 525; mistakes 318; personnel 284; vice chancellor 324–5, 435; written culture 14, 260, 269, 323, 479;
see also
imperial church (
): criticism of 133–4; disputed property of 122–3, 125–6; dissolution 134–6; and emperor 56, 60, 85–94, 284, 305–7, 337, 341, 342, 344–5, 372, 389, 392, 463, 481–2, 505–6, 512–14, 516–17, 581, 610, 619, 642, 706–8, 711–12, 732, 742, 751; governance 133, 398, 517, 527–8, 545, 561, 641; military obligations 53, 87, 93, 201, 329–30, 358, 404; origins 47, 79–83; politics 56, 133–6; and papacy 51, 60, 72, 133–4, 136, 372, 398, 581, 732–3; and Reichstag 409–14; secularization 112–13, 134–6, 372, 412, 478, 642, 646, 649–51, 660, 733; size 122; structure 19–20, 44–5, 84–6, 116, 204–5, 208, 218, 335, 360, 505; social characteristics 122, 132–4, 230, 247, 344, 349, 425, 497, 545, 556; taxes 371, 404; territorialization 371–3; wealth 87, 93–4, 132, 372, 398, 545, 648; women in 80, 86–7, 94, 132
imperial circles
imperial cities (
): annexed 523, 527, 646, 650, 651, 657
associations amongst 552; citizenship 105, 317, 518–19; defences 456; defined 517; economy 463–4; and emperor 285–6, 323, 333, 390, 392–4, 463, 521–2, 621, 642, 721, 728; and Empire 472; finances 544–5; influence 11, 217, 411, 522, 563, 567, 642; Jewish minorities 101–7, 285; origins 517; pawned 384, 390, 393–4, 532, 728; numbers 411, 414, 577, 578; population 523; religion 113, 114, 116, 120, 122, 130; and Reichstag 274, 411, 414, 416–17, 441, 517, 522, 576, 594, 638, 640, 651; social structure 224, 519–22; status 517, 571, 575, 576, 578; success 523; and Swiss 588–9, 593–4; taxation 385, 404, 408, 446–7; territory 414, 518; town halls 274, 286; unrest 130–31, 282, 577, 634; wealth 576
see also
imperial counts (
): associations amongst 556, 652, 663; elevations to princes 411–12, 477–8, 581, 651, 661; and emperor 392, 556; influence 306, 369, 558, 567, 642, 651; numbers 411, 413, 414; partitions 369; possessions 132–3, 369, 651; and Reichstag 411–12, 414, 562, 652; religion 120; titles 221; wealth 490
imperial court chancellery 324–5
imperial courts: access to 106, 437, 542, 593, 626–7, 632–6; case load 106, 281, 630–31; development 402, 625–7; effectiveness 287–8, 539, 577, 584, 642, 661; enforcement of verdicts 225, 403; finances 446; location 626–7; personnel 284, 403, 629; procedures 105–6, 287; reform of 480; religious cases 106, 113, 116, 123, 128; role 281, 287, 402–3
see also
Reichshofrat; Reichskammergericht
imperial currency regulation
imperial deputation (
) 416, 443; Final Decision (1803) 649–50, 658, 753
imperial diet
imperial enemies
see Reichsfeinde
imperial Estates: defined 407, 441; disputes between 281; ecclesiastical 131, 218; elevations to 132; exclusions from 408–9, 735; influence 406, 434–5, 440–41; mediatized 650; military authority 455, 458–60; numbers 122, 131, 410–14; origins 407; privileges 113, 116–17, 128, 296, 441–2, 445, 500, 732; and Reichstag 407–14, 425, 443–4, 735; responsibilities 110, 150, 172, 173–4, 438, 441, 446, 500; status 112, 123, 131, 216, 218, 412, 425, 447, 501, 575
imperial fiefs (
): amalgamated 391; defined 360; development 44–5, 92–3, 213, 327–31, 334–7, 360–65; and foreign monarchs 218–20, 413, 431; in Italy 76, 193–4, 224–7, 318, 470; and Kreise 415; and monarchs 330–31, 360; numbers 224–5, 361–2; persistence 660, 676; and Reichstag 408–14; rights 218; sale 411; sequestrated 456, 458, 470, 557;
see also
imperial immediacy (
): acquired 558, 587, 589; defined 10–11, 43–4, 360, 363, 626; denied 733, 735; and family dynamics 424–7; sought 284
imperial Italy (
): dissolution 227, 649, 666, 752; and Empire 225, 536, 736, 741; fiefs in 76, 224–7, 318, 470; and emperor 8, 119, 223, 711; population 496; and Spain 166, 225–6, 740;
see also
Italy; papacy
imperial knights (
): associations amongst 553–62; cantons 554–5, 560–61; debts 545; demise 652; and emperor 284, 555, 558, 560–62, 647; influence 133, 134, 567, 642; and Jews 107; numbers 414, 561; possessions 132–3, 364, 559, 561; privileges 116; and Reichstag 414, 558–9, 561–2; status 530, 558–9, 738; taxation 446, 454, 477, 557–8, 560, 648, 738;
see also
Knights’ Revolt
imperial lands
crown lands
imperial law (
): breached 560; scope 173, 441, 467, 500, 539, 563, 635, 736; validity 221, 648, 665–6;
see also
Carolina law code
Imperial League (1548) 438, 740
Imperial Military Chest 438
imperial mission 6, 11, 19–20, 27, 32, 38–9, 46, 53, 143, 169, 258, 264, 268, 366, 397, 677, 715
Imperial Operations Fund 406, 452–4
imperial orb 268, 270, 311
imperial patriotism: defined 280; level 265, 280–88, 651, 663; and religion 263–4
‘imperial personnel’ 284, 629–30
imperial police ordinances 437, 464, 536, 608
imperial politics: compromise 402; consensus 10–11, 43, 295, 338–9, 342, 350, 352, 395, 416–21, 439, 443–4, 501, 512, 527, 529, 566, 603, 610–17, 631, 686, 709, 713; alleged dualism 3, 9, 12, 116, 278–80, 340, 365–6, 377, 419, 422–4, 637–8, 676–7; equilibrium 380, 471–2, 575; internationalization of 174–6, 444–5, 567, 570, 649–54, 717; legalism 649–52, 658; materialism 480–81; open-ended character 277, 417–18, 623–4; and print culture 274–80, 592; religion in 109–36, 263–4, 407, 418, 425, 430–31, 436, 438–9, 440–42, 475, 479, 552, 564–6, 576–8, 584, 592, 594, 597, 629, 633, 737–45, 748;
see also
imperial postal service 105, 266, 277, 419, 653, 657–8
imperial prelates: associations amongst 556; and emperor 556, 610; influence 567; numbers 131–2 , 411, 414; and Reichstag 411, 417; territory 545; women amongst 80, 86–7, 132, 317, 417, 650;
see also
abbeys; monasteries
imperial princes
imperial publicists 277–80, 638–40, 641–2, 644
imperial Recess: defined 416, 690; last 746
imperial receiver
imperial reform: defined 396–7, 732; factors promoting 71, 100, 397–402, 571, 575, 729, 731, 734; fifteenth century 9, 11, 71, 100, 109, 112, 131, 147, 150, 172, 199, 217–18, 396–408, 446, 557, 642, 735–41; eighteenth century 15, 289, 638–43, 645–6, 648, 751; in 1801–6 649–54; end 272; impact 217–18, 422, 426, 455, 517, 526, 536, 558, 564, 577, 625–7; Ottonian 31, 34, 397; peak 431, 739
imperial register (
) 131, 228, 404–5, 408, 411, 419, 446–7, 455, 542, 564, 735; first 731; revisions to 226, 447, 459–60
imperial taxation: in Bohemia 221; in Burgundy 228–9, 436; collection 318, 403–4, 409, 533, 557; exemption 559; from imperial cities 385, 404, 408–9, 446–7; and Jews 103–4, 107, 404; mechanisms 404–5, 560, 576, 735; level 288, 385, 392–3, 395, 400, 404, 408, 445–54, 477, 648, 826; in Italy 226, 355, 392–3, 451, 516, 826; purpose 221, 404–5, 557; refusal to pay 557–8, 589, 591; remission from 447;
see also
Common Penny; feudal dues; imperial register; tribute
imperial translation (
translatio imperii
): criticized 45, 263; defined 27; ideal 38–40, 65, 152–3, 155–6, 258, 263, 298, 430, 671, 703, 717; last 76
imperial vicar: in Burgundy 197; in Germany 317–18, 394; in Italy 69, 190, 225–6, 318, 392, 727; and papacy 65, 69, 190; powers 65, 190, 317, 394, 689; symbols 270
imperial villages 390, 414, 591
imperial war (
) 173
imperialism 94–5, 163–9
India 42, 163, 167, 169;
see also
Mughal empire
individualism 239, 269, 285, 289, 502; and the state 502–3, 540
Indonesia 167
indulgencies 62, 66, 79, 97, 100
industrialization 13, 79, 522, 534, 654
Ingelheim 45, 332
inheritance: amongst clergy 89–90; disputes 331, 375, 428, 627, 631; dues 96; female 363, 376; partiable 40, 339; primogeniture 424–5, 559, 721; regulation 497, 535, 606;
see also
dynasticism; vassalage
Innocent III (1160–1216), pope from 1198 64–5, 69, 70, 102–3, 192, 298, 302, 716–17